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West Brentford 1914-1919 WW1 Memorial
The war memorial originally stood in the churchyard of St Lawrence’s Church, on the south side of the High Street near the road side. It is inscribed ’In memory of our heroes of West Brentford who fell during the Great War 1914-1919’. David Bright has researched the history of this memorial.
The memorial was restored and moved to an area outside Brentford Library where other memorials stand: the re-dedication ceremony took place on 19th September 2009.
The memorial lists 172 names in four columns and another 5 names (omissions?) on the left side of the memorial. I have transcribed the entries and put them into surname order. The information provided is
- Seq(uence): the sequence records the position of the name on the memorial; those starting ’S’ are recorded on the side of the memorial
- Surname
- Initials
- Notes: I hope descendants will be able to contribute some brief details about the men recorded on the memorial; please contact me if you can help; an ’*’ at the end of notes indicates that information has been deduced from sources such as the Commonwealth War Graves Commission (CWGC.org) or ancestry (ancestry.co.uk) web sites rather than provided by an individual
Photograph of the memorial taken in June 2008 at its original site outside St Lawrence’s Church.
Surnames: A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R , S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z
Seq | Surname | Initials | Notes |
1 | Abear | J L | John Leonard, Private, Middlesex Regiment; killed in action 28 Apr 1917 aged 32; born Isleworth, son of William James and Mary Ann Abear; husband of Ellen Annie Abear (nee Luker, married Brentford 1911), of 40, Ormond Rd., Wantage, Berks; Lievin Communal Cemetery Extension * (CWGC, ancestry) |
2 | Abery | W | William James, Gunner, Royal Horse and Royal Field Artillery; killed in action 26 April 1916 aged 19; son of Frederick and Louisa Abery, of 16, Clifden Rd., Brentford; in 1901 Frederick was a carpenter of 86 Ealing Road and William was his eldest son; Poperinghe New Military Cemetery, Belgium * (CWGC, ancestry) |
7 | Aldread | W T | no casualties recorded on CWGC site of this surname; perhaps William Thomas Aldred, who was born in 1882, Wandsworth?; or William Thomas Aldridge, A/Corporal, Border Regiment; born Chiswick, residence Hounslow, killed in action 16 May 1915; Le Touret Memorial, France * (CWGC, ancestry) |
5 | Allen | E V E | Ernest Victor Eli, Corporal, Royal Field Artillery; d. 1918; St. Souplet British cemetery, France * (CWGC, ancestry) |
4 | Allen | T | About nine Thomas Allen births registered in Brentford 1880 - 1900 and many matches on T Allen on the CWGC web site |
3 | Allen | W | Private, 7th Bn., Royal Fusiliers who died age 28 on 13 February 1917; son of Mr. and Mrs. George Allen; husband of Clara J. Allen, of 41, Layton Rd., Brentford. Born at Hampton Hill, Middx; South Ealing Cemetery (David Bright); or possibly William, Private, Duke of Cambridge’s Own (Middlesex Regiment); enlisted Brentford; died of wounds 4 Nov 1917 aged 22; son of John and Susan Allen, of 23, The Ham, New Brentford; Kantara War Memorial Cemetery, Egypt * (ancestry, CWGC) |
6 | Ardley | S F | Sidney, Private Middlesex Regiment, killed in action 26 Apr 1915 aged 20; son of Mr. and Mrs. W. Ardley, of 35, Whitestile Rd, Brentford; Ypres Menin Gate Memorial, Belgium * (CWGC) |
28 | Bacon | F J | Frederick Joseph, Acting Bombardier, Royal Garrison Artillery; d. 1918 aged 25; son of J. Bacon; husband of Mrs. A. R. Bacon, of 81, Albany Rd., Brentford; St. Sever Cemetery Extension Rouen, France * (CWGC) |
29 | Bacon | G | George, Corporal, Royal Fusiliers (City of London Regiment); killed in action 1 May 1917; eldest son of George E & Lucy C Bacon, born 1895 Brentford; George senior was a postman in 1901, 72 Windmill Road Brentford; Arras Memorial, France
* (CWGC, ancestry) |
30 | Bacon | W H | possibly William Henry, whose birth was registered in Brentford in 1896; possibly William Anthony, Private Queen’s (Royal West Surrey Regiment) who was born in Brentford and lived in Acton; killed in action 19 Sep 1918; Epehy Wood Farm Cemetery, Epehy, France * (CWGC, ancestry) |
18 | Baker | G P | George Percy, rifleman King’s Royal Rifle Corps; born Walthamstow, Essex, lived in Hounslow and enlisted in Brentford; killed in action 25 Sep 1915 aged 26; true family name: Virgin; Loos Memorial, France * (CWGC, ancestry) |
8 | Bebbington | T F | Theodore Frederick was the son of Frederick and Elizabeth Bebbington born on 24th June 1896, his birth was registered in the Paddington area; he was brought up in Southall, attending Featherstone and Clifton schools; his regimental no. was 51291, Private in the 4th Batt. Royal Fusiliers; his name appears on the Featherstone War Memorial; he died on 13th April 1919 at home, 37, Glenhurst Road, Brentford; his parents moved from Southall to Brentford at some time between 1915 and 1919; they were still living there (on the electoral roll) in 1937. (Anne Hurford) |
11 | Beckenham | H | 11 Private, 10803, 1st Bn., Middlesex Regiment; died on 25 September 1915; CAMBRIN CHURCHYARD EXTENSION (David Bright)
10 | Beckingham | C H | Charles Henry(Harry) (Beckenham on ancestry web site), Private 17th Bn., Royal Fusiliers; died age 22 on 27 July 1916; son of Mrs. H. Beckingham, of 94, High St., Brentford; DELVILLE WOOD CEMETERY, LONGUEVAL (David Bright)
9 | Beckley | J W | John Walter, Gunner, Royal Field Artillery; d. 1916 aged 18; son of Mr. and Mrs. F. Beckley, of 43, Eastbourne Rd., Brentford; Bailleul Communal Cemetery Extension (Nord), France * (CWGC) |
12 | Birksfield | J | CWGC web site a J BUrksfield; Private London Regiment, 19th Bn.; d. 03/06/1917; Bedford House Cemetery, Belgium; James Burksfield born 1879, John Burksfield 1886 in Brentford area, * (CWGC, ancestry) |
13 | Bishop | F G | Frederick George, Lance Corporal, Hampshire Regiment (formerly of East Surrey Regiment); born Pimlico, enlisted Brentford; killed in action 1918 aged 27; son of William and Emma Bishop, of 41, Brook Rd, Brentford; Karasouli Military Cemetery, Greece * (CWGC) |
