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Brentford Families - Sanders
Fiona Sheehan and Vicki Powys are both descendants of this family
Vicki wrote: 'I am a direct descendant of George SANDERS age 55 who was living at 307 High Street in 1841. George's son was William Henry SANDERS tithe agent b.1819 who married Caroline EAREE at Margaretting, Essex in 1846. On the marriage certificate the occupation of William Henry's father George was a 'Collector of Taxes'. They were at number 303 for the 1861 census (and Caroline still there for the 1891 census). William died age 42 in 1862 and left a will. (See Links to find out more about the homes of the family)
Caroline and William were my great-great grandparents. I think they only had one child, namely Kate Sarah SANDERS b 1848 Old Brentford who married William Christopher SAUNDERS in 1866 and they had 11 children including my grandmother Ella Stevenson SAUNDERS b. 1885. It was very clear in our family oral tradition that 'a Sanders married a Saunders'.
The will of William Henry SANDERS mentions his wife Caroline, his sister Zilpah (mar. EAREE), his niece Ann CLARK, and his brother John. (Interesting in this line that 2 EAREEs married 2 SANDERS). Ann EAREE, born ca 1811, a sister to Caroline EAREE, married Samuel CLARK sometime before 1862 and probably before 1841. He was a cheesmonger in Whitechapel, and they had at least five children, the eldest was the Ann CLARK in question.
John SANDERS was interesting to track down. He was the shoemaker of 307 High Street in 1851 and 61 (per your web site), he married the girl next door (Harriett LEES), and they had 5 children. (By the way, there seemed to be 3 LEES sisters, Mary, Harriett and Lydia, don't know who their parents were but I'm working on it).
In 1871 John SANDERS was a retired lighterman living with his family at Paddington, definitely them because of unusual names of children. One son Francis became a C of E minister, Oliff George a law student, Ellen Zilpah became an English teacher, Edith Ann a French teacher, and Alice a housekeeper for her sisters in later censuses. These five siblings only seemed to produce 2 descendants between them, and 3-4 of them remained unmarried.
John's sister Zilpah who married Wm EAREE, had a son who studied law. John's brother William Henry (my ancestor) was a rate collector and left his own family well provided for. John's probable brother George went from shoemaker to landed proprietor by 1861 and all his children seemed to do quite well.'
PCC wills of George SANDERS (1851) and his father Daniel SANDERS (1824) helped confirm the tree and add an earlier generation.
Sanders family tree summary
All born Brentford unless noted otherwise.
Joseph SANDERS, shoemaker of New Brentford died 1778-9. His will dated 1778, proved 1779 (available on microfilm at London Metropolitan Archives) names five children; Daniel, James, Rebecca COOK, Sarah ROUSE and Elizabeth PERRY:
- Daniel Sanders (ca 1750 - 1824): corwainer of New Brentford; married 1. Sarah TONGUE (1776 New Brentford) and 2. Mary WARD (1810 New Brentford); seven children:
- Ann Sanders (ca 1777 - ): married Aaron AVERY at Hanwell in 1797, one child
- Joseph Sanders (ca 1779 - ): married Mary; children included:
- Daniel Sanders (1817 - ): married Ann FISHER, ten children
- Thomas Tunstall Sanders (1819 - 1902): lighterman in New Brentford in 1881; married Louisa, two known children
- Henry Charles Sanders (1820 - )
- Christina Sanders (1821 - )
- Maria Sanders ( - before 1821): married - LILLINGTON, three children
- Elizabeth Sanders ( ): married Henry LINDEMAN
- William Sanders (ca 1782/6 - 1841+): boot maker at 206 High Street in 1841
- George Sanders (ca 1782/6 - 1851): living at 307 High Street in 1841; his occupations included cordwainer (shoemaker) and collector of taxes; in 1851 when his daughter Zilpah married his occupation was given as gentleman; children included
- Susannah Sanders (1804 - 1871+ ): annuitant, unmarried, visiting William GUTTERIDGE at the time of the 1851 census and 'a gentlewoman' living with George, her brother, in 1861 and 1871
- George Sanders (1811 - 1881): married Sarah WRIGHT; he was a shoemaker in 1841, a painter & glazier in 1851, living at no. 305; in 1861 he was a landed proprietor and an annuitant in 1871; no occupation in 1881; his children included:
