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Surnames beginning: A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R , S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z

1841 Census Index

The index has been prepared by transcribing a summary of each High Street household. The index includes the following:
  • surname of head of household
  • forename of head of household
  • occupation of head of household
    • Ind: independent
    • m: maker
    • Ap or App: apprentice
    • J: journeyman
    • Asst: assistant
  • the ages of people aged under 15 should be recorded ’accurately’; people aged over 15 usually had their ages rounded down to the nearest 5 years, so a person aged 44 may have their age recorded as 40; people in a ’Lodging House for tramps’ were recorded without an age or occupation, accounting for the majority of (blank) entries below
  • number in household (including head); where (apparently) unrelated people are living in the same household these are summarised using abbreviations:
    • FS: female servant
    • MS: male servant
    • Ap or App: apprentice
    • J: journeyman
    • Asst: assistant
  • house number: houses were not numbered until 1876, but in 80% of cases the number can be worked out by referring to later census returns; if the number appears with a hyphen (eg 284-1) it suggests either a building existed in 1841 but was demolished between 1841 and 1876; or the house may be in an alley off the High Street and was recorded in 1841 as if part of the High Street; the section notes may help
  • Section no.: this provides a link to any section notes available

The census was written using pencil so parts are difficult to read. The High Street was split over nine enumeration districts, three for New Brentford (HO107/655) and six for Old Brentford (HO107/689).

Surnames beginning: A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R , S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z

Number Forename Surname Occupation Age of head No. in household Section
114-1 George Ackerman eatinghouse keeper 56 5 incl 1 MS 1 Ind 9
284-3 James Adams j sh m 20 1 24
300 James Adderley painter 45 4 26
238 Edward Aldridge j shoemaker 25 4 incl 1 j shoemaker 20
257-2 Samuel Allard Ind 70 2 22
8-17 Benjamin Allen labourer 35 5 2
362 Charles Allen asst 45 5 incl 1 FS 1 dressmaker 29
309-4 William Allen postmaster 55 2 26
282 Elizabeth Allfield   40 1 24
282 James Allfield omnibus proprietor 50 3 24
334 G Andrews mealman 40 5 incl 2 FS 1 ind 27
380 Sarah Armitage labourer 25 5 incl 4 labourers 31
6 Sarah Arnold almswoman 80 1 1
69 Mary Arnolds lodger 70 1 5
399 Lucy Ashley tobacconist 45 1 32
167 Henry Astlett gardener 30 4 14
6 Sarah Astridge almswoman 65 1 1
69 Mary Bailey ind 50 1 5
304 Thomas Bailey farrier 30 4 26
43 John Baily farrier 25 6 3
84 Thomas Baily gree?man 35 6 7
