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Brentford Families - Clark
Elizabeth Thormod from Upminster, Essex, noted a link to the Clark family in correspondence dating between 2003 and 2005. In 2008 Robyn Gross made contact about the Clark family from Isleworth, In 2017 Marion Dolamore-Bushby wrote to say 'my grandads family come from Brentford, namely the BUTLER, RUTTER, DOWLING and CLARK families'. Details of their Clark research is included below, split into strands:
Isleworth seems to have been a 'hot-bed' for Clarks: in the late 1790s and early 1800s the following couples baptised children at the parish church:
If anyone has can add any details which will help sort out these families please get in touch.
Stephen Clark of Old Brentford
In the 1861 census a Clark family lived next door to George Rutter, part of Elizabeth Thormod's family line and his wife. As George RUTTER's wife Caroline was a Clark, perhaps she was related to the George Clark next door? Census returns provide a few details of this Clark family and support the theory, and a speculative tree is shown below:
Stephen Clark (born around 1796/9; a baptism at Isleworth of Stephen, son of Thomas and Mary Clark at Isleworth, found on ancestry - public family trees, could be the one; he was buried 5 Feb 1854, age 59, at St George's, Old Brentford);
his wife was Dinah CLEMENTS (born ca 1795/6 in Old Brentford, buried 27 Apr 1872 at Ealing and Old Brentford Cemetery, in an unconsecrated grave [ie she was not Church of England], age 77);
they married at Ealing 5 Sep 1814 by Banns (this was the parish church for Old Brentford at the time); both parties were single and 'of this parish' and neither signed; witnesses were Ann CUFLEY and Charles ATLEE - he was probably a churchwarden as he witnessed the previous and next marriages in the register; Frederick James LATEWARD, curate, married the couple and presumably Lateward Road is named after him;
Stephen was a labourer aged '40' in 1841, living at 'Jupps Rents East' in Old Brentford; this appears to be a block of small properties, possibly back-to-backs, north of High Street and south of Back Lane, between Cannon Alley to the west and Drum or Ealing Lane to the east;
Dinah was a charwoman in 1851, living on Back Lane; in 1861 she was possibly a 64 yr old vistor, a hawker, widowed, visiting Sarah THORNE, 57, water cress dealer at St Giles, Finsbury (she gave her birthplace as Brixton, Surrey); she was a hawker in 1871 when she was living with her son George Clark; children, all baptised at Isleworth (IGI) included:
- Thomas Clark (1816): in 1841 a Thomas Clark, labourer, aged 25 was living at Jupps Rents East, the same road address as his parents; a Mary Clark aged 20 lived with him - his wife?; TC, labourer and wife Mary lived on Back Lane in 1851, no children; in 1871 a TC, hawker was living with wife Mary in Coles Cottages Old Brentford; a Mary Clark age 67 was buried on the last day of 1887 at Ealing and Old Brentford Cemetery in the same grave as Dinah Clark (widow of Stephen who heads this tree) and may be Thomas's wife
- Dinah Clarke (1818): not found in 1841; she married James ADAMS on 17 Apr 1843, at Ealing parish church; James was a shoemaker of Old Brentford, son of William Adams, also a shoemaker; Dinah's father was recorded as Stephen Clark, labourer; the 1851 census shows James was a cordwainer born Weldon, Bucks; they lived on Back Lane Old Brentford and had three children: James (10), Mary (5) & Emily (1)
- William Clark (1820): William Clark married Mary RUTTER at Heston 17 Oct 1842, both were of Heston and William was a labourer, son of Stephen Clark. Mary was the daughter of John Rutter. No occupation was recorded for either father, perhaps they were deceased. William and Sarah JOWETT were witnesses to the marriage. In 1871 William J Clark, hawker born Isleworth, was living in Thomas Place Old Brentford with wife Maryan and two daughters Ann M (20) and Clara (16)
- Joseph Clark (1822): presume died in infancy
- Joseph Clark (1824): possibly died in infancy or left home by 1841; a Joseph aged 10 was living at home in 1841
- Caroline Clark (1827): at home in 1841; married George RUTTER (see Rutter tree for details); she gave her birthplace as Isleworth in the 1861 census and her age as 35; by 1871 she was '49'; in 2024 Marion Dolamore-Bushby added: There is a story running through my Great Grandmother's family (Caroline Dowling) that her mother, Mary Ann Rutter was descended from gypsies. Mary Ann Rutter was a granddaughter of Dinah Clark. My great grandfather was a Costermonger and they often mixed with the Gypsies at events where they took their barrow. Especially horse racing events around London.
