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Poor rate records for Brentford, 1836, with occupations added
During lockdown 2020 Vic Rosewarne transcribed the 1836 poor rate records for New Brenford and Old Brentford (which was a part of Ealing parish). There is an introduction to these records, with notes about the sources and the process of recording the data.
Vic's transcription occupies the first four columns:
- RV in £
- Forename (often blank, or an initial, or Mrs etc); this column is also used to include road names from the original records
- Surname
- Description of property
Vic's original transcription can be viewed here: this is a good option to scroll through all the records.
A few changes have been made where evidence from other sources suggests a surname was either recorded or transcribed incorrectly and will improve search success. In such cases, the name is followed by the original in brackets: for example John Bond (Bend).
The version that follows includes an 'Additions' column c/o the webmaster. This has occupation information from trade directories where there is a good match on name and location. The 'occupation' may be rather wordy; the directory was like an early yellow pages and grouped similar occupations together under one heading.
Pigot's 1839 directory provides most of the occupations and undated items are from this. If the individual does not feature in the 1839 directory, then an 1837 directory has been tried, then one from 1826: these additions are dated '1837' or '1826'.
Any additions in brackets are possible matches, eg where more than one individual has the same name, or if the surname spelling in 1836 is different to that in the directory.
1836 Summaries
The returns for Old and New Brentford (OB and NB) have been split into 16 chunks. A map follows which shows areas 1-13 and another map shows areas 11-16.
- Boston Lane OB
- Gunnersbury OB
- Brentford Road OB
- Bridge Place OB
- Brentford Road (Old Brentford High Street south side) OB
- Ferry Lane OB
- Brentford Town (Old Brentford High Street south side) OB
- New Brentford High Street NB
- Old Brentford High Street north side OB
- Albany Passage and Back Lanes OB
- Drum Lane OB
- Half Acre OB
- Windmill Lane OB
- New Brentford (roads and yards off the High Street including Market Place) NB
- The Butts NB
- Remainder of New Brentford
Map showing the first units covered
A map showing New Brentford in more detail follows later, after section 10.
1 Boston Lane
The first section is Boston Lane. Entries from the 1839 directory show this was known as Boston Road, as it is today, although the OS map published in 1869 still records the road as Boston Lane. In 1869 there was no housing on the western side of the road until Boston House.
Boston Lane leads northwards from Half Acre and forms the boundary between New Brentford (formerly in Hanwell parish) and Old Brentford to the east (in Ealing parish).
The names of the first entries correspond to those in the tithe enumeration and the tithe map offers a precise location for George Powell's house and garden and Judy Meyer's garden ground at the southern end of Boston Lane. The last entry is for Boston House, where Colonel James Clitherow held 50 acres of land. It seems the entries were recorded from the town end of Boston Lane northwards.
The highest valued property in Boston Lane was Boston House and its land, RV £178; it was followed by RV of £88 for '22 small houses' held by Judy Meyers. She also had around 13 acres of land, described as 'garden ground' and 'walled ground'; the total RV of her property was £166, on a similar scale to the Clitherow holding. The site has more about the Clitherow family and Boston House.
The residents were a blend of gentry, clergy, market gardeners and some in 'clean' trades.
Total RV £893 covers 17 houses on Boston Lane and a further 31 elsewhere in Old Brentford.
RV | Occupier forename/title | Occupier surname | Description | Additions |
| BOSTON LANE | | | |
16 | George | Powell | House | Geo Powell esq, Boston Rd, gentry & clergy |
38 | Revd. Mr. | Stoddart | House, Stables & Garden | Rev John Stoddart DD, NB, gentry & clergy |
50 | Judy | Meyers | Garden Ground 4 1/4 ac. | Boston Rd OB, market gardener |
28 | do. | do. | Walled Ground 4 ac. | |
88 | do. | do. | 22 Small Houses | |
| do. | do. | x(Land late Morris 4 1/2 ac. partly walled)x | |
45 | George | Oliver | House and Garden | Boston Rd, gentry & clergy |
15 | | Seymour | House | John Seymour, fruiterer & greengrocer |
30 | Saml. | Grocock | House and Garden | NB, auctioneer & appraiser and estate agent |
15 | The Revd. Mr. | Davis | House | |
15 | Mr. | Shires | | |
| | or Occpr. | House | |
15 | J. T. | Bontems | | John Francis Bontems, NB, bookseller & stationer and registrar, toy dealer |
| | or Occpr. | House | |
20 | | Deeks | House | |
8 | Richd. | Bursill | House & Garden Ground | Richard Bursell, market gardener |
4 | do. | do. | Land Back Lane 1 a. | |
50 | do. | do. | Land late Spindler 10a. | |
12 | do. | do. | Land near the Haunted Ho. Fields 3a. | |
35 | George | Stephenson | House and Garden | |
18 | do. | do. | 3 Small Houses, Half Acre | |
12 | do. | do. | 6 do. Ealing Grove | |
9 | Serjt. Major Jas. | Hall | | |
| | or Occr. | House | |
12 | John | Clark | House | |
| (written over above) | late Robinson | Occup. late Knupp ?? | |
30 | Henry Eva | Argall | House and Garden | |
35 | James | Furber | House and Garden | (Charles Furber esq, Boston Lane, gentry & clergy) |
40 | James | Hall | | |
| or Occup. Late G. | Hall | House and Garden Grod. 6 1/2 a. | George Hall, market gardener |
7 | Occr. | | land late Trimmer | |
5 | | | The Parish Land | |
21 | Henry | Meyers | Poors Land | |
42 | do. | do. | Land late Norris 4 1/2 Acres partly walled | |
140 | Colonel James | Clitherow | Land 50 ac. (30m., 20 a.) | Boston House, gentry & clergy |
38 | Thomas | Newell | House and Garden Grd. | Boston Rd, market gardener |
893 | TOTAL | | | |
2 Gunnersbury
The next entries cover Gunnersbury, on the eastern edge of Ealing parish near its borders with Acton and Chiswick. Here the 'house, park, ground and land' held by Nathan Mayer Rothschild had a RV of £470. He is described on the Historic England website as 'City financier and Frankfurt-born founder of the British branch of this famous international Jewish banking dynasty'. Rothschild had purchased the estate the year before the 1836 Poor Rate was levied.
W A H Johnson, recorded in one of the Gunnersbury houses in 1836, could be Alfred Henry Johnson (or his relative) who, in the 1840 tithe enumeration, was tenant of nearly 200 acres on either side of Pope's Lane, on the north and western sides of the Rothschild estate.
Total RV: £1,657 covers 3 houses at Gunnersbury and over 250 acres of land.
RV | Occupier forename/title | Occupier surname | Description | Additions |
470 | Natan Maher de | Rothschild Esq. | House, Park, Ground & land | |
63 | Mr. | Cook | House | |
32 | | Collis ) | | |
45 | | Stevens )_ | Late Booth, Gunnersbury | |
32 | Mrs. | Sumner ) | for 228 Acres | (Thomas Sumner, tailor) |
32 | | Elliott ) | | |
430 | W. A. H. | Johnson | | |
60 | do. | do. | land late Fisher 25a. | |
183 | Thomas | Farmer | | |
60 | Barnabas | Blake | | |
250 | John | Thatcher | House & Land | |
1657 | TOTAL | | | |
3 Brentford Road
The next six entries are for Brentford Road; the Star and Garter public house, reveals the location as being near Kew Bridge. In 1836 the Star and Garter was owned by John and Daniel Grenaway Porter, tenant William Meredith, RV £80.
Another substantial property is London Style (or Stile) Farm, tenant Thomas Vaughan in 1836, RV £340. The acreage in 1836 – 95 – is a good match to that recorded in the tithe four years later – 97 acres. His land included a field running alongside Green Dragon Lane, possibly the same land referred to in A History of the County of Middlesex: At Old Brentford an orchard was planted in 1665 beside the Green Dragon to supply the choicest fruits to London.
Total RV: £519 for two houses, the Star and Garter PH and over 110 acres.
RV | Occupier forename/title | Occupier surname | Description | Additions |
56 | Henry | Cridland | 15ac. Garden Ground | |
6 | John | Jeffreys | Land | |
340 | Thomas | Vaughan | House and Garden Grd. 95ac. | |
35 | | Wotton | House and Garden | |
2 | | Wotton | Land | |
80 | Willm. | Meredith | Public House - Star & Garter 1837 | (John & Daniel Grenaway Porter) |
519 | TOTAL | | Stables & Outhouses | |
4 Bridge Place
Bridge Place follows, a name suggesting a location near Kew Bridge. This is verified by the properties recorded in 1836: the Waggon & Horses, Grand Junction Water Works and George Robinson's Pottery and Brickfield.
George Robinson was an owner/occupier and the tithe map shows his 'Tile Kilns Premises & Cottage' and 'Pond' (named as Cole's Hole in 1836) on land some way north of Kew Bridge. By 1872, when the OS map (6" to mile) map was published, this was the 'Old Pottery' and the area was later taken into the Gunnersbury estate and Cole's Hole renamed Potomac Pond. The list of George Robinson's propertiesy includes ten small houses, two 'on the road' and eight in Thames Place. For a view inside George Robinson's pottery see Val Bott's informative NurseryGardeners.com website.
The total RV: £483 for 14 houses, the Waggon & Horses, pottery, brickfield, Grand Junction Water Works and 13 small houses, of which two were 'on the road', 8 at Thames Place and 3 behind Albany Chapel.
RV | Occupier forename/title | Occupier surname | Description | Additions |
| BRIDGE PLACE | | | |
10 | | Hornybrook | House | |
8 | | Robinson | House | |
8 | Chas. | Head | House | |
6 | do. | Head | 3 Small Houses behind Albany Chapel | |
8 | | Smith | House | |
8 | | Crabbe | House | |
8 | Mrs. | Matthews | House | (Stephen Matthews, perfumer & hair dresser) |
8 | | Nigren | House | |
8 | Miss | Turner | House | |
10 | | Brown | House | (Richard Brown, fruiterer & greengrocer) |
30 | Geo. | Robinson | Land Cole's Hole | G. Robinson, Kew Bridge, brick kilns 1837 |
40 | do. | do. | 10 Sm. Hs., 2 on the road, 8 Thames Place | |
70 | do. | do. | Pottery | |
10 | do. | do. | Brickfield | |
63 | do. | do. | land Mount Pleasant 40 ac. | |
10 | | City of London | | |
30 | Mary | Benson | House and Garden | |
35 | Thos. | Layton | House & Out Houses | barge master & lighterman; coal and corn merchant & dealer |
15 | | Occup. | House | |
8 | Occup. | late Norminton | House | |
20 | Ham | Sibley | | |
| | or Occup. late | | |
| Mrs. Sarah | Homan | Public House - Waggon & Horses | Ann Sibley, Waggon & Horses (H. Sibley 1837) |
50 | Occ. late | Nichols | House and Garden | |
20 | | | Grand Junction Water Works | |
483 | TOTAL | | | |
5 Old Brentford High Street (south side)
Next the south side Old Brentford High Street was recorded, under the name 'Brentford Road'. The presence of James Armitage and Joseph Napper in the first ten records, who were also recorded in the tithe at the eastern end of High Street in 1840, suggests the Poor Rate records were recorded from the east working westwards. Some people noted here also held property in other parts of Brentford, for example Mr Clarke at Half Acre and Spring Gardens.
