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Will of George Marnham, victualler of Old Brentford, 1827

Abstract of will

I give devise & bequeath all my all (sic) freehold copyhold and leasehold estates all my ready money ... unto my good friemds Richard WISE of Brentford aforesaid distiller and Michael SIMS of the same place victualler ... to raise ... £200 ... and pay the same .. unto my dear wife Hannah

... I also give and bequeath to my brother Samuel the sum of £20

... the public house I now occupy called the Barge Aground

... dated

... witnessed by ...

... proved 26 February 1827


A Marnham owned the Barge Aground, originally at 361 High Street, at the time of the Ealing tithe enumeration; the occupier was a William PERRESS. The site has a couple of photos showing the pub in its later years; it was rebuilt in 1902 on a larger site, probably expanding into the area ocupied by no. 362.

George Marnham's widow Hannah left a will which was proved by the same court in 1839.

Michael SIMS, gentleman, left a will proved in 1849, at the same court as the Marnhams; he was recorded as a victualler at The Catherine Wheel in the 1826 trade directory.

How to see this will in full

A copy of the original will can be downloaded from The National Archives Documents Online service, or it can be viewed free of charge by visiting TNA at Kew.


Published August 2016