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Brentford Beer Retailers and Licensed Victuallers A-Z
The following A-Z list of beer retailers and licensed victuallers was compiled for the Brentford Local History Day, June 4 2011, the theme being 'Pubs and Inns in and around Brentford'.
If you had an ancestor who ran an inn, hotel, pub or beerhouse you may be able to find photos or postcards showing the property. You may also find the history of the property has been researched and published.
Your beer retailer ancestor may also be mentioned as a witness in an Old Bailey trial (1674 - 1913: see Web Links for a link to this free web site). For example, the trial of Richard Pearce of Brentford in 1883 for 'Feloniously throwing Kate Pearce into a canal, with intent to murder her' mentions Robert Bee 'I live at Brentford ... I am a beerhouse keeper, which I attend to when my newspaper business is over, at 10 o'clock' and 'Mr. Van's public-house, the Black Boy'.
The details of Robert Bee helps explain why ancestors sometimes appear as a beer retailer and on other occasions with a different occupation in censuses and directories: the beer house may have been just an evening occupation, worth including in a trade directory but the day job may have been a more important source of regular income and noted in census returns.
Information has been taken from 1811 and 1841 - 1911 censuses, trade directories (1826, 1839, 1845, 1851, 1853, 1855, 1866, 1874, 1878, 1882, 1890, 1898, 1907, 1913, 1920, 1926, 1928, 1933, 1937, 1938, 1940), 'Brentford & Chiswick Pubs' by Gillian Clegg, research by Mary Blyth, information from Mr Harrison, material available at the Local History Day 2011, information provided by descendants and a 1914 newspaper article about a collection made by tenants of Royal Brewery pubs for the Prince of Wales' National Relief Fund. Vic Rosewarne provided a further and substantial contribution during 2017 in the form of licence transfers and lists of pubs operating in 1861, 1882 and 1900.
If you can provide any updates to people names, pub names or dates, please get in touch.
Directory entries are often of the form 'Smith, John beer retailer', ie no street or beer house name. I have included New Brentford (NB) or Old Brentford (OB) in the address column where known. In earlier directories Kew Bridge Road does not appear as an address, instead this area was simply recorded as High Street, Old Brentford.
Information included:
- Surname: spelling varied, eg Acrell and Ackrill appear to be the same family and in a very few cases (such as Acrell) I have standardised spellings; look out for variations such as Weatherley and Wetherley; occasionally a forename is included; there may be more about a family running a High Street establishment in the Property section
- Pub: could be a beer house, public house, hotel, inn or tavern; pub names changed: see Pubs A-Z to find out more; if no name is known the trade directory description is given - often 'Beer Retailer'
- Address: corner beer houses may be given the address of either road; roads changed name during the period covered: eg Drum Lane became Ealing Road; where an establishment is long standing and there is continuity of use, I have included the exact address (eg 366 High St) for earlier entries where the address may be listed as just 'High St' or even 'Old Brentford'
- From: date, see list of sources above; where '1850s' the date is in the 1850-1859 period
- To: date, as 'From'; where 'From' and 'To' are the same year an entry has been found in just one census or trade directory
Surname | Pub | Address | From | To |
Surname | Pub | Address | From | To |
Ackrill/Ackrell | Lord Nelson | 154 High St | 1870s | 1882 |
