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These are some sites others have suggested or I have come across. Some are specific to Brentford and area (under the heading 'Brentford' below, others cover a wider range of locations: these are under the heading 'Brentford Plus' below. When using these links you will be leaving this website, to return to it try using your browser 'Back' button.
Most recently added links are at the top of each section.
- Were you living in Brentford in the mid 1960s? Diane Newman & Roger Davis have found a real gem: a What And Where Is Paradise, Brentford, a 15 minute film about Brentford from 1965. It was taken by Chris Owen, a sculpture student at the Kingston Art School, and the soundtrack includes his conversations with local children (shades of Prince Charles). Using 'pause' helps.
The first couple of minutes: views of Brentford Market, inside and out; shop names spotted: A E Phipps Ltd, F Mellish, T J Poupart Ltd, (on a handcart) Elmfield Fruiterers; then Young Son and Marlow at 145 High Street. Much of the next 10 minutes is focused on the gas works, with views looking over Brentford.
Chris then moves to the riverside: Vokins & Co Ltd at Thames Lock Wharf, craft of Willow Wren CTS Ltd, Hayes Road, Southall; the Virginis; a British Waterways Barge; glimpses of the London City Mission;
Last couple of minutes: views of the High Street and, later, roads off: Congregational Church, a wedding party, the Beehive, WJ Daubney, Lion Upholstery and Rattenburys; 236 High Street has posters including one for the Goldhawk Beat Club (Shepherds Bush) featuring the Moody Blues on Saturday 12 June - which helps pinpoint when the film was made; L E Simmons, W & L Page and Harry Davis’s builder’s yard, uncle of Roger Davis (Jan 2021)
- Nicola's Found objects blog features an old shop front at the corner of Windmill and York Road; does anyone remember W.J. Evans, who was a 'dairy farmer' according to a 1973 'phone book? This seems an unusual occupation for 1970s Brentford; another find: a cesspit!; and enjoy reading about frozen Charlotte, found in a garden in Orchard Road;
thanks to Sandra Graves for writing in about 69 Windmill Rd: 'I remember Evans Dairy in Windmill Road. It went to being a sweet shop in the 70s owned by Mr and Mrs Puri'. (updated Aug 2020)
- Karen Reader's Brentford Facebook page Brentford Thru My Lens - many Brentford photos old and new
- Brentford's goods' depot and a history of the Brentford branch of the GWR (Robert Hurst)
- Winchester Training College Roll of Honour for WW1 includes Harry James Payne who taught in Brentford; a search of this excellent website found biographies of three other men with possible Brentford connections: Cecil Fred Wilson, Frederick William Woods and Godfrey Neil Wootton
- The Huntley Archives have 1950s footage of canal transport on YouTube; in all nearly 36 minutes; about 8 minutes in are views of Brentford, including loading of aluminium ingots at Brent Meadow Wharf; steerer - Bill Beresford
- The Brentford Monument by Janet McNamara, (TW8 website)
- Local listed buildings - the Historic England website
- Survey of London
- Interview with James Marshall, Local Studies Librarian for Hounslow Library Service, some gems at Chiswick Library from the 18th to 20th century
- Sally Douglas has amassed links to websites which include paintings, newspaper pieces, archaeological finds etc. - all relating to Brentford and area
- Geograph: photographs and information, nearly 2,500 for Brentford and area
- City of London Collage website has oodles of Brentford photos; a search for Brentford, 1800-1900 gives 31 image; thanks to Roger Davis and Sally Douglas for recommending this site (Aug 2016)
- National Library of Scotland is great site for map buffs; in Select a Category choose England and Wales and map scale; or use Explore Georeferenced Maps to compare an old map with 7 map with a modern satellite view; bottom left 'Change transparency of overlay' enables you to adjust the balance between old and new views; thanks to Vin Miles for this link (March 2016)
- Red Cross database can be searched by name or location; thanks to Peter Calver for this find (Feb 2016)
- Thanks to Selby Whittingham for the link 'How Turner's masterpieces were inspired by west London's landscape'. View local scenes painted and sketched by Turner
- A wide miscellany of links from Sally Douglas relating to Isleworth and Brentford - these will all take you to another website:
