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High street entries from trade directories
Vic Rosewarne has generously transcribed High Street entries from four Brentford street directories dating from 1872 to 1896: these are like mini-censuses. They were all published by Walter H. Jackson who also published the County of Middlesex Independant. He has the longest descriptive entry in 1877: he lived at 352 High Street, at no. 4 Wellington Terrace. He was a councillor and his life story has been researched by Janet McNamara.
The two earlier directories from 1872 and 1877 only cover part of Brentford and both were recorded from the eastern end of High Street covering the north side first to Brentford Bridge, then continuing eastwards along the south side. This is the opposite order to the numbers allocated in 1876, and for the purpose of this webpage the more familiar sequence has been used, starting at no. 1 (east end, south side) and ending at no. 411 (east end, north side).
The entries from 1888 and 1896 will be added in the new year and over time the information found in these directories will be incorporated into the property notes. Vic notes the two later directories appear to list all the householders, even the yards off the High Street, and that the 1896 directory was the seventh edition, so three other editions exist, somewhere.
In the table below, the first column has the High Street number, any additional address information - for example some High Street terraces were named - and also the names of any roads that ran off the High Street. The house numbers have been arrived at through using landmark properties (pubs, banks, police station, long-surviving businesses) and the road-off names. Where there are gaps in the house number sequence, if the number of people listed fill the gap the missing numbers may have been added. As other evidence comes to light there may be some re-jigging.
The following three columns records surname, forename, any further address or trade details for 1872 and these three columns are repeated for 1877.
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High Street address, roads off | [1872] Surname | Forename | Other details | [1877] Surname | Forename | Other details |
South eastern end of High Street | | | | | | |
| Berryman | Edward | Water Works Cottages | | | |
| Heading | John | Water Works Cottages | | | |
| Elliston | John | | | | |
| Barnsby | Alfred | | | | |
| Heap | Miss | Ivy Cottage | | | |
3 | Beese | Isaac | The Royal Tar | Pearce | R. | Royal Tar |
| Ricknell | William | Barge Builder | | | |
| Kent | Sarah | Shop Keeper | | | |
| Banyon | Thomas | | | | |
6, St George's Almshouses | | | | | | St. George's Almhouses |
7 | | | | Thick | Mrs. | |
8 | Faunch | Ernest Augustus | | Millard | J. L. | |
9 | Phillips | William | Boot & Shoe Maker | Phillips | J. | Bootmaker |
10 | Mayo | George | | | | |
11 | Brown | Mrs. | | | | |
12 | Layton | John | Grand Junction Arms | Farrington | J. | Grand Junction Arms |
Mount Pleasant | | | | | | |
| Martin | Charles | | | | |
| Martell | David | | | | |
| Milton | David | | | | |
| Tucker | Samuel Esq. | Shop Keeper | | | |
Swan Steps | | | | | | |
| Fuller | William | Shop Keeper | | | |
| Weedon | Richard | | Weedon | R. | Greengrocer |
| Newman | Charles | | | | |
| Andrews | Henry | | | | |
| Soley | Benjamin | | | | |
| Taint | Ann | | | | |
| Edmonds | William | Punnet Maker | | | |
| Dyson | Albert | | | | |
| Dobson | William | | | | |
Anns Court | | | | | | |
| Johnson | John H. | Fishmonger | | | |
| Pickton | Robert | Shoe Maker | | | |
| Fleetwood | Louisa | | | | |
| Porter | William | | | | |
| Newman | Edward | | | | |
| London City Mission Rooms | | | | | |
| Cockman | Henry | | | | |
| Newman | Henry | | | | |
| Andrews | George Wm. | Miller | | | |