Adams | Star & Garter | Kew Bridge | 1853 | 1855 |
Aldington | Express | 56 Kew Bridge Rd | 1890s | 1900 |
Aldous | Waggon & Horses | 26 Kew Bridge Rd | 1871 | 1870s |
Aldridge | Feathers | 232 High St | 1811 | 1811 |
Allen | Hope & Anchor | Brookshot Rd | 1851 | 1853 |
Allen | North Star | North Rd | 1870s | 1882 |
Allen Fredk | Volunteer beerhouse | Drum Lane | 1870 | 1874 |
Andrews | Beerhouse | High St, NB | 1863 | 1863 |
Ansell | Globe | 61 Windmill Rd | 1871 | 1874 |
Arnold | White Horse | 24 Market Place | 1870s | 1870s |
Atkins | Magpie & Crown | 128 High St | 1866 | 1882 |
Atkinson | Royal Tar | 3 High St | 1900 | 1901 |
Baker | Catherine Wheel | 94 High St | 1850s | 1855 |
Baldwin | Black Boy & Still | 87 High St | 1861 | 1870s |
Balsom | Magnet | 152 High St | 1930s | 1930s |
Band Henry | Beer Retailer | High St OB | 1874 | 1874 |
Banks | Red Lion | 318 High St | 1871 | 1871 |
Banks | Black Boy & Still | 87 High St | 1850s | 1850s |
Banks | Star & Garter | Kew Bridge | 1870s | 1870s |
Barber | Royal Tar | 3 High St | 1928 | 1928 |
Barker | Barge Aground | 361 High St | 1851 | 1850s |
Barker | White Hart | Windmill Rd | 1870s | 1870s |
Barnes | Black Boys | 140 & 141 High St | 1826 | 1826 |
Barnes | White Horse | 24 Market Place | 1839 | 1850s |
Barnes | George IV | 50 High St | 1845 | 1845 |
Barnes | Queens Arms | 366 High St | 1866 | 1866 |
Barnes | White Horse | 24 Market Place | 1860s | 1860s |
Barnes | Kings Arms | 273 High St | 1880s | 1880s |
Barret | Railway Arms | Orchard Rd | 1853 | 1853 |
Barrett | Kings Arms | Orchard Rd | 1855 | 1855 |
Bartlett | Red Lion | 318 High St | 1878 | 1878 |
Basley | Prince of Wales | 346 High St | 1826 | 1826 |
Baxter | Green Dragon | 20 London Rd | 1898 | 1898 |
Beare | Beehive | 227 High St | 1930s | 1940s |
Beasley | Red Lion | 197 High St | 1866 | 1866 |
Bee Robt | Shovel & Hoe | Back Lane West OB | 1874 | 1885 |
Bee Robt | Albany Arms | Back Lane West OB | 1900 | 1900 |
Beese | Royal Tar | 3 High St | 1871 | 1874 |
Begley | Drum | 319 High St | 1839 | 1839 |
Begley | White Hart | Ealing Lane / Windmill Lane | 1840s | 1861 |
Bell | Red Lion | 318 High St | 1874 | 1874 |
Bennett | Star & Garter | Kew Bridge | 1890s | 1890s |
Besley | Royal Hotel | 26 & 27 High St | 1870s | 1882 |
Best | Barge Aground | 361 High St | 1890s | 1900s |
Bevan | Duke of York | NB | 1900 | 1900 |
Bevis | Jolly Boatman | 156 High St | 1853 | 1855 |
Bird | Castle | 208 High St | 1882 | 1907 |
Bisshop | Rising Sun | 68 & 69 High St | 1933 | 1933 |
Blackman | Black Boy & Still | 87 High St | 1826 | 1840s |
Blackwell | Coach & Horses | Brentford End | 1853 | 1853 |
Blake | Brewery Tap | 22 High St | 1890 | 1900 |
Blandford | New Inn | Ealing Lane | 1861 | 1861 |
Blick | New Inn | 1 New Rd | 1891 | 1901 |
Boughton | Three Pigeons | 195 High St | 1874 | 1874 |
Bounday Thos | Beer Retailer | New Rd | 1874 | 1878 |
Bowler | Queens Arms | 366 High St | 1871 | 1878 |
Boxall | Magpie & Crown | 128 High St | 1839 | 1845 |
Boxall | Seven Stars | 32 Half Acre | 1860s | 1882 |
Boxall | Lord Nelson | Grove Rd OB | 1900 | 1900 |
Boxall | Red Lion | 197 High St | 1913 | 1914 |
Bradbeer | Seven Stars | 32 Half Acre | 1891 | 1901 |
Bragg | Waggon & Horses | 26 Kew Bridge Rd | 1890s | 1900 |
Bray | Three Pigeons | 195 High St | 1907 | 1907 |
Bridgen/Bryden | Fox & Hounds | 384 High St | 1890 | 1891 |
Brill | Star & Garter | Kew Bridge | 1880s | 1880s |
Brill | Castle | 208 High St | 1890 | 1890s |
Britton | Royal Tar | 3 High St | 1911 | 1911 |
Broadfoot | Lamb | 409 High St | 1890s | 1900 |
Brook | Royal Tar | 3 High St | 1881 | 1881 |
Brooks | Royal Horse Guardsman | Drum Lane/Ealing Rd | 1878 | 1882 |