374 Benjamin Baker carpenter 30 4 31
8-13 John Baker bargeman 35 7 2
7 John Baker bargemaster 70 3 2
8-14 Mary Baker wife of a waterman 25 2 2
85 James Ball bootmaker 46 6 7
101 Moses Banks Independent 49 6 incl 2 companions 3 FS 9
331 Robert Banyon lighterman 60 6 incl 1 FS 27
328 Richard Barker (blank) (blank) 2 27
134 Ann Barnes pork butcher 35 4 11
315 William Barnes coachman? 30 3 26
313 William Barns cutler 35 8 26
345-1 Elizabeth Basley ind 55 2 28
278 Edmund Bayton hatter 45 3 incl 2 FS 24
341 Isaac Beamish hosier 25 4 28
377 Mary Bem/nbridge ind 55 2 31
243 George Bennett tailor 60 2 20
172 Abraham Best grocer 57 6 15
177 William Birch labourer 33 2 15
398 Hugh Black tailor 21 2 incl 1 FS 32
97 James Blackey clothier 34 3 8
87 John Blackman Ind 70 8 incl 2 FS 3 labourers 8
387 James Bond baker 40 7 incl 1 FS 32
32 Francis Bonny surgeon 35 6 incl 1 FS 2
71-4 John Bontem schoolmaster 25 5 incl 1 FS 6
18 John Booth Ind 35 4 incl 2 MS 1 FS 2
47 Joseph Boraugh excise officer 20 2 3
158 William Bourne lighterman 66 8 incl 3 Ind 13
17 Matthew Bowden basket maker 40 4 incl 1 FS 2
61 Prudence Bowls ind 60 3 5
128 George Boxall publican 35 9 incl 3 coachmen 2 MS 11
146 William Boxall Ind 60 6 incl 1 FS 12
374 George Boylett bootmaker 20 2 31
15 James Boylett coal heaver 60 4 2
67 Joseph Bradley lath render 62 4 5
218 William Bradley clerk 55 2 18
95 Maria Bradshaw milliner 30 4 8
125 Thomas Bradshaw baker 47 5 10
259 Sarah Briggs baker 45 7 incl 3 boarders 22
196 Susanna Briggs grocer 55 2 17
24-1 George Brown labourer 20 2 2
168 George Brown schoolmaster 30 6 incl 1 FS 14
204 George Brown last maker 30 5 incl 1 shop asst 17
178-1 Henry Brown greengrocer 35 5 15
398 James Brown draper 35 3 32
16 James Brown labourer 45 4 2
203 John Brown builder 55 7 incl 1 FS 17
328 Rebecca Brown (blank) (blank) 1 27
56 Richard Brown greengrocer 40 6 4
242 Thomas Brown fishmonger 50 3 20
398 William Brown gardener 55 1 32
236 Ann Buck? ind 70 2 20
66 Thomas Bunce gardener 35 4 5
212 William Bunting draper 35 12 incl 4 Ap 2 FS 18
385 John Burford pawnbroker 50 5 incl 1 MS 1 FS 32
8 Mary E Burford ind 70 1 2
235 Joseph Burness currier 50 6 20
229 Mary Burnham perfumer 50 4 incl 1 shopman 19
335 Henry Burslem ind 35 5 28
182 Phoebe Burt needlewoman 50 16
103 Alfred Burton tea dealer 27 6 incl 2 J 1 Ap 1 MS 1FS 9
341 Thomas Butler clerk 45 2 28
257-3 John Callis shoe maker 30 1 22
44 John Candy tailor 37 2 3
277 John Carpenter oilman 30 9 24
232-2 John Carter labourer 20 1 20
161 John Carver conductor 44 2 14
257 Edward Cates labourer 35 3 21
96 George Chandler cheesemonger 45 3 incl 1 Ind 8
35-1 William Chapman shoemaker 50 2 3
234 Henry Chappell linen draper 35 5 incl 4 shopmen 20
191 James Cherry confectioner 34 18 incl 1 Ind 3 FS 16
349 Jeremiah Chinnery confectioner 30 5 28
58 James Chitty coachmaker 50 2 4
219 Elizabeth Christmas china dealer 40 4 incl 1 FS 18