| Brentford Gas Works | | | | | |
| Croxford | Charles Esq. | | Croxford | Mrs. Charles Senr. | |
22 | Steele | A. M | Royal Brewery Tap | Goodall | Robert | Brewery Tap |
23 | Gibbons | Richard and | Royal Brewery | Gibbon | & Croxford | Royal Brewery |
| Croxford | Charles | Royal Brewery | | | |
24 | Gibbons | R. Esq. | | Ballard | T. Esq. | |
25 | Gibbons | Charles | Half Moon & Seven Stars | Coles | G. | Half Moon and Seven Stars |
| | | | Croxford | Henry Esq. | Upton House |
26 | Beezley | | | Besly | Henry Esq. | |
27 | Stout | James & Co. | Wine and Spirit Merchants | Stout | James & Co. | Wine Merchants |
28 | Richards | Rev. Samuel More | The Vicarage | Platten | Rev. T. E. | St. George's Vicarage |
29 | Kemish | Henry | Tin Smith | Kemish | H. | Tinman |
| Wheatherly | James | Shop Keeper | Brooks | I. | Confectioner |
| Ralfs | Henry | Surgeon | Ralfs | H. Esq. | Surgeon |
| Jackson | W. H. | Commercial and General Printer and Book-binder | | | |
| Proud | Saml. | Loan and Insurance Agent | | | |
| Jarvis | Adam | Corn Chandler | Jarvis | Adams | Corn Dealer |
35 | Rogers | George | | Rogers | Sarah | |
| | | | Harris | Joseph | |
Smiths' Hill | | | | | | |
| Marnham | William | Coffee House Keeper | Gardiner | R. | Coffee House |
| Moore | John | | Recknell | & White | Barge Builders |
| Pigeon | Robert | | Recknell | W. | |
| Paxton | Ralph | Barge Builder | Paxton | R. | Barge Builder |
| Ryan | Daniel | | | | |
42 Police Station | Tarling | James | Inspector of Police | Tarling | James | Chief Inspector |
43 | Baily | Thomas | Farrier | Baily | Thomas | Farrier |
44 | Devotto | Benjamin | Watch and Clock Maker | Devotto | Benjamin | Watchmaker |
45 | Goodman | Robert | Shop Keeper | | | |
46 | Bovingdon | Edward | Poulterer | Bovingdon | James | Poulterer |
47 | Chown | John | | Bissell | Henry | Basket Maker |
48 | Richardson | Edward | | | | |
49 | Melvin | Emily | | | | |
50 | Cooper | William | George the Fourth | Cooper | William | George the Fourth |
| Eaton | John | Lighterman | Eaton | John | Lighterman |
Goat Wharf | | | | | | |
| Figg | John | | | | |
| Carpenter | J. & Son | General Merchant | Carpenter | J. & Co. | General Merchants |
Ferry Lane | | | | | | |
| The Cage | | | | | |
| Hopkins | Joseph | Tailor | | | |
| Swatton | William | Boot Maker | | | |
| Bridge | Joseph Wilson | Saddle and Harness Maker | Bridge | W. | Harness Maker |
| Begley | Charles | Confectioner | Begley | C. | Wholesale Confectioner |
| Borer | William | Clothier | | British Workman Public House | |
| Fair | Alexander | Fishmonger | | | |
Town Meadows | | | | | | |
| Warne | John | Corn & Coal Dealer | Warne | John | Corn Dealer |
| Erick | Caroline | Registry Office | | | |
| Foord | William | Plumber and Gas Fitter, Agent to the "Sun" Fire Office | Foord | William | Plumber and Painter |
| Wilson | Sarah | Corset Maker | Wilson | S. | Staymaker |
| Fox | Robert | Harness Maker | Stone | & Portsmouth | Harness Makers |
| Hopkins | John | Tailor | Hughes | T, | Tin Worker |
| Hughes | Thos. | Tin Plate Worker | | | |
68 | Henderson | Alfred T. | Rising Sun | Henderson | Alfred | Rising Sunn |
69 | Gilbert | E. S. | Shop Keeper | Gilbert | E. | Ginger Beer Maker |
| Tutton | Miss | Milliner | Tutton | Miss | Milliner |
| Dickinson | William | | Jones | C. E. | Bootmaker |
| Gregge | John | Lighterman | Brown | Richard | Sawdust Dealer |
| Lewis | George | Chimney Sweep | White | R. | Chimney Sweep |
77/78 | Montgomery | James and Son | Timber Merchants | Montgomery | J. Sons & Co. | Timber Merchants |
| Walker | Stephen | | Walker | Stephen Esq. | |
| Montgomery | A. Esq. | | Montgomery | K. R. Esq. | |
| | | | Underwood | Edwin | Hay and Coal Merchant |
Brentford Docks, G. W. Railway | | | | | | |
