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WW1 Army Service Record Example
Army service records are available on ancestry.co.uk (subscription payable) but may not have survived for your ancestor. See a list of service records that survive for men who came from Brentford.
I was lucky, the following service records survived for my grandfather Henry Adolphus Dunn:
- Attestation record including Corps name, signed by Recruiting Officer
- Name
- Address
- British Subject?
- Age
- Trade
- Married?
- Served in forces before?
- Willing to be vaccinated?
- Willing to be enlisted for General Service?
- Did you receive a Notice, who gave it to you?
- Willing to serve for the duration of the War?
- Descriptive report on enlistment
- Name, Age, Height
- Chest girth and expansion
- Distinctive marks
- Name and address of next of kin and relationship of next of kin
- Name of wife and whether spinster or widow when married
- Place and date of marriage
- Current address
- Details of children: names, dates and places of birth
- Military history sheet: can include 'passed classes of instruction'; campaigns; wounded; special instances of gallant conduct; medals; injuries
- Signed, dated receipt by widow of British War and Victory medals
- Casualty form
- Rank, name, religion and age on enlistment
- Enlistment date
- Details of any promotions
- Date and place embarked / disembarked
- Place / date of casualty
- Memorandum instructing where to send personal property of the deceased
- Statement of names and addresses of living relatives of the deceased, completed by a relative
- Widow of the soldier
- Children
- Father
- Mother
- Brothers (full and half blood)
- Sisters (full and half blood)
- Names and addresses of the following living relatives if no living relatives recorded above: grandparents, nephews, nieces, uncles and aunts (by blood)
See other WW1 records available on this site.
Published April 2009; updated November 2012