80 John Clark coal merchant 70 6 incl 2 FS 7
306 William Clark baker 30 7 incl 1 App 1 FS 26
298 James Clew cordwainer 40 3 26
272 John Coe undertaker 50 3 incl 1 serv 23
114 John Coles grocer 40 3 9
189-1 Matthew Collet slopseller 61 4 incl 1 Ind 1 FS 16
392 David Colton draper 35 1 32
320 Henry Conaway grocer 35 3 incl 1 sh 1 FS 27
163 Frederick Cook shoemaker 37 9 incl 1 FS 14
162 Charles Coombs appraiser 42 6 incl 2 Ind 14
209 George Cooper surgeon 45 9 inc 4 serv 1 surgeon 18
60 James Cooper MPC 20 1 4
8-18 William Cooper costermonger 65 2 2
263 Richard Coster lighterman 60 2 22
246-1 Samuel Cox j plumber 30 2 20
238 Thomas Cox shoemaker 35 6 20
328 Mary Ann Crawford (blank) (blank) 3 27
282 Ann Crook   40 1 24
220 Salem Cross tallow chandler 40 10 incl 1 FS 18
208 William Cullen publican 35 8 incl 4 serv 17
60 James Cusher MPC 35 1 4
246 Henry Dale tallow chandler 35 6 20
267 Mary Dale licensed victualler 45 16 incl 1 FS 2 watermen 8 ag lab 1 horsekeeper 23
90 Mary Dale   75 3 incl 1 FS 8
12 Isaac Dance labourer 30 5 2
398 Jannett Davidson ind 55 1 32
328 Sarah Day (blank) (blank) 2 27
6 Anne Dear almswoman 60 1 1
35 Charles Dear waterman 26 1 3
400 Charles Dear upholsterer 60 2 32
174 Charles Dear lighterman 26 4 incl 2 Ind 15
8-15 Henry Dear fisherman 40 5 2
248 Stephen Dear broker 20 3 21
232 Benetto Desotto clockmaker 22 lodger with John Miller 19
105 John Dexter baker 34 5 incl 2 J 9
338 William Dicken grocer 35 10 incl 1 FS 28
8-16 Robert Dickenson ballast heaver 50 2 2
328 John Dickson (blank) (blank) 4 27
54 Thomas Dobson labourer 19 1 4
8-7 John Dowson bargeman 40 2 2
372 William Draper ag lab 70 2 31
8-13 Thomas Drew newsman 76 1 2
60 John Duckit police constable 25 5 4
297 Charles Dumbarton   20 2 26
133 John Dunban stationer 51 3 11
336 Robert East basket maker 40 3 incl 1 FS 28
285 Elizabeth Eaton housekeeper 35 2 24
350 George Eded labourer 40 1 28
249 Frederick Eden j baker 20 1 21
222 Henry Elgood baker 30 7 incl 2 Ap 1 FS 18
104 Joseph Elliss tailor 30 4 incl 1 FS 9
61-1 Elizabeth Elstob ind 35 3 5
399 Sarah English   60 2 incl carpenter j 32
144 William Eustance pork butcher 30 4 incl 1 Ind 12
230 Benjamin Evans tea dealer 45 8 19
24 George Evans public situation 20 2 incl 1 FS 2
6 Sarah Everard almswoman 80 1 1
395 Henry Ezard carpenter 65 4 32
221 Henry Ezzard builder 40 11 18
399 Richard F? labourer (blank) 3 32
181 John Farrel surgeon 35 5 16
47 Elizabeth Faulks ind 55 3 3
35 Elizabeth Fenny seller fish 40 6 3
51 John Figg carpenter 35 4 4
378 John Fisher brickmaker 60 4 incl 1 FS 1 labourer 31
277 James Fletcher ind 70 7 incl 2 FS 24
390 Thomas Flor? school? 60 3 32
404 Mary Flore   65 1 33
108 William Flower butcher 35 5 incl 1 FS 9
63 William Ford painter 25 5 5
265 Robert Fox saddler 30 3 22
328 Sarah French (blank) (blank) 1 27
284-4 Thomas Fulker? soap ? Lab 45 4 24
