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Brentford Photographs
There are some superb photos of Brentford in local history books and some are included on this site. Where it has been possible to identify which High Street properties a photo covers, details of which publication it is from are included under ’Photos/Ephemera/Maps’ within the relevant property notes section.
Have you any photos or postcards of the High Street or other parts of Brentford you would be willing to scan or photocopy for inclusion on this site? Any date at all? If so please contact me, I will be delighted to include them.
The main categories I have split the photos into are:
Brentford postcard images are always very welcome, please contact me if you can provide a scan. If you can create a higher resolution scan (eg 300 or 600 dpi) then it can provide a lot of useful detail to help date the scene.
Contributor, Howard Webb, welcomes any postcard images from WH Applebee (marked ’WHA’ on the front: see an example) and Richard Young (marked ’YC’ on the front). Please contact if you can help.
In 2010 Howard set up a postcards then and now blog focusing on West London, Middlesex, Surrey, Berks and Bucks. Each postcard image is accompanied by the modern day view: highly recommended.
Brentford had it’s own producer of postcards, Wakefield, based at no. 137 (near to St Lawrence’s Church, New Brentford) by 1905.
Order: West (starting in Brentford End) to East
- London Road looking towards Brentford Bridge around 1910 (Howard Webb)
- Early 1900s Brentford Bridge showing double tram tracks and Brentford landmarks (Howard Webb)
- Around 1913, start of London Road, Brentford End (Howard Webb)
- Robertson Toffee Factory by Brentford Bridge around 1913 (Andrew Roberston)
- Brentford Bridge area dating from around 1904/5, also showing numbers 1 - 11 London Road
- Pennington’s, Brentford Bridge around 1904-8
- Undated photo of the school in the Ham, possibly from the retirement of John Lyne the school master in 1884 (Stephen Lyne )
- Area between Brentford Bridge and St Lawrence’s Church, early 1900s (Howard Webb)
- 1906 accident on the High Street near Church Alley; an unusual subject (Vin Miles)
- Stella Cycle Co. at 143 High Street, 1950s or 1960s, a rare frontal view which includes the owner, Gert Wright
- Early 1900s view of the back of St Lawrence’s church, published by Wakefield’s and taken from their back garden (Vin Miles)
- Near St Lawrence’s Church in the early 1900s, including Wakefields at 137 High Street; message is a request concerning airing of combinations
- "Drive where you can street Brentford", early 1900s postcard showing a very congested area of High Street near St Lawrence’s Church, includes enlargements showing people (Howard Webb)
- Rare postcard view of the western end of the High Street, pre-1920, taken from near St Lawrence’s church (Howard Webb)
- Sepia view of St Lawrence's church (Howard Webb)
- View from west of Market Place looking east, sent in 1907, caption ’Brentford High Street - A Disgrace To The Country’! (Howard Webb)
- New Brentford, the Parade in the 1950s, around no. 120?
- New Brentford, Market Place and a little of County Parade, postcard sent 1967, similar view to the above
- New Brentford, near the Three Pigeons (at no. 195), looking east 1920s?, including a parade of shops numbers up to 125 (Tramway Museum Society, Crich, Matlock, Derbyshire)
- Market Square, quiet day, western side, thought to date from around 1905 (Howard Webb)
- Market Place and ’Old Town Hall’ from around 1910: includes urgent message about some breeches... (Howard Webb)
- Brentford Town Hall & Market Place postmarked March 1906
- Market Place around 1905 with the fair underway (Stewart Parsley)
- Brentford Market day, early 1900s, tinted Wyndham card (Howard Webb)
- New Brentford, opposite the Market Place to the east, ca 1913 nos. 196+ and 118-120 (Howard Webb)
- Red Lion (197) looking east, 1909 or earlier, also shows number 118 (Howard Webb)
- New Brentford including the Red Lion at no. 197, postmarked 1907, also numbers up to 115 (Wendy Tagg)
- Red Lion (197) eastwards, timeframe 1907 - 1920 (Howard Webb)
- Traffic jam near the Castle Hotel, Wednesday June 30th 1909 (Howard Webb)
- New Brentford, Castle Inn (at no. 208) looking west, 1920s?, including numbers 102 onwards (Tramway Museum Society, Crich, Matlock, Derbyshire)
- New Brentford, Castle Inn (at no. 208) looking east, 1930s (Roger Williams)