The Gas Company's properties carried a RV of £173.
Familiar names and places occur. Matthew Bowden, the basket maker, had a house, aytes, a meadow and warehouses, total RV £56. He was buried at St George 7 July 1838 at the age of 72 and it is Thomas Bowden recorded in the tithe enumeration. He owned (probably the same) osier ground of just over one and a half acres in 1840, up-river from the Royal Brewery. It is marked as an island on the tithe and OS map of 1871, west of two other aytes which are in Surrey. Bowden's workshop and house were on the High Street, sandwiched between the Royal Brewery and Gas Company. In 1840 Thomas occupied another Ayte, Swan's Neck and Part of Dock, all owned by John Clarke, lying further west.
Messrs Booth's storehouses and still, dwelling house, distillery and stables had a total RV of £740 and John Hazard's brewery, vaults and malthouses, stables and houses came to £570.
Moving west, the Half Moon and Seven Stars, Royal Hotel, Feathers and George IV public houses are recorded in a sequence that confirm the collector continued working westwards.
(-) Long, William Bradley, Thomas Winter and Thomas Wright are recorded just prior to the George IV and the tithe notes James Wright, Thomas Winter, William Bradley and Mary Long as occupiers of four houses and gardens owned by Mrs Anne Beck at this location. The sequence in 1840 is the exact reverse of that in 1836 and suggests it is possible to 'plant' each of them into a specific property.
The last entry in 1836 is for John Figg's house. In 1840 John Figg was the occupier of one of four houses on the opposite corner of Goat Wharf to the George IV. One of the houses is rather larger and I suspect this was his; he later was a Brentford Surveyor - read more about his career and what is thought to have been his home - no. 51.
Total R.V.: £2,551 for 45 houses on the High Street, three public houses and a beerhouse, plus the Gas works, distillery and brewery; also 55 small houses, some on or near the High Street.
RV | Occupier forename/title | Occupier surname | Description | Additions |
| BRENTFORD ROAD (OB HIGH STREET South side) | | | |
20 | Mrs. | Rutherford | House | |
20 | Willm. | Nichols | or Occup., House | |
6 | Mr. | Clark | 2 Small Houses, Half Acre | |
9 | do. | do. | 3 Small House, Spring Gardens | |
15 | | Occup. | House | |
15 | | Occup. Hall | House | |
14 | Jas. | Tappen | House | |
14 | Mrs. | Heap | House | (Robert Heap, upholsterer 1837) |
10 | Jas. | Armitage | Beer House | |
14 | Joseph | Napper | House | J Naper, OB, barge master & lighterman 1837; John Napper, barge master & lighterman |
18 | Richard | Callis | House | Richard Callis, NB, auctioneer 1837 |
16 | John | Baker | House | barge master & lighterman |
4 | do. | do. | Small House, Drum Lane | |
10 | Mary | Burford | House | (John Burford, pawnbroker 1837) |
5 | Yean | | House | |
5 | Occup. | | House | |
10 | John | Baker | | barge master & lighterman |
| or Occ., | late Barnsby | House | |
13 | John | Neill | House | painter, plumber & glazier |
15 | William | Higgins | House | (Higgins, tobacco pipe manufacturer 1837) |
170 | Gas Company | & for addit. Buildings | | |
3 | Gas Company | late Burbridge | | |
6 | John | Bye | House | (Joseph Bye, turner 1837) |
4 | Edward | Richardson | House | E Richardson, butcher 1837 |
30 | Matthew | Bowden | House | T Bowden, basket maker; Matthew Bowden, basket maker 1837 |
10 | do. | do. | Aytes | |
5 | do. | do. | Meadow | |
6 | do. | do. | Warehouses | |
5 | do. | do. | Warehouses | |
100 | Messrs. | Booth | Storehouses & Still | Sir Felix Booth & Co Ltd, distillers |
70 | do. | do. | Dwelling House | |
550 | do. | do. | Distillery | |
20 | do. | do. | Stables | |
15 | John | Hazard | House | Jno Hazard & Co, Royal Brewery OB |
25 | do. | do. | Stables &c., Bull Hill | |
50 | do. | do. | do. & House Adj. | |
250 | do. | do. | Brewery | |
10 | do. | do. | Vaults | |
170 | do. | do. | Malthouses | |
50 | do. | do. | Land Se…. pieces - 19.1.22 | |
8 | | Hart | House | |
20 | | Gibson | House | Matthew Gibson, fire etc office agent Phoenix 1826 |
8 | John | Beck | House | |
4 | do. | do. | One Small House | |
4 | do. | do. | One Small House | |
4 | Occup. late | Lee | Small House | |
20 | Robert | Pearce | Public House - Half Moon & Seven Stars | Half Moon & Seven Stars |
100 | Jas. | Stout | Public House - Royal Hotel | James Stout, Royal Hotel, wine & spirit merchant |
| do. | do. | Coach House & Stables | |
40 | Geo. | Osborne | House and Garden | |
10 | | Sadgrove | House | |
11 | Richard | Rogers | House | bricklayer & plasterer |
15 | do. | do. | 3 Small Houses near the Bull | |
17 | do. | do. | 7 Small Houses Half Acre | |
8 | do. | do. | 4 do. Hollows | |
20 | William | Ralfs | House | surgeon |
5 | do. | do. | Stables in Drum Lane | |
20 | James | Alderson | House | bricklayer & plasterer |
3 | do. | do. | Sheds, Drum Lane | |
3 | do. | do. | Cottage | |
35 | John | Round | House | tallow chandler |
5 | do. | do. | Warehouse &c. | |
10 | Mrs. Elizabeth | Round | 4 Small Houses, Smiths Hill | |
12 | Widow | Stapleton | House | Sarah Stapleton, coal and corn D |
15 | Joseph | Harris | House | barge master & lighterman |
3 | do. | do. | One Small house | |
10 | | Carpenter | House | |
15 | Mrs. | Callis | House | |
15 | Widow | Palmer | House | (Catherine Palmer, shopkeeper) |
36 | | do. | 8 Small Houses, Drum Lane | |
16 | | do. | 4 Small Houses back of Folkards ? | |
30 | Thos. | Kane | 2 Houses & Garden | Thomas Kane, tailor 1837 |
24 | | do. | 7 Small Houses | |
14 | William | Smart | House | |
55 | Mr. | Hague | x(or Occr., late Coldwell,)x House | (Robert Hague, Feathers 1826) |
20 | Thomas & John | Baily | | Thomas & John Bailey, blacksmith & farrier |
15 | Miss | Walters | House | Elizabeth Walters, milliner & dress maker |
16 | | Long | House | |
12 | William | Bradley | House | |
12 | Thos. | Winter | House | T Winter, bargemaster & lighterman 1837 |
12 | James | Wright | House | shopkeeper |
20 | John | Stacey | Public House - George IV | George IV |
20 | do. | do. | 5 Small houses | |
10 | do. | do. | Bottens House | |
5 | | Webb | House | Thomas Webb, haberdasher 1837 |
5 | | Jackson | House | |
7 | John | Figg | House | carpenter, builder & undertaker; Lydia Figg milliner & dress maker |
2551 | TOTAL | | | |
6 Ferry Lane
The block recorded as Ferry Lane in 1836 comprises the Waterman's Arms, the Ferry House and Rowe's soap and soda works. The Rowe brothers also owned 18 small houses, some of which were around Ferry Square (according to the tithe map and enumeration). Some of the houses on the eastern side of Ferry Lane were owned by Sir Felix Booth and Henry Sich in 1840.
Total RV: £403 covering three houses, the Waterman's Arms and Rowe's soapworks and 18 small houses: nearly £350 was due from the Rowe brothers.
RV | Occupier forename/title | Occupier surname | Description | Additions |
| FERRY LANE | | | |
25 | William | Butler | Public House - Waterman's Arms | Waterman's Arms |
20 | Mrs. | Thomas | House | Sarah Thomas, Ferry House |
300 | Messrs. J. B. & L. | Rowe | House, Soap H., Sheds & Warehouses | Thomas B & Laurence Rowe, soap & soda manufacturers |
12 | do. | do. | Frickers House | |
36 | do. | do. | 18 Small Houses | |
10 | Grand Junction Canal Co. | | | |
403 | TOTAL | | | |
7 Old Brentford High Street (south side)
The next section continues along the south side of Old Brentford High Street, the main landmark properties being the New Police Station and the Alton Arms beer house. The Police Station is known to have been at no. 60 High Street, not far west of the Figg home at number 51. It would seem the Poor Rate records picked up from Ferry Square and continued westwards along the High Street. The Alton Arms beerhouse is a different one to that in New Brentford, and the occupier in 1836, William Westbrook, is recorded as a beer house keeper in the 1841 census, with a neighbour named Joseph Bradley. Both are recorded in the tithe as two of the occupiers of three houses near to Pump Alley. It seems the Alton Arms was later known as the Rising Sun, based on its location in the tithe.
The section ends with John Clarke's house, wharf and land (RV £171), Messrs Jupp's premises, including malthouses at Kew Bridge and in the Hollows (£178), and finally the house of James Bull.
Total RV: £1,094 comprising 21 High Street houses and at least another 21 small houses at various locations (High Street, Poppets Place – presumably Poppet's Parlour - Pump Alley), 25 acres of land and the Clarke and Jupp premises.
RV | Occupier forename/title | Occupier surname | Description | Additions |
| BRENTFORD TOWN (OB HIGH STREET South side) | | | |
10 | Miss | Adderley | House | (James Adderley, painter, plumber & glazier) |
9 | John | Newton | 3 Small Houses | |
8 | | do. | 2 Small Houses | |
10 | x(Sarah)x Rd. | Cole | House | |
40 | James | Chitty | House & Workshops | coach builder and wheelwright |
10 | do. | do. | Yard | |
15 | do. | do. | 5 Small Houses | |
30 | Wm. | Kilsby | House & Yard | furniture broker and appraiser |
40 | | | New Police Station | |
5 | John | Warne | House | (John Warne, coal and corn merchant & dealer, maltster) |
20 | do. | do. | House | |
13 | Mrs. | Williams | House | (Roger Williams, NB, linen draper 1837) |
30 | James | Neill | House | James & John Neill, painters 1837 |
6 | do. | do. | 2 Small Houses at the back | |
10 | John | Newman | House | William Newman, fruiterer & greengrocer |
16 | George | Layton | House | grocer & tea dealer |
4 | | Occupier | House | |
4 | | Occupier | House | |
17 | Willm. | Westbrook | Beer House - Alton Arms | |
17 | | Deitton | Bakers Shop | |
6 | Willm. | Vaughan | 3 Small Houses, Pump Alley | William Vaughan, market gardener 1837 |
19 | John | Bond (Bend) | House x(Garden & Shed)x | |
6 | | do. | Garden & sheds | |
8 | | do. | Sm: houses Poppets Place | |
10 | Thomas | Perrott | House | chairmaker |
18 | John | Garforth | Beer House | retailer of beer 1837 |
141 | James | Montgomery | House, Offices, & Timber Yd. | & Son, coal merchant & dealer |
115 | do. | do. | late Osborne | |
10 | William | Powell | or Mr. Clarke - House | (-) Powell esq, Boston Lane, nobility, gentry & clergy 1826 |
18 | | Cunnington | House | |
20 | Miss | James | House | (Eliza James, day &boarding school, academy & school) |
94 | John | Clarke | House & Wharf | coal merchant & dealer (& lime) |
16 | do. | do. | Land Borough Mead 8a. | |
14 | do. | do. | Brook Shot 3 a. | |
40 | do. | do. | Windmill Lane 13 a. | |
7 | do. | do. | Late Caldwell 1 1/2 a. | |
10 | Willm | Jacobs | House | William Jacobs, shopkeeper |
30 | Henry | Jupp | House | |
100 | Messrs. | do. | House & Wharf | William & Henry Jupp, coal, corn and salt merchant & dealer, maltster |
35 | do. | do. | Malthouse Hollows | |
25 | do. | do. | Malthouse, Kew Bridge | |
10 | Messrs. | Jupp & Sanders | House | |
16x - 8 | Messrs. | Jupp & Kilner | 4 Small Houses | |
20 | James | Bull | House | |
1086 | TOTAL | | | |
8 New Brentford High Street
At this point we move into New Brentford and the Churchwardens' Accounts for 23 Jun 1836. Vic has transcribed these from the originals and then reversed the sequence so that it takes us around the route from the Half Acre along the south side of High Street to Brentford Bridge, then back along the northern side, following the later numbering system and direction of travel for the website's Property Notes.