| Clarke | Samuel Esq. | | Clarke | Samuel Esq. | |
| | | | Jupp | George Esq. | |
| Jupp | Alfred Esq. | Corn & Coal Merchants | Jupp | Alfred Esq. | |
| Jupp | & Son | | Jupp | & Sons | Maltsters, Corn & Coal Merchants |
| | | | Jupp | & Sons | Retail Department |
| Gomm | Thomas | Provision Dealer | Gomm | T, | Provision Merchant |
87 | Baldwin | G. | Black Boy and Still | Baldwin | E. | Black Boy and Still |
88 | Holley | James | Gas Fitter | Nutt | James | Decorator |
89 | Morris | John | Pork Butcher | Morris | J. | Pork Butcher |
90 | May | Mrs. | Tobacconist | Payne | James | Tobacconist |
91 | Gardiner | William | Greengrocer | Gardiner | W. | Greengrocer |
92 | Williams | Richard | Boot Maker | Williams | R. | Bootmaker |
93 | Dodge | Henry | Furnishing Undertaker | | | |
94 | Collier | G. C. | Catherine Wheel | Collier | G. C. | Catherine Wheel |
95 | Smith | Henry | Grocer | Smith | Henry | Grocer |
96 | Galloway | Alexander | Upholster | Williams | R. Jun. | Leather Seller |
97 | Cobbett | H. G. | Clothier | Chandler | T. | Clothier, Golden Ball |
| | | | | | |
Catherine Wheel Yard | | | | | | |
98 | Plastine | John | Barley Corn | Plastine | J. | Barleycorn |
99 | Corfe | Thomas | Leather Cutter | Morris | Sarah Ann | Stationer |
100 | Agutter | Frank | Boot Maker | Morris | John | Dispensing Chemist |
101 | Moss | Morris M. | Boot Maker | Tate | R. C. | Manager, London & County Bank |
| | | | Woodman | J. | Auctioneer and Valuer, Couny Auction Rooms |
102 | Gaydon | Edwin | Watchmaker | Gaydon | H. & E. | Watchmakers |
103 | Belcher | Walter | Butcher | | | |
104 | Ellis | Joseph John | Tailor | Ellis | Joseph J. | Tailor |
105 | Lightfoot | Frederick | Baker | Lightfoot | Frederick | Baker |
106 | Scott | George | Tobacconist | Stewart | E. | Tobacconist |
107 | Morris | William Jacob | Stationer | Frost | T. | Saddler |
108 | Bradbury | James | Grocer & Provision Dealer | Bradbury | James | Wholesale Grocer |
109 | Marley | Jas. | Unredeemed Stores | Band | M. | Fellmonger |
110 | Norbury | William | Stationer | Norbury | W. P. | Printer |
111 | Robinson | Henry | Tailor | Robinson | Henry | Tailor |
112 | Haynes | Mrs. | Cheesemonger | Haynes | J. | Provision Merchant |
113 | Hutchings | Henry | Hairdresser | Hutchings | H. | Hairdresser & Perfumer |
114 | Coles | John W. | Grocer | Coles | John | Grocer |
115 | Basterfield | Thomas | Grocer | | | |
116 | Wood | Henry | Chemist | Wood | Henry | Pharmaceutical Chemist |
117 | Wright | Alfred | Draper | Wright | Alfred | Draper |
118 | | | | Palmer | Joseph | Grocer |
119 | Bradshaw | Thomas | Grocer | Bradshaw | T. | Baker |
120 | Boxall | A. V. | Wine, Spirit, Beer, Oil & Colour Merchant | Box | A. V. | Wholesale Oilman |
121/122 | Cloud | Thomas F. | Pawn Broker | Harrison | W. T. | Pawnbroker |
123 | Smith | James | Hairdresser | Smith | James | Hairdresser |
124 | Grover | Jas. | Magpie & Stump | Simmons | W. | Magpie and Stump |
125 | Grix | John Keeler | Seedsman | Shotter | William | Dairyman |
126 | Whenman | Robert | Carrier | Whenman | Richard | London Carrier |
Boar's Head Yard | | | | | | |
127 | Tobitt | Charles | Post Office | Tobitt | C. | Postmaster, Post Office |
128 | Atkinson | Geo. | Magpie & Crown | Atkins | G. | Magpie and Crown |
129/30 | Pierce | & Lewis | Drapers | Pierce | & Lewis | Drapers |
131 | Lowe | John | Tailer | Taverner | Thomas | Outfitter |
132 | Taverner | Thomas H. | Clothier | Taverner | Thomas | Clothier |
133 | Frost | Thomas | Harness Maker | | | General Sewing Machine Company |
134 | Armstrong | John | Coffee House | Taverner | Thomas | Pawnbroker |
135 | Horswill | Charles | Tailor | Pocock | W. | Greengrocer |
136 | Goddard | Bros. | Toy Merchants | Goddard | Charles | Toy Warehouse |
137 | Ronalds | Robert | Florist | Ronalds | Robert | Seedsman |
