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From 335 to 350 High Street, Old Brentford

The northern side of the High Street from Eatons Place to Bull Lane / Pottery Road lying opposite the Royal Brewery. This section contains two long standing public houses: The Running Horses, which was re-named the Prince of Wales in the mid C19, and The Bull, lying on the corner of Bull Lane which it presumably gave its name to.

The tithe map shows 16 properties which became numbered 335 to 350. However it has been difficult fitting people into these properties in the census returns prior to the numbering of the High Street in 1876. I've indicated any uncertainties in the details below.

It seems to be a particularly good stretch for surviving records. Access to Archives web site includes the following

  • Abstract of the title of The Royal Brewery, Brentford, to freehold premises 340, 341, 342, 343 & 344 High Street, Brentford, date 1907 - 1920
  • Abstract of the title of The Royal Brewery, Brentford, to property 347, 348, 349 High Street, Brentford, date 1898 - 1923
  • Abstract of title of Miss Agnes Maunder to freehold premises no. 345 High Street, Brentford, date 1878 - 1912
  • Extract from will of Richard Rogers, bricklayer of Old Brentford, probate granted 1840 including references to beneficiaries including 2 copyhold houses near the Bull (one of which seems to no. 349)
  • Extract from Thomas Rogers will, proved 1878 referring to his sister Martha Runacres



Notes prepared for numbers 335, 336, 337 - 341, 340, 341, 342, 343, 344, 345, The Running Horses or Prince of Wales (346), 347, 348, 349 and The Bull PH (350); also a list of photos, ephemera and maps

Number 335

On the eastern corner of Eatons Place. James Moore, smith & ironmonger, headed a household of 12 in 1851 and is recorded here through to 1881.

Succeeded by James Stringer, pork butcher in 1889, 1890, 1891 and Mrs Lydia Stringer, pork butcher in 1901 and 'butcher' in 1911. An 1889 advert notes 'J Stringer, late RW Hughes'; RW Hughes was at 189 High Street in 1881.

The 1911 census shows Lydia was assisted by two of her sons, James and George, and also a locally born niece, Annie Weedon, age 15. The property had 5 rooms.

The property was owned by Samuel Sacret, Lanscombe House, Cockington, Torquay when the 1909/10 Valuation took place, rented at £30 per annum 'a terrace house and shop of three floors and basement ... old property'.

Later directories record the following occupants of 335: Stringer & Sons, 1913, then Francis Hayward, hairdresser (1928), Francis Haywood, hairdresser (1933 & 1940). The 1952 electoral register: Francis S Haywood and Beatrice M Haywood.


Number 336

I think Richard Hunt, master tailor and John Goldwin, late fruit grower headed two small households that shared no. 336 in 1851: they are recorded next to James Smith at no. 335, who remained at this property from 1851 - 1881.

Richard Hunt continued living here until at least 1871, when the census showed he was 74 and still working as a tailor.

An 1878 trade directory shows Samuel Proud, Insurance Agent for Manchester Fire at this address in 1878 (the High Street was numbered by this date) and he also appears in an 1874 directory, so possibly lived here by 1874. He was recorded here in 1881 (census) and 1882 (trade directory).

By 1891 Henry Paddle, paperhanger, age 28, born Maidstone Kent headed a household of 6 including himself. By 1901 his household was ten-strong and his occupation was house painter.

By 1907 Robert G Read, butcher traded from no. 336 but probably did not live there.

The 1909/10 Valuation describes no. 336 as an old brick and slate building owned by Mrs S C Furness of Old Trafford Manchester. It had two rooms on its top and first floors and shop, parlour, kitchen, scullery, small yard and WC on the ground floor. No details of the tenant were provided.

The 1911 census shows it as a lock-up shop, no occupants, a directories for 1911 and 1913 show Eastmans Ltd, butchers at this address.

In 1914 no business is recorded at 336. By 1928 Wilson, Padbury & Co, motor engineers; 1933: M A Wilson, motor engineer and in 1940: R Padbury, general dealer.