There are plenty of landmark properties to help establish the route taken by the collector. The Black Boys, Catherine Wheel, Magpie and Stump, Magpie and Crown, Black Boys and Six Bells are in the same order as they would be met, walking towards Brentford Bridge. In practice there were not two pubs called the Black Boys but two pubs with similar names; the first 'Black Boys' was occupied by John Blackman and the 1839 Pigot directory places him at the 'Black Boy and Still'. Vic Rosewarne has researched the histories of several of these establishments - see more details.
The rateable values in this section fluctuate less than in the areas looked at so far: many are in the £10-£20 range. There are exceptions: the Ronalds family of nursery and seedsmen held a barn, land in several parts, a house, shop and garden, total RV £177.
Other higher value individual properties include William Granger's house and warehouse (£60), Joseph Henry Tillyer's house and shop (£60) and three valued at £50: M. Banks's house and garden; William Flower's house, shop, sheds and fields; Henry and John Sexton's stable etc.
The churchwarden (or helper) reached Brentford Bridge and crossed over to the other side of the High Street without comment about his change of direction. The properties nearest to Brentford Bridge were Bridge Terrace, later numbered 159-170 High Street, which ran from Brentford Bridge to Durham Wharf. These are the ten 'house & shop' properties, each with a rateable value of £16, recorded in 1836.
The Three Pigeons is the first public house encountered, on the corner of Market Place, and it has the highest RV in this part of the High Street: £80. The Market Place is not covered at this point; the Red Lion PH near the eastern corrner of Market Place is recorded next but two to the Three Pigeons.
Turning to the 1841 census, Susanna Briggs, a grocer, was recorded at the start of an enumeration district, followed by Sarah Pearce at the Red Lion, the same configuration as recorded in the Churchwardens' Accounts. This suggests Susanna occupied the property on the eastern corner of Market Place/High Street in 1836 and 1841.
Looking at the western corner of Market Place, in 1836 Jno Ratclifffe occupied a house and shop recorded between Briggs and the Pigeons; in 1841 Harriet Ratcliff, upholsterer headed a household that was the last in Market Place: it was in the same general area. The next property in 1841 was in Waterloo Yard, not found in any maps, followed by the Butts.
Moving on, The Castle Inn can be identified with certainty, occupier William Cullen, RV £75; Vic Rosewarne has researched the history of The Castle. There are other familiar names: Henry John Robinson had a house, shop and workshop here although later he had property on the south side of High Street. 'Christmas' – house and shop, RV £23 – is the china shop run by William Christmas at 219 High Street. This family has been researched in the run up to Christmas each year . This block completes the High Street in New Brentford.
Total RV: £3,374; 123 houses (majority described 'house & shop'), 9 public houses, two granaries, dispensary and savings bank; another two houses were noted here, in Catherine Wheel Yard and The Ham.
RV | Occupier forename/title | Occupier surname | Description | Additions |
10 | | Gas Company | | |
60 | Wm. | Granger | House, Whs. &c. | William Grainger, coal and corn merchant & dealer, maltster |
19 | Jno. | Blackman | Black Boys | John Blackman, Black Bloy & Still |
30 | Wm. | Lambert | House & Shop | currier & leather cutter |
15 | | Lack | do | George, pork butcher |
15 | Wid. | Dale | do | (James Dale, boot & shoe maker) |
15 | | Crump | do | |
18 | | Wood | do | (Jonah Wood, clothes dealer, tailor) |
16 | Wid. | Vennell | Shed in Cath. Wh. Yd. | (Samuel Jonas Vennell, White Horse Market Place 1826) |
6 | | Cornish | House Cat. Wh. Yd. | |
4 | | do. | Stable | |
19 | Wm. | Mantle | Catherine Wheel Public House | William Mantle, Catherine Wheel |
18 | | Parker | House & Shop | J & E Parker, drapers 1837 |
16 | | Chandler | House & Shop | George Chandler, cheesemonger and porkman, grocer & tea dealer |
20 | | Salt | House & Shop | |
20 | | Machell | House & Shop | James Machell, OB & NB, butcher |
18 | Jas. | Sanders | House & Shop | James Sanders, cooper and brush dealer, toy dealer |
4 | | do. | Stable in Cath. Wh. Yd. | |
30 | Robt. | Hazell | House & Shop | |
3 | | do. | Shed in Cath. Wh. Yd. | chemist & druggist, oil & colourman |
50 | M. | Banks | Do. & Garden | Mrs Banks, nobility, gentry & clergy 1826 |
5 | | do. | Field in Half Acre | |
16 | | Upjohn or Occ. | House & Shop | James Upjohn & Son,, watch & clock maker and jewellers |
25 | | Barringer | House & Shop | Samuel Wright Barringer, cheesemonger and grocer & tea dealer |
12 | | Evans | House & Shop | |
25 | Jno. | Dexter | House & Shop | John Dexter, baker & flour dealer |
14 | | Howard | House & Shop | Sophia Howard, fruiterer & greengrocer |
14 | | Simpson | House & Shop | George Simpson, cutler |
50 | Wm. | Flower | House, Shop, Sheds & Fields | William Flower, butcher |
30 | John | Smith | House & Shop | John Smith, fellmonger and rope maker |
30 | | Norbury & c. | House & Shop | Philip & Mary Ann Norbury, bookseller & stationer and printers; fire etc office agent for Royal Exchange |
30 | G. | Stephenson & Son | House & Shop | brazier & tin-plate worker, ironmonger, smith & bellhanger |
25 | J. | Haynes | House & Shop | Jacob Haynes, cheesemonger 1837 |
18 | | Dowell | House & Shop | John Dowell, grocer 1837 |
25 | | Akerman | House & Shop | George Ackerman, eating house |
18 | Robt. | Goring | House & Shop | butcher |
30 | | Hammond | House & Shop | William Hammond, chemist & druggist, grocer & tea dealer, oil & colourman |
7 | | do. | Shed in Plough Yd. | |
45 | R. | Williams | House & Shop | Roger Williams, linen draper |
30 | | Smallwood | House & Shop | Samuel Smallwood, grocer & tea dealer |
8 | Wid. | Chalk | House | |
21 | Wm. | Welch | House & Shop | coal merchant & dealer |
2 | | do. | Shed in Yard | |
60 | J. Hy. | Tyllier | House & Shop | Jos H Tillyer, wine & spirits, oil & colourman 1837 |
8 | | do. | Granary | |
30 | Hy. | Hindman | House & Shop | Henry Hindman, boot and shoe maker 1837 |
30 | Jas. | Walkling | House & Shop | china, glass dealer and fire etc office agent for Guardian, bottle merchant |
15 | | do. | Shed, Market Place | |
10 | J. | Shambler | House & Shop | John Shambler, fishmonger |
26 | J. | Palmer | Magpie & Stump | James Palmer, Magpie & Stump |
20 | Thos. | Bradshaw | House & Shop | baker & flour dealer |
20 | | Whenman | House, Shop & sheds | |
| | do. | Stable | |
20 | J. | Thornton | House & Shop | John Thornton, carpenter, builder & undertaker, undertaker-furnishing |
19 | Geo. | Boxall | Magpie & Crown | Magpie & Crown |
12 | Jno. | Swapp | House & Shop | John Swapp, perfumer & hairdresser 1826 |
2 | | Shotter | Stable | |
4 | | Mansell | Stable | J C Mansells, grocer 1837 |
50 | Hy. & J. | Sexton | do. &c. | Henry & John Sexton, fire etc office agent for Atlas, linen draper |
10 | Jno. | Cozens | House & Shop | John Cozens, painter & glazier 1826 |
18 | Wid. | Edward | House & Shop | Eliz. Edwards, Butts ladies boot & shoe maker, milliner & dress maker |
8 | | Warren | House & Shop | Thomas Warren, pork butcher 1826 |
12 | | Barnes | House & Shop | (Ann & Diana, NB, pork butcher; or Wm James, butcher and cutler) |
42 | C. P. | Glover or Occupier | House & c. | Christopher Glover & Son, cheesemonger, grocer & tea dealer, tallow chandler |
60 | Jno. | Ronalds | House, Shop & Garden | (Hugh Ronalds, nursery & seedsmen) |
18 | | do. | Land next Nursey | |
11 | | do. | in Ham | |
62 | | do. | Crighton Do. Walled | |
20 | | do. | Clitherow's Land Butts | |
6 | | do. | Barn late Glover | |
| | Tythes | | |
| | Parsonage | | |
19 | S. | Trimmer | Black Boys | James Swithin Trimmer, Black Boys |
45 | A. | Wood | House, Shop & Warehouses | |
8 | Ths. | Brooksby | House & Shop | Thomas Brooksby, perfumer & hair dresser |
16 | D. | Waters | House & Shop | David Waters, brazier & tin-plate worker, ironmonger, smith & bellhanger |
16 | | Eustance | House & Shop | William Eustance, pork butcher |
16 | | Yaxley | House & Shop | George Yeaxley, grocer & tea dealer painter, plumber & glazier and paper hanger |
16 | | Briant | House & Shop | |
20 | Wm. | Boxall | House & Shop | baker & flour dealer and corn dealer and conf |
20 | Jno. | Lindley | House & Shop | |
2 | | do. | Warehouse Church Alley | John Lindley, orange merchant & foreign fruiterer |
14 | J. | Lowe | House & Shop | (John Lowe, Boston Rd boot & shoe maker, tailor) |
10 | | Hearne | House | (Sarah Hearn, milliner & dress maker) |
25 | Thos. | Piper | (Six) Bells | Thomas Piper, Six Bells |
6 | | do. | Stables | |
10 | Wid. | Harris | House & Shop | (Henry Harris, shopkeeper) |
10 | | Watkins | House & Shop | (Joseph Watkins, coal merchant 1837) |
5 | | Occ. | House Ch. Alley | |
25 | M. | Plimm | House & Shop | Martin Plim, butcher |
15 | Geo. | Gray | House & Shop | brazier & tin-plate worker |
15 | | Manly | House & Shop | Richard Manley, coffee & dining rooms |
24 | Wm. | Curtis | House & Shop | coal and corn merchant & dealer |
4 | | do. | Stables | |
20 | | do. | Granary, Wharf, Gd. | |
14 | Wm. | Cook | House | baker & flour dealer |
14 | Hy. | Whitman | House | Henry Whitman & Co, tailor |
25 | Wm. | Bourne | House & c. | barge master & lighterman, coal & corn merchant & dealer |
18 | | do. | in Ham | |
16 | | Kemp | House & Shop | |
16 | | Occ. | House & Shop | |
16 | | Coombs | House & Shop | Charles Coombs, auctioneer & appraiser and furniture broker |
16 | F. | Cooke | House & Shop | F Cooke, 4 High St shoemaker 1837 |
16 | S. | Woodbridge | House & Shop | Stephen Woodbridge, bookseller & stationer |
16 | | Harris | House & Shop | (Alexander Harris, fruiterer 1837; James Harris, grocer 1837) |
16 | | Occupier | House & Shop | |