| | | | | | |
139, St Lawrence's Church | Briggs | Rev. V | Vicar | Briggs | Rev. F. B | Vicar, New Brentford |
| St. Lawrence Church | | | | | |
140 | Nash | Richard | Two Black Boys | Cowdrey | David | Two Black Boys |
141? Ealing Deanery School | Hayden | Rev. H. G. | Head Master | Hayden | Rev. H. | |
142 | | | | Everett | E. | Wardrobe Dealer |
143? | Wray | James | Grocer | Wray | James & Co. | Family Grocers |
144 | Harris | James | Leather Cutter | Allen | Charles | Hairdresser |
145 | Gandy | George | Scale Maker | Gandy | G. H. | Scale Maker |
146 | Stanett | William | Tobacconist | Stanett | W. | Tobacconist |
147 | Watkins | Joseph William | Cutler | | | |
148 | Brown | Henry | Greengrocer | Brown | Henry | Greengrocer |
149 | Piper | Thomas | Six Bells | Piper | Thomas | Six Bells |
150 | Harris | Mary Ann | Grocer | Harris | M. A. | Grocer |
151 | Racketts | Jas. | Market Gardener | Racketts | | Greengrocer |
The Ham | | | | | | |
152 | Whitehouse | William | Magnet | Hodgetts | Selina | The Magnet |
153 | Holton | Frederick | Butcher | Holton | Frederick | Butcher |
164 | Acrell | John | Lord Nelson | Acrell | John | Lord Nelson |
155 | Robinson | Mrs. | Plumber | Robinson | J. | Plumber |
| Curtis | Joseph | | Kerr | Miss | |
158 | Colsell | John | Lighterman | Dale | J. Sen. | Lighterman |
End of south side of High Street | | | | | | |
Brentford Bridge | | | | | | |
Start of north side of High Street | | | | | | |
159 (1 Bridge Terrace) | Dale | Joseph | Lighterman | Dale | J. & J. | Corn Merchants |
160 (2 Bridge Terrace) | Bradford | William | | Dale | J. | |
161 (3 Bridge Terrace) | Stephens | Henry | Tailor | Stephens | Henry | Tailor |
162,3 (4 Bridge Terrace) | Pennington | Henry W. | Clothier | Pennington | H. W. | Clothier |
164 (5 Bridge Terrace) | Climpson | Charles | Boot Maker | Climpson | Charles | Bootmaker |
165 (6 Bridge Terrace) | Neville | Joseph Oliver | Cooper | Neville | J. O. | Cooper |
166 (7 Bridge Terrace) | Leddin | T. | Grand Junction Arms | Taylor | J. | Grand Junction Arms |
167 (8 Bridge Terrace) | Archer | Mountford | Baker | Archer | Mountford | Baker |
168 (9 Bridge Terrace) | Turner | William | Tailor | Turner | W. H. | Hairdresser |
169 (10 Bridge Terrace) | Clarke | John | | Clark | Mrs. | |
170 (11 Bridge Terrace) | Mellin | Richard | Boor Maker | Mellin | Richard | Bootmaker |
171 | Clarke | George | Lighterman | Clark | George | Coal Merchant |
173 | Hopkins | T. | Clothier | Taylor | Joseph | Outfitter |
174 | Goddard | Joseph | China Dealer | Goddard | J. | China and Glass Dealer |
175 | Nash | James | Rag Merchant | Andrews | Henry | General Dealer |
176 | Dear | Francis | | | | |
177 | Dickman | & Son | Furniture Dealer | Dickman | J. & Son | Furniture Dealer |
178 | Wheatcroft | Geo. | Leather Cutter | | | |
179 | Littleboy | R. | Waterman's Arms | Littleboy | H. | Waterman's Arms |
Brent Wharf | | | | | | |
181 | Williams | Joseph | Surgeon | William | J. Esq. | Surgeon |
182 | Geary | Mrs. | | Gearey | Mrs. | |
183 | Wheatley | G. J. | Basket Maker | Wheatley | George | Basket Maker |
184 | Woodbridge | & Son | Solicitors | Woodbridge | & Sons | Solicitors |
185 | Brunsden | Thomas | Builder | Brunsden | T. | Builder |
186 | | | | | | Victoria Wine Co.'s Branch Depot |
187 | | | | Walker | John | Butcher |
188 | Marsh | J. & Son | Boot Maker | Douglas | H. | Bootmaker |
189 | Hughes | R. W. | Pork Butcher | Hughes | R. W. | Pork Butcher |
190 | Hinge | John | | Hinge | Jasper | |
191/192 | Goddard | Saml. | Furniture Dealer | Goddard | Samuel | Furniture Dealer |
| Walker | John | Butcher | | | |
| Clarke | Joseph J. | Draper | Clarke | J. J. | Draper |
193/194 | Ruston | Clerke & Ruston | Solicitors | Ruston | Clarke & Ruston | Solicitors |
195 | Renard | Mrs. | Three Pigeons | Linford | W. A. | Three Pigeons |
