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From 273 to 289 High Street, Old BrentfordRunning from the Kings Arms Alley to Albany Place, this section on the northern side of the High Street, lying opposite the fire station, is well-represented in local history books due to the photogenic Rattenburys shop at numbers 288/9, famed for its bow-fronted windows. Research shows it was a pawnbrokers for around 50 years or more before Rattenburys took over the premises. The 'Coronet' cinema was at numbers 274/5. There was a long-standing chemists at no. 286. Occasionally the eastern end of this section is recorded as 'High Ground' rather than 'High Street'. Numbers 287 - 289 were recorded this way in the 1871 census and a postcard from the early 1900s shows the stretch running up to no. 303 as The High Ground. By comparing the tithe map (1839), 1865 OS Map, 1894 OS Map and 1909/10 Valuation Records, I think numbers 278 and 279 were built between 1839 and 1865 to fill the area with tithe ref: 342, which had just an outbuilding fronting the High Street in 1839. Numbers 278 and 279 were described as 'fairly old' in the 1909/10 Valuation whereas several other properties in this stretch were 'old'. This has not been an easy section to sort out: each attempt to 'fit people into properties' leaves one or more anomalies which result in people 'moving houses' between the 1871 census, before properties were numbered and 1881, by which time numbers had been allocated. Also there are a number of small closes off the High Street which may have been enumerated in the censuses as part of the High Street or part of Back Lane. In the late 1960s numbers 281 to 289 were part of an archaeological excavation which uncovered cess-pits dating from the eighteenth century 'it is probable that these ... served houses on the High Street which were the immediate precursors of the Victorian dwellings that still largely survive' (2000 years of Brentford pages 31 and 32 has more - see Books etc. for publication details, item 'G'). PropertiesNotes prepared for numbers (Little) Kings Arms (273), 274, 275, 276, 277, 278, 279, 280, 281, 282, 283, 284, 285, 286, 287 and 288/9; also a list of photos, ephemera and maps The Kings Arms (273)Vic Rosewarne found references to Charles Tovey being the licensee of the Little King's Arms, Old Brentford from 1799 to 1813. He may have been the landlord a year earlier as Charles Tovey was questioned in an Old Bailey case held on 14th February 1798, which involved his brother Henry, who had travelled to Brentford: the King's Arms is mentioned in the case. The prefix 'Little' distinguished this pub from the other King's Arms (known as the Great King's Arms) on the south-eastern end of High Street. Vic adds these name changes were 'possibly at the instigation of the licensing magistrates to distinguish the two King's Arms, as it is unlikely the landlord would have proposed it, as it somewhat lowers the status of the house prefixed Little ... presumably the pub signs were not altered'. The 1801 and 1811 censuses confirm the presence of Charles Tovey a few doors along from the Cannon at 267 High Street. The 1801 census records 8 families in the property headed by Charles Tovey, total occupants 11 (later censuses show large households too). In 1811 just two families lived here, 4 people in all. Vic supplied names of later landlords from licensing records:
The 1826 trade directory records a James Drewe at the King's Arms, Old Brentford. John Grimault, an auctioneer who lived at Brentford End, Isleworth parish at the time of the 1841 census, owned '4 houses & premises' in 1839 which became numbers 273 - 276. (He owned around 17 properties on or near the High Street, Old Brentford.) The Kings Arms, was run by Thomas Hoare in 1839, 1841 (when it had a household of 12 including a female servant, four agricultural labourers and a currier) and 1851 (household of 17 including 10 lodgers). Mrs Hannah Hoare was the publican in 1861 and 1871. The pub had some work done on it around 1874: a letter sent from Brentford to New Zealand notes 'Mrs Hoare have left her house, the front is altered levelled with the street 2 doors and bar? Front quite a stylish looking place'. Read more. The work was