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Brentford Families - Hinge
The family tree has been constructed using the PCC wills of John HINGE (proved 1802) and his son Jasper (proved 1835), coupled with Middlesex Parish Registers online, Pallot's marriage index on the ancestry.co.uk web site and census returns.
I have not found a local birth or marriage record for John HINGE, who died 1802. The baptism of Mary, daughter of John & Elizabeth HINGE at St John at Hampstead in 1768 may be relevant.
John HINGE ( - 1802): blacksmith of New Brentford; buried at St Mary, Hanwell (the burial entry notes he was 'of Brentford'; children included:
- Jasper HINGE ( - 1835): blacksmith, lived in New Brentford in the early 1800s; possible marriage to Elizabeth TEMPLE ( - 1846) in Hanwell, 1795; children (thought to all be born in New Brentford) included:
- John HINGE (ca 1796/7 - 1890): farrier in New Brentford at 190 High Street in 1841, 1851 (retired farrier), 1861, 1871 and 1881; the same servant, Mary SLEET, born Chobham, lived with the family in 1861, 1871 & 1881
- Elizabeth HINGE (ca 1800 - 1835+): baptised at St Lawrence, New Brentford in 1800; married John GUNNER in New Brentford in 1823; children included:
- William GUNNER (ca 1826/7 - 1851+): born in Merton Surrey, apprenticed to the Hinge family as a farrier by 1841 and remained working with the family in 1851
- Maria GUNNER (ca 1829/30 - 1851+): born New Brentford? living with the HINGE family in 1841 & 1851
- Jasper William HINGE (ca 1803/4 - 1874):baptised at St Lawrence, New Brentford in 1804; initially a farrier with his elder brother; by 1851 a veterinary surgeon; still at no. 190 in 1861 and 1871 (by which time he had retired)
- Joseph HINGE ( ca 1811/2 - 1866): baptised at St Lawrence, New Brentford in 1812; Freedom of the City (of London) Admission Papers (on ancestry.co.uk) include an apprenticeship indenture of Joseph (son of Jasper HINGE, of Brentford, farrier) to John HINGE (of the same place, farrier) in 1826; presumably the ap[prenticeship was to his elder brother John, with whom he lived in 1841 & 1851; married Rebecca Cane DEXTER (ca 1811 - 1891) at St George Southwark in 1852 and moved to Phenix Row, Isleworth by 1861 by which time he was a 'retired tradesman'; no children, although a John DEXTER was boarding with them in Isleworth in 1861: perhaps a child of Rebecca's?
- Mary HINGE ( - 1835+): married James HUMPHREYS or HUMPHRIES (who was of Ealing) at St Mary Hanwell, 1791 (Pallot) by Licence, lived in Hanwell; children born before 1800 included:
- James HUMPHREYS: possible baptism at St Mary Ealing in 1793 to James and Mary HUMPHREYS
- Betty HUMPHREYS: possible baptism at St Mary Ealing in 1799 to James and Mary HUMPHREYS
Published May 2008; updated December 2011