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Boars Head Yard

Janet McNamara sent these photos showing views of Boars Head Yard, which runs off the south side of Brentford High Street between numbers 126 and 127. She also provided the following information:

The photo below with the car on the left is looking towards the back of the High Street and the tall chimney is the back of number 126.

The 1912 Rate Book shows the first building in Boars Head Yard as a Warehouse owned by Lilley and Skinner who also owned 125 and 126.
The rateable value of the warehouse was £6. Numbers 4, 6 and 8 were described as cottages at £8 RV then number 10 was £10 and no 12 £9.
The 3 storey house is number 8 so no. 10 is where the advertising van is parked in the electioneering photo and you can see the lamp post and the side gate in the two pictures.

The alley continues down past the garage with, in 1912 stables £5, workshop £3, stables £26 (I think these belonged to the Grand Junction Canal Co.), warehouse £8, shop £4, stables £4, shed and wharf £6 and a workshop £8.
The odd numbers opposite looked like these 3 storey buildings and were all £8 RV too.

View of Boars Head Yard looking north towards the High Street
The second photo includes 10 Boars Head Yard with white-painted brickwork. There are signs for 'Held Glue Compounds' offices and works and at the garage entrance a sign 'V Thomas (FLMI?), Auto & Marine Engineer'.
View of Boars Head Yard looking south

You can see the original photos, and many others of Brentford, by visiting Chiswick Library.

Published September 2012