- New Brentford, Lows the drapers at nos. 212/3 and eastwards, ca 1905 (Howard Webb)
- Barleycorn (or Barley Corn) beerhouse 98 High Street, 1907 (Howard Webb)
- Eastern end of New Brentford, including the Bank on the corner of Half Acre, early 1900s (Howard Webb)
- Advertising postcard for the Beehive at 227 High Street: probably prepared not long after its rebuild in 1907; it includes an interior view: the Dining Room (Howard Webb)
- Old Brentford, Dock Road and St Paul’s Road area, 1920s? (Dee Tickner)
- Brentford British Schools at their High Street location, between numbers 257 and 258 High Street; the postcard was sent in 1905 (Roger Williams)
- Firemen pumping water from A Lodge, scale makers at 259 High Street, 1906 (plus some family research) (Howard Webb)
- High Street near the Rothschild School, ca 1905/7, with a huge crowd of people celebrating ’Trooping the Colours’ (Howard Webb)
- Three postcard views of flooding in Town Meadow Road, 1906 (Peter Stuart and Jim Storrar)
- High Street west of Town Meadow Road, early 1900s
- High Street from Town Meadow Road looking west, a prettily tinted postcard from 1908 or earlier (Howard Webb)
- Old Brentford, Fire Station looking east, early 1900s, including numbers 54 - 57 and 276 onwards (Roger Davis)
- Old Brentford, Fire Station (at no. 53) looking east, 1907/10 , showing numbers around 285 - 294 and 51 - 53 (Roger Davis)
- Old Brentford, Fire Station (at no. 53) looking east 1913 (Howard Webb)
- Old Brentford, Fire Station (at no. 53) looking west, around WW1? (Roger Davis)
- Old Brentford, numbers 290 to 295, pre July 1906, including shopkeepers (Howard Webb)
- Old Brentford, numbers 290 - 294 High Street, early 1900s (Janet McNamara)
- Old Brentford, High Ground: an area around nos. 290 - 303, early 1900s (Roger Williams/Howard Webb)
- Police Station, 42 High Street, from around 1908 - 1910; including enlargements showing policeman and others (Howard Webb)
- Immediately west of Red Lion, including Osborne's Dairy at 315, around 1905 (Howard Webb)
- Osborne' Dairy at 315 High Street, early 1900s (Peter Stuart)
- Nos. 320 onwards,1908-11; unusual and rare view, with a charming message, tram and a possible suffragette link (Howard Webb)
- Advertising card showing the Brewery Tap and Royal Brewery at 22/23 High Street, early 1900s (Howard Webb)
- St George’s Church and some of the neighbouring properties to the west, early 1900s (Author’s own)
Miscellaneous photos of the High Street
Thanks to all contributors for scanning or copying and sharing your personal photos. They are listed in West to East order:
- Scans of a print by Noel Spencer, showing the Brentford Bridge area around 1920: Quentin Pickard and Arthur Peters
- Two photos of the Brentford Bridge area: 1972 (Quentin Pickard) and around 1975 (Arthur Peters); these show a before and after of the demolition of properties on the south side of High Street in preparation for building of Canal Court
- Looking along the High Street eastwards from Brentford Bridge, 1930s or 1940s: Fay Twydell
- The Magnet, 152 High Street and towards Brentford Bridge, 1950s:James Marshall
- Spanton’s timberyard at 135 and 136 High Street, 1971: Quentin Pickard
- 133 and 134 High Street, around 1980: Quentin Pickard
- 1905 view of the High Street near McIlroys at 129 High Street: Howard Webb
- McIlroys frontage and plans, 1911 to 2002: Janet McNamara
- Magpie & Crown, 128 High Street, 1920s/30s: Roy England
- photo from 1951 including the Dew Drop Inn at 120: Pauline Stanhope
- Numbers 120 to 126 High Street, opposite the Market Place: Janet McNamara
- View of the new parade near Market Place 1975: Stephen Reed
- Funeral procession of Frank Davis in 1948 showing numbers 26* to 276 and Numbers 284 to 290: Roger Davis
- Bolton & Son, House Furnishers, 1930s?, No. 191/2?: Andy Bolton
- High Street including four trams, nos. 108 and early 200s, looking west, posted 1906: Howard Webb
- 1897 photo showing the Castle Hotel and neighbouring shop, James Hibble, hatter and hosier, reproduced with permission of the National Monument Record
- Number 225 and 80 - 85, ca 1899: Peter & Carolyn Hammond
- Splendid photo of the Beehive, probably dating from it’s re-opening in 1907, includes several studies of the crowd: Howard Webb
- the Beehive through to the Feathers, 227-232 High Street, 1976/7: Quentin Pickard
- Demolition of 233 and 234 High Street in 1982: Diane Lockie & Jeanne Whitby
