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Memoriam Card, James Pither, 1919

Lynn Hayter has provided this scan of a memoriam card, adding 'James' wife and three of his sons are also buried in the grave and it has never had a headstone'.

'The grave was leased to James Pither (my great grandfather) in 1896 in perpetuity, which at that time was legally defined as 100 years.
The grave contains the remains of 5 people; James himself, Selina (James' wife and my great grandmother) and 3 of their children, James jnr, Richard and Benjamin.
The grave was sealed after the last burial and never had a headstone.
The grave will not be re-used for a very long time.

Design includes angels, swags, columns, doves and space for details of the deceased


The card provides name (James PITHER), date of death (11th April 1919), age (74 years) and place of burial: Ealing Cemetery (aka Ealing and Old Brentford Cemetery and South Ealing Cemetery). The grave no. is also provided: 5 Q D.

Lynn has also provided a plan showing the different areas of the Cemetery, which helps locate '5 Q D'; then in 2018 her research into the life of James Pither.

The verse on the card:
Yet again we hope to meet thee;
When the day of life has fled,
Then in Heaven we hope to greet thee,
Where no farewell tears are shed

The card was provided by:
W.G. BARRATT, Undertaker, 430 High Road Chiswick, Established 1781.
Telephone Chiswick 56: 330, High Street, Brentford. Telephone Ealing 1197.


Published March 2012; updated June 2018