Numbers 337 - 341

It has been tricky fitting people into properties in this section, but the following families settled here for over 10 years:
Thomas Nuthall the baker, 1839, 1841, 1851
Thomas Pearman the sawyer, 1841, 1851 then Mrs Jane Pearman, greengrocer, 1861
William Phipps, baker & fruiterer 1871, baker 1881, then Mrs Sarah Ann Phipps, baker, 1890 & 1891

'Browns' cheap drapery establishment' was at 337 High Street in 1889 (advert, St George's Parish Magazine).

The owners recorded in the Valuation Records from 1909/10:

  • 336-337 Mrs S C Furness, 33 Langshaw Street, Brooks Bar, Old Trafford Manchester
  • 338-339 Thomas Pocklington, 20 Lansdowne Road. Holland Park W
  • 340-344 H G Gomm, Drayton Court Hotel, Ealing


Number 340

The first house in a terrace of five, 340-344, owned by HG Gomm in the 1909/10 Valuation. The OS map published in 1895 shows the terrace with a frontage a little set back from no. 339. Later OS maps show the terrace was demolished between 1935 and 1960.

The 1909/10 Valuation describes the terrace of five properties:
Terrace house and shop, three storeys with two rooms on each of the top two floors, and a shop and parlour on the ground floor, small yard at rear with washhouse and WC. They were 'old'. Valuation: £200. Weekly rents were eight shillings for numbers 340, 343 and 344; seven shillings for 341; 7s 6d for 342.

In 1901 no. 340 was occupied by Thomas Rogers, a 31 year old unmarried general labourer, born Brentford. A 1907 trade directory records Daniel Richardson, general shop at this address, then in 1911 Mrs Amy Davis, general shop. The 1911 census records Walter H Cowlishaw, a woollen warehouse porter (out of work) and his wife Mercy E (a general confectioner) at this address. They were London born and had been married 10 years, no children. The property had 5 rooms.

Number 340 continued to change hands: in 1913, Mrs Esther Creasey, shopkeeper and in 1914 Miss Florence Cole, shopkeeper.

In 2024 Benjamin Penney of Melbourne, Victoria, Australia forwarded a scan of the birth certificate of Gladys Rosina Ilbury, who was born at no. 340 on 20th June 1927, daughter of William Henry Thomas Ilbury, general labourer, and his wife Rose Ilbury, formerly Pither. Rose Ilbury registered her daughter's birth on the 27th July.The couple probably lived in rooms above the shop. William HT Ilbury was at 6 Pottery Road in 1911 and he may be related to the Ilbury family of John Welsh. The Pither connection is less certain but there was a Pither family in Brentford, described by Lynn Hayter.

By 1928 James Harrison, blacksmith, was working from no. 340 (having previously lived and worked at no. 411), succeeded, by 1933, by Mrs Harris. No reference found to no. 340 in 1938 or 1940 directories.


Number 341

One of a terrace of five, numbers 340-344; see notes for 340 for owner and brief description.

Robert Barnes, butcher, was at this address in Kelly's Directory 1890, also the Ealing, Acton etc. directory of 1907.

Mrs Ella Painter, wardrobe dealer, in Directory of 1928.

Number 342

One of a terrace of five, numbers 340-344; see notes for 340 for owner and brief description.

Cyrus Lewis, hairdresser from Monmouth, lived here with his family from 1871 (when he is incorrectly recorded in the census as 'George Lewis') until 1901, by which time he was 71. He was called as a witness for the defence at a Police Court hearing in 1888, as reported in the Acton Gazette of 13 October 1888. His neighbour, Robert Maunder of no. 345, was summoned for having 'wilfully displaced and taken up certain paving stones in High Street, Old Brentford, opposite no. 345 High Street, to the extent of 85 square feet or thereabouts.' Cyrus said he had 'resided at 342, High Street, between 25 and 30 years and he had seens things placed in front of no. 345 for sale, but not within the last 10 or 15 years. He had never seen the parish repairing the pavement there.' On exmaination he 'admitted a forecourt was usually railed in. He could carry his recollection back 40 years.'