25 | Bishop | W | possibly William Walter Bishop; son of W H Bishop of The Avenue, Ealing; Private, Middlesex Regiment; d. 25 Apr 1915; Ypres (Menin Gate) Memorial, France; possibly William, Private Queen’s (Royal West Surrey Regiment); born & enlisted Brentford; Killed in action 7 Nov 1914; Ypres (Menin Gate) Memorial, France * (CWGC, ancestry)
14 | Boddy | T W | No TW Boddy found on the CWGC web site; probably Frank William Boddy, Private, Royal Fusiliers (City of London Regiment); killed in action 26 Sep 1915 aged 18; born in and lived in Brentford; son of Louisa and the late Richard Herbert Boddy, of New Brentford; Brandhoek Military Cemetery, Belgium * (ancestry, CWGC)
21 | Bradbury | H C | Harry Claud, Second Lieutenant Middlesex Regiment; d. 1918; Ploegsteert Memorial Belgium * (CWGC) |
22 | Bradbury | W A | William Arthur, Rifleman, London Regiment (Royal Fusiliers)’ d. 1915 aged 23; son of J. Arthur and Lily Bradbury (step-mother), of "Rosecomman," Kent Gardens, Ealing; educated at King’s College School, Wimbledon; Ypres Menin Gate Memorial, Belgium * (CWGC) |
15 | Bradford | S | Samuel William, Stoker 1st Class, 301737, H.M.S. "Bulwark.", Royal Navy; died age 30 on 26 November 1914; son of Samuel James and Frances Mary Bradford, of 9, Netley Rd., Brentford, Middx. Born at Brentford; PORTSMOUTH NAVAL MEMORIAL (David Bright)
24 | Brill | E C | possibly a Private, Oxford and Bucks Light Infantry who. d. 1916?; an Ernest Brill born Kew Bridge lived in Tottenham in 1911 * (CWGC) |
16 | Brock | C S | Charles Sydney, Rifleman, London Regiment (The Rangers); d. 1915 aged 23; son of Charles Brock, of 605, London Rd, Isleworth; Ypres Menin Gate Memorial, France * (CWGC) |
20 | Brockwell | J H | John Henry; son of John Brockwell and Clara Brockwell (Christopher Blake, great nephew, has provided more details of his life and military career) |
23 | Brooks | G W | best match is George Walter, Private, London Regiment (Royal Fusiliers); d. 1916 aged 17; son of George and Priscilla LACK; Thiepval Memorial, France; Emma (nee Brooks) has provided some background * (CWGC, ancestry)
19 | Brown | H | Harry, Gunner, Royal Garrison Artillery, Clyde Battalion; born in and lived in Brentford; killed in action 18 Oct 1917; Ypres Reservoir Cemetery, Belgium * (CGWC, ancestry) |
17 | Bryant | C M | Charles Marrable, Private London Regiment; born in Berntford, lived in Kensington; killed in action 1 Jul 1916 aged 22; son of Charles and Kate Bryant, of 7, Windmill Rd, Brentford; Thiepval Memorial * (CWGC) |
26 | Burridge | S | possibly Samuel Thomas, Private, London Regiment; d. 1918; a Samuel Thomas Burridge birth was registered in Brentford in 1889; in 1901 a Thomas Burridge, son of Samuel (gas stoker) & Annie lived at 29 Orchard Rd, Brentford; Y Farm Military Cemetery, Bois Grenier, France * (CWGC, ancestry) |
27 | Bush | E H | Ernest Herbert, Private, Manchester Regiment; d. 1917 aged 25; son of Arthur and Susan Bush, of 47, Orchard Rd, Brentford; Arras Memorial, France * (CWGC) |
33 | Charlton | W T | no W T Charlton casualties recorded on the CWGC web site |
32 | Chilton | A | possibly Arthur Chilton, birth registered in Brentford in 1892; possibly Albert ChElton, Private Royal Fusiliers (City of London Regiment); born in Brentford, lived in Hounslow; in 1911 and Albert Chelton, born Brentford, was a Lance Corporal serving in Vacoas Mauritius; died 14 Sep 1914; Vailly British Cemetery, France * (ancestry, CWGC) |
40 | Clements | S H | Sidney Hadlow, Private Middlesex Regiment; killed in action 29 Sep 1915; son of James and Sarah Clements, of "Caerleon," Boston Rd, Brentford; Ypres Menin Gate Memorial, Belgium * (CWGC) |
41 | Collins | W R J | William Reginald John, Private Norfolk Regiment; d. 1918 aged 19; son of Bessie Collins, of 20, Hamilton Rd., Brentford and the late H. W. Collins; Lille Southern Cemetery, France * (CWGC) |
35 | Cooper | H | Herbert, Private Leicestershire Regiment; born Hanwell, enlisted Brentford; killed in action 25 Sep 1915 aged 21; Son of James Thomas and Sarah Cooper, of 85, Whitestile Rd., Brentford; Loos Memorial, France * (ancestry, CWGC)
36 | Cooper | J | James, Private Leicestershire Regiment; born Hanwell, enlisted Brentford; killed in action 25 Sep 1915 aged 25; son of James Thomas and Sarah Cooper, of 85, Whitestile Rd, Brentford; Loos Memorial, France * (ancestry) |
34 | Cooper | W | William, Private London Regiment; born in Brentford, lived in London; killed in action 24 Nov 1917; Cambrai Memorial, Louverval, France * (ancestry, CWGC)
38 | Corke | A N | Arthur Noel, Rifleman,London Regiment (London Irish Rifles); died of wounds 15 Oct 1915 aged 21; son of George Johnson Corke and the Late Clara Maria Corke, of 9, Adelaide Rd, Brentford; Abbeville Communal Cemetery, France * (CWGC, ancestry)
39 | Corke | C J | Charles John, Sergeant, Middlesex Regiment, d. 1918 aged 34; son of Charles John and Emily Corke, of 50, Lateward Rd, Brentford; husband of Elizabeth Winifred Corke (nee Nicholas) of Penzance; Lijssenthoek Military Cemetery, Belgium * (CWGC, ancestry)
45 | Cornish | W | William, Private 25605, 1st Bn., Grenadier Guards; died of wounds age 31 on 02 December 1917; son of the late Alfred Charles Cornish and of Rebecca Cornish, of 21, Orchard Rd., Brentford, Middx; Native of Tetsworth, Wallingford, Oxon; TINCOURT NEW BRITISH CEMETERY (David Bright, ancestry)
44 | Cotton | J | possibly Private Joseph Cotton of the Middlesex Regiment d. 1916; British Army WWI Service Records for a Joseph Cotton survive, he was the son of Clara Caroline Cotton of 14 Orchard Road Brentford; in 1911 teh family lived at 162 Whitestile Road Brentford, father Francis John Cotton, baker; Thiepval Memorial, France * (CWGC, findmypast) |
42 | Crawford | B A | Bertie Alfred, Private, Middlesex Regiment; killed in action, 26 March 1917 aged 27; son of Mrs. Crawford, of 6, Jessops Row, Belmont Rd., Chiswick, London, and the late Mr. Crawford; husband of the late Hilda Kate Crawford (nee Clinch) of 41 Albany Road Brentford; Jerusalem Memorial, Israel * (CWGC, ancestry) |
37 | Craven | C | Cyril Leslie, Private G/69141, 1st Bn, The Queen’s (Royal West Surrey Regiment); died age 19 on 05 November 1918; son of Walter Mortimer Craven and Helen Emma Craven, of Brentford; ETAPLES MILITARY CEMETERY (David Bright)
43 | Crouch | J F | John Frank, Rifleman, Rifle Brigade,London Regiment (Post Office Rifles); killed in action 28 Aug 1918 aged 19; born in Brentford, lived in Chiswick; son of William and Edith Ann Crouch, of 48, Half Acre, Brentford; Suzanne Military Cemetery No. 3, France * (CWGC)
