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315 High Street, Brentford, 1905

This photo was found at Barclays Bank and has been forwarded by Julia Quilliam. It shows the Osborne family shop at 315 High Street. The same photo appears in 'Brentford & Chiswick As It Was' and a different photo in 'Archive Photograph Series Brentford' from around 1902. Julia advises the photo below dates from 1905 and presumably shows the Osborne parents, a wriggly tot aged around 2 and an older son, standing proudly with the highly polished milk churn on a handcart. The plate on its side reads 'J.W.Osborne, 315 High Street, Brentford'. The window display is of loose confectionery; the only advertising sign I could make out was for 'Packers Chocolate Crispets'.
Osborne family outside their shop

Find out more about 315 and its occupants

Published September 2013