In 1911 Mary Ann Lewis, widow aged 71, hairdresser ran her hairdressing business from no. 342 with assistance from George Payne and his family (all Brentford born) who shared the property. No. 342 had 5 rooms and was occupied by 7 people, including Frank Payne, 7 weeks old.

In the 1909/10 Valuation no. 342 was described as like no. 343 'but there is a much larger garden than 343 and there is a shed at rear'.

In 1913 & 1914 Mrs Lewis remained here and in 1928 Arthur Brown, greengrocer, then in 1933 and 1936 Mrs E.J. Brown.

See Len Cox's article for a photo of Cyrus Lewis and more details of this family and Seares, the butchers at no. 343.


Number 343

One of a terrace of five, numbers 340-344; see notes for 340 for owner and brief description.

In 1881, Henry Seares, Brentford-born pork butcher, was recorded in the census at this address with his wife and 7 children, aged under 18. As Henry Seares, pork butcher, High Street, is listed in an 1874 trade directory it seems likely he was at this address by 1874.

Henry Seares remained at no. 343 by which time he was 62 and headed a household of 11 people including himself.

In 1901 Henry Rendell, journeyman butcher, lived here with his wife, baby daughter and his younger brother Frederick W, age 19, also a journeyman butcher. It is possible they worked for Henry Seares.

A 1907 trade directory records Henry Jackson Nurse, greengrocer at no. 343.

By 1911 Hetty Annie Howlett and her family (6 children aged 4 months to 21 ) lived at 343. Hetty's husband was not recorded at this address in the census but a trade directory for the same year lists William John Howlett at no. 343.

In the 1909/10 Valuation no. 343 was described as a terrace house and shop with 2 rooms on top and first floors. On the ground floor the front room was used as a shop, there was also a parlour. At the rear was a small yard, a washhouse & WC. It was and 'old property'.

The next 'sighting' of no. 343 is in a 1914 trade directory: James Nash, bird dealer. He was recorded at this address in 1928, 1933. There was no reference to no. 343 in a 1940 trade directory.


Number 344

One of a terrace of five, numbers 340-344; see notes for 340 for owner and brief description.

In 1841, 1851 and 1861 censuses Jacob Long, master basket maker lived here - or near here. He was 73 in 1861. His son Charles was also a basket maker and is recorded in 1861 at no. 386, then in the 1871 and 1881 censuses at around no. 283.

In 1851 George Morris, omnibus conductor, shared no. 345 with Jacob Long. Michael Taylor has established that George Morris married Mercy Taylor, the daughter of William Taylor who ran the Bull in 1841.

George Cheesman, fishmonger, lived at no. 344 in 1871 & 1881. By 1890 Alfred Hayes had a cook or book shop here. The 1891 census shows he was born in Overton, Hampshire. Later occupants include William H Thomas, navy, 1901

In the 1909/10 Valuation no. 344 was described as like no. 343.

In the 1911 census the Hooper family lived here: George (44), Emma (44), George junior (11½) and John (9½). The father was a fishmonger based at 344 and the property had 5 rooms.

Later occupants from trade directories: George Payne, hairdresser, 1913; Frederick William Turner, general shop, 1928. There are no refs to no. 344 in 1933 and 1940 trade directories.

Number 345

Thomas Shackle owned this house, yard and stabling to the west of Running Horses Yard when the tithe enumeration took place.

A document dated 1825 relating to this land refers to a lease between Thomas Shackle, Thomas Kane and Peter Basley, bricklayer in 1818. Pallot's marriage index records an Ealing marriage in 1802 between Peter Basley & Elizabeth Ford.