- 234a High Street, former Wesleyan chapel, 1976/7: Quentin Pickard
- Number 245, 1900: Paul Smith
- J Bradshaw, coal and corn merchants, 241 High Street, 2 photos taken in the 1920s or early 1930s: (Elizabeth Morgan)
- 241 - 246 High Street, 1976/7: Quentin Pickard
- Henry Edwin Gulliver’s shop, 266 High Street, 1907/12: Howard Webb
- 273 - 277 High Street, 1976/7: Quentin Pickard
- Overturned steam engine outside 279 High Street: David Collidge
- 291 - 294 High Street, 1976/7: Quentin Pickard
- Number 306, 3 photos from 1910 onwards: Andy Dawes
- Number 312a in the 1930s: Caroline Hill
- 315 High Street and the Osborne family in 1905: Julia Quilliam care of staff at Barclays Bank
- New Red Lion pub, 322 High Street, 1970: Quentin Pickard
- Another view of the New Red Lion, 1975: Stephen Reed
- Image from ’Hell Drivers’, 1957, numbers 330, 331+ High Street (Rank Organisation) and some info about the occupants of nos. 330 / 331: Paul
- Meeting of Buffalo Lodge 53, at the Bull, 350 High Street, in 1951: Simon Holloway
- Royal Tar at 3 High Street, taken at the 1937 Coronation of George VI celebrations: Jenny J
1945/6 photos of the High Street
Herbert Felton, an architectural photographer, took over 30 photos of the High Street in 1945 and 1946. The originals are held at the National Monument Record in Swindon and each photo’s longest edge is 4" (10 cm). The originals have been photocopied and scanned at a high resolution in order to show more detail.
The list is in house no. order, starting at the south eastern end of High Street, working west, then returning along the north side of High Street.
Reproduced by permission of English Heritage.NMR
Photos from the 1960s of the High Street
These are in roughly west (Brentford Bridge) to east (just beyond St George’s church) order. Thank you to all contributors who have provided images of Brentford as it underwent changes.
- Three photos of New Brentford near Brentford Bridge including St Lawrence’s church, the Six Bells (148-149) and Durham Wharf (171-172): Diane Lockie
- Opposite the Market Place, numbers 108 - 118, ca 1960: David Bradley
- 1950s postcard includes number 211 (Wilsher’s cycle etc shop) and eastwards, before the area east of Half Acre was redeveloped: Howard Webb
- Beehive Hotel taken in the late 1960s, with some notes abouts its re-opening in 1907: Janet McNamara
- St Paul’s Road and the former Feathers PH, numbers 229 -233: Diane Lockie
- Traffic jam, Half Acre looking east, 1969: Quentin Pickard
- St Paul’s Road in 1966: Diane Lockie
- Two views of St Paul’s Road area showing numbers 232-234 High Street: Diane Lockie
- Numbers 236 & 237 in 1963: Carolyn and Peter Hammond
- 240-246 High Street: Diane Lockie
- Brentford Carnival in the 1960s showing numbers 243-245 High Street:Lynn Christison from Australia
- Two photos of 245 High Street taken in 1950, showing the shop interior and Alice and Stanley Newman: Diane Lockie
- Three views of Old Brentford from 1966 from Kings Arms Alley eastwards (no. 273+) and Howards, ironmongers at nos. 298-300: Diane Lockie
- View towards Rattenburys, 1960s: Quentin Pickard
- Rattenburys, 288/289 High Street, 1960s: Keith Davis
- Rattenbury’s, colour view, 1960s (Colin Carter)
- Three views of Old Brentford from 1966 including Howards, ironmongers at nos. 298-300: Diane Lockie
- Site to the east of Rattenburys, running up to the old Red Lion at 318 High Street: Quentin Pickard
- Brentford Gas Works in the mid 1950s, from across the Thames: Don Harris
- Colour photo of St George’s Church in the mid 1960s, at which point it housed the Music Museum: Quentin Pickard
- No. 255 bus approaching St George’s church in the 1960s (Colin Carter)
High Street photos from 2000 onwards
Thank you to contributors: Janet McNamara and Roger Davis. The photos are listed in house number sequence.
New Brentford, 2008
Dave Stoneleigh has contributed 29 photos of New Brentford taken in 2008. As a start two identical ’key’ pages (small & medium) have been loaded which each show thumbnails of the 29 photos set against a Google Earth map backdrop of New Brentford. Each thumbnail includes a pointer showing where each photo was taken from, and the view taken.
Each of the 29 photos will be set up as a separate page with notes, but in the meantime the ’key’ pages are available: please choose the best link for your PC resolution. If in doubt the first link below will give you a smaller image in less time.
