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Transcript of the will of John Lockyer otherwise Green, written in 1762
This full transcription has been provided by Bob Loveday, a direct descendant of the Lockyer/Sharp/Loveday family. The original linebreaks are maintained.
More details of the Lockyer/Sharp/Loveday family.
Page 1
In the Name of God Amen
I John Lockyer otherwise Green of Ealing in the County of
Middlesex Esquire being in good health in body and of sound
disposing of mind & memory and understanding do make publish
and declare this to be my last Will and Testament this
Twenty fifth day of March in the second year of the Reign
of our Sovereign Lord George the third by the Grace of
God of Great Britain France and Ireland King Defender of
the faith and so forth and in the year of our Lord One
Thousand Seven hundred and Sixty two in manner and form
following first I give and bequeath unto Mr WATTS my
Gardener five guineas Also I give and bequeath unto Ann
NICHOL[?] my Nurse (formerly) now in Lambeth Workhouse five
Guineas and the sum of Twelve guineas / Annum for her
natural life to be paid her quarterly without any deduction
from my Lands and Manor of Cold Hall (may be Colehall) Also I give and bequeath
unto my Worthy friend Mr ROCQUE florist and seedsman of
Walham Green the sum of ten guineas for a Ring in
Testimony of the Respect I bear him Also I forgive Alexander
Morley all Sum or Sums of money he may owe me at my
death Also I forgive William BEESLEY my Tenant One years
Rend Also I forgive Ann SHEPHERD all sums of money she
may owe me at my death Also I forgive John WARD my
Tenant One years Rent also I forgive John (HENGE?) my Tenant
One year and Quarters Rent Also I forgive Jonathan KNEVETT
One quarters Rent Also I give and bequeath unto a female
Child now in the foundling hospital and delivered in there by
the name of Cassandra FISHER the seventeenth or eighteenth
of May One Thousand Seven hundred and fifty eight the Sum
of One Thousand pounds to be paid her by my Executors herein
after named without any deduction of Interest on it whatsoever
when she shall be married or attain the age or Twenty one
years and in case the said Cassandra FISHER is dead or may
die before either of the above Cases then I direct that the
said Sum of One Thousand pounds shall remain in the
Residue of my Estates and to the purposes hereinafter mentioned
Also I bequeath unto the Governors of the Foundling Hospital
the Sum of Three shillings and Six pence / week for every
week the said Child has been and is under their care and
Expence And I do also beg my dear Wife Elizabeth Lockyer to
to take it out from the said Hospital if it be living and place
it under her own Eye Also I give and bequeath unto my dear
Page 2
Wife Elizabeth Lockyer All those my Messuages Manor
of Colehall farms woods lands Tenements and hereditaments
whether freehold or copyhold in the parish of Ealing together
with all my Ready Moneys Rights and Credits India and
Bank Stock and personal Estate whatsoever and wheresoever and
what nature or kind soever for her natural Life only and in
Trust to my Executors hereinafter named for the hereinafter
devised purposes Also and immediately at the death of my said
Wife Elizabeth I give and bequeath all the above devised
Estates and Effects (to my Wife for her life) unto my dear
Daughter Elizabeth Lockyer who is now boarding with Mrs
(LOWE?) on Turnham Green and her heirs lawfully to be begotten
for ever and in default of such Issue then and at the death
of my said dear daughter Elizabeth I give the said devised Estates
unto Cassandra FISHER aforesaid and her heirs forever and in
case the said Cassandra FISHER is dead or may die without
Issue lawfully begotten then and in the Cases aforesaid I give
all the said devised Lands Manor and Tenements in the
County of Middlesex unto my Worthy friend Mr Rocque of
Wallam Green aforesaid and his Assigns forever And also and
in the same above cited cases I give all my India and Bank
Stock unto my Worthy friend John BROWN of Breams
Buildings and his Assigns forever Also I constitute and appoint
the said John BROWN together with my dear Wife Elizabeth
whole and sole Executors and Trustees of this my Will