London and County Bank | Tate | R. C. | Manager | | | |
Town Hall | | | | | | |
Market Place | | | | | | |
196 | Goddard | Bros. | General Factors | Goddard | Bros. | General Factors |
197 | Weatherly | John | Red Lion | Fitch | Thomas | Red Lion |
198 | Rea | Benjamin | Oil & Colourman | Rea | Benjamin | Oil and Colurman |
199 | Fagg | Edward | Greengrocer | Stone | James | Leather Seller |
200 | Wiggins | T. | Orange Merchant | Wiggins | Henry | Orange Merchant |
201 | Oldham | William | Butcher | Oldham | Henry | Butcher |
202 | Dare | Wm. | Boot & Shoe Maker | Dare | G. | Bootmaker |
203 | Barnes | Henry S. | Confectioner | Barnes | H. S. | Wholesale Confectioner |
204 | | | | Basterfield | William | Greengrocer |
205 | Hibble | Walter | Draper | Ponsford | S. W. | Tailor |
206 | Hibble | James | Hat Manufacture | Hibble | J. | Hatter and Hosier |
207 | Gregg | James | Officer for Stamping Weights and Measures | Gregge | J. | No. 4 Station for stamping weights and Measures |
208 | King | George | Castle Hotel | King | George | Castle Hotel |
209 | Earle | Edward | Surgeon | Earle | E. Septimus Esq. | Surgeon |
211 | Giles | John | Ironmonger | Giles | John | Ironmonger |
212, 213 | Lowe | Charles P. | Draper | Lowe | C. P. | Draper |
214 | Coulton | Mrs. | Bookseller | Coulton | I. | Printer and Stationer |
215 | Peek | James | Pork Butcher | Bauer | C. | Draper |
216 | Morris | John | Family and Dispensing Chemist | | | |
217 | Thick | Henry | Harness Maker | Thick | Henry | Harness Maker |
218 | Simmons | William | Collector of Taxes | Poell | E. W. | Tailor & Woollen Draper |
219 | Christmas | Miss | China Warehouse | Christmas | Miss | China and Glass Dealer |
220 | | | | Teale | C. | Fishmonger and Poulterer |
221 | Heath | Miss | Milliner | Heath | Miss | Milliner |
222 | Boxall | George | Baker | Boxall | George | Baker |
223 | Buchanan | George | Gas Fitter | Buchanan | George | Gas-fitter |
224 | Reed | Francis | Crown and Anchor | Pidgeon | R. | Crown and Anchor |
Half Acre | | | | | | |
225 | Mortlock | Richard | Butcher | Mortlock | James | Butcher |
226 | Bradshaw | Elizabeth | Tobacconist | Bradshaw | Elizabeth | Tobacconist |
227 | Farrington | Thomas | Bee Hive | Farrington | T. | Beehive |
228/9? | Allen | Sarah Ann | Hairdresser | Allen | John Daniel | Hairdresser |
229/230? | Evens | Benjamin | Grocer and Tea Dealer | Evens | Benjamin | Grocer |
230a | Miles | William C. | Ironmonger | Miles | W. J. | Ironmonger |
231 | Honeybone | and | Watch and Clock Makers | Pearce | Thomas | Watchmaker |
231 | Pearce | | ditto | | | |
232 | Kates | George | The Feathers | Kates | George | Feathers |
| Drabble | Rev. P. B. | St. Paul's Church Vicar | Drabble | Rev. P. B. | St. Paul's Vicarage |
St. Paul's Church | | | | | | |
| Harris | William Peter & Son | Tailors and Outfitters | Gornall | Robert | Tailor |
234 | Collett | Nathaniel George | Silk Mercer and Linen Draper | Turner | J. S. | Draper |
Wesleyan Chapel | | | | | | |
235 | Burness | Benjamin | Leather Cutter | Langdon | W. | Leather Seller |
236 | Goddard | Saml. | Furniture Dealer | | | |
237 | Taylor | Maria Sarah | Baker | Taylor | George | Baker |
| | | | Goddard | Samuel | Broker & Appraiser |
| Stubbersfield | Miriam and Emily | Fancy Repository | | | |
239/240? | King | & Son | Auctioneer and Estate Agents | King | & Son Messrs. | Auctioneers |
241 | Wilmot | James | Egg Merchant | White | Horace | Provision Merchant |
| Finall | Charles | Tea and Coffee House Keeper | Peters | Thomas | Basket Maker |
| Humphries | Susan | Basket Maker | | | |
242 | Bolter | Henry | Confectioner | Bolter | Henry | Confectioner |
245 | Longinotto | John | Fancy Shop | Longinnotto | John | Umbrella Maker |
246 | Morris | John | Butcher | Bradshaw | William | Butcher |
