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1866 Trade Directory Entry for Brentford
This is taken from a Post Office Directory for Middlesex. It includes a description of New and Old Brentford and list of Official Establishments, Local Institutions etc.
THE town of Brentford derives its name from its situation on the navigable river Brent, which here runs into the Thames, uniting it with the Grand Junction Canal ; it is a first class station on the South Western Railway, 10.5miles from Waterloo station, and the Great Western Railway Company have a station close to the town, on the west. It is the county town for elections, a polling place for the county, a market town and the head of a union and county court district, in the rural deanery of Ealing, archdeaconry of Middlesex, and diocese of London. The union comprises the following parishes :- Acton Chiswick, Ealing, Great Greenford, Hanwell, Heston, Isleworth, New Brentford, Perivale, and Twickenham. The town consists of Old Brentford a chapelry of Ealing, and the township of New Brentford a chapelry of Hanwell.
The market day is on Tuesday; and there are fairs on the 17th, 18th, and 19th of May, and 12th, 13th and 14th September.
The Town Hall and Market House is a handsome building of brick and stone. In the Town Hall the county court and Petty sessions are held. The following is a list of places within the jurisdiction of the county court :—Acton, Ealing,Greenford, Hanwell, Heston, Isleworth, Hounslow, New Brentford, Perivale, Twyford Abbey, and Twickenham.
At the entrance of the town of Brentford from Turn ham Green is the immense chimney erected for the Grand Junction Water Works : its height is nearly 150 feet, and it has upwards of 120 iron circular steps, introduced in the brickwork, to enable the engineman to climb up to the old stand pipe before it was removed: there are five engines, one 90-inch cylinder 11 feet stroke, one 70-inch cylinder direct acting engine, and three 64 inch cylinders, by whose power, when working together, 12,607 gallons of water are propelled every minute thence to the main at Paddington : a stand pipe, designed by Mr. Wicksteed, has been erected, of singular construction, carried to the height of 226 feet. The town is supplied from these works.
Old Brentford is a chapelry in the parish of Ealing; and New Brentlord, although a parish for some purposes,
is still a chapelry in the parish of Hanwell. Brentford is not included in any parliamentary borough, nor is it a corporate town.
Old Brentford chapel (St. George's) was rebuilt in 1770: the altar-piece, 30 feet by 20, representing the Lord's Supper, was painted expressly for the chapel by Zoffany, R.A.,
who resided at Strand-on-the-Green : the heads of eleven of the Apostles are portraits of fishermen living at the time at Strand-on-the Green, or at Brentford : the head of St. Peter is a portrait of Zoffany himself. The living is a perpetual curacy, annual value £125, in the gift of the vicar of Ealing, and held by the Rev. Francis Edward Thompson, B.A., of Trinity College Cambridge.
A temporary iron church is erected in Old Brentford; there are 550 sittings in the church, 450 of which are free; the remaining 100 are let to defray the current expenses. The curate is the Rev. P. B. Drabble, M.A., of Worcester College, Oxford.
There are chapels for Roman Catholics, Baptists, independents, and Wesleyans.
In Old Brentford are the Water Works, the Gas Works, the Royal Brewery of Richard Christopher Carrington Esq., Messrs. Rowe's soap manufactory, a large pottery, the Police Station, the Great Western Railway Docks, the spacious timber yards and saw mills of James Montgomery, Esq., and the extensive maltings of Messrs. Jupp and Son.
New Brentford church (St. Lawrence), near the bridge, at the west end of the town, was rebuilt in 1762, with the exception of the tower. The living is a vicarage, annual value £350, with residence, in the gift of the rector of Hanwell, and held by the Rev. Francis Brooking Briggs, M.A., of Trinity College, Cambridge.
At New Brentford are some extensive color and varnish works and a large wine and spirit establishment, carried on by Mr. Box : this business was established more than 200 years ago. The Town Hall, the Market House, The London and County Bank, the Savings Bank, and the Post Office, all stand in New Brentford.
The British schools cost about £3,000, and accommodate 450 children: they are situated in the High-street, and are
(continues top next column) | (continues below, left column) |
not only neat and commodious, but models of the most approved educational appliances : these schools have long maintained a distinguished character.
Osterley Park is one mile long, and about one mile west from the town : it contains the magnificent seat of the Earl of Jersey. Boston House is the seat of Colonel Edward John Stracey Clitherow.
The town of Brentford consists principally of one street, a mile and a quarter long, running parallel with the river Thames, bounded on the west by a bridge over the Brent, and on the east by Ealing and Strand-on-the-Green. The
county elections are held at New Brentford, for the return of Members of Parliament for Middlesex. This town is in the Western Metropolitan Postal District.
The population of the town or Brentford in 1861 was as follows :—
Isleworth (part of) | ..........778 |
New Brentford | .........1,995 |
Old Brentford | .........6,748 |
Total | ......... 9,521 |
Official Establishments, Local Institutions, &c.
POST AND MONEY ORDER OFFICE, POST OFFICE SAVINGS BANK, AND GOVERNMENT ANNUITY AND INSURANCE OFFICE, New Brentford.—William Phillip Norbury, postmaster. Letters from London arrive every day at 8.45 a.m. 1.45, 7 & 9 p.m.; dispatched at 9.30 a.m. 12.30, 4.15 & 9 p.m. Letters from all parts of the west arrive at 6.30 a.m.; dispatched to Hounslow at 6.30 p.m
POST AND MONEY ORDER OFFICE AND POST OFFICE SAVINGS BANK, Old Brentford. — Edward Newens, receiver. Letters dispatched at 9.30 a.m. 12.30, 4.15 & 9 p.m.