31 | Crowley | J | possibly James Crowley born Isleworth ca 1896, son of Ellen, 43 Back Lane, Brentford in 1901; or John Crowley, born ca 1894 Brentford, boarding at St Vincent’s School, Hendon in 1901; ancestry web site includes John James, Sergeant Royal Fusiliers (City of London Regiment); born New Brentford; Killed in action 23 March 1918 * (ancestry) |
56 | Dale | G F | George Francis, Private, Middlesex Regiment; killed in action 11 Dec 1917 aged 19; son of William and Margaret S. Dale, of 5, Enfield Rd, Brentford; Lebucquiere Communal Cemetery Extension, France * (CWGC)
57 | Daniels | C H | the two CH Daniels on the CWGC site are non-local; perhaps it is G H not CH: two more possibilities but not enough detail to link either of them to Brentford * (CW+WGC) |
47 | Davey | A G | possibly Alfred George Davey, whose birth was registered in Brentford in 1894; a person of this name was a Private with the Oxford and Bucks Light Infantry; d. 1916; Basra Memorial, Iraq * (CWCG, ancestry) |
48 | Davis | E B | Edward Bernard,Second Lieutenant, Machine Gun Corps, d. 1917 aged 31; son of William Davis, 2, Clifden Rd., Brentford; Hooge Chateau and its stables were the scene of very fierce fighting throughout the First World War...The Germans retook Hooge on 6 June 1916 and on 31 July 1917, the 8th Division advanced 1.6 kilometres beyond it. It was lost for the last time in April 1918, but regained by the 9th (Scottish) and 29th Divisions on 28 September; E.B. Davis died on 31st July 1917; Hooge Crater Cemetery (designed by Sir Edward Lutyens), Belgium (Roger Davis (a distant cousin), CWGC) |
58 | Davis | E B | A second E B Davis, or an error by the mason? |
59 | Dean | F M | Frederick Montague Dean; private in the Royal Marines; died in 1919, aged 22, after being invalided out, 10 Eastbourne Road, Brentford; Brookwood Memorial; or may be this commemorates Frederick Dean, also of Brentford, who was a Private, Royal Fusiliers (City of London Regiment), who was killed in action 22 Jul 1916 * (CWGC & ancestry) |
49 | Dearman | H J | Henry James, Lance Corporal, Royal Fusiliers; Killed in action 21 Sep 1918; born Isleworth, son (aged 11) of William & Katherine Dearman, Ordnance Road, Isleworth in 1901; William was a road labourer; Epehy Wood Farm Cemetery, France * (CWGC, ancestry)
51 | Digby | E | Edward, Private, 14th London Regiment; son of Edwin & Emily Digby, born in Lambeth 1887, killed in action 1 Jul 1916; Edward’s probate record confirms death date and includes reference to Edwin Digby; Edwin was a Sub Divisional Inspector of Police in 1901 and he and his family lived in accommodation at Brentford Police Station; in 1911 the Digby family was at at 72 Hamilton Road, Brentford; Edward was a Gas Works Clerk; commemorated Thiepval Memorial, France (John Reid, CWGC, ancestry) |
60 | Dorrington | H | Herbert Dorrington, Private, Essex Regiment; died 13 Apr 1917; born Chelsea, residence Brentford; there was a Dorrington family in Brentford, 1901, headed by George J, carriers manager; he had a son James H aged 19 in 1901 * (CWGC, ancestry) |
54 | Dowdall | H J | Horace John, birth registered 1895, Brentford; Private, Royal Fusiliers; killed in action 15 Mar 1916; in 1901 Horace, aged 5 was a patient at the District Atkinson Morley Hospital, Wimbledon; Bedford House Cemetery, Belgium * (CWGC, ancestry)
46 | Downey | W B | William Benjamin, Private, Middlesex Regiment; killed in action 17 Feb 1917: probably aged 26, born Bermondsey (enlisted Brentford) and son of Frederick & Caroline Downey; in 1901 Frederick was a scale maker, 77 Whitestile Road, Old Brentford; Regina Trench Cemetery, Grandcourt, France * (CWGC, ancestry)
53 | Dunn | E R | Edgar Robert,Corporal, London Regiment (Finsbury Rifles); d. 1915 aged 22; son of the late Serjt. Maj. G. H. and Mrs. E. E. Dunn, of 23, Avenue Road, Brentford; native of Reading; 7th Field Ambulance Cemetery, Turkey * (CWGC)
52 | Dunn | H A | Private in the 1st Battalion, 28th London Regiment (’Artists Rifles’); Henry Adolphus Dunn was a corn merchant’s clerk living on Carlyle Parade in 1901; he died at Oppy Wood, near Gavrelle, about 8Km NE of Arras,in France on 24th July 1917, aged 36, leaving a widow, Florence Maria Dunn (nee Taylor) and two children, Harry Frank (6) and Arthur Charles (1) (Neil O’Dwyer, Artists’ Rifles Roll of Honour) |
50 | Dutton | S C | Sidney C, Gunner, 267719, 19th Reserve Bty., Royal Field Artillery; died on 05 May 1918 aged 33; son of John & Caroline Dutton of Orchard Rd, Brentford in 1901; SOUTH EALING CEMETERY (David Bright, ancestry)
55 | Dyson | A S | Arthur Samuel, Private, London Regiment; born Swinton, Manchester; enlisted Brentford; killed in action 9 May 1915 aged 23; son of Joseph Herbert and Florence Emily Dyson who lived at 12 Whitestile Road, Brentford in 1901; Joseph Herbert was a rent collector and coal agent; Ploegsteert Memorial, Belgium * (ancestry, CWGC) |
61 | Eagles | R E | Robert Edward, Private Middlesex Regiment; born Bedford, enlisted Brentford; killed in action 26 Apr 1915; Ypres Menin Gate Memorial, Belgium * (CWGC, ancestry) |
62 | East | G | Granville, Corporal, London Regiment (London Rifle Brigade); d. 1917 aged 29; son of the late Edward and Rosamond East; husband of Doris Boyer East, of 5, The Butts, Brentford; Arras Memorial, France * (CWGC)
63 | Edwards | F | too many F Edwards on CWGC site to reach a conclusion |
64 | Eland | R G | no near matches on Eland or Elland on the CWGC site; a Robert Gandy Eland birth was registered in Brentford in 1896; in 1901 his parents Francis & Harriet A Eland lived at 32 Boston Park Rd, Brentford; Francis was a furniture salesman * (CWGC, ancestry) |
65 | Ellen | A G L | Albert George L, Gunner, Royal Field Artillery; d. 1917 aged 36; husband of Nellie Ellen (nee Gaydon), of 10a, High St, Brentford; buried in New Brentford (St. Lawrence) burial ground; memorial:Isleworth Cemetery * (CWGC & ancestry) |
66 | Ellis | A R J | Alfred Roland Joseph, Private, 64982, 12th/13th Bn., Northumberland Fusiliers; died on 18 April 1918;
74 | Felton | A W | Alfred William, L/Sergeant East Surrey Regiment; born Battersea, residence Chiswick, enlisted Brentford; husband of the late Jenny Eveline Felton; Killed in action 26 Sep 1915; Loos Memorial, France * (ancestry, CWGC) |