247 | Webb | Chas. | Duke of Cambridge | Webb | Charles | Duke of Cambridge |
248 | Johnson | Elvina | Shop Keeper | | | |
249 | Lowe | William Charles | Baker | Green | Robert | Confectioner |
250 | Goldney | James | Dyer | Goldney | James | Dyer |
251 | Seares | John | Confectioner | Seares | John | Confectioner |
252 | Saunders | Daniel | Boot Maker | Saunders | Daniel | Bootmaker |
253 | Johnson | John | Fishmonger | Johnson | John | Fishmonger |
| Fletcher | Mrs. | Ragged Schools, Mistress | | Old British School Rooms | |
| Fernley | J. | Ragged Schools, Master | | | |
One Tun Alley/One Tun Yard | | | | | | |
254 | Thick | John | One Tun | Thick | John | One Tun |
255 | Lowe | Francis | Stationer | | | |
256 | Waight | Thomas | Bricklayer | Waight | H. | Bricklayer |
257 | Moles | Thomas | Shop Keeper | Collins | R. | Grocer |
| Tate | Mrs. | British Schools, Mistress | Tate | Mrs. | British Schools, Mistress |
| Tate | John W. | British Schools, Master | Tate | John W. | British Schools, Master |
258 | Meads | Richard | Greengrocer | Meades | R. | Greengrocer |
259 | Wild | Emma Elizabeth | Baker | Wild | E. | Baker |
260 | Stathan | Catherine | Tobacconist | Wheeler | H. | Fancy Repository |
261 | Moles | Harriet | Shop Keeper | | | |
262 | Moles | Sarah | Punnet Maker | Moles | Sarah | Punnet maker |
263 | Chaplin | John | Carver, Gilder &c. | Chaplin | John | Photographer &c. |
264 | Neville | Joseph | Cooper | Neville | J. O. | Cooper |
265 | Davis | John | Tobacconist | Davis | John | Tobacconist |
266 | Poole | Frederick | Tripe Dresser | Poole | Frederick | Tripe dresser |
267 | Stahan | John | The Cannon | Bates | T. | Cannon |
268 | Harris | Timothy | Bootmaker | Harris | T. | Bootmaker |
269 | Studley | James Richard | Grovcer and Cheesemonger | Carter | William | Grocer |
270 | | | | Neville | A. O. | Siliby Cottage |
271 | Hughes | William | Furniture Dealer | Hughes | William | Furniture Dealer |
272 | Wheeler | Harriet | Dressmaker | | | |
273 | Hoare | Mark | The King's Arms | Morris | T. | King's Arms |
274 | Sharp | William | Greengrocer | Sharp | W. | Greengrocer |
275 | Savaker | John | Chins Dealer | Savaker | L. | China and Glass Dealer |
276 | Fricker | William | Egg Merchant | Fricker | W. | Butter and Egg Merchant |
277 | Warden | William | Butcher | Warden | William | Butcher |
278 | Bax | Frederick S. | Watchmaker | Bax | F. S. | Watchmaker and Jeweller |
279 | Thick | Frederick & John | Coach Builders and Wheelwrights | Thick | F. & J. | Wheelwrights |
280 | Seares | Henry | Pork Butcher | Warden | William | Pork Butcher |
281 | Mason | Edward | Co-operative Stores, Manager | Underwood | Caleb | Brentford Co-operative Stores |
282 | Towe | William | Stationer | Holmes | S. | Hairdresser |
283 | Long | Charles | Basket Maker | | | |
284 | Lee | William | Hairdresser | Champion | James | Music Seller |
285 | Gregory | Benjamin | Oil and Colour Warehouse | Foden | George James | Oilman |
286 | Warrand | Thomas | Family and Dispensing Chemist | Watts | John | Chemist |
287 | Parsons | James | Gerocer and Commission Agent | Parsons | James | Grocer |
288/9 | Raper | Joseph | Pawn Broker | Raper | Ann | Pawnbroker |
| | | | Figg | John | Architect, Surveyor, the Brentford Local Board |
Albany Chapel | | | | Albany Baptist Church | | |
Potter's Alley | | | | | | |
290 (High Ground/1 Albany Terrace) | Bailey | Thomas Hammond | Baker | Mitchell | Thomas | Baker |
291 (High Ground/2 Albany Terrace) | Haggett | Joseph | Dairyman and Cowkeeper | Borer | William | Clothier |
292 (High Ground/3 Albany Terrace) | Metcalfe | Alfred | Milliner & Dressmaker | Studley | John Henry | Undertaker |
293 (High Ground/4 Albany Terrace) | Machell | William | Greengrocer | Tipper | T. | Oilman |