181 Richard Galvin surgeon asst 20 4 incl 2 FS & gardener 16
44 John Gandy? tailor 37 2 3
8-4 Henry Gardener laborer 30 3 2
371 William Gardiner bricklayer 50 7 31
91 William Gardiner bricklayer etc 26 3 8
384 John Gascoine victualler 30 10 incl 1 FS 7 lodgers/boarders 31
263 Samuel Geisler lighterman 40 2 22
19 Matthew Gibson clerk 50 3 incl 1 FS 2
94 Henry Girrad publican 55 8 incl 6 lodgers 1 FS 8
136 Christopher Glover grocer 82 2 11
36 John Glyn coachman 30 4 3
284-5 Joseph Goldney sh(oe) m(aker) 35 7 24
392 Emma Goldsboro grocer 40 4 32
182 Eliza Gomersall needlewoman 48 16
8-3 Anne Gomm pottle basket maker 45 5 2
72 William Gomm beerseller 50 10 incl 4 lodgers/boarders 6
115 Robert Goring butcher 40 5 incl 1 FS 10
406 William Gould g(ardening?) labourer 40 1 33
404 Charlotte Gr?smith ind 50 missing incl 1 FS 33
86 William Grainger coal merchant 60 6 incl 1 FS 8
153 George Gray tinman 53 3 13
372 Charles Green ag lab 25 4 31
297 Edward Green carman 20 2 26
224 Samuel Grocock auctioneer & appraiser 49 3 incl 1 FS 18
8-20 Thomas Gunnell labourer 70 3 2
309-1 William Gutteridge land e agent 40 2 26
328 John H? (blank) (blank) 1 27
8-18 Solomon Hall labourer 40 3 2
8-20 Anne Harper shop keeper 39 3 2
6 Frances Harris almswoman 75 1 1
150 Henry Harris currier J 25 4 12
176 Sarah Harris housekeeper 43 4 15
292 William Harris tailor 30 7 incl 1App 1 FS 2 Ind 25
142 Richard Hatton hairdresser. 1 20 12
112 Jacob Haynes cheesemonger 45 9 9
26 John Hazard brewer 58 4 incl 1 hkpr 1 hmaid 1 footman 2
296 Charles Hazell farrier 45 4 incl 2 FS 25
296 Elizabeth Hazell ind 35 3 25
188 Robert Heap cabinet maker   3 16
173 Henry Hearn hairdresser 21 3 15
132 Elizabeth Hearne dressmaker 60 5 11
165 Marian Heath milliner 30 2 14
390 Sarah Heggs greengrocer 35 2 incl 1 ind 32
373 Ann Herbert grocer 50 4 31
311 William Hersey shoemaker 35 5 26
286 Charles Hidden haberdasher 50 6 24
14 William Higings tobacco pipe maker 33 3 2
397 David Hilton? tea dealer 40 5 incl 2 app 32
190 John Hinge farrier 65 6 incl 1 Ap 16
273 Thomas Hoare publican 35 12 incl 1 FS 4 ag lab 1 currier 24
3 Anne Hodges   49 1 1
285 Ann Hollis ind 75 1 24
168 Sarah Holme Independent 50 2 14
328 George Holmes (blank) (blank) 1 27
231 Thomas Honeybone watchmaker 35 3 incl 1 FS 19
284-2 James Hope labourer 40 3 24
69 John Hope baker 50 3 incl 1 serv 5
173 Thomas Hopkins slopseller 40 4 incl 1 FS 14
22 Allen Horner horse keeper above 30 1 2
299 Jane Howard   35 1 26
51 Priscilla Howard   50 4 4
328 Samuel Howard (blank) (blank) 3 27
232-1 Esther Hubbard cow keeper 60 5 incl 1 MS 20
335 Henry Hughes oil & colorman 40 6 incl 1 ind 28
382 James Hughes pork butcher 60 2 31
271 William Hughes car?er 40 2 23
39 Richard Hunt tailor 45 3 3
248 Alex Hunter tinman 30 6 21
261 Thomas Hutton carpenter 45 6 22
228 Joel/Jack? Ilsley tailor 50 4 19
71 Thomas Ives carpenter 68 2 6