An A-Z of Isleworth; Isleworth parish is to the south west of New Brentford
Piece about Van Gogh in Isleworth
An Account of Some Organic Remains Found near Brentford; these were found by William Kirby Trimmer around 1810; he came from a prominent local family
The Brentford griffin, sighted in 1984; Google ["joseph banks" brentford paranormal] to read Paranormal London which has more details of this beast
Biography of Sir Joseph Banks, whom the above websites suggest may have been responsible for Brentford's griffin(s); he died at Spring Grove Isleworth in 1820; access his papers and those of James Cook, whom Banks accompanied on the Endeavour 1768-1771
Photo taken at Hounslow Heath Airport in 1919: first flight to Australia
Boston House b/w photo from the 1920s/30s; use 'next>' to view the fireplace and ceiling (British History Online)
Statute of 1826: exemption from toll in favour of the inhabitants of Isleworth
Sufferers at Old Brentford 'by his Majesty's forces (House of Commons Journal Volume 2: 26 November 1642
Report of the Committee of Magistrates appointed [Oct. 26, 1820] to make enquiry respecting the public bridges in the County of Middlesex: Brentford references
- Thanks to Peter Calver (LostCousins) for a great free online newspaper archive at Welsh Newspapers Online: a search for 'Brentford' found over 200 matches as many English news items were re-published in the Welsh press; the period covered is from 1804 to 1919
- Paul Brier's blog includes BFC postcards, photos, cards, newspaper articles, programmes, etc etc: all sorts of interesting stuff - highly recommended (Jul 2014)
- Thanks to Peter Stuart for two useful brewery/pub links: one is to The Brewery Industry: a guide to historical records which includes the Royal Brewery, 23 High Street; the second is to a pub history website which covers a number of counties including Middlesex (11 Jun 2014)
- Thanks to Mary Marshall for pointing out a new resource: The National Archives Middlesex military service appeal tribunal 1916-1918;there are 136 Brentford men listed including three conscientious objectors; downloads are free until 2024
- Thanks to Diane Newman for her tip to look at the Facebook page 'All things Brentford', it has some great photos and you do not have to register with Facebook to see them; to find simply Google 'All things Brentford facebook'
- Francis Frith's site includes Brentford postcards and memories, thanks to Roger Davis for the link
- The Workhouse provides lots of details about workhouses, including Brentford Union Workhouse
- Thanks to Steve for the following links: 'Brentford Memorial Plaque to the men of Brentford who died in the Battle of Trafalgar in 1805. Being sailors they would doubtless have approved of the plaque being displayed on the wall of a pub. I hope that the landlord pours them a large tot of rum every 21st of October.'
http://assets.londonremembers.com/images/big/61851.jpg?1376211552 - shows the men's names
- The 1801 and 1811 censuses for Ealing, which include Old Brentford, are available free of charge at http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.ancestry.com/~jonga/census1intro.html; Old Brentford is in Ealing Lowerside; a great resource, thanks to Janet McNamara for forwarding details
- BBC radio programme, February 2013, 'Open Country' featuring Johnson's Island and its artists' community; the programme mentions Barry Jones' local canal scenes, Google images includes several examples; thanks to Lynn Hayter and Janet McNamara for sending details
- Edith's Streets: a blog about London (and Greater London) streets - what the buildings are, what the background is. For example see the entry for the River Brent area, Brentford
- Modern developments at Brentford Lock West website, including apartments available for sale today
- The History of Brentford includes a timeline of Brentford history. Kath Richardson adds all comments gratefully received. This will provide you with the all-important context if you are researching your family history in Brentford.
- Thanks to Barry Draper (formerly of 52 Distillery Road) for the following sighting: 'I remember seeing a film being made in Pottery Road when I must have been 9 ish, 1952.
The film was the “Gentle Gunman” made by Ealing Studios. The film had all the known Brits of the time John Mills, Dirk Bogard etc...
I found it hiding on YOU TUBE and about an hour in, the drama centres in Pottery Road with some of the residents making fleeting appearances.'