Brooks | Bricklayers' Arms | 67-69 Ealing Rd | 1914 | 1921 |
Brown | White Swan | Old Brentford | 1860 | 1860 |
Brown | Watermans Hall | 5 Catherine Wheel Yard | 1891 | 1900 |
Brunsden | Magpie & Crown | 128 High St | 1826 | 1826 |
Burn | Princess Royal | 107 Ealing Rd | 1850s | 1861 |
Burrows | Barleycorn | 98 High St | 1840s | 1855 |
Burrows | Royal Tar | 3 High St | 1937 | 1937 |
Buss | Harp | Back Lane West/Albany Rd OB | 1878 | 1900 |
Buss | Fox & Hounds | 384 High St | 1898 | 1900 |
Butler | Waterman's Arms | Ferry Lane | 1811 | 1861 |
Butler | Fox & Hounds | 384 High St | 1913 | 1913 |
Butlin | Marquis of Granby | 369 High St | 1826 | 1826 |
Caffyn | Red Lion | 318 High St | 1937 | 1940 |
Carnelly | Seven Stars | 32 Half Acre | 1855 | 1855 |
Carter | Black Boys | 140 & 141 High St | 1850s | 1850s |
Chovil | Royal Hotel | 26 & 27 High St | 1890s | 1890s |
Clark | Salutation | 401 High St | 1826 | 1826 |
Clarke | Kings Arms | 273 High St | 1890 | 1890s |
Clements | Kings Arms | 273 High St | 1890s | 1890s |
Cole | Half Moon & Seven Stars | 25 High St | 1870s | 1870s |
Coleman | Brewery Tap | 22 High St | 1855 | 1855 |
Coles | Albany Arms | Albany Rd | 1910 | 1914 |
Coles | Royal Oak | 38 New Rd | 1914 | 1937 |
Collier | Catherine Wheel | 94 High St | 1861 | 1900s |
Collier | Kings Arms | 19 Boston Rd | 1891 | 1900 |
Collin | Six Bells | 149 High St | 1907 | 1928 |
Collins | Beer Retailer | Drum Lane | 1851 | 1855 |
Collins | Bricklayers' Arms | Ealing Lane | 1850s | 1850s |
Colsell | Barge Aground | High St | 1861 | 1861 |
Comer | Beehive | 227 High St | 1860s | 1860s |
Compton | Griffin | OB | 1900 | 1900 |
Cook | Beer Retailer | None | 1851 | 1851 |
Coombs | Castle | 208 High St | 1861 | 1866 |
Cooper | George IV | 50 High St | 1866 | 1891 |
Cowdrey | Black Boys | 140 & 141 High St | 1870s | 1870s |
Cox | Cannon | 267 High St | 1880s | 1880s |
Coxen | Half Moon & Seven Stars | 25 High St | 1811 | 1811 |
Creamer | Globe | 61 Windmill Rd | 1880s | 1891 |
Crease | Royal Hotel | 26 & 27 High St | 1920s | 1920s |
Cuishen | Brewery Tap | 22 High St | 1850s | 1850s |
Cullen | Castle | 208 High St | 1839 | 1855 |
Dale | Cannon | 267 High St | 1826 | 1855 |
Dale | Fox & Hounds | 384 High St | 1845 | 1845 |
Damp | Red Lion | 318 High St | 1890 | 1890 |
Davis | Northumberland Arms | 11 London Rd | 1850s | 1850s |
Davis | New Inn | 1 New Rd | 1880s | 1880s |
Day | Waterman's Arms | 179 High St | 1860s | 1860s |
Deane | Magpie & Stump | 124 High St | 1860s | 1860s |
Diggins | Rising Sun | 68 & 69 High St | 1934 | 1940s |
Dimmock | Waterman's Arms | 179 High St | 1855 | 1855 |
Dodge | Royal Tar | 3 High St | 1907 | 1907 |
Dorey | George & Dragon | 29 London Rd | 1880s | 1880s |
Dorey | Six Bells | 149 High St | 1882 | 1901 |
Dorey | Barge Aground | 361 High St | 1890 | 1890s |
Downs | Volunteer | 32 Ealing Rd | 1901 | 1901 |
Dowsett | Waggon & Horses | 26 Kew Bridge Rd | 1866 | 1866 |
Drewe | Kings Arms | 273 High St | 1826 | 1826 |
Drinkwater | Waterman's Arms | 179 High St | 1890s | 1900s |
Dykes | Six Bells | 149 High St | 1881 | 1891 |
Earle | Standard | Half Acre | 1882 | 1882 |
East | Bunch of Grapes | Ferry Lane | 1903 | 1909 |
East | Beehive | 227 High St | 1890s | 1890s |
Eaton | Bull | 350 High St | 1826 | 1826 |
Eden | George and Dragon | 29 London Rd | 1903 | 1903 |
Edwards | George IV | 50 High St | 1851 | 1855 |
Edwards | Half Moon & Seven Stars | 25 High St | 1860s | 1860s |
Edwards | Salutation | 401 High St | 1870s | 1870s |
Ekins/Elkins | Plough | 24 Kew Bridge Rd | 1890s | 1900 |
Elliott | Royal Hotel | 26 & 27 High St | 1920s | 1920s |
Etherington | Grand Junction Arms | 166 High St | 1850s | 1850s |