67 | Ferris | C H | Charles Henry, Private, Royal Fusiliers; killed in action 1 Jul 1916 aged 20; son of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Ferris, of 1, Whitestile Rd, Brentford; Dantzig Alley British Cemetery Mametz, France * (CWGC, ancestry) |
68 | Fortescue | A | Albert George was born in Lyss, in the Petersfield registration district in Hampshire in 1890 son of Albert & Kate; he was living in Lyss in the 1891 census, but the family had moved to 31 Enfield Rd Brentford by the 1901 census; his father was a bricklayer; he was working as a clerk for GWR at Paddington between 16/01/1908 and 27/03/1911, when he resigned; he left London on the Geelong bound for Sydney, Australia on 2nd July 1914; he enlisted in the 33rd Battn Australian Army, Private 3059 and was KIA on 30/03/1918; he is mentioned on the Villers-Bretonneux Memorial in France. * (Anne Hurford, CWGC, ancestry) |
71 | Franks | A E | an Albert Edward Franks birth was registered in Brentford in 1887; in the 1901 census he lived with his father William J at 12 Grosvenor Rd, Ealing; his father was a soft stone sawyer; there are three A Franks on the CWGC site, no AE Franks * (CWGC, ancestry) |
69 | Freeman | A S | Arthur Samuel, Private, Lancashire Fusiliers; killed in action 17 Sep 1916 aged 19; son of George W. and Maria L. Freeman who lived at 22 Market Place, Brentford in 1901; George W. was a bacon drier; Thiepval Memorial, France * (CWGC, ancestry)
70 | Freeman | E | too many E Freemans on the CWGC site to make a match |
73 | Fulford | H J S | Henry James Stevenson, Private, Scots Guards; killed in action 16 May 1915 aged 21; son of Herbert and Susan Fulford, of 12, Avenue Rd, Brentford; Dud Corner Cemetery, Loos, France * (CWGC, ancestry) |
72 | Fuller | J | John, Private, Suffolk Regiment; killed in action 6 Jul 1918 aged 19; son of James and Eliza Fuller, of 51, Glenhurst Rd., Brentford; St. Venant-Robecq Road British Cemetery, Robecq, France * (CWGC) |
76 | Gandell | J | Joseph, Private, Northamptonshire Regiment, Regtl no. 19059; bn. Stepney, served in France from 25.11.1915, d. 1916 aged 21; son of Joseph and Emily Gandell, of 29A, London Rd, Brentford; Thiepval Memorial, France (Trevor Mitchell, CWGC, ancestry)
75 | Gandy | G W | George William, Gunner, Royal Field Artillery; drowned 23 Oct 1915 aged 19; son of George Gandy, schoolmaster & Elizabeth Charlotte Gandy of 36 Avenue Road, Old Brentford; Mikra Cemetery, Greece * (ancestry & CWGC) |
77 | Gardiner | A E | Arthur Edward, Private, Middlesex Regiment; killed in action 24 March 1918 aged 35; husband of Louisa Gardiner (nee Cox), of 20, Mafeking Avenue, Brentford; possibly son of John W & Emma Gardiner, who lived at 40 Windmill Road in 1901; Arthur & his father were bricklayers labourers in 1901; in 1911 Arthur and Louisa were living at 9 Brook Road, Brentford with 2 small children; Arthur was a genral labourer; Arras Memorial, France * (CWGC, ancestry, findmypast)
83 | Garner | P | possibly Percy, Sapper, Royal Engineers, 96th Light Railway Operating Company; died 30 Dec 1917 aged 20; son of William and Esther Garner, of 114A, Darwin Rd, South Ealing; Chatby Memorial, Egypt * (CWGC, ancestry)
81 | Goddard | F S | Frederick Stanley 1893; Second Lieutenant, Royal Fusiliers; d. 1917; Mory Abbey Military Cemetery, Mory, France (Ken Goddard’s research has shown that a second F S Goddard on the CWGC website, was Frederick Sidney Goddard, born 1886 Chiswick, served in the Navy)
82 | Gomm | J | John, Quartermaster Serjeant Royal Engineers; d. 1918 age 27; youngest son of the late William John and Florence Gomm, of "Eversleigh," Brentford; Montecchio Precalcino Communal Cemetery Extension, Italy * (CWGC) |
84 | Gough | F W | Frederick William, Private East Surrey Regiment; born Walthamstow Essex, residence Kingston-on-Thames, enlisted Brentford; killed in action 3 May 1917; Arras Memorial, France * (ancestry, CWGC)
85 | Gough | W E | William Ewart, Corporal, East Surrey Regiment; d 1918 aged 28; son of Richard and Ellen Mary Gough, of 36, Whitestile Rd, Brentford (formerly Walthamstow); St. Sever Cemetery Extension, Rouen, France * (CWGC, ancestry)
79 | Grant | J | James, Private, Royal Fusiliers (City of London Regiment); died of wounds 18 Nov 1916; son of James and Agnes Grant, of 11, St. Paul’s Rd., Brentford; Puchevillers British Cemetery, France * (ancestry, CWGC) |
78 | Grant | T | Thomas, Private, Duke of Cambridge’s Own (Middlesex Regiment); killed in action 30 Apr 1915; commemorated on the Ypres (Menin Gate) Memorial, France * (CWGC, ancestry) |
80 | Grant | T | Thomas, Private, Middlesex Regiment; killed in action 21 June 1917; commemorated on the Ypres (Menin Gate) Memorial, France * (CWGC, ancestry) |
86 | Gye | A | Albert Gye,Corporal, London Regiment; killed in action 14 Dec 1916; Laventie Military Cemetery, La Gorgue, France; Albert Gye birth was registered in Brentford in 1891; probate provides address: 3 Enfield Road, East Brentford, granted to Ellen Gye, widow * (CWGC, ancestry)
87 | Gye | E | no E Gye on the CWGC web site; no births/marriages/deaths of a male E Gye in Brentford 1878 - 1918 * (CWGC, ancestry) |
88 | Gye | W | William, Private, Middlesex Regiment; died of wounds 10 July 1916 aged 44; son of Jeremiah and Amy M. Gye, of "Wheatsheaf," Henley-on-Thames; William was a gasworks stoker in 1901, address 21 Pottery Road; Boulogne Eastern Cemetery, France * (CWGC) |
89 | Harrison | J | John Spencer Alfred, Private, Northamptonshire Regiment; died 2 Nov 1918 aged 44; born in Old Brentford; husband of J. Harrison, of 35, Back Lane, Brentford; KIRECHKOI-HORTAKOI MILITARY CEMETERY, Greece * (ancestry) |
90 | Holland | F G | Frederick George, Private, Middlesex Regiment; died of wounds 20 April 1917 aged 19; son of James and Annie Eva Holland, of 18, York Rd, Brentford; Deir El Belah War Cemetery, Israel * (CWGC, ancestry)
91 | Hooper | F W | Fred William, Gunner, Royal Field Artillery; d. 1917 aged 21; son of Frederick William and Clara Hooper, of 129, Hessel Rd., West Ealing; Arras Memorial, France; the ancestry web site lists a Frederick William Hooper, Private in the Royal Fusiliers, who died of wounds 21 Sep 1918, who was born in and lived in Brentford * (CWGC) |