294 (High Ground/5 Albany Terrace) | Metcalfe | Alfred | Draper | Metcalfe | A. | Draper |
295 (High Ground) | Davis | Edward | Surgeon | Davis | Edward Esq. | Surgeon |
296 (High Ground) | Saunders | Miss | | Saunders | Miss | |
297 | Wills | William | Coffee House | Wills | Mrs. | Greengrocer |
298/299 | Howard | Daniel | Ironmonger | Howard | D. | Ironmonger |
300 | Pring | Benj. | Writer and Grainer | | | |
301 | Cartman | Mrs. | | Harris | Richard Esq, | |
302 | Humphrey | Henry | Photographic Artist | Humphrey | Mrs. | Photographer |
303 | Sanders | Mrs. Henry | | | | |
304 | Goodall | William James | | | | |
305 | Sanders | George | | | | |
306 | Faree | Mrs. Zalpah | | Sales | E. | |
307 | Pearce | George | The Alexandra | Pearce | George | Alexandra |
308 | Manser | Geo. | Grocer & Tea Dealer | Manser | George & Son | Grocer |
309 | | | | Hopkins | G. | Tailor |
| Gammage | W. James | Bootmaker | Gammage | W. J. | Bootmaker |
| Tripp | William Henry | | Gregory | Benjamin | |
311 | Woodbridge | Stephen | Solicitor | | | |
312 | Lewsey | Henry A. | Wholesale manufacturing and School stationer | | | |
312 | Lewsey | Mrs. C. J. | | | | |
313 | Bissell | Alfred | Ironmonger | Bissell | Alfred | Marine Stores |
314 | Hodge | Richard | Hairdresser | Hodges | Richard | Hairdresser |
315 | Gregge | Catherine | Stationer | Gregge | Mrs. | Stationer |
316 | O'Hara | Matilda | Butcher | O'Hara | Mrs. | Butcher |
317 | Davis | Owen and | Oil & Colourman | Davies & | Evans | Oil and Colurman |
317 | Jenkins | Evan | (ditto) | Bartlett | Frederick | |
318 | Creamer | James | Old Red Lion | | | Old Red Lion |
Drum Lane | | | | | | |
319 | Hadley | Thomas | Drum | Gomm | James | Drum |
320 | Evens | Alfred John | Grocer | Evens | Alfred John | Grocer |
321 | Walton | Joseph | Greengrocer | Walton | J. | Greengrocer |
322 | Sellwood | Thomas | Tobacconist | Selwood | Thomas George | Tobacconist |
323 | Webb | Thomas | Butcher | Webb | Thomas | Butcher |
324 | Mariner | | Lodging House | Mariner | Mrs. | Lodging House |
325 | Matchell | James | Butcher | Bovingdon | James | Butcher |
326 | Benham | Emma | Shopkeeper | Cooper | John | Confectioner |
327 | Newens | Edward | Baker | Newens | Edward | Baker, Post Office |
328 | Folly | C. | Builder & Shopkeeper | Folley | A. | Grocer & c. |
329 | Nash | Frederick | General Dealer | Nash | Frederick | Marine Stores |
330 | Hall | Robert | Chemist | Hall | R. | Chemist |
331 | Searle | George | Eating House | Searle | G. B. | Dining Rooms |
332 | Moore | Phillip | Tobacconist | Moore | Phillip | Tobacconist |
333 | Bennett | William | Plumber | Bennett | William | Confectioner |
334 | Andrews | William Esq. | | Andrews | Miss | |
335 | Moore | James | Ironmonger | Hughes | R. W. | Pork Butcher |
336 | | | | Proud | Samuel | Agency Office |
337 | Brown | Charles | Draper | Brown | C. | Draper |
338 | Phipps | William | Baker | Phipps | W | Baker |
339 | Gomm | George | Grocer | Gomm | George | Grocer |
340 | Buchanan | Robert | Greengrocer | Kinner | Mrs. | Wardrobe Dealer |
341 | Morgan | Elizabeth | Shopkeeper | | | |
342 | Lewis | Cyrus | Hairdresser | Lewis | Cyrus | Hairdresser |
343 | | | | Seares | H. | Pork Butcher |
344 | Cheeseman | George | Fishmonger | Cheesman | H. | Fishmonger |
345 | Langley | Thomas | Greengrocer | | | |
346 | Hamblin | Wm. | Prince of Wales | Hamblen | W. T. | Prince of Wales |
347 | Wheatley | William | Poulterer | Bates | George | Fishmonger |
348 | Pescud | Emily | Shopkeeper | Pescudd | Alice | Confectioner |
349 | Rogers | Thomas | Coal Merchant | | | |
350 | Kates | William | Bull | Kates | William | The Bull, cowkeeper |
Bull Lane | | | | | | |
351 (5 Wellington Terrace) | Rich | W. & A. | Pewterers &c. | Rich | William | Peweter |
| | | | Warrand | Thomas | Dentist |