81 William Jacob coal merchant 60 7 incl 1 housekeeper 7
62 John James ind 64 6 incl 1 serv 5
381 Jonathan Janaway bootmaker 24 2 31
309 Edward Jeans musician 40 5 incl 1 FS 26
253 John Jenks labourer? 40 6 21
284-3 Jacob Jones j sh m 15 1 24
198 John Jones pawnbroker 27 2 17
328 William Jones (blank) (blank) 2 27
83 William Jupp coal merchant 40 10 incl 2 serv 7
40 Thomas Kane ind 60 2 3
199 Charles Kayes coal merchant 42 7 17
11 Francis Kelley cordwainer 50 2 2
8-2 Richard Kelley carpenter 30 7 2
38 John Kemp groom 55 1 3
313 William Key ? Maker 40 3 26
106 James Kidd ind 40 3 9
59 William Kilsby appraiser 42 3 incl 1 FS 4
328 Elizabeth Kilty (blank) (blank) 1 27
288 Francis King dis(pensing) chemist 20 4 24
240 John King auctioneer 60 4 incl 1 FS 20
42 Thomas King distiller 37 13 incl 4 FS 3
217 William King harness maker 40 2 18
245 John Kirk upholsterer 60 4 20
5-1 Agnes Kirkpatrick   20 5 incl 3 draper hawkers 1 FS 1
5 John Kirkpatrick draper & hawker 26 2 1
9 Thomas Knapp drayman 35 3 2
284 Susannah Knibbs schoolmistress 60 2 24
297 Martha Knight dressmaker 40 3 26
326 William Knight tailor 45 7 27
89 George Lack pork butcher 65 4 8
88 Francis Lambert Ind 75 5 8
93 Charles Lance carpenter 36 8 8
248 Mary Latimer   50 1 21
316 William Layton cowkeeper 40 6 26
372 William Le/iverman stableman 25 5 31
309-1 Mary Lees dressmaker 30 3 26
8-19 Henry Lester labourer 60 4 2
147 John Lindley fruiterer 45 4 incl 1 Ind 1 FS 12
345 Jacob Long basket maker 50 3 28
403 James Long engineer 30 2 33
130 John Lowe tailor 40 5 11
244 Thomas Lowe shoemaker 60 6 20
328 Benjamin Loyd (blank) (blank) 3 27
60 William Lyons MPC 25 1 4
409 William M?ton brickmaker 65 3 33
260 George Maberley carpenter 45 5 22
410 James Machell butcher 45 7 33
406 Thomas Marber maltster 50 4 33
179 Henry Marden beershop seller 38 3 incl 1 FS 15
60 Henry Marquard inspector of police 35 4 4
410 William Marriner brickmaker 65 3 33
187 Thomas Marsden sadler 70 9 16
268 Henry Marsh bootmaker 50 3 23
232-2 James Martin clothier 25 5 20
330 John Martin general dealer 50 7 27
182 John Matthews cooper 42 9 16
287 James McGowan grocer 30 3 24
145 Daniel McNab seedsman J 25 3 12
405 David McNae draper 40 4 incl 1FS 33
401 William McNae victualler 30 7 incl 1 MS 1 FS 32
403 James McNair grocer 40 8 33
314 Thomas/James Melvin hairdresser 30 7 incl 1 App 1FS 26
396 Ann Meridew ind 55 3 32
232 John Miller publican 50 10 incl 8 lodgers/boarders 19
270 Frederick Minott j tailor 45 1 23
246-1 William Minster   70 4 20
221 Betty Moore independent 70 1 18
340 John Moore artist 50 4 28
380 John Moore labourer 50 2 31
21 William Moore brewer 40 3 incl 1 FS 2
282 George Morris omnibus conductor 20 1 24
262 Thomas Moulds waterman 55 11 incl 3 boarders/lodgers 22
294 William Mountford excise officer 30 3 incl 1 FS 25
380 Mary Munday? shopkeeper 75 2 incl 1 FS 31
279 Jonathan Munn grocer 35 7 incl 1 app 24