probably instigated by Thomas Morris who was recorded here in the Post Office 1874 trade directory. He was succeeded by Joseph James Barnes (1881), John Henry Clarke (1890), James Clements (1891) and John F Turner (1901). There was a John F Turner, tailor at number 163 in 1881 - perhaps the same man? Vic Rosewarne adds 'the King's Arms continued in business to 1905, when it was surrendered to allow the building of the Grosvenor Arms at Hanwell'. In the 1909/10 Valuation returns the Royal Brewery Brentford Ltd owned the property and it is described as a semi-detached house & shop at the corner of Kings Arms Alley. There is a note added 'premises now empty: 273 & 273A were originally a public house'. There were stables to the rear of 273 and 273A described as brick built slate-roof range of stabling ... comprising one 2-stall stable and another 5 or 6 stall stable. Cleaning (clearing?) ground in front. Paved with blue Staffordshire paving bricks/ Stables paved with similar bricks, Built about 6 years. The 1911 census records Charles Warner, 32, a 'pawnbroker (managed)' at no 273; he was born in Sheffield, Yorkshire. His wife Edith was 34 and born in Brixton, London and they had a 4-year old daughter, Gwendoline, born in Reading Berkshire. They had been married 5 years. Their home had four rooms, which sounds rather small for the original pub. By 1913 273 and 273A were in use as a clothiers and greengrocers. The 1939 Register records families living at 273 and 273a: Number 274: The Coronet Cinema from ca 1913As at 30 April 1909 numbers 274 and 275 were a pair of terrace houses and shops; they were sold on 11 April 1911 to build the cinema. 274 was a greengrocers run by William Sharp from 1861 - 1901, by which time he was 70. On 30 April 1909 it is described as a shop house & premises, sold for £210 copyhold 11 April 1911 and now (with number 275) a cinema, frontage 29' 4". Richard Henry Bohee was recorded in the 1910 elecoral register as occupying 274 High Street, the following year's register places him at 58 High Street. In 1913 Brentford Cinema is listed at number 274 and there is no reference to numbers 275 or 276. It was included in the 1928 trade directory as 'The Coronet' but it is not included in the 1933 or 1940 directories. 'The Brentford' Cinema, built 1919, later known as 'The Coronet', stopped showing films in 1928 with the advent of the 'Talkies' ; used by the Press Plating Co Ltd in 1981(Times newspaper 1981 Dec 18))
Number 275: The Coronet Cinema from ca 1913One of two properties which were demolished to create the Brentford Cinema around WWI. 275 was occupied by Edmund Baynton, hatter when the tithe enumeration, 1841 & 1851 censuses took place. John Savaker ran a china shop in this area in 1861 & 1871: he is listed in both of these censuses in the property after William Sharp's, who was at no. 274, which puts John Savaker at no. 275. This is confirmed in the 1878 Post Office directory (which is the first to include full addresses following the numbering of the High Street in 1876), Mrs Lucy 'Saraker' (should be Savaker) being recorded at no. 275 High Street:
John Savaker married Lucy Fricker, daughter of William Fricker who lived next door, in Holborn registration district shortly after the 1871 census. John Savaker died the year after his marriage and his widow Lucy appears to have carried on her husband's china business as the 1874 PO directory includes 'Mrs Lucy Savaker, china dealer'. However in 1881 Lucy Savaker was living at no. 277 rather than 275, her husband's home, or 276, her father's home. The table above shows who lives where in 1861 - 1890. Number 276Jonathan Munn, grocer, tea dealer is recorded in this area in 1839, 1841 & 1845. In 1851 William Fricker, butterman & poulterer; 1861: 'butter & egg dealer'; 1871: 'egg merchant & butterman', lived here. In 1881, following William Fricker's death, James Bell, widower from Glasgow and his 11 year old son, also James, lived here. James senior was manager of a book or boot shop. No. 276 was then used by tobacconists: William Wilkinson (1890), Henry Smith (1891), Mrs Emily Southard (1894). Charles W Martin, plumber, lived here in 1901. When the 1909/10 Valuation took place, no. 276 was owned by a Mrs M C