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1797 Trade Directory Index
Richard Chapman originally published the following list in the West Middlesex Family History Journal in 1993. He has kindly consented for the information to be included on this web site. He provided notes:
The following list is taken from the entry for Brentford in Wilkes’ Universal British Directory, Vol. 2, published in 1797.
Besides being an interesting survey in itself of the activities of the tradespeople of the time, it may help to provide some clues as to the occupations of some of those mentioned in the survey of the western end of the town thirteen years later: see 1810/11 survey.
The original survey listed 318 people under five headings or categories (no. number of people under each heading is in brackets:
- GENTRY &c. (35): ’G’ below
- CLERGY (2)
- PHYSIC (2)
- LAW (3)
- TRADERS, &c. (276): ’T’ below
The "(F.)" in the original directory entries denotes freeholders.
Surnames beginning: A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R , S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z
Category | Name |
T | Absalom Ph. Victualler (Rising Sun) |
T | Aldrid Richard, Vintner (Feathers) |
T | Aleguin --, Cornchandler |
G | Allen Mrs. |
T | Allen Richard, (F.) Gardener |
T | Allen Thomas, Clock and Watch Maker |
T | Allin John, Victualler (Six Bells) |
T | Amber Wm. Rich. Timber-merchant |
T | Andrews John, Victualler (Bell) |
Physic | (Ansell) Oliver and Ansell, (F.) Surgeons and Apothecaries |
T | Archbut Robert, Linen-draper |
T | Arnell --, (F.) Tallow chandler |
T | Arnutt James, Tinman and Brazier |
G | Ashby Mr. Robert |
T | Ashby Thomas, Confectioner & Pastry-Cook |
T | Atfield Joseph, Shopkeeper |
G | Bacon Mrs. |
T | Bailess Wm, Innkeeper (Three Pigeons) |
T | Bailey Thomas, Smith and Farrier |
T | Ball James, Poulterer |
T | Banks Moses, (F.) Mealman |
T | Banyon Thomas, jun. Waterman |
T | Banyon Thomas, sen. Shopkeeper |
G | Barber John, Esq. (F.) |
T | Barnes --, Bricklayer |
T | Base William, Mealman |
T | Batt William, Plumber and Glazier |
T | Bayley John, (F.) Baker |
T | Beach William, Victualler (Angel) |
T | Beck Abrah. (F.) Victualler (Cannon) |
T | Beck John, (F.) Baker |
T | Bell Richard, Peruke-maker |
T | Bennett George, (F). and Co. Cheese-mongers |
T | Blackall John |
T | Blackhall John, Cooper |
T | Blake Charles, Linen-draper |
T | Blake John, Tinman and Brazier |
T | Blanch William, Patten-maker |
T | Blunt John, Cowkeeper |
T | Bohm Christian, Gingerbread-baker |
T | Booth Thomas, Whitesmith and Bell-hanger |
T | Bourn Richard, Butcher |
T | Bowden Matthew, (F.) Basket-maker |
T | Bowman Matthew, Gardener |
T | Brawn John, Green-grocer |
T | Bridges John, Currier and Leather-cutter |
G | Bridges Mr. Grove-house |
T | Brown Susannah, Shopkeeper |
T | Brownsworth George, Oilman |
T | Burchett George, (F.) Importer of Foreign Wines |
T | Burford John, (F.) Fisherman |
T | Burgess Ambress, Barge-master and Coal-merchant |
T | Burgess Charles, Orange-merchant & Waterman |
T | Butler --, Victualler |
T | Caldwell J. Staymaker |
T | Caldwell Thomas and Son, (F.) Woollen-drapers |
T | Cary John, Schoolmaster |