92 | Hopkins | E | Edward, Private, Royal Fusiliers; born in and enlisted in Brentford, residence Hounslow; killed in action 25 Dec 1915 aged 30; son of Mr. and Mrs. Hopkins, of Brentford; Gorre British & Indian Cemetery, France * (CWGC, ancestry)
93 | Johnson | T | Thomas, Gunner, Royal Artillery; born in Fulham, 1892, son of John William and Emma Frances Elizabeth Johnson; living at his sister and brother-in-law’s home, Enfield Road, Brentford when he enlisted in 1914; received wounds to the neck on 26 Dec 1916 and died two days later; Merville Communal Cemetery Extension, France (C.T.Kedge, great nephew) |
94 | Jones | J | Private, South Wales Borderers; he volunteered in 1914,and immediately drafted to the Western Front, where he took part in the Battle of and Retreat from Mons; he was killed in action during the fierce fighting which took place in the Retreat, and was entitled to the Mons Star, General Service and Victory Medals; 25 Lateward Road, Brentford (David Bright) |
95 | Kendall | C A | Clarence Allen, Private, Bedfordshire Regiment; born Daventry, Northants; residence Hounslow; enlisted in Brentford; killed in action 23 March 1918 aged 19; son of Daniel and Elizabeth Kendall, of 5, Burford Rd, Brentford; Pozieres Memorial, France * (CWGC) |
96 | King | A G | Alfred George, Pioneer, Royal Engineers, 313th Road Construction Co.; killed in action 10 July 1917 aged 38; son of John and Agnes King; husband of Gertrude Lilian King, of 12, New Spring Gardens, Brentford; native of Brentford; Adinkerke Churchyard Extension, Belgium * (CWGC, ancestry)
97 | Knott | G H | possibly George Henry, birth registered in Tenbury in 1897; a George H Knott married Lilian E Horton in Fulham in 1915 and they had a son in Brentford later in the year; Private, Royal Marine Light Infantry; d. 1917 aged 19; son of William and Ellen Knott, of Frith Common, Eardiston, Tenbury Wells, Worcs; Ancre British Cemetery, Beaumont-Hamel, France * (CWGC, ancestry)
98 | Lamerton | W G | William George, Private, Northamptonshire Regt, d. 1916 aged 22; son of Mr. and Mrs. W. Lamerton, of 45, Lateward Rd., Brentford; Boulogne Eastern Cemetery * (CWGC) |
99 | Lee | J N | James Norman, Private, London Regiment; born 1890 Brentford who was possibly son of James & Sarah Lee, who lived at a cottage at Grand Junction Wharf, Isleworth in 1901 and 1911; James senior was a horse keeper; James junior was a compositor in 1911; died of wounds 15 Sep 1916; Bronfay Farm Military Cemetery, Bray-sur-Somme, France * (CWGC, ancestry, findmypast)
100 | Lloyd | W E J | William Ernest James, Lance Corporal, Middlesex Regiment; born St John’s Hammersmith; d.18 Oct 1915 aged 19; son of William and Emma Lloyd, of 35, Avenue Rd, Brentford; Cairo War Memorial Cemetery, Egypt * (CWGC) |
101 | Long | W H | Walter Henry, Private Duke of Cambridge’s Own (Middlesex Regiment); born Ealing, enlisted Brentford; killed in action 17 Sep 1916; Combles Communal Cemetery Extension, France * (ancestry, CWGC) |
102 | Maher | W | a William D Maher married Grace Allkins in Brenford Registration District in 1913; however birth of Margaret W Maher, mother’s maiden name Allkins, was registered in Brentford in 1921, so possibly the war hero is a cousin? CWGC includes several W Mahers, not Brentford links * (CWGC, ancestry) |
103 | Mann | J | Mike Maddock has prepared a biography for J. Mann, noting ’his last known address in our research, per the 1911 Census, was 14 Mafeking Avenue, Brentford; a parish register entry records he "Died in Russia 1917 on Service" ’ |
104 | Martin | A W J | Alfred w. J., Private, Royal Scots Regiment; born Brentford, residence Kirkcaldy, Fifeshire, enlisted Brentford; killed in action 22 Oct 1916 aged 20; son of George and Julia Martin, of 24, Orchard Rd, Brentford; Thiepval Memorial, France * (CWGC) |
105 | Martin | E G | Edward George, Private, Middlesex Regiment; born Brentford, residence Shepherds Bush; killed in action 1 July 1916 aged 24; husband of Grace Bessie Martin (nee Lucas), of 8, Market Place, Brentford; son of Robert Henry & Sarah A. Martin who were of 46 The Butts in 1901; Robert was a gardener; Hawthorn Ridge Cemetery No. 1, Auchonvillers, France * (CWGC, ancestry)
106 | Martin | S R | Stanley Ransom, Private, Bedfordshire Regiment; d. 1918 aged 20; son of Robert Henry Martin, of 59, Windmill Rd, Brentford; Robert Henry Martin was a gardener in 1901, The Butts; Ramleh War Cemetery, Israel * (CWGC & ancestry) |
107 | Maskell | W D | William David, Private, Royal Fusiliers; d. 1915 aged 30; son of James and Isabella Maskell; husband of Ellen Goddard (formerly Maskell), of 2, Geisler Cottages, Albany Rd, Brentford; Ypres Menin Gate Memorial, Belgium * (CWGC) |
108 | Meads | T W | Thomas William, Air Mechanic 1st Class, Royal Air Force; d. 1918; born 1889 in Brentford, son of Thomas & Jane Meads (15 Albany Road Bentford in 1901: Thomas senior was a gas works labourer); Kortrijk (St. Jan) Communal Cemetery, Belgium
109 | Mears | E | there are several E Mears recorded on the CWGC web site but there is not sufficient detail to link any of them to Brentford; possibly should be Ernest MeaDs? |
110 | Moles | S G | Sydney Gordon, Assistant Steward, Royal Navy; he volunteered in January 1915 and for a year and a half rendered valuable service on board HMS “Amethyst 111” which was engaged on minesweeping in Home Waters and other important duties, He died at Holyhead on June 16th 1916 aged 26 from illness contracted during his service and was entitled to the 1914-15 Star, General Service and Victory Medal; son of Mr. W. J. and Mrs. F. E. Moles, 31 Grosvenor Road, Brentford; memorial in South Ealing Cemetery (David Bright, CWGC)
111 | Morris | A H | Arthur H Morris married Henrietta Dennis in Brentford area 1913 and they had a daughter Henrietta W. later that year, then Arthur L in 1915; Gunner, R.F.A.; he volunteered in March 1915, and after his training was drafted in the same year to the Western Front, where he did valuable service in many important engagements, including those of Arras, Cambrai and Albert, and was killed in action on the Somme on June 2nd 1918; he was entitled to the General Service and Victory Medals; 7 Glenhurst Road, Brentford (David Bright, CWGC, ancestry) |
112 | Mould | W | William, Rifleman, King’s Royal Rifle Corps; killed in action 30 July 1915; born in Acton, lived in Brentford; a William George Mould married in Brentford in 1904; * (CWGC, ancestry) |
