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Will of John Hinge, 1802

This will is over five pages long and only key points have been noted.

Abstract of will

... John Hinge of New Brentford...blacksmith

... I give and bequeath unto my son Jasper Hinge of New Brentford...blacksmith and Benjamin PADDON of the same place draper the principal sum of one thousand seven hundred pounds three percent consolidated Bank Annuities... often as shall be thought proper so as during the life of my daughter Mary the wife of James HUMPHREYS of Hanwell...dividends interest...of the said sum...(references to any children of Mary HUMPREYS that attain the age of twenty one years)

... I give and devise unto my said daughter Mary HUMPHREYS all that my copyhold Messuage or Tenement with appurtenances situate in Old Brentford...and now or late in the occupation of George CARVER ... and immediately after her decease I give and bequeath the same unto the use of my said son Jasper Hinge...

... I give and bequeath unto the said Jasper Hinge and Benjamin PADDON the sum of one hundred pounds...upon trust to pay the same unto and between my grandchildren Jasper Hinge and Elizabeth Hinge (children of my said son)... (if twenty one)..

... (similar bequest as above) my grandchildren James HUMPHREYS and Betty HUMPHREYS (children of the said Mary HUMPHREYS)... (if twenty one)..

... I constitute and appoint the said Jasper Hinge and Benjamin PADDON Executors...

... dated 16th May 1800

... witnessed by Richard TAYLOR, Brentford with Mr Benjamin PADDON Edw DUNCE A PEGLER, Southampton Stree, Bloomsbury

... proved at London on 17th June 1802 by the oaths of Jasper Hinge the son of the deceased and Benjamin PADDON Esquire the Executors...

There is a note in the margin dated 1840 which is difficult to decipher but mentions one of the executors of this will pre-deceasing the other.

The testator

See Hinge family notes for details of John Hinge's children and a link to another Hinge will.


Other names

George CARVER: a person of this name left a PCC will proved in 1833; he was a beadle of Old Brentford

Bejamin PADDON of New Brentford, draper: son of Robert Paddon, also a draper, who moved to New Brentford around 1766; Benjamin inherited property owned by his father including 105 High Street. The site has more information about Robert Paddon and his family.

How to see this will in full

A copy of the original will can be downloaded from The National Archives Documents Online service, or it can be viewed free of charge by visiting TNA at Kew. I have a paper copy free (cost of postage) - please get in touch if interested.


Published December 2011; upated July 2021