A widow, Elizabeth Basley is recorded at what was to become no. 345 in 1841 (independent) and 1851 (shoe shopkeeper). Her daughter Eliza had taken over the shoe shop by the time of the 1861 census, although her name is recorded as Beasley. In 1871 Eliza is recorded as a nurse, living on Distillery Road and an Eliza Basley is recorded living at the Almshouses in 1881: her age (62) and birthplace (Brentford) fit, but her status is 'widow' in 1881 whereas, if it is the same person, she was unmarried in 1871.

By the 1881 census the High Street numbering had taken place so the picture of who lived where is clearer: no. 345 was shared by 4 households, a total of 9 people. By 1890 Jacob Bamberger, born Germany, was running a bakers from no. 345. He had married Annie Blaise in 1887 and their first two children were born by the time of the census. They had moved on by 1901: Walter Perrin, master baker from Essex was recorded at 345.

The 1909/10 Valuation describes no. 345 as a 'brick built shop and house on three floors' with a 'brick built bakehouse in yard with loft over'. The first floor extended over the passage to the side. The premises were 'old and out of repair' and it was noted that £150 had been expended since the death of the owner (Robert Maunder) on 26 Sep 1910.

The Access to Archives web site includes 'An abstract of title of Miss Agnes Maunder to freehold premises no, 345 High Street 1878 - 1912' in the North Thames Gas Predecessors collection.

In the 1911 census no. 345 was recorded as a shop, uninhabited.

The property is not included in any of the trade directories for 1913, 1928 and 1933. OS maps show no. 345 was demolished between 1912 and 1935.


The Running Horses or Prince of Wales (346)

There are references on the A2A web site to The Running Horses back to 1815 and possibly earlier: eg 'Analysis of title to the Red Lion and Running Horses' dating from 1661 to 1815.In the 1839 Pigot trade directory The Running Horses PH was run by Frances Morum and a Mrs F Morum is recorded in the tithe return as the occupier of this 'Public House, Stabling & Yard', which was owned by Thomas Kane. Frances was the widow of Thomas Morum, 'hostler', who died 14 February 1838 age 31 and they had a child Emily Harriet, born January 28 and baptised at Ealing April 9 1837. Frances Morum remarried James Frederick Starbuck in the last quarter of 1838.

When the 1841 census took place James Starbuck headed a household of 7 here, including an ostler and a servant, his wife's daughter Emily and their son William. James Starbuck previously ran The Bull a few doors to the east (1839 Pigot directory). Mary Marshall, who provided the details about the Morums and Starbucks, adds 'On later censuses Emily has taken the surname Starbuck'.

'An old building, previously housing an inn called 'The Running Horses', name changed between 1840 & 1848, closed ca 1908 & building demolished' (C)

Thomas Harding was the publican in 1851, Thomas Waters in 1861 (with 6 lodgers). A contributor in July 2018: 'My Maternal Great Great Grandmother, Mary Ann Lennard, is shown as living in the Prince of Wales Yard in 1865, when her daughter, Eliza Lennard's, birth was registered'. See note under 'Roads Off' about Running Horses or Prince of Wales Yard. The Lennard family had moved on by 1871.

Later landlords were William Thomas Hamblen (1871, 1874, 1878), Mrs Mary Hamblen, a widow aged 37 (1881), Mrs Julia Hamblen (1882), Thomas William Waight (1890, 1891), Walter Hamblen (1898, 1901, 1907).

By the time of the 1909/10 Valuation the property was described as 'semi-detached double-fronted cottage and shop adjoining Running Horse Yard ... this is old property', so no. 346 was no longer a public house but was still owned by Fuller, Smith & Turner, Brewers, Chiswick. The description suggests the property was divided into two small shops. There was a stable at the rear for five horses and a private entrance and gateway in Running Horses Yard.

OS maps show no. 345 was demolished between 1912 and 1935.


Number 347

In 1840 plot 233 on the tithe map comprised three houses, shed & premises, owned by the executors of Richard Rogers and occupied by Thomas Summer (Sumner?), James Parsons & George Rogers. The block of three houses was sandwiched between the Running Horses and the Bull, with a small gap at both ends. Later they were numbered 347, 348 and 349 High Street. The building line is further forward than the two public houses, evident both on the tithe map and 1894 OS map - see links below.