16 | | Simmons | House & Shop | Chas Wm Simmonds, baker & flour dealer |
16 | Wid. | Squires | House & Shop | |
16 | | Brown | House & Shop | (Henry Brown, fruiterer & greengrocer) |
10 | Wid. | Neighbour | House & Shop | |
27 | Wid. | Holmes | House & Yard | Sarah Holmes, mason etc 1837 |
25 | Thos. | Hopkins | House & Shop | clothes dealer |
20 | A. | Best | House & Shop | Abraham Best, cheesemonger fire etc office agent for County (fire) and Provident (life), grocer & tea dealer |
18 | | Farrar | House & Shop | John Farrar, mason etc 1837 |
16 | | Dowden | House & Shop | James Dowden, coachbuilder |
2 | | do. | Shed | |
14 | Dispensary & Savings Bank | | | Cooper & Farrell, Dispensary, surgeons |
16 | | Occupier | House & Shop | |
16 | | Read | House & Shop | |
5 | | do. | Stables | |
40 | T. | Smitherman | House & Gard. | |
35 | | Farrell | House | John Farrell, surgeon |
20 | | Cave | House | |
20 | Jno. | Matthews | House & Shop | John Matthews, cooper |
20 | Wid. | Percival | House & Shop | Mrs Percival, nobility, gentry & clergy 1826 |
21 | Jno. | Winkworth | House | John Winkworth, carpenter, builder & undertaker, fire etc office agent for Alliance, undertaker-furnishing |
4 | | do. | Timber Yd. or Garden | |
17 | Thos. | Marsden | House & Shop | Thoams Marsden, saddler |
14 | | Baynton | House & Shop | Edmund Baynton, hatter |
18 | J. | Thorn | House & Shop | Joseph Thorn, painter, plumber & glazier |
20 | Wid. | Jones | House & Shop | (John William Jones, pawnbroker) |
16 | J. | Hinge | House & Shop | John Hinge, blacksmith & farrier |
30 | A. | Marsh | House & Shop | Absolom Marsh, wholesale confectioner 1837 |
12 | Geo. | Clark | Officer | Esq, gentry & clergy |
15 | | Haswell | House & Shop | Elizabeth Haswell, milliner & dress maker |
80 | H. | Mayo | 3 Pigeons Inn | (William Tinson) |
20 | Jno. | Ratcliff | House & Shop | (M Ratcliff, upholsterer & furniture broker 1837) |
15 | Dan. | Briggs | House & Shop | (Susannah Briggs, stay maker) |
35 | | Pearce | Red Lion Pub. Ho. | Sarah Pearce, Red Lion |
26 | | Dean | House & Shop | (Hannah Dean, pawnbroker) |
20 | | Occupier | House & Shop | |
4 | | Barns | Stables Plough Yd. | |
20 | | Occupier | House & Shop | |
17 | | Kayes | House & Shop | |
20 | Jas. | Pearce | House & Shop | fruiterer & greengrocer |
4 | | do. | Shed in Plough Yd. | |
17 | | Camp | | |
| | or Occupier | House & Shop | |
17 | J. A. | Mansell | | |
20 | Jno. | Brown | House & Shop | John Brown, carpenter, builder & undertaker and coal and corn merchant & dealer |
10 | | do. | Shed Cat. Wl. Yd. | |
7 | | do. | Warehouses | |
20 | Wid. | Wale | House & Shop | Dinah Wale, straw hat & clog maker |
20 | Wm. | Sanders | House & Shop | William Sanders, shoe maker 1837 |
22 | Wm. | Hill | House & Shop | |
75 | Wm. | Cullen | Castle Inn | Castle Inn and posting house |
40 | G. | Cooper | House & Garden | |
10 | | do. | Shop | George Cooper, surgeon |
30 | G. F. | Searle | House & Shop | George Fulham Searle, brazier & tin-plate worker, ironmonger, smith & bellhanger |
26 | | Bunting | House & Shop | William Bunting, linen draper |
35 | Geo. | Walbran | House & Shop | George Walbran, linen draper |
22 | E. | Beasley | House & Shop | Edmund Beasley, bookseller, printer etc 1837 |
30 | Wid. | Priest | House | (Wright Priest, butcher 1826) |
18 | Hy. | Robinson | House & Shop | Henry John Robinson, fire etc office agent for British, painter, plumber & glazier |
6 | | do. | Workshop | |
14 | | King | House & Shop | (John King, auctioneer & appraiser,fire etc office agent for Licensed Victuallers and furniture broker, undertaker-furnishing) |
18 | | Thomas | House & Shop | (William Thomas, NB, hatter 1837) |
23 | | Christmas | House & Shop | Elizabeth Christmas, china, glass dealer |
22 | J. D. | Ruff | House & Shop | John Dearle Ruff, tallow chandler |
12 | Hy. | Ezard | House & Shop | Henry Ezard, clothes dealer |
15 | | Jacques | House & Shop | |
26 | Ed. | Robinson or Occ. | House & Garden | |
3358 | TOTAL | | | |
9 Old Brentford High Street (north side)
The next set of records continues In Old Brentford. The collector called at properties along the north side of High Street, starting with the butcher's shop on the Half Acre corner, later no 224. In 1836 this house and slaughter house were occupied by Edmund Shackell, a butcher; it is not known if the slaughterhouse was on the same site but it is possible - no need to transport bulky, heavy carcasses. All four of Brentford's slaughter houses recorded in 1836 were in this area of Old Brentford.
The house that later was the Beehive follows shortly, then the Feathers at 232. Thereafter there are many matches with the tithe and 1841 census that confirm the collector worked along the High Street eastwards, without deviation on to side roads.
John King, an auctioneer with other interests, had a house and warehouse, also 2 small houses in Ealing, 13 in King's Place and 2 in the Hollows: total RV £72. His will of 1847 lists these properties, and his home at 240 High Street stayed in the King family for another 80 years.
His neighbour, Nathaniel Charles White, egg and butter merchant, held 19 small houses in Spring Gardens, RV £60, and lived in a larger property at 241 High Street, RV £30. Number 241 remained a butter/cheesemonger/provisions business in various names into the 20th century.
Another instance where a business continued in different hands is a saddlery a little further to the east. In 1836 Joseph Quinnion, a saddler according to Pigot's 1839 directory, was recorded after James Neville. Quinion died in 1837 leaving a will (which incidentally reveals his daughter Caroline married a neighbouring Neville). In 1841 Robert Fox, also a saddler, was recorded next to Neville; he took over both Quinion's home and business .
The Cannon and King's Arms follow, neither with a particularly high RV: £20 and £30 respectively. Shorty after, J C Folkard occupied the property recorded before Albany Passage; John Cope Folkard was a pawnbroker, noted in the 1837 trade directory but not that of 1839; read more about the Folkard family. The 1836 entry places him in 289 High Street, later Rattenbury's. There are several photos on the website showing 288 and 289 - an example from the 1960s - it probably looked very similar when Folkard was here in 1836.
The collector did not venture down Albany Passage at this point but continued eastwards. Five properties valued at £27 (suggesting relatively substantial premises) signal Albany Terrace, numbers 290 to 294 High Street. The last of these was the Excise Office, in the name Killik in 1836; over 70 years later the 1909/10 Valuation records the same block of five properties owned by Arthur Killik.
The Thick's property is a few doors along, with Mrs Thick recorded here in 1836, presumably related to Thomas Thick, wheelwright and smith, or John Thick, wheelwright, recorded in Pigot's 1839 directory. Numbers 298 and 299 were late Howards ironmongers.
Also in the High Ground area of High Street, George Sanders owned around 32 properties including '10 small houses, 13 small houses Caroline Place': each was valued at £2 a house. George's will written in 1850 mentions these and other properties; the ten properties referred to in 1836 could be Paradise Place, noted in his will. The site has some photos of this area. A little further along a property described as 'Vety. Surgeon House' is also mentioned in George Sander's will, as is the occupier, John Saunders, who was recorded as a veterinary surgeon in 1839 (Pigot).
The Red Lion PH and stables at 318 High Street on the corner of Drum Lane (later Ealing Road) were valued at £40 and occupied by Mrs Saunders in 1836, specifically Elizabeth Saunders in 1839.
'Here is Drum Lane' – later Ealing Road – and the collector crossed over to the Drum at 319. This was a smaller property than the Red Lion, RV £25.
An unusually low-valued property, described as 'small house', RV £3, could be the cottage behind number 326 High Street that is mentioned in a sale of 1888.
Henry Newens the baker at 327 and Mrs Pearce's lodging house at 328 are two long-standing businesses, both operating at the same locations 75 years later in 1911.
George William Andrews had a house, RV £55, at (what was later numbered) 334 High Street and 'Wharf approach", which must be elsewhere in Brentford, £30. Next door a house and slaughterhouse, John Laing Tuffnell.
Two public houses – the Running Horses and Bull – take the collector to Pottery Road. The land east of the Bull was not built up in 1836 and the next landmark is the Barge Aground at 361, occupier Thomas Perress in 1836, William Perress in 1839. It was a modest-sized property, valued at £20, as was the nearby Marquis of Granby at no. 369. Richard Smith of the latter also had a 'Pipe Manufactory'. Smith's home was just after St George's church. Next to Smith were the house and warehouses of J.B. Senold, grocer and tea dealer, £36; this will be Thomas Balls Senols, who left a will in 1836 which shows he had connections with a merchant in Southwark and a cheesemonger in London.
Two more public houses follow: the Hand and Flower (John Fisher) and Fox and Hounds (Sexton in 1836, James Gascoine in 1839), £20 and £25 respectively.
The Salutation at £30 is another firm sighting and a few doors along David McNae is thought to have occupied no. 405 High Street or thereabouts – he was a linen draper and probably a relative of William Crosby McNae at the Salutation. John Young's house was a few doors east and he was recorded as an auctioneer and appraiser as well as a carpenter, builder and undertaker in 1839; in the 1841 census he was 45, a carpenter; the enumerator scrawled 'Brentford High Street Water Works' on the census page.
Total RV: £3,985 comprising 162 High Street houses, 13 public houses and two beerhouses, four slaughter houses; and another 135 small houses, a minority on the High Street, most in the area between High Street and Back Lane.