214 Charles Murphy bookseller 29 4 incl 1 Ap 1 FS 18
4 Joseph Napper lighterman 55 2 1
242 Joseph Narroway MS 20 1 20
13 John Neill plumber & glazier 63 4 2
332 Mary Neille tobacconist 35 3 incl 2 carpenters 27
264 James Nevill cooper 45 4 22
246-1 William Nevill   70 4 20
327 Henry Newens baker 45 7 27
37 William Newman labourer 45 6 3
298 Frederick Niblett app 15 1 26
20 Samuel Nicholls brewer & cellarman 28 3 incl 1 clerk 1 brewer 2
293 James Nickalls corn merchant 60 4 incl 1 MS 1 FS 25
110 Philip Norbury printer etc 71 5 incl 1 asst 1 FS 9
319 George Norman publican 30 8 incl 2 travellers 27
266 John Norman tripe dresser 40 2 22
250 John Normanton dyer 60 4 21
145 Francis Norminton dyer 25 5 12
178 George Norris tanner 22 1 15
389 Joseph Nottingham plasterer 45 3 32
337 Thomas Nuthall baker 30 5 28
379 David Odell hairdresser 25 3 31
121 William Offord printer 37 8 10
309-2 George Osborne ind 65 3 incl 2 FS 26
302 James Over bookseller 50 2 26
38 Catherine Palmer grocer 60 3 3
124 James Palmer publican 40 8 incl 1 MS 1 FS 10
284 Joseph Parsons watch maker 25 2 24
348 Joseph Parsons tobacconist 50 4 28
283 Thomas Parsons shoemaker 55 4 24
257-2 Richard Patrick bootmaker 22 2 22
328 Caroline Pearce general dealer 15 3 27
200 James Pearce fruit merchant 39 9 incl 1 FS 17
237 John Pearce confectioner 25 5 incl 2 FS 1 MS 20
3 Richard Pearce waterman 48 5 1
197 Sarah Pearce publican 50 3 17
339 Thomas Pearman sawyer 30 9 28
6 Susannah Pearse almswoman 70 1 1
284-3 James Perkins j sh m 50 1 24
361 William Perress victualler 30 8 incl 1 MS 1 FS bricklayer & porter 29
70 Thomas Perrot chairmaker 69 2 6
328 Joseph Perry (blank) (blank) 4 27
54 William Perry labourer 21 1 4
8-6 Elizabeth Phillips ind 67 4 2
25 Robert Pierce victualler 37 14 incl 8 lodgers/boarders 2
148 William Piggott shoemaker 58 6 incl 3 J 1 Ap various trades 12
169 Benjamin Pike tinman 78 1 14
149 Thomas Piper publican 67 8 incl 1 Ind 1 FS 12
152 Martin Plim butcher 52 3 13
337 Elizabeth Plowman ind 25 1 28
46 James Pocock gardener 25 4 3
289 William Potter pawn broker 25 3 24
401 Francis Powell labourer 30 1 32
6 Mary Powell almswoman 60 1 1
291 Montague Price window glass ... 25 5 incl 1 MS 1 FS 25
215 Margaret Priest independent 26 3 incl 1 FS 18
233 Charles Prior turner 50 3 20
411 Samuel Purnell baker 25 4 incl 1 baker j 33
151 James Racketts cowkeeper 30 5 incl 1 Ind 1 FS 12
31 William Ralfs surgeon 60 5 incl 1 FS 2
289 Joseph Raper j ? 20 4 24
44 W Redknap labourer 25 1 3
301 Edward Richards butcher 65 5 26
295 Henry Richards surgeon 35 3 incl 1 MS 1 FS 25
41 William Richards   50 4 incl 3 other lodgers 3
305 Charlotte Roberts   35 2 26
136 Charles Robinson gas contractor 45 7 incl 1 Ind 1 J 11
216 Henry Robinson plumber 40 2 incl 1 FS 18
347 George Rogers baker 30 6 incl 1 FS 28
30 Thomas Rogers bricklayer 44 4 2