written with my own hand and I do also give unto my
said worthy friend John BROWN for his Care and Trouble in
the Execution of this my will the Sum of One hundred pounds
and my best Gun[?] and Gold headed cane also I desire that all
my just debts may be fully paid and satisfied and that I may
be buried in my New Vault at Ealing with a little Marble
Monument erected over the same at the Expense of Thirty
Pounds Also I hereby have and do surrender the Copyhold of
Custom of the Manor Also at the death of my dear Wife
Elizabeth I give unto her Sister Bridget PRICE if she be then
living fifty pounds / annum for her Life to be paid her
quarterly from my Manor of Coldhall and Lastly if my said
dear Wife Elizabeth should marry again then immediately
and then & at such time I give all the said devised Estates to her
aforesaid to my dear Daughter Elizabeth and her lawful heirs
aforesaid hereby willing bequeathing and charging All the said
above mentioned Estates with the annual sum of five hundred
pounds to my said dear Wife Elizabeth for her natural life And
also if my said Wife do no marry then I give her the farm
Mr Jonathan KNEVETT now Rents of me to dispose of as she
thinks proper forever Also I desire my dear Wife Elizabeth may
be buried near me and that she now will dispose of fifteen
Guineas in Mourning Rings as she thinks proper Lastly I
hereby revoke all former wills by me at any time or times
heretofore made In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my
hand and seal the day and year first above written Jno Lockyer
Page 3
Signed Sealed published and declared by the said Testator John
Lockyer as and for his last Will and Testament in the presence
of us who have Subscribed our names as Witnesses thereto in
the presence likewise of the said Testator and at his Request
and in the presence of each other Anna HILDESLEY Jno COOKE
Great Ealing Bn BOOKER
This Will proved at London the Twenty Eight
day of May in the year of our Lord One Thousand seven
hundred and Sixty three before the Worshipful George HARRIS
Doctor of Laws and Surrogate of the Right Worshipful Sir
Edward SIMPSON Knight Doctor of Laws Master Keeper or
Commissary of the Prerogative Court of Canterbury lawfully
constituted by the Oaths of John BROWN and Elizabeth Lockyer
Widow the Relict of the deceased and Executors named in the
said Will to whom Administration of all and Singular the Goods
Chattels and Credits of the said deceased was granted having
been first sworn duly to Administer
Margin Note on Page 3
The first[?] day of July 1803 Admon
with the Will annexed of the Goods Chattels
and Credits of John Lockyer otherwise
Green late of the Parish of Ealing in
the County of Middlesex but at Lyons
in France Esquire dec'd left (unassigned or unadm'd - unadmitted or unadministered?)
by John BROWN one of the Exors and
Elizabeth Lockyer Widow the Relict
the other Exor and the Residuary Legatee
[...] named in the said Will since
also dec'd was granted to Elizabeth
LOVEDAY Wife of Douglas Charles
LOVEDAY the natural & lawful
daughter of Elizabeth SHARP formerly
Lockyer, Wife of Henry Burgoyne SHARP
deceased whilst living the Daur and as
such the Residuary Legatee substituted in
the sd. Will she having been first
sworn duly to admr. The said John
BROWN survived the said Eliz. Lockyer
Widow and made his Will & appointed
James THOMAS and Benjamin GOODISON
Exors who proved the same and the said
Benjamin GOODISON survived the said
James THOMAS and died Intestate
and the said Elizabeth SHARP formerly
Lockyer died without taking upon
her the Letters of Admon with the
Sd Will annexed of the Goods of
the Sd Decd left unadmd as aforsd
Research notes
Bob Loveday advises John Lockyer's 'Worthy friend Mr ROCQUE florist and seedsman of Walham Green' was Bartholomew Rocque, brother to the cartographer John Rocque, whose 'An exact survey of the city's of London Westminster ye borough of Southwark and the country near 10 miles round London in 16 sheets to a scale of 5½ inches to 1 mile' published in 1746 includes Charles Lockyer's home in Ealing parish shown on Lockyer family page. (For more detail see wikipedia biography of John Rocque).
Published September 2016