RV | Occupier forename/title | Occupier surname | Description | Additions |
| OLD BRENTFORD HIGH STREET (North side) | | | |
35 | Edmund | Shuckel | House & Slaughter House | Edmund Shackell, butcher |
15 | Miss | Wheatley | House | (William Wheatley, poulterer 1826) |
25 | Mrs. | Sleap | House | Ann Sleap, conf |
18 | Mrs. Sally | Pearce | House | (Sarah Pearse, dressmaker 1837) |
12 | Mrs. Mary | Burnham | House | perfumer & hair dresser |
25 | Edward | Softly | House | grocer 1837 |
45 | Willm. | Tucker | House & Warehouse | brazier & tin-plate worker, ironmonger, smith & bellhanger |
45 | | Occup. | late C. S. Masterman | |
30 | John | Millar | Public House - Feathers | John Millar, Feathers |
5 | do. | do. | Stables | |
12 | Mrs. Hesther | Hubbard | House | |
10 | Occp. | late Crocket | House | |
10 | Charles | Prior | House | Boston Rd mattress maker; Harriet Prior, milliner & dress maker |
4 | do. | do. | Workshop - Half Acre | |
30 | Benjm. | Evens | House | Benjamin Evens, grocer & tea dealer |
40 | Henry | Chappell | House | linen draper |
30 | Joseph | Burness | House & Warehouse | currier & leather cutter |
15 | do. | do. | 4 Small Houses, Back Lane | |
20 | Ann | Beck | House | |
20 | James | Andrews | House | paper hanger, painter 1837 |
20 | Thomas | Cox | House | Thomas George Cox, boot & shoe maker |
35 | John | King | House & Warehouse | (John King, auctioneer & appraiser,fire etc office agent for Licensed Victuallers and furniture broker, undertaker-furnishing) |
3 | do. | do. | Garden | |
4 | do. | do. | 2 Small Houses, Ealing | |
26 | do. | do. | 13 Small Houses, King's Place | |
4 | do. | do. | 2 Small Houses, Hollows | |
30 | N. C. | White | House & Warehouse | Nathaniel Charles White, egg & butter merchant |
60 | do. | do. | 19 Small Houses Spring Gardens | |
12 | Thomas | Brown | House | fishmonger |
10 | George | Bennett | House | tailor |
10 | John | Lowe | House | (NB, tailor 1837) |
8 | Jas. | Kirk | House | John Kirk, upholsterer |
10 | Henry | Dale | House | shopkeeper & tallow chandler |
10 | James | King | House | |
20 | William | Temple | House | |
20 | Henry | Gilham | House | boot & shoe maker |
22 | Mrs. Sarah | Briggs | House | baker & flour dealer |
12 | William | Knight | House | fruiterer & greengrocer, tailor |
12 | Jas. | Kier ? | House | |
10 | Joseph | Sanders | House | boot & shoe maker |
4 | do. | do. | 2 Small houses | |
20 | Mrs. | Moulden | House | |
6 | John | Hinge | 2 Small houses, Spring Gardens | John Hinge, blacksmith & farrier 1837 |
30 | Richd. | Castle | Public House - One Tun | John Thick, One Tun |
10 | Miss Ann | White | House | bookseller & stationer, toy dealer |
12 | do. | do. | 4 Small House opposite | |
10 | David | Waight | House | bricklayer & plasterer |
10 | Thomas | Vere | House | |
25 | Occr. late | Layton | House | |
30 | John | Taylor | House and Shop | |
20 | Joseph | Winter or | | |
| Occ. late | Peacock | House | |
18 | William | Thomas | House | hatter |
10 | John | Shaw | House | |
10 | Widow | Perkins | House | |
10 | Thomas | Moulds | House | |
14 | Saml. | Gastor | House | (Sam. Geisler, water carrier 1837) |
14 | James | Neville | House | cooper |
12 | Joseph | Quinnion | House | Joseph George Quinion, saddler |
12 | do. | do. | House | |
6 | James | Ayres | House | |
20 | Mary Ann | Dale | Public House - Cannon | Cannon |
10 | Henry | Marsh | House | |
17 | James | Studley | House | Richard James Studley, ON, grocer & tea dealer |
10 | Timothy | Bryan | House | |
45 | William | Hughes | House | |
15 | John | Coe ? | House | John Coe, undertaker-furnishing |
30 | Thomas | Hoare | Public House - King's Arms | King's Arms |
25 | Mrs. Phillis | Hughes | House | oil & colourman |
20 | Robert | Baynton | House | (Edmund Baynton, hatter 1837) |
25 | Jonathan | Munn | House | grocer & tea dealer |
40 | John | Fletcher | House, Slaughter House & c. | butcher |
9 | do. | do. | Land Borough Mead | |
20 | Thos. | Honeybone | House | watch & clock maker and jeweller |
18 | Thos. | Parsons | House | boot and shoemaker 1837 |
6 | do. | do. | 2 Small Houses, Drum Lane | |
15 | Thomas | Sweet | House | (John Sweet, NB, stone mason) |
24 | Willm. | Watson | House | William Watson, stay maker |
24 | Jas. | Goldney | House | Joseph Goldney, boot & shoe maker |
27 | William | Eaton | House | baker & flour dealer |
72 | Joseph | Eaton | 24 Small Houses | |
19 | x(Joseph)x Simon | Slark | House | (James Slark, chemist & druggist) |
22 | Alexr. | Hunter | House | brazier & tin-plate worker |
30 | Thomas | Webb | House | haberdasher 1837 |
32 | J. C. | Folkard | House | pawnbroker 1837 |
| | | | |
(Here is Albany Passage) | | | | |
27 | Joseph | Price | (late Hilman) House | Price & Co, glass merchants 1837 |
27 | Willm. | Jones | House | |
27 | Occ. | | (late Witherington) House | |
27 | Jas. | McGowran | House | James McGowran, grocer & tea dealer |
27 | | Killik | Excise Office | |
35 | Henry | Richards | House | surgeon |
25 | | Woodroff | House | |
16 | Joel | Holey | House | |
20 | Mrs. | Thick | House | Thomas Thick, coach builder, wheelwright and smith; or John Thick, wheelwright |
10 | William | Layton | House | |
12 | James | Over | House | bookseller & stationer and furniture broker |
10 | Mrs. Sarah | Lane | House | (Miss Lane, milliner & dressmaker 1826) |
10 | Geo. | Sanders Junr. | "or Occr." late Wright House | (boot & shoe maker) |
15 | John | Carver | House | John Carver, baker & flour dealer and fire etc office agent for Mutual |
19 | George | Sanders | House & Garden | (boot & shoe maker) |
20 | do. | do. | 10 Small Houses | |
26 | do. | do. | 13 Small Houses, Caroline Place | |
4 | do. | do. | 1 house behind the Tun | |
4 | do. | do. | 1 House Frost & Morris | |
20 | do. | do. | 5 Houses back of the Feathers | |
22 | William | Gutteridge | House | coal and corn merchant & dealer, estate agent and appraiser |
8 | do. | do. | Stables & Granary, Back Lane | |
14 | Mrs. | Garton | House | |
14 | Miss | Lees | House | |
30 | x(occr. late Mrs. | Newton)x | James Fletcher (written over) | |
30 | George | Saunders | Vety. Surgeon House | John Saunders, veterinary surgeon |
10 | William | Allen | Stables | coach and chaise proprietor |
5 | do. | do. | Rooms over | |
15 | Gabriel | Horwood | House | bookseller 1837 |
18 | | Melvin ? | House | James Melvin, perfumer & hair dresser |
18 | George | Hadden | House | |
4 | do. | do. | Sheds | |
30 | Occ. | Late Slade | House | T Slade, Travellers Rest 1837 |
14 | | Occupier | House | |
40 | Mrs. | Saunders | Public House & Stables - Red Lion | Eliz. Saunders, Red Lion |
(Here is Drum Lane) | | | | |
25 | Thomas | Begley | Public House - Drum | Drum |
20 | James | Conaway | House | grocer & tea dealer |
12 | John | Seppings | House | academy & school and bookseller & stationer |
8 | James | Stannett | House | |
12 | Walter | Scammell | House | boot and shoemaker 1837 |
24 | Alexander | Hannay | House | |
25 | Wm. | Smith | House | butcher |
10 | Willm. | Knight | House | fruiterer & greengrocer, tailor |
3 | | Leader | Small House | (Philip Holman Leader, NB, pawnbroker 1826) |
30 | Henry | Newens | House | Henry Newins, baker 1837 |
20 | Mrs. | Pearce | Lodging House | |
16 | Henry | Stacey | House | tailor 1837 |
16 | Henry | Hughes | House | oil & colourman |
20 | Robt. | Banyon | House | barge master & lighterman |
5 | do. | do. | Stables, Smith Hill | |
10 | James | Wise | House | |
10 | Joseph | Ruffett | House | |
55 | G. W. | Andrews | House | George William Andrews, coal and corn merchant & dealer |
30 | do. | do. | Wharf approach | |
40 | Jn. Laing | Tuffnell | House & Slaughter H. | John Tuffnell, butcher |
15 | Occ. | (late Parsons) | House | |
14 | Mr. | Nuthall | House | |
25 | Wm. | Dicken | House | grocer & tea dealer |
12 | x(Joseph | Rogers)x | | |
| late | Spearman | House | (Thomas Pearman, fruiterer & greengrocer) |
12 | John | Moore | House | painter & glazier 1826 |
12 | Occ. late | McKinnel | House | |
12 | John | Carter | House | |
12 | Jacob | Long | House | |
20 | Sarah | Sims | Public House - Running Horses | Francis Morum, Running Horses; Sarah Sims 1837 |
10 | do. | do. | Two houses over the way | |
14 | George | Rogers | House | shopkeeper |
30 | Joseph | Sanders | Public House - Bull | (NB, boot & shoe maker) |
| Jas. | Starbuck late | (written over) | (James Starbuck, Bull PH) |
(Here is Pottery Road) | | | | |
70 | Thomas | Smith | House & Garden | |
12 | John | Meacock | House | |
6 | do. | do. | Weekly House | |
15 | do. | do. | House late Lehay | |
10 | | Hallisbrass | House | STALLYBRASS? |
10 | Richd. | Wise | House | |
10 | Richd. | Taylor | House | |
20 | Thomas | Perress | Public House - Barge Aground | William Perress, Barge Aground |
50 | Charles | Lutwyche Allen | House Garden Gd. | Charles Allen, market gardener |
10 | do. | or Occup | Out House | |
12 | Wm. | Woodbridge | House | |
12 | Wm. | Burrows | House | |
20 | Richard | Smith | Public House - Marquis of Granby | Marquis of Granby |
10 | do. | do. | Pipe Manufactury | |
36 | J. B. | Senols & Co, | House & Warehouses | Senols & Barton, grocer & tea dealer, oil & colourman |
10 | Willm. | Gardiner | House | bricklayer & plasterer |
12 | Willm. | Draper | House | |
18 | | Nunn | House | |
12 | | Williams | | |
| | x(or Burbridge )x | House | |
18 | John | Vaughan | House & Slaughter H. | butcher |
20 | | Pentecost | | William Penticost, bricklayer & plasterer |
| | or Burbidge | House | |
20 | John | Fisher | Public House - Hand & Flower | Hand & Flower |
10 | | Mathews | House | |
10 | John | Munday | Beer House - Eight Bells | |
12 | James | Hughes | House | butcher 1837 |
25 | | Sexton | Public House - Fox & Hounds | James Gascoine, Fox & Hounds |
12 | Mrs. | Knight | 3 Small Houses | |
20 | Mrs. | Knight | 4 Small Houses | |
10 | Charles | Allen | Brickfield | Charles Allen, market gardener |
15 | do. | do. | 3 Small Houses | |
25 | John | Burford | House | Pawnbroker |
5 | do. | do. | Small House | |
10 | | Jannaway | House | Jonathan Janaway, boot & shoe maker |
14 | Thomas | Harding | House | |
18 | Louisa | Dancer | Garden | |
22 | John | Burford | | Pawnbroker |
| (late Chas. | Callis | House | |
30 | John | Bond | House | (James Bond, baker & flour dealer; William Dodd Bond, tailor) |
16 | do. | do. | Orchard Field | |
16 | do. | do. | Mrs. Chandler's House | |
12 | Thomas | Harman | House | |
12 | Thomas | Drowe ? | | |
| | or Occr. | House | |
10 | Joseph | Nottingham | House | bricklayer & plasterer |
12 | Mrs. | Dealey | | |
| | (late Jeans) | House | |
25 | Henry | Ezard | House & Workshop | carpenter, builder & undertaker |
14 | | Merridew | House | |
25 | | Brown | House | (Richard Brown, fruiterer & greengrocer) |
20 | Mrs. | Hesther | House | |
15 | | Kelvic | House | (John Kelvie, tea dealer) |
16 | Charles | Dear | House | Chas. Dear & Son, cabinet & chair maker and furniture broker |
3 | do. | do. | 1 Small House | |
30 | Willm. | McNae | Public House - Salutation | William Crosby McNea, Salutation |
15 | Mrs. | Lewis | House | |
15 | Willm. | Clarke | House | baker & flour dealer |
15 | | Williamson | House | |
15 | David | McNae | House | linen draper |
12 | Willm. | Vaughan | 2 Small Houses | market gardener |
| | | Bacon & Wornam ? | Thomas Bacon, watch & clock maker |
10 | Joseph | Welch | House | smith 1837 |
8 | Willm. | Ellis | House | |
5 | A. | Arnott | House | |
36 | John | Henson | House & Garden | |
10 | John | Young | House | auctioneer & appraiser and carpenter, builder & undertaker |
5 | do. | do. | House | |
12 | do. | do. | 3 Small Houses | |
4 | late | Wade | Shop | |
12 | Joseph | Hall | Beer House | |
40 | | James | 10 Small Houses | |
10 | James | Williams | 2 Small Houses | shopkeeper |
10 | R. S. | Heap | House | Robert Heap, NB, cabinet & chair maker and carpenter, builder & undertaker, upholsterer |
| | or Norminton | House | Francis Norminton, dyer etc |
3985 | TOTAL | | | |
10 Albany Passage and Back Lanes
The next block comprises the roads, lanes and alleys off the north side of Old Brentford. Some of the properties have been covered previously, but perhaps without a specific address, just as 'x small houses', where the owner lived elsewhere.