T | Child Charles, Tallow-chandler |
Law | Clark Mr. George, (F.) Attorney |
T | Clark Samuel, (F.) Brick and Tile-Maker |
T | Clements Richard |
T | Clerk Thomas, (F.) Coal-merchant |
T | Clerk Wm. Victualler (Fox and Hounds) |
T | Cock Samuel Cabinet-maker |
T | Collett Charles, Taylor |
T | Collett John, Salesman |
T | Collins --, Cheesemonger |
T | Conway John, Grocer |
T | Cook Richard, (F.) Shoemaker |
T | Coombes --, Tinman and Brazier |
T | Cooper Edward, Salesman |
G | Cope Mrs |
Physic | Corson Alexander, (F.) Surgeon and Apothecary |
T | Coussin John, Glazier |
T | Cox John, Cordwainer |
T | Cox William, Haberdasher |
T | Cracknell Tho. (F.) Brandy-merchant and Rectifyer |
T | Creeland Henry, Inspector of Windows |
T | Crowther George, Farrier |
T | Dale John, Waterman |
T | Dean Mrs. Innkeeper (Catherine Wheel) |
T | Dean Richard, Shopkeeper |
G | Dechamp John, Esq. (F.) |
T | Deely Mrs. Broker |
G | Devenish Mr. |
T | Dickens James, Victualler (Half Moon) |
T | Dickenson Joseph, Hair-dresser |
T | Dicker Ann, Gardener |
T | Dobson George, Basket-maker |
T | Draper William, (F.) Baker |
T | Drinkwater Mary, Grocer |
G | Drinkwater Mrs. |
T | Dugard John, Breeches-maker |
G | Dupee Mrs. |
T | Edwards Mrs. Boarding-school |
T | Elliot William, Salesman |
G | Ellison Mr. |
T | Evans James, Butcher |
T | Eyles Henry, Hatter |
T | Ezard Charles, (F.) Carpenter and Undertaker |
T | Fanner Mrs. Hosier and Haberdasher |
T | Farmer William, Hair-dresser |
T | Field John, Shoe-warehouse |
T | Fleetwood --, Peruke-maker |
G | Fletches Mr. |
T | Flowerdie Mrs. Hosier and Haberdasher |
T | Fowler and Tucker, Ironmongers |
G | Franklin Mrs. (F.) |
T | Frost John, (F.) Linen-draper & Mercer |
T | Fuller Ann and Son, Gardeners |
T | Fuller John, (F.) Pawnbroker |
G | Gardiner Mrs. |
T | Gary --, Schoolmaster |
T | Glover Christopher, Tallow-chandler |
T | Glover Mrs. Milliner |
T | Glover William, (F.) Tallow-chandler and Grocer |
T | Goldwin Daniel, Gardener |
T | Gore Thomas, Salesman |
T | Gore William, Cordwainer |
G | Gould Mr. (F.) |
T | Goulder Thomas, Bricklayer |
T | Grant --, Shoe-warehouse |
T | Gray William, Tinman and Brazier |
T | Greenlaw Mr. (F.) Schoolmaster |
T | Greensmith Miss, Milliner |
T | Greenwood Henry, Millwright |
T | Grimatt Stephen, Auctioneer, Broker and Victualler |
T | Gurney Henry, Wheelwright |
T | Hairs G.N. Grocer and Tea-dealer |
G | Hammond Mrs. |
T | Harding John, Corn-chandler |
T | Harrington Thomas, sen. (F.) Maltster and Coal-merchant |
T | Harris Samuel, Victualler |
T | Harris Thomas, Coach-master |
T | Hazelhurst Samuel, Taylor |
T | Hazelton William, Cornchandler |
T | Head Samuel, Carpenter |
T | Hedges Thomas, Victualler |
T | Henley James, Victualler |
G | Hideman Mr. (F.) |
T | Hilliard Benjamin, Victualler (Goat) |
T | Hing Jasper, (F.) Farrier |
T | Hoard John, (F.) Watch-maker |
T | Hobday Stephen, Hair-dresser |
T | How Rich. Carpenter and Undertaker |
T | Howard Richard, Butcher |
T | Howe William, Chymist and Druggist |
T | Hughes William, Baker and Brentford-Roll-maker |
G | Hunt Mr. |
T | Irons John, (F.) Farmer |
T | Jackson William, Victualler |
G | James Mrs. |
T | Jay John, (F.) Breeches-maker and Victualler (George) |
