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Will of Elizabeth Lockyer, widow of Ealing, 1766
This full transcription has been provided by Bob Loveday, a direct descendant of the Lockyer/Sharp/Loveday family. The original linebreaks are maintained.
More details of the Lockyer/Sharp/Loveday family.
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In the Name of God Amen
I Elizabeth Lockyer of Coldhall in the parish of Great Ealing
in the County of Middlesex widow being Ill in body but of sound
and disposing mind and memory and understanding praised be
God for the same and considering the certainty of death
and the uncertain time thereof do make and ordain this
my last Will and Testament in manner and form following
that is to say first and principally I render my Soul to
Almighty God who gave it hoping through the Merits and
Mediation of my Blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ to
obtain forgiveness of my Sins and to inherit everlasting
Life my Body I commit to the Earth to be Interred in my
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family vault in the Church Yard of Great Ealing aforesaid
in the same manner with my late dear Husband John
Lockyer Esquire deceased by Mr NICHOLLES of Great Ealing
aforesaid undertaker and as to such Temporal Estate and
Effects as God in his Infinite Mercy hath been pleased to
bless and endow me with give and dispose of the same
as followeth Imprimis I will that all the Just Debts and
funeral Expenses shall be first paid and satisfied Then I
Give and devise all that my freehold farm called Knevetts
farm together with all and singular the Lands Tenements
and Hereditaments there unto belonging situate lying and
being in the parish of Little Ealing in the County of Middx
aforesaid and now in the Tenure or Occupation of Jonathan
KNEVETT at the yearly Rent of ninety pounds twelve shillings
unto my dear and Loving daughter Elizabeth Lockyer
Spinster for and during the term of her natural Life without
impeachment of or for any manner of waste and from
and after the determination of that Estate I give and devise
the said freehold farm and premises to my good friends
Peter THOMPSON of Bermondsey in the County of Surrey Esqr.
and the Reverend Charles ALLAWAY of Great Ealing aforesd.
Clerk and their heirs for and during the Life of the said
Elizabeth Lockyer in Trust to preserve the Contingent
remainders herein after limited from being defeated or
destroyed and for that purpose to bring actions or
make Entrys as the case may be required but nevertheless
in Trust to pay and apply or otherwise to permit
and suffer my said daughter Elizabeth Lockyer or her assigns
to have receive and take to her and their own use and
benefit all and singular the Rents Issues and profits of
the said premises for and during the said Term of her
natural life and from and immediately after the decease
of my said daughter Elizabeth Lockyer then I Give and
devise all and singular of the said freehold premises and
every part thereof unto the heirs of the body of my said
daughter Elizabeth Lockyer Lawfully to be begotten for ever
but in case the said Elizabeth Lockyer shall Leave no Issue
of her body Lawfully begotten then I give and devise the
said freehold premises and every part thereof until the
before named Peter THOMPSON and his heirs to hold unto
the said Peter THOMPSON his heirs and assigns for ever
Then I Give and bequeath unto my nephew James THOMAS
the sum of Twenty Pounds Then I Give and bequeath
unto my niece Elizabeth THOMAS Spinster the like Sum
of Twenty Pounds and Then I Give and bequeath unto my
late Servant Mary CARRYLL Spinster the like sum of
twenty pounds Then I give and bequeath unto the before
named Peter THOMPSON the Sum of fifty pounds Then
I Give and bequeath unto the before named Charles Allaway
the Sum of Twenty Pounds Then I do hereby direct that
the several Legacies herein before given shall be paid
by my Executors within twelve months next after my
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decease Then I Give and bequeath unto Mrs Prudence
Churchill a Ring of one Guinea Value Then I Give
and bequeath unto Mrs Mary THOMPSON the wife of
the before named Peter THOMPSON a Ring of one Guinea
Value All the Rest Residue and remainder of my Goods
Chattels Read Money Estate and Effects whatsoever and
wheresoever and of what nature or kind soever the same
may be or Consist of and whereof I shall dye Seized or possessed
interested in or intitled unto both real and personal I give
devise and bequeath unto the said Peter THOMPSON and