Brentford Development, January 2021 onwards
Janet McNamara has kept a photographic record of the redevelopment of the south side of the High Street by Ballymore and other parties. Ballymore is undertaking developments to the west of the site, known as the Brentford Project, there is a council site to its east and demolition for a third site in the Dock Road to Pump Alley area began early 2023.
The London Borough of Hounslow published the names of the new blocks in March 2021 and a vision for Brentford (also Hounslow, Feltham and Chiswick) in August 2021.
- January 2021 cleared site; map and plan
- Late Jan 2021 first block underway, view from Augustus Close
- March 2021 view as from late January, also the cleared St Lawrence's Vicarage site and the lost view of the statue of Flora in Syon Park
- April 2021 St Lawrence's Church
- May 2021 views of site from Augustus Close and High Street, early stages of Block K
- June 2021 site views from Augustus Close, Tallow Bridge and High Street, early stages of Block D
- July 2021 views from the Ham and Augustus Close
- August 2021 view from Market Place
- Aug 2021 the archaeological dig
- September 2021, Blocks B & C near Market Place
- October 2021 view from Goddard's shop
- November 2021 views from Verdict (the old Magistrates Court), Augustus Close and Brentford Dock
- December 2021 views from Catherine Wheel Road including the old Bradbury warehouses
- January 2022 Brentford Bridge area and Catherine Wheel Road
- February 2022 Catherine Wheel Road, also improvements at Waterman's Park
- Ballymore's February 2022 news includes aerial view and site plan
- March 2022 Blocks B & C opposite Market Place and Block K near Brentford Dock
- April 2022 view from the Half Acre and High Street junction (start of Phase 2)
- May 2022 view from Goddard's shop
- June 2022 Catherine Wheel Road and Block D
- July 2022 view from Goddard's shop; also Ballymore update on works from May to July 2022
- August 2022 Catherine Wheel Road
- November 2022 Hollandbury House (Block K)
- March 2023 demolition of the Heidelberg building, view from Timber Wharf Walk
- July 2023 Workhouse Dock with water again, also Brunel, Oak and Willow Bocks (aka K, B, C)
Local area (not the High Street)
There is more to Brentford than the High Street, thank you to contributors of postcards and family photos. The first set are (more or less) in west to east sequence, the second set are further afield:
- 1940s photos of Rantons, Commerce Road: Diane Lockie
- London Road, including the Northumberland Arms pub (now O’Briens), mid-1970s: Arthur Peters
- Coach party, Ham, 1950s?: Fay Twydell
- Brentford Lock postcard, early 1900s: Howard Webb
- Brentford Lock, 1975: Stephen Reed
- Two views of Brentford Lock following heavy rainfall in June 1903: Roger Williams
- Brentford Lock, mid 1970s: Arthur Peters
- Boatmen’s Institute, 1904 - an invitation to the opening ceremony: Howard Webb
- Durham Wharf around 1955 showing a Vokins’ barge: Pauline Stanhope
- 10 Boars Head Yard 1945/6: English Heritage.NMR
- Clifden Corner in the early 1900s: Roger Williams
- Postcard view of Clifden House, the former council offices, from around 1907-1911: Howard Webb
- Brentford Library and War Memorial from Boston Road October 1975: Stephen Reed
- Great West Cafe on Boston Park Road around 1955: Pauline Stanhope
- Honeywell Computer Centre, around 1979 at the junction of Great West Road and Boston Manor Road: several photos and a story ... Robert Hurst
- Boston Road (or Boston Manor Road as it was later named) from the early 1900s, includes enlargements showing photographer and other people: Howard Webb
- Rare postcard showing The Ride in the early 1900s (The Ride runs between Boston Manor Road and Windmill Road): Howard Webb
- A rare postcard showing Home Cottage, Windmill Road,from 1905 or earlier: Howard Webb
- Rare view of Windmill Road from around 1905: Howard Webb
- Windmill Road dairy, dating from around WW1: Peter Stuart
- Windmill Road and the Globe PH around 1910, by local postcard publisher John Johnson; includes enlargement showing postman: Howard Webb
- Brent House, a photo of its demolition in 1909 sparked research, Janet provided modern views: Howard Webb, Janet McNamara
- Brentford Congregational Church, Boston Road, around 1910; the building is now used by the Brentford Free Church: Howard Webb
- Marlborough House, 24-26 The Butts 1976/7, former Brentford Cottage Hospital: Quentin Pickard