Hoffmann of China House, Osborne Road, Romford Essex. A Herbert William Hoffmann lived at this address (1914 trade directory) and he married Mary Caroline Wilkinson in Romford Registration District in 1907: but I have not been able to find any link between either the Hoffmann or Wilkinson families and Brentford. In the 1909/10 Valuation number 276 was described as 'a terrace house and shop of 3 storeys. Top floor: 2 rooms; 1st floor: 2 rooms; ground floor: shop, small parlour, kitchen. Undergoing extensive repairs (washhouse, WC). Workshop erected since 1909 and modern drains put in'. The High Street frontage was 13' 9" and the owner paid a tithe of £9. No. 276 is not referred to in the 1913 trade directory. In 1928: Frank Davis & Son, builders & contractors (more details of Frank Davis); 1933: Peter James Brown, fishmonger and 1940: Cecil Hambly-Aggett, snack bar. Number 277A butchers owned and run by James Fletcher at the time of the 1839/1841 tithe return. James Fletcher owned 3 other nearby houses off the High Street, fronting Back Lane. There is a PCC will of James Fletcher in 1841; he was 70 at the time of the census. The 1845 directory lists a John Fletcher, butcher by appt HRHs Duke of Cambridge & Duchess Gloucester, and he is listed at 277 in 1851. By 1861 William Warden, butcher, was running the business, employing 2 men & 1 boy, in 1871 he employed his son and one boy. Between 1871 and 1881 it appears that William Warden moved to no. 280, where another butcher has previously traded. In the 1881 census Mrs Lucy Savaker, cheesemonger, is recorded at no. 277 in 1881, heading a household which included 4 sisters and 3 brothers, all surname Fricker, 6 of whom were assistant cheesemongers. Her father, William Fricker, had died in 1880 (death registered at Brentford) and Lucy returned to head his business. However, the house numbers do not quite match up as the Frickers appear to have lived at no. 276, not 277. See the table above. By 1890 Lucy had moved away (there is a marriage of a Lucy Savaker in Fulham registration district in 1887) and no. 277 was a 'china warehouse' run by locally born Joseph Goddard. He is also recorded here in 1891, 1901, 1913. Previously he lived at no. 174. In the 1909/10 Valuation returns the property is described as 'double fronted shop of 3 storeys, premises run over archway'. It had a frontage of 16' 5" plus an archway 8' wide, with a rateable value of £40 for the buildings plus £8 for the stables.
At rear is a 3-stall stable & coach house (old) with exit to Albany Road. Premises in very good repair. Large yard at rear. The property was owned and occupied by Joseph Goddard. Percy Goddard, his son, a furniture dealer, took over by 1928 and remained here until at least 1940. Number 278Probably built between 1841 and 1851. In 1851 Henry B Brooks, surgeon and apothecary lived here. He was succeeded by 1861 by Benjamin Whitehead, watchmaker from Botesdale in Suffolk, who moved away by around 1863 and was living in Lambeth by 1871. He was succeeded at no. 278 by Samuel Box, watchmaker & jeweller in 1871 and 1881. In 1891 Benjamin Whitehead, watchmaker had returned here: he was living in Clapham in 1881. His daughter Alice, age 23, was a teacher at the British School, and son William was a junior clerk. Benjamin Whitehead remained here in 1901 'watch repairer' by which time he was 74. Ann King is a descendant of Benjamin's brother Joseph Whitehead and has provided more details of the Whitehead family. In the 1909/10 Valuation no. 278 was described as a 'terrace house and shop of 3 storeys and basement cellar'. It had 2 rooms on the top and first floors and a shop, parlour, washhouse on the ground floor, plus a WC at the rear and a basement cellar. 'Fairly old property but fair repair'. It was owned by William Bradford of Hinge Farm, Waterbeach, who also owned no. 279. In 1913 and 1933 Frederick Howland, bootmaker, traded here. In 1940 the premises were used by Joseph Cresswell & Globe Haulage Co (Brentford) Ltd, haulage contractors. Number 279Probably built between 1841 and 1851. James Rustford, wheelwright and Henry Thick, sadler, were recorded here in 1851. Frederick Thick is recorded here in 1871 and 1871 as a smith, then wheelwright (master). 