Charles ALLAWAY their heirs Executors and administrators
In Trust nevertheless and upon this Special Confidence
in them reposed that they the said Peter THOMPSON and
Charles ALLAWAY or the Survivor of them and the heirs
Executors or Administrators of such survivor shall and
so soon as conveniently may be after my decease
convert the same into specie? or ready money and from
time to time lay out and invest the said Residuary
Estate in Government Security at Interest and pay and
apply all the Interest Dividends and Produce which
shall in any wise arise therefrom unto or to the use
and benefit of my said daughter Elizabeth Lockyer for
and during the term of her natural Life and from and
after the decease of my said Daughter then In Trust that
they the said Trustees or the Survivor of them or the Heirs
Executors or Administrators of such Survivor shall
and do pay assign and Transfer and set over all and
singular the said Residuary Estate to be invested as
aforesaid and all increase and proceed thereof not then
expended and every part and parcell thereof into and
among all and every such Child and Children of my said
daughter Elizabeth Lockyer Lawfully begotten as shall be
then living and if there shall be more than one such
child then in equal parts and proportions Share and
Share alike but in case my said daughter Elizabeth
Lockyer shall happen to depart this life without leaving
any Issue of her body Lawfully begotten then in Trust
that they the said Peter THOMPSON and Charles ALLAWAY
and the Survivor of them or the Heirs Executors of admons
of such Survivor do and shall pay assign and Transfer
all my said Residuary Estate before mentioned and or
every part thereof unto the before named Mary THOMPSON
the wife of the said Peter THOMPSON her Heirs Executors
and Administrators for ever and I do hereby appoint the
said Peter THOMPSON and Mary THOMPSON his Wife and
the Survivor of them and the Executors or Administrators
of such Survivor Guardians of my said daughter during her
Nonage or Infancy and do direct that it shall and may
be lawful to and for my said Trustees before named and the
Survivor of them and their Heirs Executors and Administrators
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of such Survivor from time to time and at all times to have
take and Reimburse to themselves respectively by from and
out of the said Trust Estate all such Costs Charges and Damages
and Expenses whatsoever as they or any or either of them shall
or may in any wise pay Expend Sustain or be put unto
in or about the Execution of the Trusts hereby in them
reposed and that they my said Trustees or their respective
Heirs Executors or Administrators shall not in any wise
be answerable or accountable for the acts or scripts of
the others or other of them but each of them shall be answerable
and accountable only for what he or they shall have
respectively and actually received and not more And Lastly
I do hereby Nominate Constitute and appoint the said
Peter THOMPSON and Charles ALLAWAY Executors of this my
last Will and Testament and do revoke and make Null
and void all former or other wills by me at any time
heretofore made and declare these presents only to be
and contain my last Will and Testament In Witness
whereof I the said Elizabeth Lockyer the Testatrix have to
this my said last Will and Testament contained in four Sheets
of paper set my hand and Seal at the bottom of the writing
in each sheet and my Seal to the fastening them together
at the top of the first Sheet the Eight day of November in
the year of our Lord One thousand Seven hundred and Sixty five
E Lockyer Signed Sealed Published and declared by
the said Elizabeth Lockyer the Testatrix as and for her
last Will and Testament in the presence of us who in
her presence and at her request and in the presence of each
other have subscribed our Names as witnesses
here unto Jas. EWERS(?) Bermondsey Saml. BUTLER St
Mary Axe London Simeon WARNER Bermondsey
This Will was proved at London on the Sixth
day of January in the Year of our Lord One thousand Seven
hundred and Sixty Six before the worshipful George HARRIS
Doctor of Laws and Surrogate of the Right Worshipful
George MAY also Doctor of Laws Master Keeper or Commissary
of the Prerogative Court of Canterbury Lawfully constituted
by the Oaths of Peter THOMPSON Esquire and the Reverend
Charles AYLOWAY otherwise ALLAWAY Clerk the Executors
named in the said Will to whom Administration was
granted of all and Singular the Goods Chattels and Credits
of the said deceased they having been first sworn duly to
Published September 2016