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BUDC, Electioneering

Guy Richardson sent this photo, thought to date from the 1920s, showing Brentford Chamber of Commerce's interest in a forthcoming election. The poster on the side of the vehicle reads: 'Brentford Urban District Council support the Brentford Chamber of Commerce in its fight against extravagance and waste by voting for:
  • WJ Bolton
  • WH Mills CC
  • AE Moore
  • H Newens'
The poster on the back of the vehicle (thought to be owned by Griffith Bros) states 'Do we want Carville Hall & Dead Mans Grave? No!' and finishes 'We want healthy Playing Fields'

The photo was taken outside 10 Boars Head Yard, around the corner from Griffith Bros store at 125/126 High Street. (10 Boars Head Yard also features in a photograph from 1945/6).

This web site also includes more details about the Griffith Bros family business.

Heavily-postered van

Published April 2012