- postcard of Brentford Cottage Hospital in the early 1900s: Roger Williams
- Brentford Cottage Hospital, The Butts, early 1900s: Howard Webb
- Two views of Cottage Hospital in The Butts: Roger Williams
- Butts and Cottage Hospital, early 1900s: Peter Stuart
- Vestry Hall, around 1910, a building you would need to be at least 50 to remember: Howard Webb
- The Butts lower end, including a small crowd of children, posted 1910: Howard Webb
- Half Acre by Wakefields, early 1900s: Howard Webb
- Half Acre, early 1900s, includes posters advertising a ’Cake & Apron’ sale: Howard Webb
- Seven Stars pub, Half Acre, pre-1905: Howard Webb
- St Paul’s School following a fire in August 2013: Diane Lockie
- Duke of York PH postcard and research into theoccupant: Howard Webb
- 1932 outside Clements Knowling, Ferry Lane showing a group of eleven men with a float loaded with two boats (for Empire Day?): Simon Holloway
- 1932 outside Clements Knowling, Ferry Lane, taken at the same time as the above, with Robert Gent alongside float: Hugh Hughes
- Brentford’s new (in 1908) Post Office on St Paul’s Road, includes enlargements of young postal workers: Howard Webb
- Rare view of (Old) Spring Gardens and some detective work about the history of this alley: Arthur Peters
- b/w photo of Brentford Dock following closure in 1964: Quentin Pickard
- Brentford Dock and weir mid to late 1960s: Quentin Pickard
- Albany Road / Mafeking Avenue corner, 1950s: Sam Day
- J. Daubney and Son, greengrocers shop, 3 Albany Road, 1950s: Sam Day
- Mafeking Avenue and milkman Amos, 1930s or early 1940s: Sam Day
- From around 1913, Ealing Road near the Albany Road and Walnut Tree Road junctions: it includes Beach’s jam factory and a glimpse of Strawberry Villa, the Beach’s family home: Howard Webb
- Bricklayer's Arms, 67/69 Ealing Road, around 1960: Stephen Reed
- Princess Royal, 107 Ealing Road, mid-late 1960s: Howard Webb
- Cressage Road and Mafeking Avenue, early 1960s included in notes on the Heath, Dear, Daubney and Snelling families: Rick Heath
- Brentford Monument unveiling in 1909 with contemporary newspaper account: Peter Stuart
- Brentford Monument at its original site, end of Ferry Lane, taken not long after its construction in 1909; includes names of Brentford Councillors: Howard Webb
- Brentford Monument, at its original site at the end of Ferry Lane, 1910 - 1915: Howard Webb
- Brentford Ferry, early 1900s: Roger Williams
- Waterman’s Park, around 1980: Colin Carter
- Distillery Road, around 1970, looking towards High Street: Arthur Peters
- Children’s fancy dress, part of the Distillery Road 1953 coronation celebrations; also a photo of the road at night: Barry Draper
- Waterman’s Park, around 1980: Colin Carter
- The Gas Works, mid to late 1950s, viewed from Kew: Peter Timms
- Two vivid photos from Kew Bridge dating to the mid to late 1950s: Peter Timms
- Brentford Market (built 1893) postcard, around 1910 - 1920, includes enlargements to show people: Howard Webb
- Brentford Market Hall: was this the opening ceremony in 1893?: Peter Stuart
- Brentford Market and Chiswick High Road, postmarked 1906: Vin Miles
- Strand on the Green postcards: early 1900s; 1950s: Celia Cotton; 1910: Yvonne Butler
- Brentford Union Workhouse, Isleworth, early 1900s: Celia Cotton
- West Middlesex Hospital, 1975: Stephen Reed
- 1920s aerial view of Brentford: Reg Harris
- Great West Road, early 1930s?: Roger Williams
- M4 flyover construction and Lucozade building, around 1964: Colin Carter
- more modern Daubney shop, late 1950s(Sam Day)
- Open-top Brentford tram, currently being restored at Crich Tramway Museum: Celia Cotton)
- 55 tram near 113 Boston Road, Hanwell, around 1925 (Vin Miles)
- Early 1900s postcard of New Brentford Cemetery(Howard Webb)
- Slideshow showing Brentford in November 2012, over 100 photos with gentle music, please get in touch if you would like a copy: it is around 75MB so I have not put it directly on to the website: Lynn Hayter)
- Photos from 2013’s Brentford Local History event and notes from talks by James Marshall and Vanda Foster on the Great West Road and its factories: Diane Newman and Janet McNamara)
- Brentford riverside taken from underneath an arch of Kew Bridge, 1960s: Colin Carter)
- View of Brentford from the tow path, Kew, pre August 1906: Muriel Wallington)
Many thanks to those who have provided these unique photos from family collections. These are in date order, more or less.