In 1841 George Rogers, son of Richard Rogers lived at no. 347; he was a baker.

He was followed by William Wheatley, poulterer in 1851, 1861 & 1871; he was 78 by this date. In 1861 he shared the house with Cyrus Lewis, a hairdresser from Monmouth and his family. Cyrus moved to no. 342 by 1874. In 1881 George Bates, fishmonger lived and worked here (read more about the Bates family), then in 1891 William Butcher, greengrocer. Site used to build a distillery by 1902 (C).

OS maps show no. 347 was demolished between 1935 and 1959.

Number 348

See notes for 347 regarding ownership.

From 1861 - 1881 the Pescud family lived here: 1861 - Charles Pascord, groom aged 30 born Richmond Surrey; 1871: Mrs Emily Pescud; 1881: William Pescud, army reserve. Likely to be related to the Pescud who was part of Pescud & Ransom, manufacturing confectioners & biscuit bakers at number 203 in 1890 (trade directory). Site used to build a distillery by 1902 (C).

OS maps show no. 348 was demolished between 1935 and 1959.

Number 349

See notes for 347 regarding ownership.

Thomas Rogers, bricklayer, the son of Richard Rogers, lived here in 1851 with his sister Martha Runacres - see reference on the A2A web site noted above. He remained here in 1861 (proprietor house), 1871 (coal merchant aged 74) and by 1881 had been succeeded by Mrs Martha Runacres, coal dealer. In 1891 William Walter, wardrobe dealer lived here. There is no reference to the property in the 1901 census - nor to numbers 347 & 348. A distillery was built on the site of numbers 347, 348 & 349 by 1902 (C) - this ties in with references on the A2A web site, see above.

OS maps show no. 349 was demolished between 1935 and 1959.


The Bull PH (350)

Access to Archives includes several deeds and documents for The Bull, eg

  • Assignment of leaseholds dated 26 Feb 1816 for the Bull Inn, Old Brentford and the 'Black Boy' New Brentford
  • Copy of a lease of the Bull dated 1851 involving Thomas Henry Hope of Berwick (should be Benwick?) , Salop to Fuller, Smith & Turner
  • Licence to assign building agreement of 13 June 1883 relating to land at Brentford between Edward Hammond Thompson of Clapham Common, Surrey and William Kates of High Street, Brentford dated 24 Oct 1888
  • Form of tender by Joseph Dorey concerning a proposed rebuilding of the Old Bull Inn, High Street, Brentford, for Fuller, Smith & Turner dated 16 Apr 1889.

The Bull lies on the corner of Bull Lane and was owned by John Thomas Hope and occupied by James Starbuck at the time of the tithe return (1839/41); James Starbuck had moved to The Running Horses by the census in June 1841 and William Taylor was running The Bull, heading a household on ten including himself. See details of the two pub-running Taylor or Taylor families in Brentford, including the 1841 census return.

In 1851 Mrs Elizabeth Taylor, William's widow, was the publican at The Bull. She died in 1852 and was succeeded by her son William Taylor. On 17 October 1863 the licence for the Bull was transferred from William Taylor to W. Keats, cow keeper of Brentford End (Middlesex Chronicle newspaper). In 1871 William Taylor junior was running a butchers shop at no. 400. William Kates, who remained at the Bull in 1881 - when he headed a household of 14.

Vicki Patching: 'My great, great grandmother, Sophia Constance Silver having lost her mum & dad in the same year (1880), moved in with her Aunt & Uncle, Sophia (nee Geary) & William Kates, at 350 High Street (The Bull Inn) where she met her husband, Albert Edward Furness who was a lodger at the Bull Inn. It seems that they all moved to 19 Kew Bridge Road sometime before 1891'.

