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Gasometer views, 1972

Peter Young took these photos in March, August and December 1972. They feature the gasometer, viewed from different angles and distances. As he says, it dominated the landscape.

Peter has provided other gasometer photos:
close-up view of St George's church, gasometer looming behind it,
taken from near Kew Bridge and including showing the fountain and Waterworks standpipe tower, gasometer in the distance,
the gasometer being repainted in 1973.

Gasometer, Mrs Trimmer's School and St George's Church View of the gasometer from Kew Bridge
4 March 19723 December 1972

The final view was taken on the 10 August, 1972. Peter: in the far distance you can see the Turriff Building. In those days there were no houses, just wasteland, and the path ran along quite near the railway, over to the right. I recall that in those days it was a relatively narrow path then, about 10 feet wide, with chainlink fencing either side, not a proper road. As I mentioned in my personal history, this was the path taken to get from Chiswick to Brentford Football Ground by my dad and brother.

Gasometer and towerblocks

Full list of Peter's photos

Published December 2020