- YouTube clip: Brentford Is Brilliant; thanks to Quentin Pickard for spotting this
- "The real fear was the Workhouse which was at Isleworth, next door to West Middx Hospital"(Harry Langley); thanks to Brenda Bostock (nee Mortlock) for sending the following link http://eddieolliffe.wordpress.com/tag/acton-lane-power-station/ : the story of George Olliffe, Victorian pauper, Brentford Union
- British History Online web site includes heaps of information to assist in family and local history research, see coverage for Acton, Chiswick, Ealing and Brentford, West Twyford, Willesden. For Ealing and Brentford the following subjects are covered:
Growth of Ealing,
Growth of Brentford,
Social and cultural activities,
Other estates,
Economic history,
Local government,
Public services,
Churches: Ealing,
Churches: Brentford,
Roman catholicism,
Protestant nonconformity,
Ukrainian orthodox church,
Charities for the poor; thanks to Roger Davis
- 'Britain From Above' has many images for Brentford; this website features Aerofilms Ltd aerial photos from 1919 - 2006 searchable by placename, including a great view of the High Street; thanks to Trevor Mitchell for sending details
- Angie Beck sent a link to 'Victorian Crime and Punishment' (http://vcp.e2bn.org/) searchable by place name - see example search for Brentford, includes photos of criminals; sometimes Brentford and Brentwood (Essex) are confused; the site is also searchable by name
- The British Newspaper Archive plans to offer up to 40 million newspaper pages from the British Library's collection on-line over the next 10 years; at present the main title local to Brentford is the 'West Middlesex Advertiser and Family Journal'; free searches are available; as at August 2015 over 11 million pages are available from over 450 titles; I have prepared a page with more details including a link to the BNA website
- Jackie Day has discovered another great on-line resource: the Getty Images website, includes photos of Bees players back to the 1920's and some of the building of Griffin Park, 1935. Type 'Brentford' in the 'Search' box and 'tick' the 'Editorial images' option then click on 'Search'; the results can be sorted to view oldest first; you can also search a range of years; double click on an image to see a larger version
- Brentford & Chiswick Local History Society includes details of their current programme of events
- Brentford community web site Brentford TW8.com
- Brentford Dock web site includes historic photos of the Brentford Dock area, and articles about local people/places, eg a 2010 visit to John Horne Tooke's grave (this also includes a description of St Mary's Church, Ealing - used by Old Brentford people pre 1828) and a history of St Lawrence Church and Characters
- Thomas Layton collection. Thomas Layton lived in Brentford between 1826 & 1911; an avid collector he left over 20,000 objects when he died
- Roll of Honour, Brentford War Memorial. The memorial stands outside Brentford Library 'IN HONOURED MEMORY OF THE MEN
OF BRENTFORD 1914 – 1918, 1939 - 1945' ; the page includes a link to the Brentford Gas, Light and Coke Company war memorial 1914 - 1919
- 1841 Street Index for Brentford Registration District, part of The National Archives 'Your Archives' project, useful if you want to pinpoint a specific Brentford address in the census; or see below for Your Archives home page (NB Your Archives was replaced by the Discovery Service in 2012 but the Brentford street index links still work, as at April 2013)
- 1851 Street Index for Brentford Registration District, as above; (NB Your Archives was replaced by the Discovery Service in 2012)
- Jackie Day writes 'a film made in 1958, 'Hell Drivers', has a short clip of Brentford High Street in it. You can see the wall of the gas works and the 'hero' going into one of the myriad of small shops on the opposite side of the road. It stars Stanley Baxter, David McCallum and a very young Sean Connery'; Jackie sent a link to the Reel Streets website, click search tab and search on 'Hell Drivers' and scroll down to see a couple of photos, one shows numbers 330 onwards on the left
- Jackie Day recommends the British Pathe News: for example a search on 'parchment Brentford' finds a short film of Band's Parchment works, Plough Yard, 1939
- See Brentford High Street (then and now) on the BBC website
Brentford Plus
- The Register of the Anglo-Boer War 1899-1902>: "for everyone interested in the participants of the Anglo-Boer War"; also Anglo-Boer Wars blog
The Register is the premier research resource for everyone interested in the participants of the Anglo-Boer War.
- A link from Sally Douglas, of particular interest if you have a bell ringer (or change ringer) in your family; the ancient Society of College Youths is the premier change ringing society in the City of London, with a national and international membership; their website includes membership lists dating from 1637 to the present day; the first Brentford member was John Deane, 1763; 6 other Brentford members are recorded between 1763 and 1799: the home page has more information and a link to membership lists
- Thanks to Peter Calver (LostCousins) for a great free online newspaper archive at Welsh Newspapers Online: a search for 'Brentford' found over 200 matches as many English news items were re-published in the Welsh press; the period covered is from 1804 to 1919
- Thanks to Mary Marshall for pointing out a new resource: The National Archives Middlesex military service appeal tribunal 1916-1918; downloads are free until 2024
- Francis Frith's site includes postcards and memories, thanks to Roger Davis for the link
- BT’s archive collection, a searchable digital resource of almost half a million photographs, reports and items of correspondence preserved by BT since 1846; thanks to Val Bott for forwarding details
- The Workhouse is a great website to find out more about many aspects of workhouses
- Edith's Streets: a blog about London (and Greater London) streets - what the buildings are, what the background is.
- Forebears surname distribution (and more**) website; offers surname distribution by town, county and country; ** "Forebears is a reference aid that helps researchers find historical and genealogical records naming their ancestors"; thanks to David Hopkins for suggesting ** New
- 'Britain From Above' website features Aerofilms Ltd aerial photos from 1919 - 2006 searchable by placename; thanks to Trevor Mitchell for sending details
- Vicki Powys sent links she used to identify a military uniform: Achtung Blitzkrieg includes a clear, colour photo of WW1 British officers Tunic, the site also includes German, USA and other uniforms from WW2; the Old Magazine Articles site was interesting for insignia and stripes; finally The Great War Forum includes a thread about WWI British Army sleeve rank insignia (unsourced so recommend check other sites to verify)
- Angie Beck sent a link to 'Victorian Crime and Punishment' searchable by personal or place name; includes photos of criminals
- The British Newspaper Archive plans to offer up to 40 million newspaper pages from the British Library's collection on-line over the next 10 years; free searches are available, as at August 2015 over 11 million pages are available; I have prepared a page with more details including a link to the BNA website
- Jackie Day has discovered another great on-line resource: the Getty Images website; can be searched by place name
- Howard Webb's postcards then and now blog focusing on West London, Middlesex, Surrey, Berks and Bucks is highly recommended. Each postcard image is accompanied by the modern day view
- Maps of London including one for Brentford and surrounding area ca 1940
- The British History Online web site describes itself as a 'digital library containing some of the core printed primary and secondary sources for the medieval and modern history of the British Isles'. There is no charge to use this site, which includes text search facilities.