- Mary Ann Clark (1829)
- Joseph Clark (ca 1830): no baptism found, but a 'Joseph' was living at home in 1841, aged 10
- Stephen Clark (1831): shoemaker living at home in 1851; not recorded in 1841 - perhaps Stephen was accidentally named Joseph in the 1841 census?; in 1861 he was a married maltster lodging with the TARREY family in Feltham; he had a daughter Sarah Ann aged 5; in 1871 a SC aged 40, coal heaver, born Brentford was living in Feltham with wife Sarah and son William J aged 2; 10 years later in 1881 he remained in Feltham and was a labourer and carman; coal labourer in 1891, Feltham
- George Clark (1833); at home in 1841; married Mary (-) who was born in Leeds, Yorkshire; not found for certain in 1851, although a GC, aged 19 born London Middx was a general servant to William BANKS publican at the Black Boy & Still in New Brentford; living in Almer (Alma) Place, Old Brentford in 1861, George was a labourer either 'out at' or 'out of' work; in 1871 he was living on Providence Place, Old Brentford and was a gas stoker; his mother Dinah was living with the family in 1871; children included:
- Sarah Clark (ca 1863/4): born Brentford; not at home in 1871
- Samuel Stephen Clark (ca 1865/6): born Vine Street Westminster; labourer in 1871
- George Clark (ca 1867/8): born Vine Street Westminster; labourer in 1871
- Harriet Hannah Clark (ca 1869/70): born Brentford; not at home in 1871
- Caroline Clark (ca 1874/5)
- Sally Clark (1836); 'Sarah' aged 4 at home in 1841 and aged 15 living with her mother in 1851
James Clark from Hayburn Berkshire
The following James Clark lived at Providence Place, Old Brentford in 1871 next to George Clark (born 1833 see above) but this appears to be a coincidence, no obvious relationship found.
James Clark (ca 1818/9): born Haybourn (Hayburn?) Berkshire; married Maria (-) born ca 1830/1 Isleworth; lived at Providence Place, Old Brentford in 1871 next to George Clark; James was a labourer in (market) gardens; children included
- William Clark (ca 1859/60): born in Heston
John Clark of Isleworth
This line includes Robyn Gross's husband's family.
John Clarke: married (1): unknown; married (2) Sarah RUTTER (Banns were read at Isleworth but the marriage took place at St Alfege in Greenwich later in 1807); John was a servant when his children were baptised; when his son John died in Australia John senior's occupation was given as coachman; children baptised at Isleworth included:
- Sarah Clarke (1811)
- John Clarke (1813 - 1895): married (1) Maria INWOOD (1812 - 1847?) at Chiswick in 1832; he was a servant in Tottenham in 1841; a greengrocer, High Street, Tottenham when his first wife Maria died in 1846; by 1851 John was a solicitor's clerk in Tottenham; he emigrated to Australia; children include:
- Maria Clarke (1833 - 1898+)
- Samuel Clarke (1835 - deceased by 1898)
- John Clarke (1837 - deceased by 1898); married Rachel BENJAMIN 1836 - 1890) in 1857 ; six children
- Edmund Clarke (1840 - deceased by 1898)
- Ellen Clarke (1842 - 1888): married William HENDERSON, no issue
- Sarah Ann Clarke (1847 - 1871); married William WILLIAMS, seven children
married in 1848 (2) Ann SPENCER (1821 - 1873); children included:
- Emma Elizabeth Clarke (1850 - 1894): married Allan MARTIN 1867, nine children
- Marion Clarke (1854 - 1923): one surviving son; married Arthur James RIEL, 1889 - no issue
- Edith Clarke (1858 - 1933): married William Alfred EASTGATE 1886 (no issue); married George Frederick WADE 1922 (no issue)
- Spencer Clarke (1863 - 1916): married Elizabeth OSBORNE 1894, three children; married Mary Ann OSBORNE (no issue)
- Mary Ann Clarke (1815)
- Martha Clarke (1819)
William Clark of Isleworth
William Clark: born Isleworth; aged '65' in 1841 so born ca 1772/6; married Esther (aged 70 in 1841, not born Middlesex), possibly Esther DAVIS at Heston in 1801 (IGI); William was an ag. labourer in 1841 living at Town Wharf, Isleworth; children baptised at Isleworth (IGI) include:
Mary Clark (1805): entry on IGI for Isleworth
- Richard Clark (1807): entry on IGI for Isleworth; in 1881 a 71 year old of this name (but ClarkE) was at the Brentford Union workhouse, Isleworth, a widower, bricklayer, born Ealing (not confident this is same man)
- William Clark (1812, bap 1814)
- John Clark (1814): ag labourer at home in 1841; family not found in 1851; 1861: labourer, Town Wharf; children included:
- William Clark (ca 1842/3): born Finsbury, a labourer living at home in 1861
- Richard Clark (ca 1846/7): born Brumley (Bromley?), a scholar in 1861
- Thomas Clark (1819): labourer; married Sarah (also born Isleworth, ca 1820/1); children born in Isleworth included:
- William Clark (ca 1848/9)
- Esther Clark (ca 1850/1)
- Thomas Clark (ca 1853/4)
- Alfred Clark (late 1860)
The site has three early censuses that may include some of the people noted above: 1811 Old Brentford, 1811 Old Brentford and 1811 New Brentford.
Published ca 2008; last updated October 2024