'Frederick & John Thick, wheelwrights' are included in the 1871 PO Directory. In 1881 Frederick Thick wheelwright was living on the premises, he is also recorded here in an 1882 directory, by 1891 the business had transferred to George Body, wheelwright. In the 1901 census the occupier was John Humphries, gas fitters mate, but Boddy & Sons, wheelwrights continued here until at least 1933. The 1909/10 valuation describes no. 279 as a house, yard and premises. The top floor had a loft, the first floor 3 rooms and a back room, the ground floor 2 rooms and a washhouse. There was a 'large yard at the rear used by a wheelwright, containing a large wooden shed with a loft over'. Also an open shed, a large covered shed and forge. 'The back elevation of the house is built of wood. Fairly old property, one or two windowframes defective'. By 1913 the property was used by Field, Boddy & Sons, wheelwrights and they remained here as 'Boddy & Sons, wheelwrights' in 1926, 1928 and 1933. William Charles Cole shared the premises in 1928 and 1933 and remained here until at least 1938. In 1940 Edward Knibbs was recorded here in a trade directory. Number 280James Chitty owned this 'house & yard' when the tithe enumeration took place in 1839/41, the occupier being James Attfield. James Attfield was recorded as an 'omnibus proprietor' in the 1841 census; his household included George Morris, omnibus conductor. See more details about James Attfield. By 1851 Anne Brake lived here and ran her butter, cheese and pork shop. The property appears to be uninhabited in 1861. In 1871 Henry Seares, pork butcher, lived and worked here. By 1881 he had moved to no. 343 and William Warden, previously from no. 277 had taken over no. 280. William Warden continues to be listed at no. 280 in 1882, 1890, 1891. In 1901 the business was run by Frederick Warden. At the time of the 1909/10 Valuation return no. 280 was owned by Mrs M.M.Baden of 112 Kings Court road, Streatham and was empty. It was described as a terrace house and shop of 3 storeys with a basement cellar. On the top floor were 2 rooms and a boxroom; on the first floor 2 rooms and on the ground floor a shop, parlour, kitchen, washhouse, WC. It was 'old property'. Later no. 280 was used by Mrs H Giltrow wardrobe dealer (1913) and Henry Edgar Richardson, confectioner (1928, 1933, 1940). Number 281Thomas Parsons owned 2 houses, garden and a workshop with tithe enumeration ref. 340 in 1839/41: these properties were later numbered 281 & 282. Thomas Parsons was my great great great grandfather, born in Harrow (read more). He married Lydia Harris in Hanwell in 1813 and they had settled in Old Brentford by 1814, when their first child was baptised at St Mary's Ealing. The 1841 census records Thomas living at no. 281, a shoemaker, and his son Joseph Samuel Parsons, a watchmaker, at no. 282. By 1851 they appeared to be sharing either 281 or 282 and Thomas died later that year: in 1861 Joseph Samuel Parsons was living in 281. In 1871 and 1881 George Clapp, railway clerk, lived here, but an 1882 trade directory lists no. 281 as 'Brentford Co-operative Stores (Walter Brambleby, manager)'. Perhaps George Clapp lived above the shop. In 1890 and 1891 Sydney Harvey, a baker and confectioner born in Bradwell, Essex, lived and worked here. In 1901 Christopher M Beesley, metropolitan police constable lived here. In the 1909/10 Valuation the property was owned by Arthur Barrell, of Bromley, Kent and was described as 'a terrace house and shop of 3 storeys'. It had an attic which was over the washhouse of no. 282. The property had a bakehouse at the rear with a 9-bushel oven. 