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Bangor Road, around 1965
Paul Kirby was born in 1961 and lived at Bangor Road until he was around 5.
Paul sent this family photo, 'I think it might have been taken by my sister'. It looks south towards the Spring Grove Laundry at the end, with the Thames beyond. He adds it shows 'My mother Stella Kirby nee Gomm, me - Paul Kirby - and Lesley Punter'.
'We lodged with Leonard Nicholls at 12 Bangor Road. Lesley Punter lived at 14 Bangor Road.'
Paul pointed out Jim Storrar's pub map, based on the Ordnance Survey map of 1893, which shows Bangor Road off Kew Bridge Road, west of the Waggon and Horses. The 'Dyeing and Bleaching Works' is marked at the end of Bangor Road. The west side has nine properties, the east side has four. Paul's photo shows the last few of the nine properties to the right.
Paul also sent a link, showing office buildings from the 1980s due to be demolished: the Bangor Road area has been redeveloped twice since Paul lived there.
See also notes below from Jennifer Ruff, who lived at no 5.
Turning back the clock ...
Brief history of Bangor Road from newspapers and maps 1868-1964
Ordnance Survey maps shows the houses on Bangor Road were built between the late 1860s map and the early 1890s map. A newspaper piece from 1904 mentions leases from 1868 and 1870, and presumably the works and houses were built after 1868. The earliest reference to Bangor Road found in the British Newspaper Archive (through Findmypast) is in 1885: plans to make up the road surface. Thereafter there are other article and advertisements - they are below, in date order.
Middlesex Independent 24 October 1885
Brentford Local Board sought tenders for the 'draining, making up and levelling of Albany Road and Bangor Road'. Tenders were to be taken to Mr Lacey, the surveyor, at his office, 62 High Street.
Read more about Mr Lacey and 62 High Street.
West London Observer 30 July 1887
Messrs Goddard, Wiggins and Croxford advertised a sale by auction of desirable long leasehold investment - land and warehouse situate in Bangor Road ... close to river ... £28 per annum
Middlesex Independent 08 November 1890
Plans have been received from Messrs Balfern and Liversidge for a boiler house proposed to be erected at the Spring Grove Dye Works, Bangor Road, which were referred to the Board for consideration as the proposed building was shown to be erected over the Board's sewer. Plans were ordered to be returned, the senders to be informed the erection must not be over the sewer.
The following year Mr John George Liversidge, dyer, Bangor Road, Old Brentford, retired from the Board of Guardians (Middlesex County Times 18 April 1891).
Middlesex Independent 31 May 1893
USEFUL Old HORSE For Sale. Slow job. Apply Spring Grove Works, Bangor Road, Kew Bridge.
Middlesex Independent 24 January 1894
Messrs Goddard, Croxford & Furness Will submit to Public Competition at "The Star and Garter" Hotel ... the following long-leasehold properties, having over 70 years to run, (in two lots)
(First numbers 86,88 and 90 Dukes Road Chiswick); next:
Nos. 12, 13 and 14 Bangor Road, Kew Bridge, let at 8s 6d per week each, showing a yearly rental of £66 6s 0d.
West London Observer 28 October 1904
An advertisement for a sale by auction by Messrs Saunders and Taylor, at the "Star and Garter" Hotel of:
'the valuable Leasehold Ground rents well secured upon the four substantially built houses known as Nos. 11, 12, 13, and 14 BANGOR ROAD, KEW BRIDGE ROAD, BRENTORD. The land with buildings thereon adjoining, now used as a launch works and the wharf, with dock and buildings adjoining, now used as a laundry, in the occupation of Mr. Liversidge. ... The properties are held under two leases from the Freeholders for the respective terms of 97 and 99 years from September 29th, 1870, and September 29th, 1868...'
West London Observer 26 March 1926
A destructive fire occurred at the Spring Grove Laundry, Bangor Road, Kew Bridge, during the early hours of Friday morning, with the result that the laundry was practically destroyed while a timber yard nearby also became involved and was considerably damaged, a large portion of the building being involved. A number of cottages which adjoined the laundry, had an exceedingly narrow escape, one door actually being burned.
The alarm was given by one of the occupants of the cottages shortly after 2am, and the Brentford Fire Brigade were on the spot within five minutes, followed a few minutes later by the Chiswick Fire Brigade. Fortunately there was a good supply of water, but it was not until 5.30am that the fire was subdued. In the meantime the police had warned the occupants of the cottages in Bangor Road of the danger and had advised them to quit their homes for the time being. Men, women and children trooped out into the roadway, after dressing hastily, and watched the efforts of the Fire Brigade with considerable anxiety. The home of Mrs Palmer, of 9, Bangor Road, had a particularly narrow escape from destruction, and had this cottage caught fire, the whole row might have been involved. Mrs Palmer's cottage adjoins the engine-room of the laundry. This room was completely destroyed, and the flames burned down a side door in the cottage. All that was left of the laundry was a mass of twisted machinery and smouldering ashes. Telephone wires were desctroyed by the fire, and linesmen from the London Telephone Sevice were on the scene at an early hour repairing the damage.