Eva/ens | Pottery Arms | Pottery Rd/Bull Lane | 1881 | 1883 |
Evans | Royal Tar | 3 High St | 1913 | 1913 |
Fairchild | Half Moon & Seven Stars | 25 High St | 1870s | 1870s |
Farring(d/t)on | Beehive | 227 High St | 1870s | 1890s |
Farrington | Grand Junction Arms | 12 High St | 1874 | 1882 |
Fear | Red Lion | 197 High St | 1890 | 1891 |
Ferris | Marquis of Granby | 369 High St | 1890 | 1900s |
Ferris | Half Moon & Seven Stars | 25 High St | 1890s | 1900s |
Field | Three Pigeons | 195 High St | 1861 | 1866 |
Field | North Star | North Rd | 1914 | 1914 |
Field | Magnet | 152 High St | 1920s | 1920s |
Fielder | Magpie & Stump | 124 High St | 1890 | 1890s |
Finall | Rising Sun | 68 & 69 High St | 1860s | 1860s |
Finall | Duke of Cambridge | 247 High St | 1870s | 1883 |
Fisher | Hand & Flower | 378 High St | 1839 | 1845 |
Fisher Edwd | Waterman's Arms | Ferry Rd | 1874 | 1874 |
Fleetwood | Gardeners Arms (& Refreshment House) | Back Lane East | 1882 | 1882 |
Foord | Cannon | 267 High St | 1882 | 1882 |
Forbes | Castle | 208 High St | 1826 | 1826 |
Franklin | Magpie & Stump | 124 High St | 1850s | 1850s |
Freeman | Rising Sun | 68 & 69 High St | 1920 | 1928 |
Furmston | Magpie & Crown | 128 High St | 1920 | 1920 |
Gainsford | New Inn | 1 New Rd | 1850s | 1855 |
Gardner | Beer Retailer | Back Lane OB | 1874 | 1878 |
Gardiner | Gardiners Arms | Walnut Tree Rd OB | 1900 | 1900 |
Gascoine | Fox & Hounds | 384 High St | 1839 | 1841 |
Gelleff | Queens Arms | 366 High St | 1881 | 1882 |
Gibbins | Half Moon & Seven Stars | 25 High St | 1870s | 1870s |
Gifford | Beer Retailer | None | 1851 | 1851 |
Gilbert | Rising Sun | 68 & 69 High St | 1890s | 1900s |
Gill | Bull | 350 High St | 1920s | 1920s |
Gillatt | Three Pigeons | 195 High St | 1882 | 1900 |
Girard | Catherine Wheel | 94 High St | 1840s | 1850s |
Gomm | Beehive | 227 High St | 1850s | 1860s |
Gomm | Britannia | High St OB | 1853 | 1853 |
Gomm | Strawberry House | 22 New Rd | 1871 | 1882 |
Gomm | Patriot | New Rd | 1882 | 1882 |
Gomm | Drum | 319 High St | 1874 | 1901 |
Gomm | Royal Horse Guardsman | 23 Ealing Rd | 1900 | 1901 |
Goodall | Brewery Tap | 22 High St | 1870s | 1882 |
Goodall | Plough | 24 Kew Bridge Rd | 1890s | 1890s |
Goodman | Three Pigeons | 195 High St | 1858 | 1859 |
Goodman | Northumberland Arms | 11 London Rd | 1870s | 1890s |
Goodwin | Brewery Tap | 22 High St | 1880s | 1880s |
Gotts | Duke of Cambridge | 247 High St | 1910s | 1910s |
Greco | Castle | 208 High St | 1913 | 1913 |
Green | Brewery Tap | 21 Catherine Wheel Yard | 1874 | 1900 |
Green | George & Dragon | 29 London Rd | 1890s | 1890s |
Greenway | Drum | 319 High St | 1845 | 1845 |
Griffiths | Lord Nelson | 154 High St | 1890s | 1890s |
Griffiths | Magpie & Crown | 128 High St | 1933 | 1933 |
Grint | Princess Royal | 107 Ealing Rd | 1850s | 1850s |
Grover | Fox & Hounds | 384 High St | 1851 | 1851 |
Grover | Magpie & Stump | 124 High St | 1860s | 1870s |
Groves | Barge Aground | 361 High St | 1910s | 1910s |
Gyngell | Bull | 350 High St | 1910s | 1910s |
Hadley | Drum | 319 High St | 1851 | 1871 |
Hague | Feathers | 232 High St | 1826 | 1826 |
Hale | Magpie & Crown | 128 High St | 1937 | 1940 |
Hamblen | Prince of Wales | 346 High St | 1870s | 1900s |
Hamblen | Red Lion | 318 High St | 1907 | 1933 |
Hamlet | Lord Nelson | 154 High St | 1850s | 1850s |
Hammerton | Beer Retailer | NB | 1855 | 1855 |
Hammond | Royal Oak | 1 New Rd | 1881 | 1882 |
Harding | Prince of Wales | 346 High St | 1851 | 1855 |
Harmer | Red Lion | 197 High St | 1882 | 1901 |
Harrington | Three Pigeons | 195 High St | 1845 | 1845 |
Harris | Drum | 319 High St | 1826 | 1826 |
Hart | George IV | 50 High St | 1920 | 1928 |
Hartley | Star & Garter | Kew Bridge | 1860s | 1860s |
