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North Road QE2 Celebrations 1953
Photo provided by Lynn Hayter. The photo shows North Road celebrations for Queen Elizabeth's coronation, 2 June 1953: children in their best clothes and an air of excitement! Lynn adds 'the little boy sitting on the stage by the piano (right side) is my nephew, Melvyn THOMPSON, who was born on the 14th September 1950. My sister Ena, her husband Ken Thompson and Melvyn lived at no. 15 North Road with Ken's Aunt, Florence GODDARD Paul Kirby wrote in April 2023: I reckon that's my granny Alice GOMM of 58 North Road Brentford. Alice Gomm is part of the large and well-researched Gomm family, she was born Alice Gertrude JACOB. Can you recognise anyone else in the photo? If so please get in touch. North Road runs off the High Street between numbers 363 and 364. Published January 2009; updated April 2023 |