Albany Passage includes John Barnes, occupier of a house, shop and sheds; a smith and bellhanger of this name is recorded in the 1837 directory and in the tithe of Ealing occupied a cottage and yard owned by Mrs Catherine Palmer near the Albany Chapel.
v'Back Lanes' which follows covers many smaller properties and sometimes their location was recorded. Thomas Shackell had 18 small houses 'behind the Running Horses', RV £35. In Pigot's 1839 directory includes Thomas 'Shackle' of Boston Road, a window-blind maker and painter. Allowing for the difference in spelling it seems likely to be the same man.
The tithe enumeration for Ealing, 1840, has an entry for Thomas Shackell as proprietor of 17 houses and yards, also a house, yard and stabling occupied by Elizabeth Beasley. The 17 houses and yards were on the western side of Running Horses Yard according to the tithe map and all 17 tenants' names were recorded.
In the 1841 census, Running Horses Yard includes Robert Pearman, William Crouch and Charles Dorman - a good match to Robert Pierman, William Crouch and Charles Dollman from the tithe a year earlier. In both tithe and census people were noted in a sequence that reflected the location of their homes.
Returning to 1836, John Thomas Hope is recorded in this section as having 12 properties and a pottery and must be the same JTH who held 155 acres in 1840 'mainly at Brentford but some north of Haven Green' (History of the County of Middlesex: Ealing and other estates, British History online website).
Total RV: £501 – 7 houses and 55 small houses, addresses include 'behind the Running Horse', 'behind the pottery', 'behind Methodist Chapel', Drum Lane, Green Gate.
RV | Occupier forename/title | Occupier surname | Description | Additions |
7 | John | Barnes | House, Shop & Sheds | smith and bellhanger 1837 |
20 | Trustees of Albany Chapel | | or Occr.House | |
| | | | |
| BACK LANES | | | |
| | | | |
45 | Alexr. | Henderson | House, Garden, Stables | |
30 | do. | do. | Land 12 a. | |
8 | do. | do. | Combrunes | |
45 | Mr. | Price | | Montague Price & Co, glass cutters |
| | (late Steel) | House & Garden Grd., 7a. | |
15 | Thomas | Peacock | House & Garden Grd., 1 1/2 a. | |
35 | W. W. | Lapsetter | House & Garden Grd., 5 1/2 a., 1 walled | |
3 | Mrs. Sarah | Taylor | 1 Small H. Smith Hill | |
32 | Willm. | Welch | 10 small Houses behind Bull ? | (William Welch, NB, baker 1837) |
35 | Thomas | Shackell | 18 small houses behind the Running Horse | Thomas Shackle, Boston Rd window-blind maker & painter |
40 | James | Malcolm | House & Garden Gd., 8 a. | market gardner 1837 |
40 | do. | do. | Garden Grd. 8 a. | |
30 | do. | do. | St. Sepulchers Land 3a. & 2 Cotts. | |
40 | do. | do. | Land 7a. & Cottage (late Allen | |
| late | Allen | Land 7a. & Cottage (late Allen | |
25 | John Thos. | Hope | 3 sm. Houses, Green Gate | |
| do. | do. | 5 sm. Houses, Pottery | |
5 | do. | do. | 2 Castle Cottages | |
6 | | Wrigley | 2 cott. | |
6 | John | Sawyer | House | |
10 | Robert | Walker | 3 sm houses, 2 sm. houses, 1 behind the Pottery | NB, coal merchant 1837 |
12 | do. | do. | | |
| or | Hiscutt | 4 Sm Houses behind Method. Chapel | |
8 | Thos. | Piper | 2 Small Houses Drum Lane | (Six Bells, NB, 1837) |
4 | | Treagles Exors. | 1 small House Drum Lane | |
501 | TOTAL | | | |
Map showing sections 11 to 16
11 Drum Lane
The collector then tackled Drum Lane (later known as Ealing Lane or Ealing Road). The first property recorded was a beer house, occupier James Greenway, the second a house and garden occupied by Richard Costar.
Vic suggests the beer house could be the Jolly Gardeners. In the tithe records of 1840 Richard Coster was the occupier of a house and garden at the south end of Drum Lane on the east side: his garden bordered the road – there were still green spaces near the centre of Brentford. Over 110 acres of land were recorded in this block, mostly as 'garden ground', ranging from an acre and a half to 12 acres.
Following after Costar, Allen Malcolm held a house and garden ground, around 12.5 acres, RV £68. In the 1841 census he was recorded on Ealing Lane as a market gardener heading a household of 16, including 12 women ag labs, seven aged 15 (ie 15-19); four aged 20 (ie 20-24) and one aged 30 (30-34). None were born in Middlesex, suggesting an influx to work in the gardens, accommodated by Malcolm. The census was taken in early June – the start of the soft fruit season. Apart from three women named Rowe the other nine labourers had different surnames.
Two of the more substantial holdings in 1836 were Samuel Jones, market gardener in 1839, who held around 25 acres in six pieces in 1836, total RV £120. The tithe enumeration shows he was a tenant and that his garden grounds were owned by several different landlords. Jones's home was on the eastern side of Ealing Lane. Another market gardener, John Godwin, held 35 acres of garden ground in five pieces, total RV £148.
This section includes records of over 70 'small houses' at the following locations: Baileys Row, The Cage, Spring Gardens, Back Lane and Albany Place. Some individuals owned a couple of small houses, others held ten or 12. These were investment properties, the owner lived elsewhere. For example, Samuel Smallwood is recorded in a house and shop in New Brentford High Street, RV £30; he was a grocer and tea dealer in 1841, living at 118 High Street. He also held 3 small houses in Back Lane Old Brentford in 1836, RV £7 in total. When he died in 1847 his will was proved at the Prerogative Court of Canterbury; he may have used this higher court as he held properties in two parishes (or as a matter of status).
Sampson Nunn, another individual with a distinctive name, had a house RV £6 in 1836 and in 1841 was living on Albany Place west. He was a brew house labourer.
Total RV: £1,095 - 23 houses on Drum Lane plus 72 small houses, as noted above; also around 110 acres of land, mostly 'garden ground'.
RV | Occupier forename/title | Occupier surname | Description | Additions |
| DRUM LANE | | | |
15 | James | Greenway | Beer House - (Jolly Gardeners ?) | |
6 | Richard | Costar | House and Garden | (carpenter Brook Lane 1841) |
60 | Allen | Malcolm | House and Garden Ground 11a. | market gardener |
8 | do. | do. | late Morris 1 & 1/2 a. | |
20 | John | Thornton | 10 sm houses, Bailey's Row | NB, carpenter, builder & undertaker, undertaker-furnishing |
60 | John | Storey | House & Garden Ground 5 1/2a. | (James Story, market gardener) |
35 | William | Holsworth | House & Garden | (Joshua Holsworth, boarding school, academy & school) |
24 | Harry | Mayo | Meadow land 6a. | butcher 1826 |
30 | Mrs. Sarah | Bursill | House & Gn. Ground 6 a. | (Thomas Bursell, market gardener) |
15 | do. | do. | land late Storey 3a. | |
35 | do. | do. | House & land (late Wells) | |
30 | | Occup. | House & Garden | |
20 | Miss | Chittenden | House & Garden | |
25 | Robert | Parker | House & Garden | |
66 | Samuel | Jones | House & Garden Ground 12 a. | market gardener |
8 | do. | do. | Garden Ground near White Hart 2a. | |
8 | do. | do. | Garden Ground late Miller 2a. | |
15 | do. | do. | Garden Ground Combrunes 4 a. | |
15 | do. | do. | Garden Ground Hopes 3a. | |
8 | do. | do. | Garden Ground late Morris 1 1/2 a. | 120 |
20 | Miss | Jeans | House & Garden | Jane Jeans, gentry & clergy 1826 |
10 | Mrs. Elizabeth | Dawes | House & Garden | Mary Dawes, basket maker |
10 | Willm. | Buckland | House | |
25 | do. | do. | 9 small houses, 4 near the Cage | |
| do. | do. | 4 Back Lane, 1 Drum Lane | |
12 | | Kennedy | 6 Small Houses | |
42 | James | Warner | Garden Ground 6a. walled | |
30 | Saml. | Hickson | House & Garden | |
12 | Willm. | Sweet | House | |
25 | Charles | Morris | House & Garden 4 1/2 a. | |
25 | do. | do. | Garden Ground Hope's 4 a. | |
24 | James | Fidler | Garden Ground 4a. | |
20 | Mr. | Martin | 6 Small Houses, Spring Gardens | James Martin, clothes dealer and furniture broker; Maria Martin, milliner & dress maker |
50 | do. | do. | 10 small houses Back Lane& Albany Place | |
7 | John | Dickinson | | |
| late Joseph | Winter | House | |
7 | George | Davis | House | |
7 | | Bee | House | |
7 | Serena | Hazell | House | |
6 | Sampson | Nunn | House | |
40 | John | Godwin | House and Garden | |
35 | do. | do. | Garden Ground, late Sandall 7a. | |
15 | do. | do. | " late Jacobs 2 1/2 a. | |
30 | do. | do. | " Long Shot 10a. | |
8 | do. | do. | " Kings 10a. | |
20 | do. | do. | " late Trimmers 5 1/2a. | 148 |
6 | | Bunce | 2 small houses Spring Gardens | |
5 | Richd. | Millard | 2 small houses, Spring Gardens | |
6 | Jas. | Sanders | 2 small houses, Back Lane | |
6 | Benjamin | Gelding | 2 small houses, Spring Gardens | |
15 | James | Spiller | 3 Houses, Beer Shop | |
6 | Saml. | Brooman | House & Shop | |
3 | Capt. | Tomson | Small House, Back Lane | Captain Tomson, Butts, gentry & clergy |
20 | Henry | Hindeman | 5 Small Houses, Back Lane | Henry Hindman, NB, boot & shoemaker 1837 |
7 | Saml. | Smallwood | 3 Small houses, Back Lane | S. Smallwood, NB, grocer & wine dealer 1837 |
30 | Jacob | Haynes | 11 Small Houses | NB, cheesemonger |
1 | do. | do. | Land | |
1095 | TOTAL | | | |
12 Half Acre
Next the Half Acre. This formed the boundary between New and Old Brentford and the records that follow are for the eastern side, in Old Brentford. Early on Charles Callis and George Bass are recorded and in the 1841 census Charlotte Callis, ind(ependant) and George Bass are recorded next-but-one to each other on Half Acre. The tithe map shows Charles 'Calais' and George Bass occupied two of four properties owned by W Priest at the southern end of Half Acre.
