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Properties - Introduction
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Numbering: 1 - 411
The High Street was numbered in 1876 and, unusually, each side is numbered sequentially. The southern side has numbers 1 to 158, with 1 at the eastern end (towards Kew Bridge) and 158 at the western end, Brentford Bridge. The northern side is numbered from 159 (Brentford Bridge) through to 411 (the eastern end towards Kew Bridge). |
The 33 sections
I have divided the High Street into 33 sections. The start and end of each section is either a road off the High Street, or another landmark - such as a pub - which can usually be spotted in the censuses taken before the High Street was numbered. Whereas it is not always possible to be sure which building a person lived in, it is almost always possible to fit them into a specific section.
Brentford parishes
In 1841 Brentford High Street lay in two parishes: the western part in St Lawrence, New Brentford, the eastern part, known as Old Brentford, was in St George (until 1828 it was part of St Mary, Ealing). If you find the birthplace of an ancestor recorded as 'Ealing' in some censuses but 'Brentford' in others it may be because they were baptised in Ealing before St George's church opened in 1828.
Old Brentford gained two further parish churches by 1911: 1868, St Paul; 1907 St Faith. St Faith is not shown in the diagram above, it is on Windmill Road, nearly a mile north of the High Street.
Types of information recorded
The notes prepared for each section cover any buildings of interest, long-lived businesses / families (including links where more detail is available) and references to any photographs and ephemera available. I have some information for every property but not all properties made it into the notes on this site. You are welcome to get in touch to request more details for any numbers that do not feature.
Local history sources
There are many excellent local histories of Brentford which I have drawn upon.
Where a local history has been used, a reference to it such as (Q99) will appear. The '99' refers to the page number or photo number within the publication - see complete list of sources.
Index to sections
The sections start at 1 on the south side of High Street, eastern end; work west to Brentford Bridge (section 13), cross over to the northern side and return to the eastern end at no. 411 (section 33), opposite no.1.
The second and third columns show the house numbers.
The last two columns in the table below show N/S to indicate north / south side of High Street, and OB to denote Old Brentford sections, NB for New Brentford.
First published 2005, last updated April 2022