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Roads Off - A-Z
The list has been compiled from census returns, trade directories and maps 1792 - 1940 and aims to record all roads, alleys and yards which ran off the High Street. Over time roads not directly off the High Street will be added.
Links are provided where further information is available.
- Name: smaller alleys were sometimes named after the owner and their name changed over time
- No. before: no. of the High Street property on one corner; if between 1 and 158 the road ran off the south side, if between 159 and 412 the road ran off the north side; see diagram showing High Street numbering; if 'LR' - off London Road, the continuation of High Street to the west, in Isleworth parish; if 'KBR' - off Kew Bridge Road, to the east of High Street running up to Kew Bridge
- No. after: no. of the High Street property on the other corner
NB where a number includes a dash, eg 19-10, the High Street property was demolished before the High Street was numbered in 1876. No. '19-10' was ten properties along from no. 19 and was before no. 20.
Name | No. before | No. after |
Albany Lane | 289 | 290 |
Albany Place | 289 | 290 |
Albany Road | Between Half Acre | and nos 23 & 25 Ealing Road |
Albany Terrace | 289 | 290 |
Alexandra Road | 254 | 255 |
Ann's Court | 19-10 | 19-11 |
Ansell's Passage | 180 | 181 |
Augustus Close (modern) | ca 146 | 148 |
Back Lane | Between Half Acre | and nos 23 & 25 Ealing Road |
Bailey's Row | 326 | 327 |
Bangor Road | 31 KBR | 33 KBR |
Boar's Head Yard | 126 | 127 |
Bowden's Gateway | 312 | 313 |
Bradbury's Yard | 108 | 109 |
Bradshaw's Yard | 118 | 119 |
Brent Cottages | 170 | 171 |
Brent Way (modern) | Joins The Ham | and Catherine Wheel Road |
Brent Wharf | 180 | 181 |
British School Alley | 253 | 254 |
Bull Lane | 350 | 351 |
Bursell's Yard (Mr) | 114 | 115 |
Cannon Alley | 266 | 267 |
Catherine Wheel Road (modern) | 97 | 98 |
Catherine Wheel Yard | 97 | 98 |
Chapel Alley | 366 | 367 |
Chapel Lane | 384 | 385 |
Church Alley | 141 | 142 |
Coles Yard | 114 | 115 |
Cressage Road | East off Ealing Road | to Pottery Road |
Commerce Road | LR | LR |
Distillery Road | 355 | 356 |
Dock Road | 78 | 79 |
Drinkwater's Yard | 118 | 119 |
Drum Lane | 318 | 319 |
Durham Wharf | 170 | 171 |
Ealing Lane or Road | 318 | 319 |
Eastons Court | 283 | 284 |
Eatons Buildings | 334 | 335 |
Eatons Place | 334 | 335 |
Ferry Lane | 52 | 53 |
Ferry Square | 52 | 53 |
Fox & Hounds Yard | 384 | 385 |
George Yard | 188 | 189 |
George('s) Court | 296 | 297 |
Giffard (Mr) the Tanners Yard | 185 | 186 |
Goat Wharf | 50 | 51 |
Hales Cottages | 384 | 385 |
Hales Yard | 384 | 385 |
Half Acre | 224 | 225 |
Ham (The) | 151 | 152 |
Hardings Court | 257 | 257-1 |
Hardwicks Wharf | 170 | 171 |
Hollows (The) | 1 | 2 |
Jacka Newbury's Alley | 141 | 142 |
Jupps Yard | 83 | 85 |
Kew Bridge Road | | |
Kilsby's Buildings | 58 | 59 |
Kilsby's Cottages | 58 | 59 |
Kings Arms Alley | 272 | 273 |
Knight's Buildings | 19-9 | 19-10 |
Knight's Steps | 19-9 | 19-10 |
Lamb Passage | 409 | 410 |
Lamb Yard | 409 | 410 |
Lees Yard | 312 | 313 |
Market Place | 195 | 196 |
Moore's Alley | 334 | 335 |
New North Road | 363 | 364 |
New Spring Gardens | 246 | 247 |
Newens' Alley | 326 | 327 |
Newens' Yard | 326 | 327 |
North Road | 363 | 364 |
Old Spring Gardens | 253 | 254 |
One Tun Alley | 254 | 255 |
One Tun Yard | 254 | 255 |
Paddon's Yard (Mr) | 129 | 130 |
Peacock's Court | 283 | 284 |
Pearce's Alley | 1 | 3 |
Percy Cottages | 174 | 175 |
Pigeon Yard | 194 | 194 |
Pipe Maker's Alley | 376 | 377 |
Pipemaker's Alley | 376 | 377 |
Piper's Yard (Mr) | 108 | 109 |
Plough Yard | 114 | 115 |
Poppet's Parlour | 8 | 9 |
Potters Alley | 289 | 290 |
Pottery Road | 350 | 351 |
Pump Alley | 69 | 70 |
Ram Alley | 174 | 175 |
Rapers Alley | 289 | 290 |
Red Lion Yard | 198 | 199 |
Retort Alley | 376 | 377 |
Royal Tar Alley | 1 | 3 |
Running Horse Yard | 345 | 346 |
Running Horses Alley | 345 | 346 |
Sadlers Yard | 38 | 39 |
Smith Hill | 34 | 35 |
Spring Gardens | 246 | 247 |
St George's Court | 296 | 297 |
St Paul's Road | 232 | 233 |
Still Yard | 86 | 87 |
Swan Steps | 19 | 19-1 |
Sweeps Alley | 257 | 257-1 |
Swifts Wharf | 19-16? | 19-17? |
Tanners Yard | 185 | 186 |
The Ham | 151 | 152 |
The Hollows | 1 | 2 |
Town Meadow Road | 60 | 61 |
Tun Yard | 254 | 255 |
Union Court | 24 | 25 |
Victoria Steps | 7 | 8 |
Walbram's Yard | 213 | 214 |
Walbran's Yard | 213 | 214 |
Walden's Yard (Mr) | 134 | 135 |
Watson's Alley | 283 | 284 |
Watson's Court | 283 | 284 |
Welch's Yard | 118 | 119 |
Welsh's Yard | 118 | 119 |
Published December 2008; last updated July 2024 Top