138 John Ronalds seedsman 45 6 incl 2 FS 11
33 Ruth Round grocer 45 7 incl 1 app 1 FS 2
333 Joseph Russett labourer at brew house 35 2 27
29 John Sadgrove labourer 56 2 2
206 William Sage tallow chandler 25 3 incl 1 sh (shop asst?) 17
29 John Samway shoemaker 55 3 2
318 Elizabeth Sanders daughter of victualler 19 6 incl 1 FS 1 MS 2 lodgers/boarders 26
307 George Sanders HM 55 5 incl 1 FS 26
99 James Sanders cooper 52 6 9
252 Joseph Sanders shoemaker 60 8 21
305 Sarah Sanders wife of a shoemaker 30 6 incl 1 FS 26
82 Thomas Sanders tailor 44 4 7
205 William Sanders bootmaker 55 1 17
257-1 James Sansom cooper 25 3 22
309-3 John Saunders vet surgeon 55 5 26
324 Walter Scammel shoemaker 50 2 27
10 George Schofield shoemaker 60 3 2
60 Edward Scotney MPC 25 1 4
210 George Searle ironmonger 45 4 incl 1 Ap 1 FS 18
370 Jane Senols grocer 45 8 incl 1 FS 4 grocer sh 1 dressmaker 31
321 John Seppings schoolmaster 30 2 27
129-1 Joseph Sexton draper 50 9 incl 3 FS 1 MS 11
225 Edmund Shackel butcher 35 7 incl 2MS 1FS 19
123 John Shambler fishmonger 46 7 10
27 Henry Shepherd ostler 30 6 2
270 Samuel Sheppard army ? 55 6 23
167 Charles Simmons baker 30 3 14
107 George Simpson cutler 50 3 9
116 Robert Skitter chemist 25 4 incl 1 Asst 1 FS 10
227 Ann Sleap confectioner 65 5 incl 2 shopmen 1 Ind 19
118 Samuel Smallwood tea dealer 45 8 incl 1 Ind 1 Ap 1 MS 1 FS 10
41 Thomas Smart labourer 60 3 3
325 Anne Smith butcher 45 2 incl 1 FS 27
328 George Smith (blank) (blank) 4 27
109 John Smith wool stapler 38 7 incl 1 J 9
369 Richard Smith publican (blank) 13 incl 4 boarders/lodgers 30
349 Samuel Smith labourer 40 2 28
65 William Smith clothier 45 2 5
6 Anne Snow almswoman 77 1 1
193 William Squire chemist 24 1 16
329 Henry Stacey tailor 30 6 27
50 John Stacey victualler 53 7 incl 1 potboy 1 coachman 3
376 Sarah Stallabrass ind 50 1 31
322 James Stanneth? carpenter 65 5 27
8-16 James Stapleton carman 20 3 2
346 James Starbuck publican 25 7 incl 1 ostler 1 FS 1 j baker 28
111 George Stephenson ironmonger 49 6 incl 2 FS 9
139 John Stoddart clerk 45 10 incl 1 Ind 3 FS 11
284-2 James Stoke labourer 40 3 24
27 James Stout wine merchant 40 12 incl 1 MS 4 FS 2
12 Joseph Stuckey bargeman 60 2 2
269 James Studley grocer 35 8 incl 1 FS 1 app 23
14 Daniel Sullivan apprentice 17 3 2
64 John Sumner tailor 15 4 5
178-1 Edward Swait conductor 30 4 15
129 John Swapp haircutter 60 4 incl 1 Ind 1 Ap 11
161 John Sweet mason 29 1 14
8-5 Tobias Taint lighterman 55 4 2
63 George Taylor plumber 25 4 5
50 George Taylor tailor 30 2 3
249 John Taylor baker 25 4 21
257-2 John Taylor painter 55 5 22
339 Louisa Taylor dressmaker 25 1 28
175 Marian Taylor (blank) 30 4 15
380 Richard Taylor labourer 40 3 incl 2 labourers 31
350 William Taylor publican 50 10 28
261-1 Joseph Tennison mariner 50 4 22
23 Edward Thacker brewer 35 4 incl 1 companion 1 FS 2
254 John Thick publican 35 7 incl 1 FS 1 wheelwright app 21