'This is old property with a slate roof'. In 1913 Henry Giltrow ran his bakery here. By 1928 the premises were used by Mrs Laura Ward, fancy draper, and Wards remained here in 1933 and 1940 (street directories) and 1952 (electoral register: Fred G and Florence I M Ward). Number 282Owned by Thomas Parsons and occupied by his son in 1841, see no. 281. In 1861 Thomas Chalk, marine store dealer born Fulham lived here with his wife Susan and five children. By 1871 William Toe, general dealer born Isleworth and his wife Rosina (possibly nee Barber) had moved here. 1881: Thomas Bates, a fishmonger born Thame, Oxfordshire and his locally born wife Caroline (nee Rutter): read more about the Bates family. Two families shared no. 282 in 1891: Thomas Warrington, greengrocer born 'Harlingden, Middlesex' (Harlington?), his wife Mary and seven children aged 10 and under; also William Tassel, gas factory assistant from Royston, Cambridgeshire, his wife and two small children. Carole Wiffen writes In a Kellys trade directory of 1898 there is a William Meades greengrocer at no. 282. In 1901 Richard W Meades, greengrocer (a relative to Richard Meades, greengrocer at no. 258 in earlier censuses). Avryll Sixtus and Carole Wiffen are both descendants of the Meades family. William Frederick Wickenden was shown in Kelly's 1905/6 and 1907 Directories as an Undertaker trading from 282 High Street as well as living and trading as a builder from 1 Avenue Road, Brentford. Descendant Chris Wickenden adds 'I know that William Frederick Wickenden attended Albany Baptist Chapel at around this time which I believe was near to 282' (Albany Chapel was accessed via Albany Place, between numbers 289 and 290 High Street). Miss Emma Pringle of 7 Bedwardine Road, Upper Norwood, was recorded as the owner of 282 in the 1909/10 Valuation: 'this is an old property with several cracks appearing in back & front elevations; modern drains'. It was described as a terrace house and shop of 3 storeys with 1 room and a box room on the top floor, 2 rooms on the first floor and a shop, parlour, washhouse ('over this washhouse is an attic belonging to 281') on the ground floor. From 1913 to 1940 no. 282 was a confectioners: Charles Lowe (1913); Alex Graham (1928); James Arthur Owen (1933 & 1940). Number 283Peacock, Walter & Anderson owned this 'house & garden' in 1839/41 on the corner of Peacock's Court (later Watson's Alley or Watson's Court), and the two properties after Peacock's Court,which were to become numbers 284 and 285. Number 283 was occupied by William Watson in the tithe enumeration. He was recorded here in the 1841 census as a staymaker aged 50 (ie 50 - 54). By 1851 Mrs Lucy Watson, staymaker lived here, her household included a servant and a visitor. In 1861 Mrs Sarah Morris, hairdresser, lived here; the house was shared with Samuel Acton, bill sticker. In 1871 Charles Long, basket maker, master, shared the house with two other small households. There is a second link between Long and Morris families: Jacob Long, basket maker shared his property at no. 345 with George Morris, omnibus conductor in 1851. Acton Gazette, 10 July 1880, carried an advertisement for the sale by auction of Three Freehold Houses and Shops, Nos, 283, 284 and 285, High Street, Old Brentford (opposite Ferry Square and Brentford Ferry), commandingly placed in one of the best parts of this busy thoroughfare, let to a good class of Weekly Tenants, and producing £106 12s. per annum, and for which higher rentals could be obtained.. Other Brentford properties were included in the sale: ten freehold cottages - Watson's Court and Eaton's Cottages - and a copyhold cottage no. 8 Smith Hill (held of the Manor of Ealing). Samuel Holmes, barber lived here in 1881, Mrs Mary Holmes, hairdresser in 1890 and 1891, then Mrs Sarah Bowman, 1901. In the 1909/10 Valuation, H C Hunter from Twickenham owned numbers 283 - 285 and 5 cottages in Albany Street. 283 has a frontage of 16' 5" to the High Street and an archway (4' 10") to the side. 'The upstairs rooms go over the archway and are let separately, they are in a very dirty a dilapidated condition. The whole property is old.' Trade directories record George Toms, butcher (1913); James Daubney, fruiterer (1928); James Daubnney & Son, fruiterers (1933, 1940). Number 284Joseph Goldney, shoe maker lived here in 1839 and 1841. In 1841 he and his family shared the house with Susannah Knibbs, 60, schoolmistress and Maria Bowley, a seamstress. By 1851 William G Fisher, clothier and shoemaker, lived here: his household included 2 apprentices and 2 servants. He shared the house with a Mrs Mary Ann Stone who was 'dependant on family aid'. He remained here in 1861, by which time two other households shared the property: 9 people lived here. In 1871William Lee, haircutter lived here; Mrs Annie Hine, housekeeper, shared the property. The