William Kates was followed at The Bull by Henry Taylor (1890, 1891), who may be the son of William Taylor junior, then Frederick John Tully (1898) and Henry Tully from London (1901). In 1890 the Royal Antediluvian Order of Buffaloes held its first meeting on tThe Griffin Lodge here. See link below to a later photo of a R.A.O.B. get-together at The Bull in 1951.

In 1911 the Bull was run by William Piper from Woodhay, Hampshire, his wife Sarah, younger brother Fredrick, Edie Sparrow a servant and 3 year old nephew Bertie Bridgman born Putney. The Bull had 7 rooms.

The landlord in 1913/14 was E W Gyngell.

Fuller, Smith & Turner, Brewers, Chiswick owned The Bull when the 1909/10 Valuation took place.

A lease for 90 years from June 24 1882 had been taken out, involving Edmund Royd of Wootton Hall, Staffordshire, Bart. The accommodation comprised:

  • 2nd floor: 3 large bedrooms
  • 1st floor: good sized club room, 3 large rooms & WC (all high ceilings and in excellent repair)
  • Ground floor: 1 room, 4 public bars, 1 private bar
  • Rear: outside washhouse, coal cellar & WC, also disused skittle alley
  • Stabling for 8 horses & 1 horse box, small loft over part; also 3 wooden sheds with pantiled roof & pair large double swing gates at side to stabling.
Stock brick built and slate roof.

At date of inspection 20 VIII 1914 the whole of the premises were being redecorated internally. Private urinal at side. Repair generally good. Modern drainage with inspection chambers to drains. The gross value was assessed at £2800 and had a High Street frontage of 22' 8". The occupier was J Carney. Abigail Carney adds '(John Carney) was also a coal merchant after coming out of the police force in 1905 after 25 years service'.

Later landlords from trade directories: Herbert Gill (1926, 1928); Edwin Rapley (1933); Edward John Reeve (1937, 1940).

See memories of Peter Reeve and Jean McMillan (nee Reeve) whose father, Edward John Reeve, ran the Bull and the Barge Aground.

The 1952 electoral register shows a change of landlord: Edmund Price and Florence Price.

The Bull closed around 1961 (B68).



Links are included below to some photos, ephemera or maps accessible on this site. There may be additional material - try searching from the home page or browse the Properties - photos link (the navigation area to the left).

References such as '1899 (X11)' indicate the date of a photo (1899) and where it is published (X11). Details of 'X' are available at Mainly paper sources page; '11' refers to the page or photo no. in the publication.


335 advert, J Stringer, 1889 St George's Parish Magazine (L)

337 advert, Browns', 1889 St George's Parish Magazine (L)

339 Internation Tea Company's grocer shop, opened 1878, ca 1888 (D23, B68)

340 ca 1888 (D23, B68)

341 ca 1888 (D23, B68)

342 ca 1888 (D23, B68)

343 ca 1888 (D23, B68)

344 ca 1888 (D23, B68)

345 ca 1888 (D23, B68)

346 Prince of Wales PH ca 1888 (D23, B68);ca 1902 (C54)

347 ca 1888 (D23, B68)

348 ca 1888 (D23, B68)

349 ca 1888 (D23, B68)

350 Bull, ca 1888 (D23, B68) & (B69); early 1900s; R.A.O.B. dinner at The Bull, 1951 (Simon Holloway)


1839/41 Tithe Map: modern numbers 335 - 350 have tithe property refs 253 - 232

1894 Ordnance Survey Map annotated with house numbers 335 - 350


Roads Off

Eatons Place between numbers 334 and 335

Running Horse Yard between numbers 345 and 346. A2A records details of 18 messuages recently erected near the Running Horses (1831): the tithe map shows 17 - 20 properties behind the Running Horses. An entry in the 1909/10 Valuation Records from 1913 indicates there were 16 cottages in Running Horse Yard, existing as at 30 April 1909, since demolished.


Bull Lane (later Pottery Road) between numbers 350 and 351

Published by 2009, last updated September 2024