299 Thomas Thick wheelwright 25 6 26
309 Francis Thompson clerk in orders perpetual curate of Old Brentford 35 1 26
189 Martha Thorn plumber 30 3 incl 1 FS 16
127 John Thornton carpenter 50 6 incl 1 FS 1 Ap 11
402 Henry Tidey basket maker 45 5 33
57 Richard Tilbury wheelwright 30 6 4
120 Joseph Tillyer wine merchant 45 11 incl 4 FS 1 Asst 10
195 William Timson innkeeper 40 11 incl 1 Ind 2 FS 16
140 James Trimmer publican 28 19 incl 15 boarders/lodgers 11
100 Joseph Tubb druggist 30 3 incl 1 Asst 1 FS 9
230 William Tucker ironmonger 35 3 incl 1 ironmonger 1 FS 19
257-2 Marian Tunstal char woman 55 2 22
102 James Upjohn watchmaker 57 14 incl 1 J 1 Ind 2 FS I nurse 9
376 John Vaughan butcher 30 7 incl 2 app 31
257 Thomas Vere shoemaker 55 2 21
58 William Vincent journeyman coachmaker 23 1 4
23-1 William W?re brewer 40 3 incl 1 FS 2
256 Elizabeth Waight   44 9 21
8-7 John Wakeman labourer 34 4 2
213 George Walbran linen draper 40 7 inc 4 draper sh (shop?) & 1 FS 18
1 Ann Walker Ind 65 5 1
24 Henry Walker labourer 20 2 2
122 James Walkling glass dealer 72 4 Incl 1 FS 1 Ap 10
328 Samuel Walley (blank) 1 27
45 Thomas Walter ind 89 or 59 3 3
154 William Ware beer shop keeper 55 9 incl 6 lodgers 13
61 John Warne corn dealer 45 5 5
336 Thomas Warren tailor 65 2 28
143 David Waters tinman 50 4 incl housekeeper 12
280 Charles Watkins j butcher 25 1 24
251 Joseph Watkins coal dealer 35 7 21
284-1 William Watson stay maker 50 4 24
408 Joseph Welch ind 65 2 33
119 William Welch baker 50 5 incl 1 J 10
8-2 John Wells cap maker 30 2 2
68 William Westbrook beerhouse keeper 65? 3 incl 1 serv 5
193 Charles Westlake MS 15 1 16
407 John Wheatley basket maker 25 4 33
326-1 William Wheatley poulterer 45 7 27
182 William Wheels coachman 28 4 16
126 Robert Whenman carrier 30 7 10
255 Ann White stationer 45 2 21
241 Charles White butter dealer 40 5 incl 2 FS 20
303 George White barge master 35 3 26
226 Henry White shoemaker 35 2 19
160 John Whitehorn tobacconist 16 6 incl 2 Ind 1 FS 14
157 William Whitman tailor 28 6 incl 1 Ap 1 FS 13
327 Charles Wild j baker 30 3 incl 2 j bakers 27
117 Alfred Williams draper 25 7 incl 4 Asst 1 FS 10
375 Rebecca Williams shopkeeper 60 5 incl 2 serv 31
397 David Willis ? tea dealer 40 5 incl 2 app 32
186 John Winkworth builder 70 6 incl 1 Ind 1 FS 16
48 Elizabeth Winter ind 49 4 3
258 Joseph Winter barge master 45 4 22
141 Alexander Wood currier 60 12 incl 4 FS 11
184 Alexander Wood currier 25 5 incl 1 FS 16
92 Jonah Wood tailor 46 5 incl 1 FS 8
54 Samuel Wood hairdresser 40 4 4
164 Stephen Woodbridge teacher 70 4 14
34 Michael Woodland corn dealer 30 3 2
257-1 John Wright cooper app 15 2 22
144 George Yeaseley painter 37 3 12

Surnames beginning: A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R , S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z


Published 2006; last updated August 2016