Arthur Winkley is recorded further long at the Seven Stars PH with house adjoining. In the tithe this was noted as two houses, stabling and yard, occupiers Arthur Winkley and Thomas Harvey, owner Edward Collins.
The final two properties recorded here are both substantial: a house, stables, gardens and land, the first in the name of Mrs Smith, RV £150, the second in the name Mrs Morris, RV £90. The tithe enumeration records Susanna Smith at Newgrove Mansion and Elizabeth Morris at Inverness Lodge: contributors to the website have provided much information about both of these properties and their occupants. (LINK)
Total TV: £419 – 12 houses and one public house; also 15 small houses
RV | Occupier forename/title | Occupier surname | Description | Additions |
| HALF ACRE | | | |
8 | Mrs. Martha | Knight | House | shopkeeper |
9 | George | Tongue | 3 Small Houses | |
2 | William | West | Shed | |
8 | Chas. | Callis | | |
| late | Wodd | House ) | |
8 | George | Bass | House ) __ late Priest | |
8 | Occ. late | x(Crook Junr, )x | ) | |
| | Freeson or c…. ? | House ) | |
8 | William | Radshaw | House ) | (ropemaker, Boars Head Yd 1841) |
24 | Michael | Sims | 12 Small Houses | Catherine Wheel NB, 1826 |
10 | | Rapkin | House | Richard Rapkin, Boston Rd NB, tailor |
3 | | do. | Garden (late Miller) | |
3 | Mrs. | Middleton | | |
| | x(or Skirron)x | House | |
16 | Arthur | Winkley | Public House - Seven Stars | Arthur Winkley, Boston Rd, Seven Stars |
4 | | do. | House adjoining | |
40 | Richd. | Rice | House and Garden | |
28 | James | Fletcher | House and Garden | butcher 1826 |
150 | Mrs. | Smith | House, Stables, Gardens & Land | |
90 | Mrs. | Morris | House, Stables, Gardens & Land | (Mrs Morris, Boston Rd gentry & clergy) |
419 | TOTAL | | | |
13 Windmill Lane
Continuing northwards the collector moved on to Windmill Lane. The first property noted was a house and garden occupied by Mrs Crane, RV £50. The tithe enumeration shows Mrs Anne Crane owned around ten acres of market garden ground, let to James Fidler and Henry Meyers, as well as her own residence (house, outbuildings and garden) on a site of nearly half an acre, on the eastern side of Windmill Lane. This is close to the site of the Methodist Chapel that was built in 1890 (Victoria County History, viewed on the British History Online website).
Further along Messrs Trimmer held 'Mercury House & Garden' RV £32; the tithe enumeration refers to James Rustat Trimmer owning and occupying Mercury House and garden and garden ground, in all around an acre. This was on the western side of Windmill Lane and Mercury Road may be named after the Trimmer's house. Read more about the Trimmer family.
There are several more sizeable properties on what were the outskirts of Brentford at the time, several with RV between £30 and £40.
Miss Platt, house and garden, £35 must be the Miss Elizabeth Platt recorded in the tithe enumeration on the western side of Windmill Lane, closer to town than Trimmer: it is possible the collector covered the eastern side of the lane first then worked his way back along the western side. In 1841 Elizabeth Platt was recorded as age 65 (ie 65-69) and ind(ependant), Windmill Lane. She was recorded next-but-one to Anne Crane who was 74 and also independent. Perhaps the census enumerator covered both sides in one swoop, a different approach to the poor rate collection.
Total RV: £889 – 15 houses, most of which had a garden or land; also a baker's shop and 12 small houses, location not specified.
RV | Occupier forename/title | Occupier surname | Description | Additions |
50 | Mrs. | Crane | House and Garden | |
40 | Stephen | Prentice | House and Garden | |
35 | | Lambert | 7 small house | (William Lambert, NB, currier & leather cutter, 1826) |
15 | Henry | Elgood | Baker's Shop | Henry Elgood, NB, baker & flour dealer |
4 | John | Dale | House | |
4 | | Wheeler | House | |
4 | | Brown | | (Henry Brown, NB, fruiterer & greengrocer) |
| | or Occp. | House | |
4 | | Stephenson | | |
| | or Occp. | House | |
6 | Thomas | Rapley | House & land | |
2 | James | Turner | House | |
12 | John | Matthews | 5 Small Houses | NB, cooper 1837 |
10 | Occp. late | | Geo. Sims Land | |
7 | Willm. | Fricker | A Field | William Fricker, poulterer |
32 | Messrs. | Trimmer | Mercury House & Garden | |
35 | | do. | House & Garden | |
16 | | do. | | |
| or Geo. | Hubbard | House & Land | |
18 | Richard | Weston | Public House - Windmill | (White Hart, OB, 1837) |
40 | Willm. | Strongitharm | House & Garden Ground | John Strongitharm, NB, market gardener 1837 |
40 | George Willm. | Shurry | House and Garden | Mr Geo. Shury, Windmill House, gentry & clergy |
35 | Miss | Platt | House and Garden | Miss Elizabeth Platt, gentry & clergy |
30 | Occ. late | Jullion ? | House and Garden | |
450 | Rev. J. J. | Bramly ? | Lessees of the Great Tithes | |
| Mrs. | Smith | do. | |
| Mr. | Harrington | do. | |
889 | TOTAL | | | |
14 New Brentford (roads and yards off the High Street including Market Place)
The next section continues in New Brentford and covers first Castle Yard and Red Lion Yard. Funge, an unlikely-sounding name, is one of three names recorded in Castle Yard in 1836, and the 1841 census shows Jeremiah and Rachael Funge here, followed by Richard Funge and two other Funge: both men were shoemakers.
The first entry for Market Place is Alexander Harris, who was a fruiterer recorded at Market Place in the 1841 census. There is surprisingly little correlation between the surnames recorded in 1836 and in the 1841 census of Market Place: in the census the first four heads of household recorded in Market Place, following the Ham, were Brown, Fort, Bridgewater and Barnes. Of these only Barnes was recorded in Market Place in 1836, the publican at the White Horse.
The Collector of Excise was based near to the White Horse: Thomas Ralfe, 'Inspector of Weights etc', in 1839 is probably 'Ralfe', next-but-one to the pub in 1836. Bridgewater, Collector of Excise, was recorded next to the White Horse in 1841.
On the other side of the pub, Elizabeth Hugall, 58, laundress, may be related to William Hugall of 1836. Nearby Richardson of 1836 may be Harriet Richardson, ind., of 1841.
The last name recorded in 1836 is Ginger, a distinctive surname, and in 1841 Ann Ginger was in Market Place, age 81 and independent. Those following her in 1841 - Trinder, Barnes, Thompson, Robins and Denyer - do not feature in 1836; several were labourers in 1841 and may have lived in alleys off Market Place.
Total RV: £166 – 6 houses and a public house.
RV | Occupier forename/title | Occupier surname | Description | Additions |
| NEW BRENTFORD | | (Roads and Yards off the High Street) | |
| CASTLE YARD | | | |
| Wm. | Sanders | for Bishops House | boot & shoe maker |
| do. | Dawes | | |
| do. | Funge | | |
| RED LION YARD | | | |
| Leader for | Westbrook | | |
| do. | Gardner | | |
| do. | Woodington | | |
| do. | Merritt | | |
| do. | Harris | | |
| do. | Bigley | | |
| do. | Plummer | | |
18 | Denyer | | | |
| MARKET PLACE | | | |
| Alexr. | Harris | House & Shop | Alexander Harris, fruiterer & greengrocer |
37 | | do. | Stable | |
| | do. | Stable in Butts | |
| | do. | House | |
22 | Mrs. | Trimmer | House & Garden | |
6 | | Crighton | or Occr. | |
25 | | Ralfe | do. | Thomas Ralfe, inspector of weights etc |
6 | | Crighton or occ. | | |
25 | Wid. | Barnes | White Horse - Public House | Eliz. Barnes, White Horse |
8 | | Richardson | House | |
11 | R. | Thornton | do. | |
8 | Wm. | Hugall | do. | William Hugall, fruiterer & greengrocer |
| Crighton for | Lowe | | |
| do. | Gray | | |
| do. | Baynes | | |
| do. | Blake | | |
| do. | Prowse | | |
| do. | Fuller | | |
| do. | Deadman | | |
| do. | Fishlock | | |
| Thornton for | Beach | | |
| do. | | | |
| do. | Ginger | | |
| do. | | | |
166 | TOTAL | | | |
15 The Butts
The Butts offers an opportunity to look at modern maps and StreetView and see properties recorded in 1836. Many of the residents were in the 'gentry & clergy' category in the 1839 Pigot directory.
The first entries are individuals in houses with no mention of gardens (there are no corresponding tithe records). The surname sequence from 1836:
Leader, King, Fisher, widow Leader, Stannard
is similar to that in the 1841 census:
James Leader, Edward Cornish, Joseph Fisher, Ann Leader, William Lowe and John Stannett
James Leader was recorded near to Red Lion Yard so it seems likely he lived on the eastern side of the Butts.
Later, Rook, Hill and Tomson of 1836 are a match to Elizabeth Rooke, Joseph Hill and William Thomson in 1841. Joseph Hill was a private teacher in 1839 and recorded as such in the census: in 1836 a school is recorded in the vicinity. Joseph Hill was living near Castle Yard in 1841.
A few doors from Joseph Hill was 'Pickering'; in 1839 Emma Pickering was running a 'Ladies Pre-School' and the 1841 census confirms she was a school mistress in The Butts.