Harty | Black Boys | 140 & 141 High St | 1870s | 1870s |
Harvey | George & Dragon | 29 London Rd | 1901 | 1901 |
Hawkins | Cannon | 267 High St | 1860s | 1860s |
Hayter | Beershop | London Rd | 1851 | 1851 |
Heading | Royal Oak | London Rd | 1858 | 1858 |
Henbrey | Beehive | 227 High St | 1890s | 1900s |
Henderson | Rising Sun | 68 & 69 High St | 1870s | 1883 |
Higgins | Beer Retailer | Back Lane OB | 1874 | 1874 |
Hill | Bunch of Grapes | Ferry Lane | 1890s | 1898 |
Hilliard | Goat | Ferry Lane | 1791 | 1791 |
Hills | Royal Tar | 3 High St | 1940 | 1940 |
Hillyar | White Hart | 46 Windmill Rd | 1882 | 1911 |
Hillyar | White Hart | 88 Windmill Rd | 1891 | 1900 |
Hinton | Jolly Gardeners | 26 Windmill Rd | 1871 | 1900 |
Hinton | Bricklayers Arms | 30 Ealing Rd | 1878 | 1882 |
Hoare | Kings Arms | 273 High St | 1839 | 1870s |
Hockaday | Half Moon & Crown | 55 London Rd | 1880s | 1901 |
Hogg | Plough | 24 Kew Bridge Rd | 1914 | 1914 |
Holt | Three Pigeons | 195 High St | 1855 | 1855 |
Holt | Magpie & Crown | 128 High St | 1926 | 1928 |
Hopkins | Magpie & Stump | 124 High St | 1882 | 1900 |
Howard | Magpie & Crown | 128 High St | 1913 | 1913 |
Humphreys | Magpie & Crown | 128 High St | 1855 | 1861 |
Humphries | Salutation | 401 High St | 1890 | 1910s |
Hunt | Black Boys | 140 & 141 High St | 1880s | 1880s |
Hunt | Plough | 24 Kew Bridge Rd | 1890s | 1890s |
Hutchinson | Magpie & Stump | 124 High St | 1900s | 1900s |
Ireland | Star & Garter | Kew Bridge | 1811 | 1811 |
Jarrett | Feathers | 232 High St | 1928 | 1937 |
Jennings | Grand Junction Arms | 166 High St | 1870s | 1900s |
Jennings | Magnet | 152 High St | 1940s | 1940s |
Jones | Castle | 208 High St | 1911 | 1911 |
Jones | Angel Inn | London Rd | 1840s | 1840s |
Kane | Carpenters Arms | 74 New Rd | 1871 | 1871 |
Kate | Brewery Tap | 22 High St | 1860s | 1860s |
Kates | Bull | 350 High St | 1860s | 1880s |
Kates | Feathers | 232 High St | 1866 | 1891 |
Kates | Magpie & Crown | 128 High St | 1898 | 1898 |
King | Castle | 208 High St | 1871 | 1881 |
King | Red Lion | 318 High St | 1898 | 1898 |
Kinner | Beer Retailer | OB | 1851 | 1855 |
Knapp | Beer Retailer | Drum Lane | 1855 | 1855 |
Knight | Fox & Hounds | 384 High St | 1826 | 1826 |
Krailing | Six Bells | 149 High St | 1933 | 1933 |
Langton | Beer Retailer | High St OB | 1874 | 1874 |
Lavell | Bricklayers' Arms | 67 & 69 Ealing Rd | 1901 | 1901 |
Lawrence John | Beer Retailer | Half Acre | 1874 | 1874 |
Lawrence | Magpie & Crown | 128 High St | 1890 | 1891 |
Layton James | Patriot | 22 New Rd | 1896 | 1896 |
Ledden | Grand Junction Arms | 166 High St | 1870s | 1870s |
Lee | Jolly Gardeners | Drum Lane / Ealing Rd | 1851 | 1861 |
Lewis | Royal Oak | New Road | 1871 | 1878 |
Lewis | Eight Bells | 380 High St | 1882 | 1882 |
Libby | Barleycorn | 98 High St | 1900s | 1900s |
Lingwood John | Beer Retailer | Drum Lane | 1874 | 1874 |
Littleboy | Waterman's Arms | 179 High St | 1871 | 1880s |
Loader | Red Lion | 318 High St | 1858 | 1866 |
Loader | Red Lion | 197 High St | 1881 | 1881 |
Logsdell | Barge Aground | 361 High St | 1850s | 1855 |
Longhurst | Barge Aground | 361 High St | 1920s | 1920s |
Love | White Horse | Market Place | 1880s | 1880s |
Lunn | Crown & Anchor | 224 High St | 1855 | 1855 |
MacGregor | Royal Hotel | 26 & 27 High St | 1900s | 1900s |
Machon | Oxford & Cambridge | 18 Kew Bridge Rd | 1914 | 1914 |
Mantle | Catherine Wheel | 94 High St | 1830 | 1839 |
Marchant | Salutation | 401 High St | 1910s | 1910s |
Marnham | Barge Aground | 361 High St | 1826 | 1826 |
Marriott | Volunteer | Ealing Rd | 1900 | 1900 |
Marriott | Brewery Tap | 22 High St | 1900s | 1910s |
Marsden | Waterman's Arms | 179 High St | 1840s | 1840s |