- Volunteer fire brigade from around 1890, thanks to Pauline Stanhope (nee Young); the site also has a list of names of Brentford’s volunteer firemen, 1879: Pauline Stanhope)
- Fund raising firemen, 1894: Roger Davis)
- Rob Bolton, Archivist, The Church Lads’ & Church Girls’ Brigade, has provided information about the London Diocesan Church Lads Brigade which had a company at Old Brentford from 1895
- Alfred Sullivan, 245 High Street, 1900 (Paul Smith)
- Wedding, 1902, Arthur James Hockaday & Elizabeth Skilton, guests, back of "Half Moon & Crown",London Rd, Isleworth (Quentin Pickard)
- William Jenkins Cloves & wife Sarah Anne (Nee Kirsch), early 1900s (Mark Abbott)
- Emily Rebecca Carr in her Brentford Gaslight & Coke Co uniform early 1900s (Lynn Hayter)
- Houlden & Hockaday family wedding 1905 (Quentin Pickard)
- Boys Brigade (probably), around 1905 - 1908 includes John May (Jack) Clarke (Janet McNamara)
- 1905 - 1910 football team including John May (Jack) Clarke (Janet McNamara)
- Brentford Football Club team, 1905/6 season, with names (Vin Miles)
- Postcard of an unnamed but presumably Brentford football team, dated 1906 (Howard Webb)
- Three photos of the Dawes family, basket makers, 306 High Street, 1910+ (Andy Dawes)
- St Lawrence’s Football Club, 1911/12 and an likely to be local, team, similar date: (Roger Davis )
- Charabanc outing from Brentford, ca 1912 (Alan Dear)
- Beldam workforce around 1912 (Julie Jakeway)
- Brentford Celtic Football Team, winners, 1912-13 season (Julie Jakeway)
- Edwardian photo of a bride, Maud Purscell, who married Francis Wheeler in 1913 (Fay Twydell)
- Members of the Brentford Conservative Rowing Club outside Brentford Conservative Club, 1913 (Andrew Hood)
- Brentford Conservative Rowing Club Coxed Four of 1913 (Andrew Hood)
- 132nd Company Army Service Corps Motor Transport football team, Coleford during 1914 - 1918, includes John May (Jack) Clarke (Janet McNamara)
- Newman family and 245 High Street; can you identify the uniform worn by Alice Newman (showing off her wasp waist) during WWI? (Lynn Christison)
- Jim Harrison (Blacksmith and Farrier) and nephew Clem, 1915; also Jim Harrison at Ham Wharf, 1922 (Roger Davis)
- Charming photo taken around 1917 of a little girls’ tea party, Kew Bridge Road, including Gwen Abigail and Rose Harrison (Roger Davis)
and five other members of (probably) the Boys Brigade: thanks to Janet McNamara (2 Oct 2012)
- St George’s football team in 1921, was your male ancestor born around 1900 - 1905 and a football player? (Simon Holloway)
- Charlton fans at The Valley watching a game v Brentford FC, 1920s (Howard Webb)
- Boys Brigade, 1920s (Sandra Ireland and Tony Healey)
- Nine hatted ladies (laundry workers?) (Sandra Graves)
- Great West Road opening, 1925, King George V inspecting Middx Regiment (Roger Davis)
- Great West Road opening, 1925, Royal couple speaking to local dignitaries (Roger Davis)
- Great West Road opening, 1925, Royal couple walking along the newly opened road (Roger Davis)
- Great West Road opening, 1925, Royal Convoy (Roger Davis)
- Brentford Football Club team, 1926-27 season, includes names (Howard Webb)
- Sanders family, early 1930s, in the back garden of 304 High Street (Alf Sanders)
- Goodridge and Keyes wedding group, 1931 (John James)
- Ena Stone & Tommy Spicer in Catherine Wheel Yard, ca 1932 (Lynn Hayter)
- Harris and Hutchinson wedding photo, 1932 (Lynn Hayter)
- Bus outing,around 40 men, probably 1932 (Lynn Hayter)
- 1932 outside Clements Knowling, Ferry Lane showing a group of eleven men with a float loaded with two boats (for Empire Day?) (Simon Holloway)
- 1932 outside Clements Knowling, Ferry Lane, taken at the same time as the above, with Robert Gent alongside float (Hugh Hughes)
- Randall and Stone wedding photo 1933 (Lynn Hayter)
- Staff at the Crown & Jersey Laundry, 1933 (Lynn Hayter)
- Brentford Carnival, 1930s (Diane Lockie)
- Paddlers, river Thames or Brent, 1934; some are from the Hutchinson family; can you identify other people? (Maureen and Don Harris)
- Remembrance Sunday 1934 (Janet McNamara)
- 1938 Band of Hope photo showing children at the Cressage Road / Pottery Road junction (Jeanne Whitby & Diane Lockie)
- "Daddy" Pearce of the Clarnico confectionery business, 57 High Street and Frank Davis, Superintendent at the Fire Station, Roger’s grandfather (Roger Davis)
- Six Brentford girls who worked in the bottling plant at a local brewery, 1940s (Sandra Graves
- Hamilton Road VE Day celebrations, 1945 (Sandra Graves)
- VE Day party for New Road residents (Colin Halstead)