- You may find your ancestor appeared as a witness or defendant at the Old Bailey Proceedings from 1674 - 1913 web site, searchable by name
- The National Archives website has online records that can be downloaded; for example wills, Royal Navy service records, Royal Marines' service records, Prisoner of war interview reports 1914-1918 and many others
- London Metropolitan Archives holds wills proved at the Diocese of London Consistory Court, 1514 - 1858; 8 indexes (surnames A-B, C-D etc) for the 31,000 wills can be searched by surname or place; the LMA web site notes these testators had '... lands in more than one Archdeaconry within the Diocese, and (this) is the middle tier of the hierarchy of courts ... wills of those people with more wealth were generally proved in the Prerogative Court of Canterbury (PCC)... and those with less wealth in local Archdeaconry courts ...'; over 150 wills of Brentford people were proved at this court (as at August 2015 I was unable to find the link to the 8 indexes, please email me if you have a simple look-up)
- Historical directories site from Leicester University, it is possible to search by county, decade or use the keyword search for a person's name
- FreeBMD, a free index of births, marriages and deaths nearing completion for the period 1837 to late 1950s/early 1960s (as at April 2013); it is possible to limit searches to Brentford Registration District (choose 'Brentford' in the list of registration districts, or set 'volume' to '3a' to see a wider area including Brentford)
- West Middlesex Family History Society for anyone with family interests in the Brenford area: their home page shows the parishes covered
- Culture 24 National virtual museum: browse on 'Brentford'
- Great Britain Family Names: search on your surname to find out where it is most prevalent; I have tried this on Dear, Narroway, Napper (which appear in Brentford prior to 1850) with interesting results
- If you are struggling to date an old photo try Roger Vaughan's Victorian and Edwardian photographs site
- Phillimore's Middlesex parish register transcripts: marriages, searchable by surname; includes New Brentford, Ealing (which covered Old Brentford) & Hanworth, generally predates 1837
- Discovery: TNA's online document collections
- Internet Library of Early Journals website - ILEJ - at http://www.bodley.ox.ac.uk/ilej/ is a digital library of 18th and 19th Century journals, searchable on terms such as Brentford
- London Gazette web site, searchable by name back to the 1660s, images can be downloaded / text copied, all for free; it includes honours, medals, bankruptcy notices etc (thanks to Carole from Alberta for this link)
- The West Middlesex FHS site includes a map showing the New and Old Brentford parishes, and surrounding parishes, late 1830s
- I can highly recommend Peter Calver's LostCousins web site, worth registering for the excellent regular newsletter full of useful tips; I have started to add some Brentford entries to the site, hope others will join in; thank you to Muriel Wallington for pointing me to this site
- You can order birth, marriage and death certificates for your Brentford ancestors online from the London Borough of Hounslow at http://www.hounslow.gov.uk/index/online_forms.htm ? Certificates cost £10 each; thanks to Janet McNamara for passing on the details
- Jackie Day recommends British Pathe News website to local and family historians; on the home page search for any placename or topic
- Thames Discovery Programme 'Explore the archaeology and history of the Thames foreshore, London’s biggest archaeological site, with our exciting Heritage Lottery funded project': thanks to Jackie Day for this link
- English Heritage Images of England site contains photos of the listed properties in Brentford, also descriptions of their interiors; another of their sites offers searches of National Monument Record images, recommended by Jackie Day
- London Lives is a free, searchable database of records from eight archives; material featured is mainly for the period 1690 - 1800, recommended by Selby Whittingham; a keyword search shows 230 matches on 'Brentford' in the 1800-1820 period
- Historic Hospital Admission Records Project (HHARP) is a free, searchable database of 120,000 admission records to four children’s hospitals: three in London, the Great Ormond Street Hospital, the Evelina and the Alexandra Hip Hospital for Children, and one from Glasgow, the Royal Hospital for Sick Children; between them the databases cover a period from 1852 to 1913; includes 100 Brentford children admissions; recommended by Lost Cousins
Updated January 2021; links last checked August 2015