Marsh | Barge Aground | 361 High St | 1870s | 1880s |
Marshall | Waggon & Horses | 26 Kew Bridge Rd | 1855 | 1861 |
Martin | Plough | 24 Kew Bridge Rd | 1851 | 1874 |
Martin | Fox and Hounds | 384 High St | 1861 | 1861 |
Matthews | Star & Garter | Kew Bridge | 1826 | 1826 |
Matthews | Three Pigeons | 195 High St | 1881 | 1881 |
Matthews | Black Boy & Still | 87 High St | 1882 | 1920s |
Matthewson | Cannon | 267 High St | 1840s | 1840s |
Maynard | Princess Royal | 107 Ealing Rd | 1871 | 1882 |
McNae | Salutation | 401 High St | 1839 | 1860s |
McNae | North Star | North Rd | 1890s | 1901 |
Mellis | Castle | 208 High St | 1890s | 1890s |
Merryweather | Railway Inn | London Rd | 1880s | 1880s |
Merryweather | Iron Bridge Inn | London Rd | 1891 | 1891 |
Millard | George & Dragon | 29 London Rd | 1850s | 1850s |
Millard | Seven Stars | Half Acre | 1861 | 1861 |
Miller | Feathers | 232 High St | 1839 | 1841 |
Milton | George IV | 50 High St | 1861 | 1861 |
Minchin | Crown & Anchor | 224 High St | 1853 | 1853 |
Moffatt | Half Moon & Seven Stars | 25 High St | 1880s | 1880s |
Moles | Grapes | Ferry Lane | 1882 | 1882 |
Moles | Magnet | 152 High St | 1920s | 1920s |
Monk | Beer Retailer | Ealing Lane | 1851 | 1851 |
Monk | Fox & Hounds | 384 High St | 1854 | 1861 |
Morris | Kings Arms | 273 High St | 1870s | 1870s |
Morris | White Horse | Market Place | 1870s | 1870s |
Morum | Prince of Wales | 346 High St | 1839 | 1839 |
Mumford | George IV | 50 High St | 1898 | 1914 |
Myers | Beehive | 227 High St | 1920s | 1930s |
Nash | Black Boys | 140 & 141 High St | 1870s | 1870s |
Neal(e) | Magnet | 152 High St | 1890s | 1910s |
Nelms | Magpie & Crown | 128 High St | 1882 | 1901 |
Nelms | Waterman's Arms | 179 High St | 1890s | 1890s |
Nichols | Princess Royal | Drum Lane / 107 Ealing Rd | 1840s | 1851 |
Nielson | Duke of York | York Rd | 1914 | 1914 |
Norman | Drum | 319 High St | 1841 | 1841 |
O'Brien | Duke of Cambridge | 247 High St | 1870s | 1870s |
Oldland | Carpenters Arms | New Rd | 1881 | 1882 |
Orchard | Castle | 208 High St | 1890s | 1890s |
Padbury | Jolly Gardeners | Ealing Rd | 1871 | 1901 |
Palmer | Magpie & Stump | 124 High St | 1839 | 1850s |
Parker | White Hart | Windmill Rd | 1870s | 1870s |
Parr | Red Lion | 197 High St | 1898 | 1898 |
Parsons | Beerhouse (Ram?) | 175 High St | 1861 | 1863 |
Pavett | Black Boys | 140 & 141 High St | 1880s | 1880s |
Payne | Royal Tar | 3 High St | 1933 | 1933 |
Payne | Magnet | 152 High St | 1870s | 1870s |
Pearce | Red Lion | 197 High St | 1826 | 1845 |
Pearce | Royal Tar | 3 High St | 1839 | 1861 |
Pearce | Half Moon & Seven Stars | 25 High St | 1839 | 1860s |
Pearce | Alexandra | 307 High St | 1870s | 1910s |
Pearson | Magpie & Stump | 124 High St | 1826 | 1826 |
Peasland | Duke of Cambridge | 247 High St | 1900 | 1900s |
Peek | Express | 56 Kew Bridge Rd | 1874 | 1878 |
Pennef(e)ather | Feathers | 232 High St | 1900 | 1926 |
Perceval | Waggon & Horses | 26 Kew Bridge Rd | 1840s | 1840s |
Perress | Barge Aground | 361 High St | 1839 | 1840s |
Peterkin | White Horse | Market Place | 1882 | 1900 |
Philpot | Red Lion | 197 High St | 1920 | 1920 |
Pinchin | Barge Aground | 361 High St | 1930s | 1940s |
Piper | Six Bells | 149 High St | 1826 | 1878 |
Piper | Feathers | 232 High St | 1851 | 1861 |
Piper | Bull | 350 High St | 1910s | 1910s |
Plastine | Barleycorn | 98 High St | 1860s | 1890s |
Pope | Waggon & Horses | 26 Kew Bridge Rd | 1826 | 1826 |
Porter | Star & Garter | Kew Bridge | 1840s | 1851 |
Powell | Kings Arms | Boston Rd | 1861 | 1882 |
Prendergast | Grand Junction Arms | 166 High St | 1850s | 1850s |
Price | Angel Inn | London Rd | 1850s | 1850s |
Prior | Duke of York | York Rd | 1890s | 1890s |
