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Aerial photo of Brentford, 1929Reg Harris has provided the photo below (from his neighbour). A similar photo (but black and white) appears in 'Brentford and Chiswick As It Was'. Reg adds 'The roof of the football ground can be seen above centre left with Mafeking Ave, where I spent some of my childhood, just in front.'
Brentford Dock and its railway are at the bottom of the photo. The site has several photos of Brentford Dock taken in the 1970s by Peter Young. The High Street winds diagonally across the photo past the gasometers behind St George's church. The square building near the left border, over a quarter of the way up, is 234a High Street, formerly a chapel but a factory when the photo was taken. Fronting the High Street a little left of centre is a 3-storey block, 290-294 High Street. Published October 2010; updated November 2017 |