- Victory Party, Thames Bank House, Goat Wharf, 1945 (Arthur Peters)
- Distillery Road and area fancy dress party, VE Day celebrations 1945 (Barry Draper)
- VE Day party photo, 1945, outside The Princess Royal"; near the junction of Braemar Road with Ealing Road (Diane Elphick )
- Hutchinson and Millward wedding photo 1946 (Lynn Hayter)
- 1946-47 season Brentford Football Club team and board members / officials: 43 named individuals: (Peter Stuart)
- Coach outing, Brentford, late 1940s (Sandra Graves)
- Funeral procession - 1 and Funeral procession - 2, for Frank Davis, 1948 (Roger Davis)
- Union meeting in a pub, 1950 (possibly Barnes/Putney, maybe Brentford?) (Simon Holloway)
- Ted and Floss Webb celebrating outside the Magnet (152 High Street) around 1950 (Andy Webb)
- Meeting of Buffalo Lodge 53, at the Bull, 350 High Street, in 1951 (Simon Holloway)
- Ladies’ coach party in the Ham, early 1950s? Perhaps you can add some names? (Fay Twydell)
- Donald Mackay Shaw, dairyman, of 249, High Street (Mark Bruce )
- Webb’s cafe, 153 High Street around 1951(Andy Webb)
- Coach outing in 1952, perhaps you can help with names? (Diane Lockie)
- Probably a Gas Works party for children, early 1950s, venue St Paul’s Church Hall? (Pauline Stanhope (nee Young))
- 2 photos from a Distillery Road street party - Coronation celebrations (Sue O’Donnell)
- QE2 Coronation street celebrations, North Road, 1953 (Lynn Hayter)
- QE2 Coronation indoor celebrations, North Road, 1953 (Lynn Hayter)
- 1953 Coronation party, Mafeking Avenue (John James)
- Mr and Mrs Tripp's golden wedding anniversary, 1955 (Janet Byron)
- Ladies’ outing, taken on the corner of High Street & The Ham, outside the Magnet; surnames include Wheeler, Jennings, Clark, Tew, Osborne, West, Gardner - can you help identify who’s who? (Fay Twydell)
1957, including Eileen Chapple (Simon Holloway)
- Jean as a youngster on a cart pulled by a shire horse, near Half Acre, late 1950s (Jean Harrison)
- Varley FMC, Ferry Lane (Brenda Bostock)
- Children’s Christmas party, Gas Works, around 1960 (Trevor Mitchell)
- Coach holiday photo at Gretna Green, around 1960 (Simon Holloway)
- Brentford Carnival, 1960s (Diane Lockie)
School photos
These show children in school class groups, also a few Sunday school photos, parties and school sporting teams; several include one or more teachers. They are in date order, more or less. The site also has a few photos and postcards showing school buildings: search for the school name on the home page to find them.
- A group of boys at the Rothschild School, 1906 - rowers? (Andrew Hood)
- 1910 photo of the Hanwell Company of the London Diocesan Church Lads Brigade (Rob Bolton)
- Class photo, Ealing Road School: Class 4, pre WW1; can you help with dating? (Martin Cox)
- St Paul’s School, 1918/19 and a seaside outing thought to show local people (Kay Davis)
- Rothschild School class 5, estimated date 1921/2 (Sandra Ireland & Tony Healey)
- Rothschild School class 6, 1925 (Sandra Ireland & Tony Healey)
- Rothschild School class 7, estimated 1921/2 (Sandra Ireland & Tony Healey)
- Rothschild School violin group, estimated 1921/2 (Sandra Ireland & Tony Healey)
- May queen party, 1921 or 1922 includes her mother Peggy Butcher (Diane Elphick)
- Two class photos, St George’s School, 1925 and 1926 (Diane Elphick (Gardner))
- Class photo, St George’s School, 1930 (Diane Elphick (Gardner))
- Four class photos, St George’s School, late 1930s (Helen Shepherd )
- Class at St George’s C of E School, 1938 , with nearly all the names (Jeanne Whitby & Diane Lockie)
- St George’s School class photo from around 1938, can you add any names? (John Gray)
- Gillette children’s Christmas party around 1940 (Diane Elphick (Gardner))
- 1940s children’s coach outing, including Mr Chapman, Sunday school teacher (Arthur Peters)
- 1940s children’s outing from Brentford (Arthur Peters)
- Class photo, St George’s School, around 1947 (Diane Elphick (Gardner))
- Brentford Secondary Modern Boys School around 1948 (Cyril Smith)
- May Queen, Ealing Road School, 1948 (Brenda Bostock)
- Ealing Road School, five little girls, around 1949? Can you add names for the five little girls (Kate Marshall)
- Three Ealing Road School photos from 1949 - 1951 (Carole Ann Batholomew)
- Brentford Secondary Modern football team in 1950; can you add any names? (Kate Marshall)
- Class 1, Ealing Road School, Brentford, 1951 (Brenda Bostock)
- St George’s School class photos, early 1950s including teachers Mr Church and Mr Allen (Barry Draper)
- 3rd Brentford Guides, early 1950s ( Diane Elphick (Gardner)); perhaps you can add some names?