Pryor | Northumberland Arms | 11 London Rd | 1890s | 1910s |
Purkiss | Star & Garter | Kew Bridge | 1890s | 1900 |
Rachstraw | Star & Garter | Kew Bridge | 1861 | 1861 |
Rapley | Bull | 350 High St | 1930s | 1930s |
Reed | Beer Retailer | High St NB | 1874 | 1874 |
Reeve | Bull | 350 High St | 1930s | 1940s |
Reeves | Waggon & Horses | 26 Kew Bridge Rd | 1851 | 1850s |
Reeves | Bricklayers' Arms | Ealing Lane | 1871 | 1874 |
Renaud | Three Pigeons | 195 High St | 1871 | 1871 |
Reynolds | Barge Aground | 361 High St | 1890s | 1890s |
Reynolds | Lamb | 409 High St | 1900s | 1900s |
Rice | Bricklayers' Arms | 67 & 69 Ealing Rd | 1891 | 1900 |
Richardson | Half Moon & Star | 55 London Rd | 1880s | 1880s |
Risbridger | Princess Royal | 107 Ealing Rd | 1891 | 1901 |
Rodda | Duke of Cambridge | 247 High St | 1890s | 1890s |
Rogers | Half Moon & Seven Stars | 25 High St | 1826 | 1826 |
Rogers | Black Boys | 140 & 141 High St | 1840s | 1840s |
Rogers | Fox & Hounds | 384 High St | 1866 | 1882 |
Rouse | Angel Inn | London Rd | 1891 | 1890s |
Rudland | Seven Stars | 32 Half Acre | 1826 | 1826 |
Runacres | White Horse | Market Place | 1890 | 1890s |
Rye | Duke of Cambridge | 247 High St | 1890s | 1890s |
Rye | Pottery Arms | Pottery Rd | 1890s | 1900 |
Sanders | Black Boys | 140 & 141 High St | 1860s | 1860s |
Sangster | Red Lion | 197 High St | 1907 | 1910s |
Sartain | White Horse | Market Place | 1850s | 1855 |
Saunders | Red Lion | 318 High St | 1826 | 1851 |
Sawyer | Beer Retailer | OB | 1855 | 1855 |
Sawyer | Retort | High St OB | 1850s | 1850s |
Seaton | One Tun | 254 High St | 1826 | 1826 |
Sexton | Three Pigeons | 195 High St | 1826 | 1826 |
Sharp | Barge Aground | 361 High St | 1860s | 1860s |
Sharratt | Grand Junction Arms | 166 High St | 1910s | 1910s |
Shepherd | Feathers | 232 High St | 1937 | 1940 |
Sherwin | Magpie & Crown | 128 High St | 1911 | 1911 |
Sherwood | Duke of Cambridge | 247 High St | 1860s | 1860s |
Shipley | Red Lion | 197 High St | 1851 | 1861 |
Shotter | Waterman's Arms | 1 Ferry Lane | 1900 | 1901 |
Shotter | Beehive | 227 High St | 1907 | 1920s |
Sibley | Waggon & Horses | 26 Kew Bridge Rd | 1839 | 1839 |
Silver | Marquis of Granby | 369 High St | 1870s | 1880s |
Simmons | Magpie & Stump | 124 High St | 1880s | 1880s |
Sims | Catherine Wheel | 94 High St | 1826 | 1826 |
Small | Barleycorn | 98 High St | 1890s | 1900s |
Smith | Plough | NB | 1830 | 1830 |
Smith | Marquis of Granby | 369 High St | 1839 | 1860s |
Smith | Black Boy & Still | 87 High St | 1850s | 1855 |
Smith | Volunteer | 79 Ealing Lane | 1878 | 1882 |
Smith | Lord Nelson | 154 High St | 1890s | 1900s |
Smith | Globe | 61 Windmill Rd | 1890s | 1890s |
Smith | Red Lion | 318 High St | 1891 | 1891 |
Smith | Globe | 104 Windmill Rd | 1900 | 1901 |
Smith | Castle | 208 High St | 1920 | 1928 |
Smith | Magnet | 152 High St | 1930s | 1930s |
Snowball | Lamb | 409 High St | 1900s | 1900s |
Songi | Waterman's Arms | Ferry Lane | 1890s | 1890s |
South | Red Lion | 318 High St | 1900 | 1901 |
Spicer | Lord Nelson | Grove Rd, Windmill Lane | 1871 | 1882 |
Spiers or Spires | Windmill | Orchard Rd | 1855 | 1882 |
Spiers | Windmill | Mercury Rd | 1850s | 1850s |
Spilling | Royal Tar | 3 High St | 1920 | 1920 |
Stacey | George IV | 50 High St | 1826 | 1841 |
Stagg | Magpie & Crown | 128 High St | 1907 | 1907 |
Stallwood | Royal Oak | 38 & 39 New Rd | 1900 | 1901 |
Stanbury | Star & Garter | Kew Bridge | 1870s | 1870s |
Stannett | North Star | North Rd | 1853 | 1866 |
Starbuck | Bull | 350 High St | 1839 | 1839 |
Starbuck | Prince of Wales | 346 High St | 1840s | 1840s |
Starsmore | Royal Tar | 3 High St | 1926 | 1926 |
Steele Albt M | Brewery Tap | 22 High St | 1874 | 1874 |