- George Sanders (ca 1834/5 - ): pupil teacher in 1851
- John Sanders (ca 1835/6 - ): a painter in 1861
- Charles Sanders (ca 1837/8 - ): collector of a society in 1861; later he was a life insurance agent and in all the censuses he put his and his wife's ages down; he married Martha ( - ), no children known of; they lived at Chiswick
- Henry Sanders (ca 1839/40 - ): tailor in 1861; he married Norah EDWARDES and they had 8 children and lived in Hammersmith/Hounslow areas
- Edwin Sanders (ca 1847/8 - 1891+): married Clara HEATH, who was a schoolmistress in one of the private schools in 1891; Edwin was a clerk living at no. 304 in 1891; he remained at this address in 1901; their children included:
- William Sanders (ca 1871/2 - ): clerk in 1891
- Louisa Sanders (ca 1872/3 - ): shop assistant in 1891
- Clara Emily Sanders
- Harold Sanders (ca 1883/4 - )
- Alfred Wilson Sanders 1886 - ): Alfred Wilson Sanders is recorded at <304 High Street in trade directories up to 1940; see 1930s family photo
- Isabell Sanders (ca 1853/4 - )
- John Sanders (ca 1818/9 - 1871+ ): married Harriet LEES at St Martin in the Fields, 1845; Harriet was a daughter of John Lees, clerk; John was a shoemaker in 1851/61 at no. 307; he moved to Paddington by 1871 at which point he was a retired lighterman; his children included:
- Francis Sanders (ca 1846/7 - ): became a C of E minister
- Ellen Zilpah Sanders (ca 1847/8 - 1932): became an English teacher; married William ASHBY in Brighton Reg Dist in 1883 and had 2 sons
- Oliff George Sanders (1851 - ): a law student
- Edith Ann Sanders: became a French teacher
- Alice Sanders: a housekeeper for the family
- William Henry Sanders (1819 - 1862): married Caroline EAREE in her birthplace, Margaretting, Essex in 1846; he was a rate collector and in 1853 an overseer for Old Brentford; the family is recorded at no. 303 High Street from 1851 - 1891; they had one child:
- Kate Sarah Sanders (1848 - ): married William Christopher SAUNDERS in 1866; they had 11 children including
- Ella Stevenson Saunders (1885 - ): grandmother to Vicki Powys
- Zilpah Sanders (ca 1838 - 1890): married William EAREE in Brentford, 1851 and was widowed by 1871, when she was recorded as an annuitant; she died in Islington; children included:
- Sarah Ann Earee (1851/2 - )
- George W Earee (1857/8): solicitors general clerk in 1871
- James Sanders (ca 1789 - ): possibly a cooper in Brentford at 99 High Street
Sanders family photo
Alf Sanders provided this photo, which was taken in the back garden of the Sanders family home, 304 High Street, around 1930.
It shows (left to right): Alfred Wilson Sanders (k/a Alf) b1922 (still living in Brentford) Sarah Ann Sanders (nee DICKMAN) mother - b1887
Doris Esther Sanders (became DANN) b1918 (back) - Fiona Sheehan's grandmother
Frank Edwin Sanders b1927 (still living in Brentford)
Alfred Wilson Sanders - father b1886
Edwin Ernest Sanders (k/a Ted) b1920
Fiona Sheehan adds 'Father and children were all living at 304 High Street at the time of their births.'
Lees family tree summary
Vicki Powys has also researched the Lees family and from her notes the following summary tree has been compiled:
John Lees ( ): married Ann NEILL in Ealing in 1802 (Ealing parish included Old Brentford at the time); he was a clerk in 1845 when his duaghter married; their children included:
- Mary Ann Lees (ca 1804 - 1882?): did not marry; a dressmaker in 1841 at no. 309-1, living with her sister Harriet; an annuitant in 1871 lodging with William & Sarah GOODALL at no. 304; living with her brother George & his family in 1881; possible death in Brentford in 1882
- George Lees (ca 1808 - ); married Elizabeth (-), several children; gentleman's salesman in 1861, later a fruiterer
- Lydia Lees (ca 1810/3 - ): unmarried, was living with different sisters in 1871 & 1881 censuses
- Hannah Lees (ca 1812 - ): married William Jaques BELCHER at St James Westminster in 1838; in 1861 she was widowed and working as a boarding house keeper, 3 Euston Square London;
- Harriet Lees (ca 1819 - ): married John SANDERS in 1845, 5 children all born in Brentford
The family lived at properties in the High Ground area of Brentford, on the north side of High Street: addresses mentioned above include numbers 303, 304, 305 and 307 High Street.
Published 2009; updated January 2020