property was put up for sale in 1880: see notes for 283. James Champion, musical instrument seller, born Richmond is recorded here in 1881, 1891 and 1901. The 1909/10 Valuation describes 284 as a 'terrace house & shop of 3 storeys & cellar', 'no backyard - there is a passageway to a large brick built shed at rear built about 6 years ago with a small piece of ground at side'. The frontage to the High Street was 18' 1", above average. Trade directories record the following businesses at no. 284: William Morris, gramophone dealer (1913); B Andrews, tobacconist (1928); Joseph Kirton, outfitter (1933) and Mrs J Kirton, outfitter (1940). Number 285The tithe enumeration records William Eaton as the occupier in 1839/41 of this 'house, warehouse, stabling and yard' and a William Eaton, baker, is included in the 1839 Pigot trade directory. In the 1841 - 1861 censuses Miss Elizabeth Eaton, presumably a daughter, lived here and was described as a 'housekeeper', 'baker', 'housekeeper'. In 1871 the premises were shared by William B Burrows, coach beader and Benjamin Gregory, oilman employing 1 shopman. The property was put up for sale in 1880: see notes for 283. Between 1871 and 1913 the property was used by a number of oilmen: William James Launder (1882) The 1909/10 Valuation records the annual rental as £35, frontage to the High Street 14' 9": above the average. It was 'an old property but in fair repair'. By 1928 Woods Brothers, jewellers, were running their business from here and continued until at least 1945. See Photos/Ephemera/Maps for a link to a 1945/6 photo showing part of this property. Number 286: chemistsAlexander Wood is named as the owner in the tithe enumeration (1839/41) for '2 houses & premises' which were later numbered 286 & 287. Probably the same Alexander Wood was recorded in the 1881 and 1891 census as a chemist at no. 115. The chemists who lived at no. 286 were: William Baker (1851), Percy Pearce (1861), Thomas Warrand (1871), John Watts (1881), Cook & Co. chemists & druggists in an 1882 trade directory,John Bawtree Humble (1890), Charles Humble (from Abergavenny, Monmouthshire) in 1891, 1901, 1913, then Woodfield Henry Argles 1928, 1933, 1940. In 2019 Andrea Paskins wrote about 'Basil Allen Williams, a pharmacist who had a shop B A Williams on Brentford High Street. He sold it when he retired but he was also a Councillor for Brentford for many years. I remember helping out at the shop during school holidays and being taken to many Council events'. The 1952 electoral register for the High Street includes Basil A Williams at this address; no. 286 was a chemist's for over 100 years. 'Old property but in good repair' at the time of the 1909/10 Valuation. See Photos/Ephemera/Maps for a link to a 1945/6 photo of this property. Number 287A grocers shop for over 70 years, run by James McGowan in 1839, 1841 and 1851, then James Parsons in 1861, 1871 and 1874. James's wife Caroline nee Norminton died in 1871 and James had moved to Hanwell by the time of the 1881 census. James was the son of Thomas Parsons who lived at 281/282. After James's departure, John Angles, grocer, lived here in 1881, James Harvey from Bradwell Essex, grocer in 1890, 1891 and 1901, M.L. Mercer, grocer in 1913.In the 1909/10 Valuation it was noted that the property had a 'long back addition' and a 'very old stable, very old shed at rear leading to Albany Road'. 'This is old property but in very fair repair'. By 1928 an oilman, Alfred G Milton lived here and in the photo from 1945/6 this was 'Milton's Cash Stores'. See Photos/Ephemera/Maps for a link to a 1945/6 photo of this property. Number 288/9A pawnbrokers from 1823, possibly earlier. John Cope Folkard was a pawnbroker and fire office agent in 1826; William Potter had taken over the running on the business by 1829. In 1839 William Potter was listed here in the tithe return and is recorded as a pawnbroker in Pigot's directory of the same year. He gives his occupation as 'pawnbroker' on the birth certificates of his four sons, 1840 - 1845. When his daughter Mary was born he was recorded as an 'auctioneer' (Pamela Fontana, researcher into the family of the Venerable Mary Potter, founder of a religious order). William appears in the 1841 census sharing