Stevens | Magnet | 152 High St | 1880s | 1890s |
Stewart | Rising Sun | 68 & 69 High St | 1907 | 1913 |
Stimpson | Alton (Arms) | 179 High St | 1853 | 1855 |
Stokes | Three Pigeons | 195 High St | 1898 | 1898 |
Stout | Royal Hotel | 26 & 27 High St | 1840s | 1860s |
Stout | Royal Hotel | 26 & 27 High St | 1900 | 1900 |
Straha(m/n) | Cannon | 267 High St | 1860s | 1870s |
Sturgeon | Alexandra | 307 High St | 1910s | 1910s |
Such | Waterman's Arms | 179 High St | 1840s | 1840s |
Sully | Red Lion | 318 High St | 1853 | 1855 |
Sutch | Black Boys | 140 & 141 High St | 1860s | 1860s |
Sykes | One Tun | 254 High St | 1806 | 1811 |
Tagg | Standard | 15 Half Acre | 1891 | 1891 |
Tarling | Red Lion | 318 High St | 1881 | 1882 |
Tayler | Hand & Flower | 378 High St | 1826 | 1826 |
Tayler | Hand & Flower | 378 High St | 1851 | 1900 |
Taylor | Bull | 350 High St | 1839 | 1860s |
Taylor | North Star | North Rd | 1871 | 1870s |
Taylor | Crown & Anchor 'now a bank' | New Brentford | 1882 | 1882 |
Taylor | Three Pigeons | 195 High St | 1890 | 1890 |
Taylor | Bull | 350 High St | 1890s | 1890s |
Thaxter | Waggon & Horses | 26 Kew Bridge Rd | 1880s | 1880s |
Thick | One Tun | 254 High St | 1839 | 1900s |
Thomas Henry | Beer Retailer | Ferry Lane OB | 1874 | 1874 |
Thomas | Red Lion | 197 High St | 1926 | 1926 |
Tidy | Waterman's Arms/Hall | 5 Catherine Wheel Yard | 1874 | 1882 |
Timson | Three Pigeons | 195 High St | 1839 | 1841 |
Trimmer | Black Boys | 140 & 141 High St | 1839 | 1840s |
Tully | Bull | 350 High St | 1890s | 1900s |
Turner | Hope & Anchor | Brookshot Rd | 1871 | 1871 |
Turner | Salutation | 401 High St | 1870s | 1882 |
Turner | Bricklayers' Arms | 67 & 69 Ealing Rd | 1888 | 1900 |
Turner | Kings Arms | 273 High St | 1890s | 1900s |
Turner | Brewery Tap | 22 High St | 1910s | 1920s |
Van | Black Boy & Still | 87 High St | 1880s | 1880s |
Vassila | Waterman's Arms | Ferry Lane | 1882 | 1882 |
Vaughan | Express | Kew Bridge Rd | 1882 | 1882 |
Vennell | White Horse | Market Place | 1826 | 1826 |
Vivanti | Castle | 208 High St | 1933 | 1933 |
Waddell | Plough | 24 Kew Bridge Rd | 1878 | 1882 |
Waight | Half Moon & Seven Stars | 25 High St | 1890 | 1890s |
Waight | Prince of Wales | 346 High St | 1890 | 1890s |
Ward | Hope & Anchor | Brookshot Rd | 1882 | 1882 |
Ware | Lord Nelson | 154 High St | 1840s | 1840s |
Waters | Prince of Wales | 346 High St | 1860s | 1860s |
Watson | New Inn | 1 New Rd | 1914 | 1914 |
Weatherley | Beer Retailer | OB | 1855 | 1855 |
Webb | Lord Nelson | 154 High St | 1850s | 1855 |
Webb Chas | Beer Retailer | High St OB | 1874 | 1874 |
Weber | Royal Hotel | 26 & 27 High St | 1900s | 1910s |
Weedon | Goat | Ferry Lane | 1811 | 1811 |
Weedon | New Inn | 1 New Rd | 1870s | 1870s |
Wel(ch/sh) | Lamb | 409 High St | 1870s | 1890s |
Westbrook | Rising Sun | 68 & 69 High St | 1839 | 1841 |
Weston | White Hart | Ealing Rd | 1839 | 1839 |
Wetherley | Red Lion | 197 High St | 1871 | 1871 |
Wheeler | Castle | 208 High St | 1818 | 1818 |
Whenman | Three Pigeons | 195 High St | 1850s | 1850s |
Whetherley | Half Moon | 55 London Rd | 1853 | 1870s |
Whitehouse | Magnet | 152 High St | 1871 | 1874 |
Wilburn | Six Bells | 149 High St | 1937 | 1940 |
Williams | Three Pigeons | 195 High St | 1913 | 1913 |
Wilson | Royal Tar | 3 High St | 1891 | 1900 |
Wiltshire | Black Boys | 140 & 141 High St | 1850s | 1855 |
Winkley | Seven Stars | 32 Half Acre | 1839 | 1850s |
Wise | Oxford & Cambridge | 18 Kew Bridge Rd | 1870s | 1900 |
Wood | Windmill | Orchard Rd | 1900 | 1900 |
Woodford | New Inn | 1 New Rd | 1860s | 1871 |
Woodruff | Bunch of Grapes | Ferry Lane | 1900 | 1901 |
Published June 2011; last updated January 2023