T | Jeffries George, Linen-draper |
T | Jeffries John, Butter-man and Poulterer |
G | Johnson Robert Wallace, Esq. (F.) |
T | Jones Henry, Gardener |
Law | Jones Mr. John, (F.) Attorney |
T | Jones Samuel, Gardener |
T | Jones William, (F.) Cheesemonger and Victualler (Magpie) |
T | Jones William, (F.) Mealman, Corn-chandler, Coal-merchant and Brick-maker |
T | Julion John, (F.) Jeweller, Distiller and Rectifyer |
Law | Julion Mr. Thomas, Attorney |
T | Keen Mrs. Victualler (Ferry House) |
T | Kent Thomas, Tavern-keeper (Star & Garter) |
T | Kent William, (F.) Victualler |
T | Kerr Ja. Victualler (Great Red Lion) |
T | King John, Broker and Auctioneer |
T | King William, Harness-maker |
T | Knevitt John, (F.) Gardener |
T | Knight Richard, Amber-brewer |
T | Lamb Richard, Whitesmith |
G | Lawrence Mr. (F.) |
T | Leader William, (F.) Breeches-maker |
G | Lewis Mr. |
T | Light James, Grocer and Tea-dealer |
T | Linley Thomas, Orange-merchant |
G | Lockart --, Esq. |
G | Lott Mrs. |
T | Louch John, Vintner (White Hart) |
T | Louch William, Victualler (Drum) |
T | Loveliss William, Stone-mason |
G | Macdonald Miss, Bufort-house |
T | Makepeace William, Baker and Coal-merchant |
T | Male Wm. Victualler (George III.) |
T | Malhinger Philip, Salesman |
T | Manning Benj. Victualler (Salutation) |
T | Marks John, Bricklayer and Land Surveyer |
T | Marsh William, Shoe-maker |
T | Marshall William, Butcher |
T | Matthews Thomas, Victualler |
T | Melford Mrs. Gardener |
T | Millard Richard, jun. Shopkeeper |
T | Millet James, (F.) Gardener |
T | More Robert, Pork-butcher |
T | More William, Glazier |
T | Moreton Robert, Taylor and Habit-maker |
T | Morgan John, Turner |
T | Morris James, (F.) Gardener |
T | Morton William and Son, Booksellers, Stationers, Newsmen, and Keepers of a Circulating Library |
T | Morton William, Victualler (Castle) |
T | Napier --, Gardener |
T | Neal Lampeter, Butter-man & Poulterer |
T | Neill John, Plumber and Glazier |
T | Newell Mrs. Mantua-maker |
T | Newell Thomas, Gardener and Eating-house |
T | Newman Samuel, Butcher |
T | Norbury Philip, Printer |
Physic | Oliver and Ansell, (F.) Surgeons and Apothecaries |
T | Osborn Mrs. Owner of the Market-boat |
T | Osborn Thomas, Butcher |
T | Paddon Robert, Woollen-draper |
T | Page G. Victualler (Little King’s Arms) |
T | Pain Thomas, Collar-maker |
Clergy | Parker Rev. William, Schoolmaster |
T | Pelton Charles, Taylor |
T | Pelton John, China-man and Taylor |
T | Perkins Samuel, (F.) Tanner |
T | Pickering John, Grocer |
T | Pill John, Shopkeeper |
T | Piper Thomas, Butcher |
T | Piper William, (F.) Cowkeeper |
T | Pollecutt Jasper, Cordwainer |
T | Portlake Thomas, Raspberry-merchant |
T | Potter James, Victualler |
T | Powell William, Broker and Cabinet-maker |
T | Price William, Hair-dresser |
T | Pugh Sam. Victualler (Little Red Lion) |
T | Raby Daniel, Gingerbread-baker |
T | Rainbow Edward, (F.) Salesman |
Clergy | Randall Rev. John, Rector |
T | Rannds William, (F.) Orange-merchant |
T | Raper Thomas, Gardener |
T | Rapkins John, Hair-dresser |
T | Raply Thomas, Butcher |
G | Rayner Capt. |
T | Richardson Tho. Brazier and Tinman |