The sequence Annand, Forrester, Mansell, Tutton, Lewis in 1836 - each the owner of a house and garden - is repeated in the tithe enumeration: Hannah, Forrester, Mansell, Tutton and Lewis, all tenants of William Creighton.
The 1839 directory gives a more specific address: William Annands esquire, Myrtle Cottage, Butts; he was recorded as 'gentry & clergy' in 1839 as was his near neighbour, Mrs Julia Lewis.
The tithe map shows they lived on the eastern side of Upper Butts, north of the Somerset Road dogleg.
W Crighton was recorded towards the end of The Butts in 1836. He was of Brent Cottage when he prepared his will on 15 Jun 1836 and died the following year. In 1839 his son Charles Crighton esquire was in Brent Cottage. The 1841 census shows a Charles Crighton in Windmill Lane, with Sarah, his widowed mother: William Crighton's estate was put up for sale following his death - see more details.
Total RV: £1,000 covering 39 houses, a school and 'tolls and pig pens' of William Crighton.
RV | Occupier forename/title | Occupier surname | Description | Additions |
| THE BUTTS | | | |
20 | | Leader | House | J C Leader Esq, gentry & clergy |
6 | | King | do. | (William King, saddler) |
6 | | Fisher | do. | |
25 | Wid. | Leader | do. | (Philip Holman Leader, pawnbroker 1826) |
| | Stannard | do. | |
5 | | Clutterbuck | do. | Edw. Clutterbuck, Butts carpenter, builder & undertaker |
12 | Mrs. | Rook | do. | Mrs Elizabeth Rooke, gentry & clergy |
12 | | Mumford | | |
| | or Occr. | do. | |
20 | Jas. | Hill | do. | |
3 | | do. | School | Joseph Hill, private teacher, academy & school and fire etc office agent for Globe |
25 | | Tomson | House | |
15 | | Pickering | do. | Emma Pickering, Butts Ladies Pre.Sch. 1837 |
15 | | Cornish | do. | |
15 | | Woore | do. | |
15 | | Jones | House | William Jones, Butts, bookbinder |
| | or Occr. | | |
15 | Wid. | Dewell | do. | Mrs Francis Dewell, gentry & clergy |
15 | Jos. | Hill | do. | Joseph Hill, private teacher, academy & school, fire etc office agent for Globe, secretary to the savings' bank |
| | or Occr. | | |
100 | Dr. | Morris | House, Offices, Garden | (Rev John Morris DD, NB 1837) |
50 | W. | Ronalds | House & Garden | (Hugh Ronalds & Son, sursery & seedsmen |
45 | Geo. | Clarke | do. | clerk to magistrates and Brentford union |
45 | Miss | Powell | do. | Sophia Powell, boarding (school), academy & school |
26 | | Annand | do. | William Annands esq, Myrtle Cottage Butts, gentry & clergy |
16 | | Forrester | do. | |
15 | Miss | Mansell | do. | |
15 | Wid. | Tutton | do. | |
30 | Mrs. | Lewis | do. | Mrs Julia Lewis, gentry & clergy |
10 | A. | Marsh | Stables | |
20 | J. | Myers | House & Garden | |
25 | | Blagg | do. | Captain James Blagg, gentry & clergy |
35 | | Saxton | do. | Mr William Saxton, gentry & clergy |
17 | | Shirley | do. | Mrs Shirley, gentry & clergy |
17 | Mrs. | Carrington | do. | Mrs Eliz. Carrington, gentry & clergy |
17 | Mrs. | Fletcher | do. | Mrs Fletcher, gentry & clergy |
20 | | Fletcher | do. | Robert Thomas Fletcher, attorney |
40 | Revd. | Geary | do. | Rev John Geary, OB, gentry & clergy |
60 | W. | Crighton | do. | Charles Crighton esq., Brent Cottage, gentry & clergy |
55 | do. | do. | Tolls & Pig Pens | |
16 | Mrs. | Darnell | House | |
30 | Mrs. | Reynolds | House | Mrs Hannah Reynolds, gentry & clergy |
20 | | Radcliffe | House | (Harriet Radcliff, furniture broker and upholsterer; Henry Radcliffe) |
20 | J. | Cross | House | Salem Cross esq, gentry & clergy |
10 | | Townsend | Stables, Shed | Wm. George Townsend, Butts, barge master & lighterman and coalmerchant & dealer |
22 | Mrs. | Franklin | House & Garden | Mrs Frankin, gentry & clergy |
1000 | TOTAL | | | |
16 Remainder of New Brentford
The final block covers the remainder of New Brentford: Ram Alley, The Ham, Church Alley, Boars Head Yard, Plough Yard and Catherine Wheel Yard. Ram Alley is on the north side of High Street, the remainder run south of High Street, and are noted here from west to east.
Ram Alley
There is a heading but no entries for Ram Alley, which in 1838 had three small properties according to the tithe map. In 1841 three household heads here were William Farmer, John Taylor and Mary Reed: all labourers.
The Ham
The Ham, at the far south-western end of New Brentford, has only four houses recorded in 1836 but the tithe map shows approaching 50 properties and the 1841 census uses several pages to cover The Ham. It seems The Ham properties were owned by individuals living elsewhere and the entries such as 'x small houses' without an address account for some of the 'missing' properties here and in the Yards that follow.
Colsell, Fruin and Parson occupied three of the four houses in The Ham and were recorded together in 1836. In 1841 Henry Colesill and George Parsons were recorded with Joseph Bourne between them; this may be the same individuals.
Jno Ronalds and William Bourne are recorded elsewhere in the churchwardens' accounts and their entries note both had land here. Mrs Rogers, Charles Sims and W. Lowe all held part of a wharf here.
Church Alley
Ten surnames are recorded in Church Alley in 1836:
Oakshott, Clarke, Crooke, Mainwood, Champaigne, Maddox, Pickett, Pennington, Cook, Davis
Three match Church Alley surnames from the 1841 census:
Cole, Cradle, Mitchell, Mattocks, uninhabited, Neville, Sweet, Wheeler, Langsdon, Clark, Maynwood
Elevens properties noted in 1841 is a reasonable match to ten properties shown on the tithe map. The occupations in 1841 comprise labourers, a cordwainer, a sawyer, a lath render, watermen, a carpenter, tanners, a plumber, a laundress and a mangler. Presumably they were tenants and most had moved on between 1836 and 1841.
Boar's Head Yard
As with Church Alley, records for Boars Head Yard 1836 and 1841 show more changes than matches to the occupants' names. Twelve houses were noted in 1836, the tithe map shows around 15 occupied dwellings and 22 properties were recorded in the 1841 census. Names that match between 1836 and 1841: Dowden, Shotter, Hobday and Walker. Robert Walker was a coal merchant and dealer according to the 1839 trade directory and had a house and shed in Boars Head Yard in 1836. He was 72 in 1841. The site has more information about Boars Head Yard.
Plough Yard
Next, Plough Yard, where Warne's malthouse had a RV of £20. This is probably John Warne, a coal and corn merchant and dealer of Old Brentford. He was not resident in Plough Yard, his home was next to the 'new Police Station', Old Brentford High Street, in 1836.
The tithe map shows half a dozen properties, the same number as recorded in 1841. The names show no correspondence however. The site has more information about Plough Yard.
Catherine Wheel Yard
Finally, Catherine Wheel Yard. This had a range of commercial properties - brewery, malthouse, wharf, a stable - and 14 houses. As with the other yards, there were many more properties than the 14 recorded in 1836: the tithe map shows over 40 lining both sides of the yard.
Crooke's brewery, house and malthouse had a total RV of £60, but for many of the properties the RV is blank; presumably their RVs were recorded against their owners, who lived elsewhere.
Many of the entries are in the form of 'Name 1 for Name 2 – house', for example 'J. Quinion for Lovell – house'. Joseph George Quinion or Quinnion has been noted previously as a saddler of High Street, Old Brentford and presumably Lovell was his tenant. Here there are very few matches in names between 1836 and 1841. The site has more information about Catherine Wheel Yard.
Total RV: £235 – 37 houses, two malthouses, a brewery and wharves.
RV | Occupier forename/title | Occupier surname | Description | Additions |
| RAM ALLEY | | | |
| (Blank) | | | |
| THE HAM | | | |
8 | Jno. | Clark or Occ. | House | |
4 | | do. | Shed | |
4 | J. | Montgomery | Meadow | James Montgomery & Son, coal merchant & dealer |
8 | Messrs. | Jupp | do. | |
| Collett for | Cope ? | | |
| do. | Crawford | | |
10 | Mrs. | Rogers | part Wharf | (Fras. Rogers & Son, barge master & lighterman) |
42 | Chas. | Sims | do. | wharfinger, Boars Head Yd, 1841 |
| H. | Cridland | Stable | |
| | Clawton | Shed | |
5 | W. | Lowe | part Wharf | |
| | Colsell | House | |
| | Fruin | House | |
| | Parson | House | |
| CHURCH ALLEY | | | |
| | Oakshott | House | |
| | Clarke | do. | |
| | Crooke | do. | |
| | Mainwood | do. | |
| Wid. | Champaigne | | |
| for | Maddox | | |
| | Pickett | | |
| | Pennington | | |
| | Cook | | |
| | Davis | | |
| Mrs. | Baker | House | |
| | Franklin | do. | |
| | Hobday | do. | Charles Hobday, shoemaker, 1841 |
| | Shotter | do. | Thomas Shotter, dairyman, 1841 |
| | Pays | do. | Jane Pays, Ind, 1841 |
| | Baker | do. | John Baker, OB, barge master & lighterman |
| | Laundry | do. | |
10 | Robt. | Walker | do. | Robert Walker, coal merchant & dealer |
8 | | do. | Shed | |
| | Jennings | House | |
| | Shotter | do. | Thomas Shotter, dairyman, 1841 |
| | Shere | do. | |
4 | | Clarke | do. | |
10 | | Dowden | House | George Dowden, coachbuilder, 1841 |
| PLOUGH YARD | | | |
| Mrs. | Wood | House | |
| | Vennell | for Snelling | (Samuel Jonas Vennell, White Horse Market Place 1826) |
| | do. | Cliver | |
| F. | Smith for | Platt | |
20 | | Warne | Malthouse | (John Warne, OB, coal and corn merchant & dealer) |
4 | J. | Smith | Stable | (John Smith, fellmonger & rope maker) |
30 | | Crooke | Brewery | |
10 | | do. | House adjoining | |
20 | | do. | Malthouse | |
20 | Mrs. | Rogers | House & Wharf | |
| | Jones | for Hillier - house | |
| | do. | Robins - house | |
| | Ropier | for Wood - house | |
| | do. | Thacher | |
| | Vaughan | for Burrowes | |
| | do. | for Daubin - house | |
| | do. | for Barns - house | |
| J. | Quinion | for Lovell - house | |
| | do. | for Flora - house | |
| | do. | for house | |
| | do. | for Archer - house | |
| Hy. | Whitman | for Hewlett - house | |
| do. | do. | for Teales - house | |
| do. | do. | for Tate - house | |
| do. | do. | for Archer - house | |
2 | N. | Bowden | Meadow | T Bowden, basket maker |
4 | D. | Northumberland | | |
12 | Grand Junction Canal | | | |
| W. | Priest | for Lowe | (Wright Priest, butcher 1826) |
| | do. | Johnson | |
235 | TOTAL | | | |
Published October 2020; last updated May 2023