the property with Joseph Raper. William Potter left England (for Australia) in July 1850, and in 1851 Joseph Raper was living here; in 1861 Joseph employed 3 men & 2 boys and he remained at number 289 in 1874 as a silversmith & pawnbroker. By 1881 James Raper had taken over and number 288 was occupied by George Knight, pawnbrokers assistant. Mrs Ann Raper, silversmith & pawnbroker, is recorded at 288/9 in a 1882 trade directory, James Raper in 1890. In the 1891 census George Cherrill, pawnbrokers assistant is listed at numbers 288 & 289. In 1901 Arthur Kaiser, pawnbrokers assistant lived at number 288. The business was run by William Rattenbury by the time of the 1909/10 Valuation returns (& possibly earlier) and remained under this name until closure in January 1968, when the shop frontage was transferred to the Museum of London. The property was built in 1798 (A42) and sold new goods from number 288 whilst 289 was a pawnbrokers. In the 1909/10 Valuation returns the owner for numbers 288 & 289 was Alan Mills Raper, the son of Joseph Raper. No. 288 was described as a 'terrace house and shop of 3 storeys' and no. 289 as a 'semi-detached house and shop of 4 storeys'. Each had two rooms on 2nd and 1st floor, 288 had a 'half space with 1 room', 289 a 'half space with 2 small rooms and a WC'. No. 288 'Premises chiefly used for storing pawnbrokers goods and they would have to be redecorated for a new tenant coming in'. 288's ground floor was a large shop plus WC, whereas 289 had a shop, parlour, kitchen, scullery and side entrance with a coal cellar under the garden. 'The shops of 288 and 289 communicate'. No. 288 had a small stable and a shed and together the properties were let at an annual rental of £100 for a 21 year term from 1902. Photos/Ephemera/MapsLinks are included below to some photos, ephemera or maps accessible on this site. There may be additional photos on the site - suggest you check the Properties - photos link in the navigation area to the left.
References such as '1899 (A11)' indicate the date of a photo (1899) and where it is published (A11). Details of 'A' are available: see Books etc. sources page; '11' refers to the page no, or photo no. in the publication. Some photos show a view along High Street, eg 275-289 below, in this case 289 being nearest the photographer 273-275 1980 b/w photo on Collage website - see Links page275-289 Colour photo 1960s 273 Kings Arms PH ca 1904 (K122); 1948 photo (1) 273a ca 1904 (K122); 1948 photo (1) 274 ca 1904 (K122); 1909 advert Henry R Bohee printer & stationer (L); 1948 photo (1) 275 ca 1904 (K122); 1948 photo (1); pre 1990 (Q73) 276 Horton's barbershop pre WW1 (A41); Hortons barbershop c 1908 (A43); ca 1904 (K122) 277 Glimpse of china in shop window, ca 1908 (A43); ca 1904 (K122) 278 ca 1904 (K122) 279 Field, Boddy & Sons, wheelwrights 1904 (A39); Field, Boddy & Sons, wheelwrights 1910 (A41); ca 1904 (K122) 280 1904 (A39); ca 1910 (A41); ca 1904 (K122) 281 Hovis sign visible 1904 (A39); ca 1910 (A41) 282 1904 (A39); ca 1910 (A41) 283 1904 (A39); ca 1910 (A41) 284 ca 1910 (A41); 1948 photo (2) 285 1945/6 photo showing part of no. 285 (H); 1948 photo (2) 286 1945/6 photo (H); 1948 photo (2); glimpse of boarded up 286, 1960s 287 1945/6 photo (H); 1960 photo includes most of 287; Lion Upholstery, 1960s 289 Rattenbury & Co. 1958 (A42); 196*? (D19); sketch (Q34);1945 (H); 1948 photo(2); 1960 photo; similar to last, 1960s; Colour photo 1960s; Rattenburys shop frontage at Museum of London, 2010 1839 Tithe map modern numbers 273 to 289 have tithe property refs 345 to 331 1894 Ordnance Survey Map annotated with house numbers 273 - 289 Roads OffKings Arms Alley between numbers 272 & 273 Peacocks Court / Watsons Alley / Watsons Court between numbers 283 and 284: 5 properties which were accessible from the High Street via a narrow alley (in 1909/10 a 4' 10" archway survived); the properties lay on the south side of Back Lane, which ran parallel to the High Street on the northern side. However the properties were included in the High Street section in 1841 ('Peacocks Court'), 1851 (as part of the High Street), 1861 ('Watsons Alley') and 1871 ('Watsons Court') Albany Place between numbers 289 & 290 Published 2006; last updated March 2022 |