113 | Nay | A | Alfred, Corporal, TF/2577, 1st/8th Bn., Middlesex Regiment; volunteering in August 1914, he was soon drafted to Gibraltar, but after a short time was transferred to France, where he took a distinguished part in several important engagements, including those of Zonnebeke and Hill 60, where he was killed on April 25th 1915; he was entitled to the 1914 Star, General Service and Victory Medals; of 39 Hamilton Road, Brentford; Ypres (Menin Gate) Memorial (David Bright); Alfred Nay previously served in the Anglo-Boer War, 1899-1902 as Pte 3111 Middlesex Regt. He served in the Relief of Ladysmith campaign being engaged at the battle of Spion Kop (amongst others). (Meurig Jones)
114 | Newsham | A E | Arthur Edward, Private, Labour Corps (formerly of R.W. Kent Regt.); died of wounds 26 Oct 1917; an Arthur Edward Newsham birth was registered in Brentford in 1889; he was the son of William H and Lizzie Newsham, who lived at no. 1 Johns Cottages, Brickfield Yard, Isleworth in 1891; William was a gardener; Arthur married Alice P Lang in Brentford area in 1912; Etaples Military Cemetery, France; there is also an Albert Newsham, Private, Duke of Cornwall’s Light Infantry;
born New Brentford, residence Hammersmith; son of Mrs. L. Newsham, of 2, Field Lane, Brentford End; killed in action 4 Sep 1917 aged 24; Doiran Military Cemetery, Greece * (CWGC, ancestry) |
115 | Newsham | W H | William Henry birth registered in Brentford in 1881; married 1901; brother to Arthur Edward above; no firm match on the CWGC site * (CWGC, ancestry) |
116 | Nicholls | A P | no A P Nicholls on CWGC site, nor are there any births/marriages registered in Brentford with matching initials 1878 - 1918; possibly Percy, Private Royal Fusiliers (City of London Regiment); born in and lived in Brentford; killed in action 1 Jul 1916 aged 20; son of Alfred and Mary E. Nicholls, of 29, Murray Rd., South Ealing; Thiepval Memorial, France * (CWGC, ancestry) |
117 | Nixon | N C F | Noel Charles Frederick, Captain, Bedfordshire Regiment; born 1896, Brentford area, d. 1918; Arras Memorial, France * (CWGC, ancestry)
118 | Nott | H | possibly Harry Nott who married in Brentford in 1900? all CWGC H Nott have a middle initial and none have specific link to Brentford * (CWGC, ancestry) |
119 | Owen | A G | three A G Owens on the CWGC site, but none have specific link to Brentford; no A G Owen births/ marriages registered in Brentford 1878 - 1918 * (CGWC, ancestry) |
120 | Page | T F | Thomas F, Corporal, Royal Engineers; d. 1916 in Brentford aged 30; he married in Brentford in 1911; South Ealing Cemetery * (CWGC, ancestry) |
121 | Patterson | W P | No W P Pattersons recorded on CWGC web site; some W Pattersons but no W P Patterson births/marriages 1878 - 1918 Brentford; assuming the middle initial is incorrect this is possibly William Charles, Private Royal Fusiliers (City of London Regiment); enlisted Brentford; killed in action 6 Oct 1918 aged 25; son of the late Walter and Elizabeth Patterson; husband of Bessie Louisa Patterson, of 173A, Trinity Rd., Upper Tooting, London; Tyne Cot Memorial, Belgium * (CWGC, ancestry); alternatively Bombardier 27694 Walter William Patterson; his family lived just up the road from Brentford in Green Lane, Hanwell; Walter (he seems, from census returns, to have gone by his middle name, William) was a regular in the Royal Garrison Artillery before the war, and went out to France as a Gunner with one of the early siege batteries in September 1914; he was later promoted to Bombardier and died serving with 5 Siege Battery (my grandfather’s unit) somewhere in the Bethune area on 27th April 1918; sadly he has no known grave, and is commemorated on the Loos Memorial; curiously in his entry in the 1911 census he goes by the name William Henry Patterson, then serving with 87 Company Royal Garrison Artillery in Hong Kong; the BMD entry for his birth in 1885 gives his name as Walter William, as for his CWGC and SDGW entries (thanks to Steve Fayers) |
122 | Peacock | C E | Charles Ernest Peacock; Private Royal Fusiliers (City of London Regiment); birth registered Brentford 1892,son of Henry & Marie, North Road, Brentford in 1901; killed in action 10 Aug 1916; Quarry Cemetery, Montauban, France * (CWGC, ancestry) |
123 | Pearce | A G C | Alfred George Clifford Pearce, sapper, Royal Engineers Inland Water Transport, died of wounds 10 Feb 1917 aged 21; son of Alfred & Mary Ann Pearce (Albany Road, Brentford, 1901 (see Pearce family); 26 York Rd, Brentford 1917); Dunkirk Town Cemetery (Mrs Beech, CWGC, ancestry) |
124 | Perry | A M | no AM Perry on CWGC web site; no A M Perry births registered in Brentford 1880-1900 * (CWGC,ancestry) |
125 | Petty | A | possibly Arthur Petty, who married in Brentford area in 1910; he was boarding with his wife Carrie at 38 Orchard Road Brentford in 1911, a photographer’s porter; several possible matches on CWGC site; an Arthur Petty, born c. 1892, was living in Tottenham in 1901 with his parents Thomas & Elizabeth * (CWGC, ancestry, findmypast) |
S1 | Pickton | W R | William Richard, Lance Corporal, Middlesex Regiment; killed in action 11 Apr 1917 aged 25 or 26; son of William & Mary Pickton: William senior was a stationary engine stoker of 40 Catherine Wheel Yard in 1901; Arras Mamorial, France * (CWGC & ancestry) |
126 | Poncher | R | no Poncher on CWGC web site, nor living in Middlesex in 1901; a Richard PoUcher, L/Corporal Rifle Brigade (The Prince Consort’s Own) was born in Battersea and lived in and enlisted in Brentford; he was killed in action 3 Sep 1916; recorded on CWCG site as Richard Poucllek * (CWGC, ancestry) |
127 | Prince | A | Arthur, Private 30488, 1st Bn., Essex Regiment; died of wounds age 28 on 14 October 1916; husband of E(mily?) Prince, of 25, Enfield Rd., Brentford; HEILLY STATION CEMETERY, MERICOURT-L’ABBE (David Bright)
S2 | Purseglove | A E | Albert Edward, serjeant, Oxford & Bucks Light Infantry; born Brentford; died 3 Feb 1917; memorial in Baghdad; awarded D.C.M. |
S3 | Purseglove | W | William John, Private, G/3632, 2nd Bn., Royal Fusiliers; died age 23 on 15 August 1915; son of Edward Francis and Sarah Kathleen Purseglove, of 78, St. Mary’s Rd., Ealing; HELLES MEMORIAL (David Bright)