An official of the Brentford Timber Co. (Limited) said that there was over £10,000 worth of timber stored in their yard, which was separated from the laundry only by a brick wall. Fortunately the greater portion of thismaterial escaped the flames,
Mr Liversidge, proprietor of the Spring Grove Laundry, said that he estimated the damage to be nearer £30,00 than £20,000. I was hoping that the damage had been restricted to less than that, but the only thing to escape destruction was a corner of my office," he added, pointing to his charred desk. "The company's books and papers in the safe also escaped destruction. Arrangements have been made for the staff of 70 to carry on work almost immediately, and nobody therefore will be thrown out of work."
An estension to the laundry premises was in course of construction on the south side of the destroyed building, and this escaped damage.
Three or four firemen sustained minor injuries, but after receiving first aid went back to their duty.
The OS map published in 1935 shows a laundry marked as in the photo, blocking the end of Bangor Road. The 1893 and 1912 maps show a building here, but with an entry from Bangor Road..
The London Gazette 20 June 1939
H.M. Land Registry
'The following land is about to be registered ... Spring Grove Steam Laundry, Bangor Road, Brentford, Middlesex, by S.G. Laundries Ltd.'
Maurice Lockyer remembers swimming in the river in the hot water discharged from the laundry in the 1930s: read more.
Kensington Post 17 August 1940
Spring Grove Steam Laundry Ltd Bangor Road Brentford
Calender Hands
Press Operators
Hoffman Pressers
Sorters & Packers
Bonus on output up to 1 1/2d an hour over Trade Board Rates paid in all departments
Middlesex Chronicle 12 July 1941
Spring Grove Laundry Limited were fined £2 at Brentford on Wednesday for permitting light to be displayed from premises at Bangor Road Brentford during the black-out.
Middlesex Chronicle 16 June 1945
Well paid permanent jobs for
GIRLS 15-17
WOMEN over 40
Spring Grove Steam Laundry, Bangor Road, Brentford
Excellent working conditions
Canteen, Music
5-day week
West London Observer 12 March 1954
18 & 20 Gladstone Road, W4
and 12-14 Bangor Road Brentford
5 Houses let & together producing G.I. £300 6s p.a.
Register of Electors, qualifying date 10th October 1961, in force 16th February 1962 to 15th February 1963
Parliamentary Constituency: Brentford and Chiswick
Ward: Brentford East
No. | Name of Elector | | No. in Street |
1 | Haywood | Amy L | 1 |
2 | Haywood | David E | 1 |
3 | Haywood | Janet A | 2 |
4 | Liddle | Florence E | 2 |
5 | Liddle | Henry | 2 |
6 | Harris | Herbert A | 3 |
7 | Harris | Edith R | 3 |
8 | Bandy | Edith | 4 |
9 | Bandy | Jack | 4 |
10 | White | George W | 5 |
11 | White | Kitty | 5 |
12 | Waterhouse | Frederick J | 6 |
13 | Waterhouse | Lily | 6 |
14 | Langley | Dorothy E | 7 |
15 | Munns | Joyce I | 7 |
16 | Munns | William E | 7 |
17 | Howes | Emily R | 8 |
18 | Palmer | Charles | 9 |
19 | Palmer | Daisy | 9 |
20 | Palmer | Daisy | 9 |
21 | Palmer | Daphne | 9 |
22 | Cox | Patrick | 11 |
23 | Kirby | Stella A | 12 |
24 | Kirby | William P | 12 |
25 | Nicholls | Leonard W | 12 |
26 | Rose | Arthur R | 13 |
27 | Rose | Florence M | 13 |
28 | Rose | Lindy C | 13 |
29 | Rose | Reginald A | 13 |
30 | Butcher | Dennis J | 14 |
31 | Butcher | Mary M | 14 |
32 | Punter | Maureen A | 14 |
33 | Punter | Stanley A J | 14 |
Kensington Post 21 August 1964
Students over 15 years of age required for temporary employment
Good rates of pay
Modern plant
Canteen facilities
Spring Grove Laundries Ltd, Bangor Road, Brentford, ISLeworth 7413
House numbering and other updates
Paul spotted the electoral register above does not have a number 10 Bangor Road, he reckons this was the Spring Grove Laundry address. Then number 9, nearly burned down in the fire of 1926, would be the last house on the right in Paul's photo. Numbers 11 to 14 were on the left side. Like the High Street it was numbered sequentially.
Jennifer Ruff wrote in August 2020:
I was born in Bangor Road number 5 and my mother was the last person to ever live there. They kept upping their offer to her until she finally accepted and left.
To answer your questions.
Looking from top of the road 12 to 14 were on the left hand side.
Looking from Spring Grove laundry up the road the space you see on the right was a small building yard and at the front an unofficial car parking space for their van and at weekend for the residents.
I got married from the house in Bangor Road all the whole road was outside you’d have thought it was the queen.
Any more questions I’d be happy to help.
Do get in touch if you have any memories of Bangor Road or the Spring Grove Laundry.
Published August 2020