T | Richardson Tho. Bricklayer & Plaisterer |
T | Richardson Thomas, Coachmaster |
G | Roberts David, Esq. (F.) |
T | Roberts, Smith and Harrington, (F.) Malt-distillers |
T | Ronald Silver, Baker |
T | Ronalds Henry and Hugh, (F.) Nursery and Seedsman |
T | Sanders Daniel, (F.) Boot and Shoe Maker |
G | Sanders Mr. |
T | Saunders John, Victualler |
T | Seabrook Jane, Pawnbroker |
T | Sexton Henry, Linen-draper |
T | Sexton William, (F.) Cornchandler |
T | Shephy Robert, Staymaker |
G | Sherwell Mrs. |
T | Shields Andrews, (F.) Seedsman |
T | Showell Mrs. Victualler |
T | Shrubb --, Hair-dresser |
T | Simms Charles, (F.) Salesman |
T | Simms William, Grocer |
T | Smeaton William, Poulterer |
T | Smith --, Fish-wheel-maker |
T | Smith John, Breeches-maker |
G | Smith Mr. Thomas, (F.) |
T | Smith William, Victualler (Moon Raker) |
T | Soundy Richard, Eating-house |
T | Spindler William and Son, Nursery & Seedsmen |
T | Stawe Thomas, (F.) Gardener |
T | Stevens William, Fishmonger |
G | Stevenson John Esq. M.P. (F.) |
T | Stiles John, Shoemaker |
T | Stimpson John, (F.) Pork-butcher |
T | Stump Thomas, (F.) Brewer |
T | Swapp John, Hair-dresser |
T | Swinden Francis, Clock and Watch Maker |
T | Swinden Miss, Mantua-maker and Milliner |
T | Tayler Thomas, Letter-carrier |
T | Terry John, Shopkeeper |
T | Thorogood (F.) Richard, Maltster and Starch-maker |
T | Thorogood Charles, Cooper |
T | Tong George, (F.) Labourer |
T | Tovey Charles, Eating-house |
T | Trigg Joseph, Gardener |
T | Trimmer Abraham, (F.) Brewer |
T | Trimmer James, (F.) Brick-maker & Lime-burner |
T | Tring William, Fish-wheel-maker |
T | (Tucker) Fowler and Tucker, Ironmongers |
T | Tucker Mary, (F.) Coal-merchant |
T | Tunstall John, Cooper |
T | Tunstall Thomas, Taylor |
T | Turner James, Victualler (Bell) |
T | Turners Messrs. (F.) Potters |
T | Urtin William, Shoemaker |
T | Vaugn John, Taylor |
T | Velladvice John, Victualler (7 Stars) |
T | Verman William, Baker |
G | Vidall Mr. |
G | Vincent Mr. |
G | Vitton Luke, Esq. (F.) |
T | Wallace John, Starch-maker |
T | Walmsly John, Staffordshire-warehouse |
T | Walters Robert, (F.) Baker |
T | Ward Lawrence, Wheelwright |
T | Ward Samuel, China and Staffordshire-warehouse |
T | Warren Messrs and Co. Soap-boilers |
T | Waters J. Plumber and Glazier |
T | Watkins Thomas, Grocer |
T | Waylett William, Victualler |
T | West Thomas, Hatmaker |
T | Wetman Charles, Linen-draper |
T | White Jacob, Grocer |
T | White James, Butter-man and Poulterer |
T | White John, (F.) Schoolmaster & Coal-merchant |
T | White Mary, Linen-draper |
T | White Mary, Mantua-maker |
T | White Samuel, (F.) Victualler (1 Tun) |
T | Whitstead Thomas, (F.) Distiller and Rectifyer |
T | Wilkenson J. Inn-keeper & Excise-office (Castle) |
T | Wilkins Joseph, Sign & House Painter and Paper-hanger |
T | Wincuff Nathaniel and Co. (F.) Coal-merchants |
T | Winkworth John, Carpenter and Undertaker |
T | Woodbridge Mrs. Ladies’ Boarding-school |
G | Woodcock Charles, Esq. (F.) |
T | Wyatt Aaron, Victualler (Wilkes’s Head) |
Surnames beginning: A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R , S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z
Published 2009; updated December 2010