352 (4 Wellington Terrace) | Hipwell | Wm. | Pork Butcher | Jackson | & Warrand | Printers and Manufacturing Stationers. Printing and Publishing Office of Brentford and District Directory, Mid-Surrey Times, and Home and School Journal |
353 (3 Wellington Terrace) | Wright | J. | Fancy Repository | Hood | James | Bootmaker |
354 (2 Wellington Terrace) | Spencer | Robert | Tailor | Panrucker | George | Grocer |
355 (1 Wellington Terrace) | Dear | John | Greengrocer | Dear | John | Greengrocer |
Distillery Road | | | | | | |
356 | Brigstock | William | | Carter | Paterson & Co.'s | Depot |
| Hales | William | | Mills | J. Junr. | Carpenter |
| Chitty | Benjamin | | | | |
361 | Marsh | William | Barge Aground | Marsh | William | Barge Aground |
362 | Mills | John | Undertaker &c. | Mills | John | Builder and Undertaker |
363 | Hodson | Julia | News agent | Hodgson | J. E. | Newsagent |
New North Road | | | | | | |
| Cullum | Thomas | Pawn Broker | Cullum | Ann | Pawnbroker |
366 | Bowler | John | Queen's Arms | Bowler | J. W. | Queen's Arms |
367 | | | | Morris | F. | Brentford Gas Company Engineer |
367 | | | Gas Company Offices | Croxford | W. | Brentford Gas Company, Secretary |
| | | | | | |
| Bugby | John Esq. | Brentford Lodge | Morris | Frank, Esq. | Brentford Lodge |
St George's School | Hannah | Mrs. Mary | Infant School | Ward | Miss | St. George's School, Mistress |
St. George's Church | | | | | | |
369 | Silver | Thos. | Marquis of Granby | Silver | Thomas | Marquis of Granby |
370 | Knight | George | Oil & Colourman | Knight | George | Oilman |
371 | Gardener | Susan | | | | |
372 | Sullivan | William | Greengrocer | | | |
373 | Francis | Joseph | Baker | Francis | Joseph | Baker |
375? | Ferres | George | General Dealer | Long | Charles | Basket Maker |
| Rogers | John | Coal Merchant | Mortell | D. | Coal and Coke Dealer |
378/9 | Taylor | William | Hand & Flower | Tayler | W. | Hand and Flower |
| Odell | David Walter | Hairdresser | Odell | D. W. | Hairdresser |
380 | Kinner | John | Eight Bells | Hailes | Thomas | Eight Bells |
381 | Parker | Thomas | Dealer | Russell | W. G. | Confectioner |
382 | Bentock | Charles | Greengrocer | Bantock | Charles | Pork Butcher |
383 | Morley | Henry William | Grocer | Peters | Henry | Grocer |
384 | Rogers | Thomas | Fox & Hounds | Rogers | Thomas | Fox and Hounds |
385 | Nuthall | Thomas | Butcher | Nuthall | Thomas | Butcher |
386, 3 Aspin Cottages | Stimpson | Mrs. Mary | | McDougall | Mrs. | |
387, 2 Aspin Cottages | Welch | Walter | | | | |
388, 1 Aspin Cottages | Taylor | William | Butcher | Seares | George | |
389 | Bond | Charles | Ginger Beer Manufactory | Bond | Chas. | Ginger Beer Manufacture |
390 | Bond | James | Baker | Bond | Mary | Baker |
391 | Howe | Thomas | | Dillon | J. & Co. | Kew Brewery |
392 | Beese | Isaac | | Holley | Robert James | High St. Cottage |
393 | Wills | Charles | | Sanders | Oliff G. | Solicitor, High St. House |
394 | Goldsborough | Emma | Grocer | Tilley | Thomas | Grocer |
395 | Kinner | Robert | | Payne | George | Stationer |
396 | Piper | Thomas | | | | |
397 | MacNae | John | Draper | | | |
399 | Dorey | Henry | Tobacconist | | | |
400 | | | | Mountstephen | John | Butcher |
401 | Edwards | Thomas John | The Salutation | Turner | John James | Saluatation |
| | | | | | |
404/405 | McNae | Miss Janet | | McNae | Alexander | |
| | | | McNae | John Junr. | Draper |
| Barnard | Arthur | Grocer | Dorey | H. | |
| | | | Phillips | William | Draper |
408 | Collins | William | Greengrocer | Hall | J. | Greengrocer |
409 | Welch | Edmond | The Lamb | Welsh | W. | Lamb |
410 | Bond | Mrs. Mary | Confectioner | Bond | M. | Fruiter |
411 | Smith | William | Corn Dealer | Smith | William | Corn Dealer |
North eastern end of High Street | | | | | | |
Published December 2018; updated January 2019