INSURANCE AGENTS :— British Empire Mutual Life, John Biggers, Town hall
City & County, S. Proud, Ealing lane, Old Brentford
Guardian, T. Marsh, Old Brentford
Life Association of Scotland, Thomas Crampton, Butts New Brentford
Liverpool & London & Globe, G. Brown Butts, New Brentford; J.R. Studley ; King & Son, Old Brentford
London & Lancashire, J. Biggers
North, British & Mercantile, Thomas Clarke, Butts, New Brentford
Norwich Union, Mrs. Barber, Brentford bridge
Queen, Robert Hall High street Old Brentford
Railway Passengers’, W. Barton, North rd. Old Brentford
Royal Fire &- Life, Thomas Brunsden Royal Exchange, W. Ruston, New Brentford
Sovereign Life— Bond, Ealing lane, Old Brentford
Sun Fire, John Sanders, High street, Old Brentford
Western, T. Banyon, Brentford
Western Counties & London Life, I. Parsons, Old Brentford ; I. W. Tate, Ealing lane, Old Brentford
Westminster Fire & General Life, H & E. Gaydon, New Brentford
Brentford Dispensary, Mrs. Sarah Harris, matron
Brentford Gas Company, John Bugby, secretary
Great Western Railway Docks, E. Underwood, superintendent
Grand Junction Water Works, Old Brentford, Nicholas Walter Tredinnick, engineer
Middlesex County Court, Town hall, Sir John Eardley Eardley-Wilmot, bart, judge; William Ruston, registrar; John Williams, clerk ; John Rogers, high bailiff; John Biggers, sub-bailiff
Police Station, James Tarling, inspector Young Men's Christian Association, Simeon Watkins, secretary
Inland Revenue Office,' Star & Garter,' Kew bridge
Clerk to Trustees of Ealing Highways, William Ruston
Clerk to Deputy Lieutenants Magistrates of the Division of Brentford, William Ruston
Commissioner to Administer Oaths in Chancery, T. A. Woodbridge, New Brentford
Inspector of Weights Measures, James Gregg
Clerk of the Market, John Biggers Medical Officer of Health, Joseph Williams,New Brentford
Superintendent Registrar , William Ruston,New Brentford
Registrar of Births, Deaths &c. William Jones, Ealing Clerk to Board of Guardians,Wm.Ruston,New Brentford
Collector of Poor Rates, John Figg, Old Brentford
Collector of Assessed Taxes, W. B. Whitman, New Brentford.
St. Lawrence Church, New Brentford, Rev. Francis Brooking Briggs, M.A. vicar ; James Wright, sexton
St. George's Chapel, Old Brentford, Rev. Francis Edward Thompson, B.A. incumbent; John Mills, clerk & sexton
Roman Catholic Chapel, Boston Park road, Rev. George Bernard Burder, D.D. priest
Wesleyan Chapel, Old Brentford, ministers various
Boston Road Independent Chapel, New Brentford, ministers various
Baptist Chapel, New North road, Rev. John Parsons
Albany Independent Chapel, Old Brentford, Rev. John Flavell Glass, minister
Baptist Chapel, Boston road, Rev. William Alexander Blake, minister
National (boys), Ham, New Brentford, John Lyne, master
National (girls & infants), Halfacre, New Brentford; Mrs. Mary Lyne, mistress; Miss Anna Maria Piercy, infants' mistress
British, Old Brentford, John William Tate, master; Mrs. Louisa Tate, mistress
National (girls), Old Brentford, Miss Elizabeth Hannah, mistress
Infant, New North road, Miss Louisa Jane Wright, mistress
Roman Catholic, Butts, New Brentford, Joseph Patrick O'Hanlon, master
Castle commercial inn, New Brentford, Charles Coombs
Brentford & Hounslow omnibuses several times daily ; Englefield Green & Egham omnibus daily, up & down (sunday excepted), calls at the Castle inn, which is the principal booking office
John Sanders, from Old Brentford, Kew, Turnham Green, Acton Green, Chiswick, Hammersmith, to Gloucester coffee house, ‘Moore's Green Man & Still,' & 'Griffin's Green Man & Still,' Oxford street; & 'Phoenix,' King William street ; ‘Old White Horse cellar,' Piccadilly; ‘Spread Eagle,' Regent circus ; ‘Ship,' Charing Cross; ‘Spotted Dog' & ‘White Hart,' Strand ; ' Kings & Key,' Fleet street; New inn, 'George,' & 'King of Denmark,' Old Bailey ; 'Cross Keys' & ‘Halfmoon,' Gracechurch street; ‘Mail Coach,' Camomile street, Bishopsgate street, returning the same evening.
Robert Whenman, New Brentford, to & from London; also to Ealing, Kew & Hanwell, daily ; from Old Brentford to London, daily, calling at the ‘Blue Posts,' Tottenham Court road ;’Bull's Head,' Bread street; ‘Fountain,' Foster lane, Cheapside ; ‘Three Cranes’, Watling street ; ‘King's Arms' & ‘Flower Pot,' Bishopsgate street ; ‘King of Denmark,' Old Bailey'; ‘Black Horse,' Coventry street; ‘Old White Horse cellar,' Piccadilly ; & Slark's office, Knightsbridge
Great Western, Brentford end, George Gardner, station master
North London, Kew Bridge
South Western, Kew Bridge, William Gillo, station master; Brentford, Joseph Elliott, station master
Page published May 2012; updated June 2012