128 | Rainbird | E | Edward, Private, London Regiment, 3rd (City of London) Battalion (Royal Fusiliers); in 1911 living at 11 Hartham Road Isleworth, an insurance agent; enlisted in Brentford (born Chelsea, residence St Pancras); killed in action 15 May 1917;
* (CWGC, ancestry) |
S4 | Roberts | J | John, Private, Queen’s Own (Royal West Kent Regiment); killed in action 8 Sep 1917 aged 23; born in and lived in Brentford; son of Rebecca Roberts, of 12, Ferry Square, Brentford and the late Mr. J. Roberts; Arras Memorial, France * (ancestry, CWGC) |
129 | Rose | E | Edward James, Private, G/28207, 32nd Bn., Royal Fusiliers; killed in action age 30 between 04 October 1916 and 10 October 1916; son of James and Hannah Rose, of Brentford; husband of Emily Matilda Rose, of 7, Dukes Avenue, Chiswick; A.I.F. BURIAL GROUND, FLERS (David Bright, ancestry)
130 | Selwood | C D | no C or CD Selwood on the CWGC web site; three options: a Charles D Selwood, age 17, son of Charles & Emma L was living in Teddington in 1901; Charles senior was a house painter; OR a Charles Owen Selwood birth was registered in Brentford in 1889; Charles Selwood, aged 13, son of James & Caroline Selwood, Kew Road, Richmond, Surrey in 1901 * (CWGC, ancestry) |
131 | Selwood | J D | probably Joseph Charles Henry Dorey SeLLwood; Private London Regiment; enlisted in Brentford; killed in action 9 May 1915; son of Thomas Dorey Sellwood and Lucy Sellwood, of 123, Windmill Rd., Brentford; Ploegsteert Memorial, Belgium * (CWGC, ancestry) |
132 | Sheldrick | W | a Walter Sheldrick married in Brentford district in 1906 but he is not recorded as a casualty on the CWGC web site; more likely to be Louis William Sheldrick, Private, Royal Fusiliers (City of London Regiment); killed in action 20 Nov 1917; born in Notting Hill and lived in Brentford * (ancestry)
133 | Sheppard | F | possibly Frank Sheppard, son of William & Emily who were living in Chiswick in 1901; William was a bread baker; OR Frederick, Private Royal Fusiliers (City of London Regiment); born Brentford residence Hammersmith; died 26 Oct 1914 * (ancestry) |
134 | Sheppard | H | Horace Arthur, Trooper, 3rd County of London Yeomanry (Sharpshooters); he volunteered in October 1915, and on the completion of his training was drafted to the Western Front, where he took part in many engagements and was killed in action at the battle of Arras on April 9th, 1917; of 69 Whitestile Road, Brentford; Ste Catherine British Cemetery, France (David Bright) |
135 | Sheppard | R H | possibly Reginald H, but no positive link to Brentford * (CWGC, ancestry) |
136 | Shewry | G H | George Hector, Private, London Regiment; died of wounds 9 Oct 1916 aged 19; volunteering in 1915, he went through his course of training and was drafted to France in the following year; he took part in several engagements and in October 1916 died of wounds received in action on the Somme Front; he was entitled to the 1914-15 Star, General Service and Victory Medals; son of George Thomas and Caroline Elizabeth Shewry, of 4, Lateward Rd, Brentford; Ste Marie Cemetery Le Havre, France (David Bright, CWGC & ancestry) |
137 | Shirvill | F | Private, 21st Middlesex Regt; d. 1917; possibly Frederick Shirvill whose birth was registered in Brentford in 1886; joining in July 1916 he was drafted to France at the close of his training later in the same year; he took part in several engagements of importance until July 9th, 1917, when he was killed in action on the Somme Front; he was entitled to the General Service and Victory Medals; of 24 Albany Road, Brentford; Fins New British Cemetery, Sorel Le Grand , France (David Bright, CWGC, ancestry) |
138 | Shirvill | H | Harry Shirvill, Corporal, Royal Fusiliers; he joined in March 1916, and on the conclusion of his training was drafted to the Western Front in the following October; after only a few weeks valuable service there he was killed in action on November 13th; he was entitled to the General Service and Victory Medals; of 5 Back Lane, St. Paul’s Road, Brentford; Thiepval Memorial, Francel; possibly matches the birth registered in this name in Brentford in 1880 (David Bright, CWGC) |
139 | Smith | G A | possibly George, Private Royal Fusiliers (City of London Regiment) 13th Battalion; born Brentford, residence Chiswick; died of wounds 6 Mar 1916 aged 32; son of Mrs. Sarah Smith, of 41, Hamilton Rd., Brentford; Bailleulmont Communal Cemetery, France * (ancestry, CWGC)
140 | Smith | J E | possibly John Edward, Private London Regiment, 19th (County of London) Battalion (St. Pancras); born in Brentford, residence Chiswick; killed in action 1 Sep 1918 * (ancestry)
141 | Speed | J | John, Private, Middlesex Regt.; he volunteered in November 1915, and on the completion of his training was drafted to France where he took part in the Battle of the Somme and was killed in action at High Wood in August 1916, aged 22; he was entitled to the General Service and Victory Medals; Son of Mr. and Mrs. J. Speed, of 15, Layton Rd, Brentford; husband of Daisy Winnifred Speed, of 13, Maskell Rd, Lower Tooting, London; Thiepval Memorial, France (David Bright, CWGC) |
142 | Stanley | H J | possibly Harry Stanley, Private East Surrey Regiment; born in Brentford; killed in action 12 Aug 1916
* (CWGC) |
S5 | Stanney | T R | Thomas Richard, birth registered in Brentford 1890; volunteered in November 1915, he proceeded to the Western Front in the following May, and saw much active service there until March 1917, when he was invalided home through illness caused by exposure; one month later he died, on April 25th 1917, aged 27, at Birmingham; he was entitled to the General Service and Victory Medals; son of John & Jane Stanney, of 14 Braemar Road, Brentford; memorial South Ealing Cemetery (David Bright, CWGC) |
143 | Stephenson | J A | John Alfred, Rifleman, 3784, "B" Coy. 1st/9th Bn., London Regiment (Queen Victoria’s Rifles); killed in action age 29 on 01 July 1916; son of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Stephenson, of 121, Boston Rd., Brentford;
144 | Stepney | F | Frederick, Private, Cambridgeshire Regiment; died 15 Oct 1918 aged 23; son of Frederick and Ann Stepney, of 16, Orchard Rd., Brentford; memorial South Ealing Cemetery * (CWGC, ancestry) |
145 | Swindon | C | possibly Cyril SwindEn, Corporal Royal Army Service Corps; enlisted Brentford; killed in action 27 Apr 1918 * (ancestry) |
