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Photos from a Joseph Kingham Outing, early 1950s
Carole Ann Bartholomew has provided the following three photos taken during a works outing, destination possibly Hastings or Brighton.
Every year, until the mid 1950’s, Kingham’s organised a day’s outing to the seaside, and several coaches were hired for the staff. I was privileged to be the only child allowed to go on these trips. I don’t know why, but I do recall we would stop on the way home at the half-way houses, where I sometimes played the piano for the sing songs which continued in the coach until we were all dropped off, usually as near to our homes as possible.
If you are interested in the company take a look at Carole's write-up about Kinghams from its foundation to the late 1950s.
Mrs Abbatt, the managing director's wife, is the lady in the middle bending down with a dog, the lady to her right, in the light coat and hat is Mrs Lilley. The tall man between Mrs Lilley and Mrs Abbatt is Roger Mulley. I recall them both as I worked in the office with them.
There is also Joyce ? standing behind Mrs Abbatt, next to Roger Mulley. Left of Joyce, the name looks like Mrs Chirlie? then Mrs Bartlett, then Mrs Beckett who I think is the lady in the light colour coat with the cross on it... Mr Sykes is the tall man to her left, then Amy.
Sandra Graves adds 'Joyce Bartholomew is the lady standing behind the lady bending down with the dog and the guy next to her is Arthur Ingoldsby. They met at Kinghams and later married.'
Going right from Mrs Abbatt are three names (unclear which order):Mr Harvey, Mr Pearce, Mr Butcher. My father Cyril Henry Sharp is on the far left, to his right slightly behind is Charlie Hurran and I think Benny the gatekeeper is the one in the flat cap. I can see Bill Hurran behind the man in the hat....who could be Mr Bowes. I recall he always wore a homberg hat... I'm not sure though. Hopefully someone will recognise a few other faces...
A larger version of the above photo is available if you want to see more detail.
This photo was taken at the lunch that was provided. I am sitting between my parents Cyril and Thursa Sharp (nee Barrett). |
L to R. My father Cyril Sharp, William Hurran, "Benny the gatekeeper" and possibly Bill Mayhew... Not sure...
Published July 2010; updated February 2011