- St George’s School football team, 1953 (Barry Draper)
- St George’s Primary School class photos from around 1953-57: can you add any names? (Ian Powell)
- Ealing Road Nursery School, 1953 (John James)
- 1953 birthday party photo: nine children from the top year of Ealing Road Infants School (age 7) (Norman Baldwin)
- St Lawrence with St Paul’s School, 2 class photos from around 1953/1955 (Christine Howes)
- Two photos taken around 1955 from the St Paul’s School nativity; Sandra has provided several names, can you add any more? (Sandra Graves)
- Dramatics, Brentford Secondary Modern, 1955 (Brenda Bostock)
- St Lawrence with St Paul’s School swimming team about 1955 (Christine Howes)
- St Lawrence with St Paul’s School football team 1955-56 season (Christine Howes)
- Five schoolgirls at Chiswick County School for Girls taken in summer
Mystery photos
Can you help identify the people or places shown in these photos or provide a date? If so please get in touch. The photos are roughly in date order; those covering a range of dates are at the end.
- Margaret Smith has sent a mysterious early 1900s photo, taken by Wakefields of 137 High Street: four men and a silver or pewter lidded tankard; Janet McNamara has suggested some possible names, can you help further? (Jan 2011)
- Ross Fitzpatrick has forwarded a carte de visite which may feature Ann Burfoot, born 1855, of Half Acre New Brentford in 1861; Ross seeks any family connections and confirmation that the portrait is of Ann (Dec 2015)
- A postcard showing an area of the canal, postmarked 1906 - but where is it exactly? It includes a barge, other boats, a footbridge and prominent telegraph pole; thanks to Yvonne Butler for an interesting card (Aug 2015)
- Can you help with a puzzling pair of photos which appear to include one or two members of the Bovingdon family, butchers in Brentford in the late 19th and early 20th century? (Judy & Harvey, Jan 2015)
- A charming postcard showing some girls, possibly from a dancing class; the photo was by Wakefield’s so is likely to be local to Brentford or Ealing; hopefully you can help with a date, location or names (April 2010)
- Anke from Munich: a mystery photo showing a carnival scene, 1920s - not Brentford (I think) - can you identify the location? (Nov 2017)
- Jenny J sent a photo of the Royal Tar, 3 High Street, taken at the 1937 Coronation of George VI celebrations; Alice and Arthur William Burrows appear, but who are the other two people? (Dec 2011)
- A photo from Sandra Graves shows seven men. This may be a seaside outing (Brighton?) and may include Tom Grant. Can you help with any other names? The date is thought to be 1930s or 1940s (Dec 2015)
- John Gray has sent a St George’s School class photo from around 1938, can you add any names? (Jun 2011)
- Andy Webb has provided a photo of Webb’s Cafe, 153 High Street, around 1951; does anyone recognise regular customer ’Jock’? (Feb 2010)
- Two photos from Lynn Hayter of North Road 1953 coronation celebrations, taken inside a hall and in North Road; hopefully you can help with names (Feb 2010)
- late 1950s/early 1960s possibly a Brentford Gas Works do (Trevor Mitchell, Jun 2009)
- 7 photos, late 1800s - 1920s family surnames include Anthony, McCarthy, Snelling, Nugent; possible connection with the post office (Mike Perry, Jul 2009)
- A football team, Loretta hopes someone can identify the players which should include a member of her Voller family; also four other military photos from WW2 (Loretta Lumley, Dec 2013)
- Are you an expert in unusual uniforms from the 1860s? Perhaps you can help identify that worn by a man in his late 50s or older in this interesting photo showing local members of the Brooks family (May 2014)
Published 2007; last updated January 2024