146 | Taylor | A E | Alfred Ernest, Private, 26442, 5th Bn., Royal Fusiliers; died age 39 on 05 August 1916; son of John and Emma Taylor, of 61, Orchard Rd., Brentford; SOUTH EALING CEMETERY (David Bright)
147 | Tolliday | C F | Lance Corporal, London Regt. (London Scottish) d. 1917 aged 26; son of Frederick & Alice Tolliday * (CWGC) |
148 | Trew | P C | Percy Charles, Private, 25th Suffolk Regiment; born 1890 Brentford area; volunteering in March 1915, he was engaged on important duties at various home stations for two years at the end of which time he was drafted to Egypt and thence to Palestine; after taking part in many engagements on the Front he was killed in action at Beersheba on November 6th, 1917; he was entitled to the General Service and Victory Medalsl of 168 Whitestile Road, Brentford; son of Charles & Rose Trew, 101 Colville Rd, Acton in 1901; Charles was a butcher; Beersheba War Cemetery (David Bright, CWGC, ancestry)
149 | Turner | A | Muriel Wallington advises this is not Arthur Henry Turner, who was born in Brentford in 1897, son of Philip & Sarah Turner; it is understood he was wounded in WW1 but actually died in 1921 in Buckinghamshire as the family returned to Chearsley after the war; too many other Turners on the CWGC to reach a conclusion |
150 | Turner | E H H | Edgar Harold Holmes, Lieutenant, Welsh Regiment; son of Alfred (Fred) & Louisa Turner of 132 Windmill Lane, Brentford; died 1916 aged 21; Karasouli Military Cemetery, Greece (Mrs Beech, Janet McNamara, CWGC, ancestry) |
151 | Turner | T | Few Thomas Turner births registered in Brentford, also marriages; none of TT entries on CWGC checked have a link to Brentford |
172 | W? | ? |   |
152 | Waight | W C | Walter Clifford, Private, 12055, 8th Bn., The Queen’s (Royal West Surrey Regiment); died of wounds on 03 September 1916; HEILLY STATION CEMETERY, MERICOURT-L’ABBE (David Bright, ancestry)
153 | Walters | R S | Ralph Scott, Private, Middlesex Regiment; killed in action 15 Sep 1916 aged 28; son of Shem and Sabina Walters, of 66, Enfield Rd, Brentford; Thiepval Memorial, France * (CWGC) |
154 | Welch | A V | no A V Welch recorded on the CWGC web site; Albert V Welch married Edith M Roscoe in Brentford area, 1912; Albert Victor Welch birth registered Pancras 1885 * (CWGC, ancestry) |
155 | Welch | D A | David Andrew, Private, Middlesex Regiment; d.1917 aged 28; son of Mr. and Mrs. David Welch, of 67A, Little Ealing Lane, Ealing; native of Brentford; Tyne Cot Cemetery, Belgium * (CWGC) |
156 | Welch | J | James, Private, Manchester Regiment; killed in action 22 March 1918 aged 43; born Bridport, Dorset and lived in Brentford; formerly of Royal West Surrey Regt.; husband of Margaret Harriett Tanner (formerly Welch), of 6, King’s Rd., Haywards Heath, Sussex; Pozieres Memorial, France * (ancestry, CWGC, Eamonn Welch)
157 | White | G H | a George Henry White birth was registered in Brentford in 1899; possibly George Herbert, Private Royal Fusiliers (City of London Regiment); born Brentford; killed in action 23 Aug 1916; * (ancestry) |
158 | White | J | John, Private, Queen’s (Royal West Surrey Regiment); killed in action 4 Oct 1918; born in and lived in Brentford; formerly of Sherwood Fors. Regt; Vieille-Chapelle New Military Cemetery, France * (ancestry, CWGC)
159 | White | L P | a Lawrence Painter White was born in Uxbridge area in 1876 and married in Brentford area in 1902; he would have been 38 in 1914; there is no record of an L White with middle initial ’P’ on the CWGC web site; there are several L White on CWGC web site |
160 | Whitehead | H M | Henry Montagu, Lieutenant, East Surrey Regiment; d. 1915 aged 24; son of Henry H. and Edith M. Whitehead, of 18, Boston Rd, Brentford; Bedford House Cemetery, Belgium * (CWGC)
161 | Wilcox | A P | Arthur Percy, Gunner, Royal Garrison Artillery; killed in action 12 Aug 1916; born in and lived in Brentford; no match on CWGC * (CWGC, ancestry) |
162 | Wilcox | W H | Only WH Wilcox on the CWGC is linked to Portsmouth not Brentford; a Walter Wilcox and Worthy Wilcox, both born in Brentford, are recorded on ancestry web site * (CWGC, ancestry) |
163 | Williams | F D | Frank David, Private, Royal Fusiliers; killed in action 27 Sep 1915; born in Brentford in 1889, son of John J and Mary Williams who lived at 7, Mercury Road, Brentford in 1901; John J was a labourer in the timberyard in 1901; Loos Memorial, France * (CWGC, ancestry)
164 | Williamson | W | possibly William Alfred, Private, Loyal North Lancashire Regiment; killed in action 16 Dec 1917; born Peckham Surrey, lived in Brentford; formerly of Army Cyclist Corps; Ribecourt British Cemetery, France * (ancestry, CWGC) |
165 | Willis | A F | Arthur Frederick, Private, East Surrey Regiment; d. 1918 aged 26; son of Vincent and Louise Hannah Willis, of 89, Windmill Rd, Brentford; Bagneux British Cemetery, Gezaincourt, France * (CWGC)
166 | Willis | C N | possibly Cecil Norman, Rifleman, London Regiment (Queen’s Westminster Rifles); enlisted in Brentford; killed in action 12 Oct 1918; Somer Farm Cemetery, Belgium * (ancestry, CWGC)
167 | Wiltshire | J | James, Private, Royal Fusiliers (City of London Regiment); killed in action 9 Jul 1916; born in Fulham, lived in Brentford; Thiepval Memorial, France * (ancestry, CWGC); Jean Dunsdon writes ’I believe J.Wiltshire was my grandmothers brother Joe. I have the letter sent to his wife on his death.’ |
168 | Wingate | G F | George F, Gunner, Royal Horse Artillery; death registered in Brentford, 1918 aged 35; South Ealing Cemetery * (CWGC, ancestry)
169 | Woodbridge | S A R | Stephen Anthony Ruston, Second Lieutenant, Royal Warwickshire Regiment; d. 1916 aged 26; son of Stephen Woodbridge who married Emily Amelia Ruston in 1888, Brentford; in 1911 Stephen junior was an artciled clerk to a solicitor living at 9 Webster Gardens, Ealing; South Ealing Cemetery * (CWGC, ancestry, findmypast)
170 | Woodhead | W | Walter, Carpenter’s Crew M/18570, H.M.S. "Begonia.", Royal Navy; died age 25 on 06 October 1917; son of Walter and Emily Woodhead, of 24, Clifden Rd., Brentford, Middx;
171 | Woodward | ? | there were a couple of Woodward families in Old Brentford in 1901 but there are too many Woodwards on the CWGC web site to draw conclusions |
Surnames: A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R , S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z
Published 2009; last updated July 2017