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E.C.Jones & Son (Brentford) Ltd
Archive Contents List
This web site contains only a part of the archive compiled by Pam Vernon-Roberts. A full set of information is held at Chiswick Library. Below is a contents list to show what is included on this site and what additional information is available at Chiswick Library.
In summary
- Family History
- Company History
- List of barges owned by E.C.Jones registered with the Port of London Authority 1899 - 1954
- Bantam Boats
- Boats (non-Bantam) Built by E.C.Jones
- E.C.Jones in Print
- Patents
- List of Drawings for E.C.Jones Boats
- List of Material for E.C.Jones in the British Waterways Archive
- Bibliography
- List of Boats Built by E.G.Harris under the name of E.C.Jones
- E.G.Harris in Print
Some of the E.C.Jones craft were part of the June 2012 Thames Pageant and Janet McNamara has provided some close up images of a Bantam at the London Canal Museum.
1. Family History
Text included in full on this site. Chiswick Library also holds
- photos of family members
- copies of extracts from records of the Company of Watermen & Lightermen in the City of London
- copies from the 1881 - 1901 censuses
- photos of the properties where the Jones family lived in Brentford, Isleworth and Ealing
2. Company History
Text included in full on this site. Chiswick Library also holds
- copy of E.C.Jones letter heading in the 1970s
- photo of the company name plate as originally fitted on the front of a Bantam wheelhouse
- photos of the family boat Melita with family members, pre WW2
- article by E.C.Jones 'Development of Inland Waterways' published in The Dock and Harbour Authority December 1950
- planning history for Brentside Wharf 1949 - 1971
- photos of the yard , woodwork shop, skipway etc (dating from ca 2000)
- photos of documents relating to registration of E.C.Jones & Son (Brentford) Ltd with Companies House in 1946
- aerial photo of the boatyard soon after WW2
- 1961 map showing Staffordshire Wharf and the boatyard
- several pre-war - 1950s photos from around the yard
- article by Edward George Jones about the Cleat Bollard & photos and specification of various bollards produced by the company
- adverts for E.C.Jones from 1927 - 1963
- brochure produced by E.G.Harris ca 1983 (after the last Jones family member had left the firm)
3. List of barges owned by E.C.Jones registered with the Port of London Authority 1899 - 1954
Not included on the website, Chiswick Library holds
- transcriptions of the earlier barge registrations (ie 1899 - 1923) the date, name of barge, decsription (eg canal, wide/horse), registration number, route (eg Grand Junction Canal), cabins, size, traffic, cubic capacity, draught
- transcription of the later barge registrations (ie 1933 - 1954) the year, name of barge, description, measurements (length, width, draught), tonnage & burden
- copies of registration documents for 5 barges (1899 - 1902)
4. Bantam Boats
This web site contains only an introductory paragraph about Bantam Boats and the history of BANTAM IV. Chiswick Library also holds
- More detailed notes on the building process, design, engines, comparisons between the Bantam and traditional tugs which pull rather than push barges, modifications to design over time, the patented Jones bollard, article from the Inland Waterways Association, 1948, about the first Bantam, BANTAM I
- transcript of Bantam Boats builders list, showing for each boat built its number, start and finish month/year and customer
- two photos showing construction & the slipway at Isleworth used to launch many Bantams
- a detailed list compiled by Pam of each of the 89 Bantams, including the original customer, present status, start and finish build dates, engine, dimensions and other notes
- one, occasionally more photos of every Bantam; dates vary from 1940s through to current day
- a list of Bantams that are known to exist, each of which must be one of the 89 known boats - but the original number has been lost; Pam is keen to identify the numbers for these boats; a photo is included of each of these Bantams
- copy of the first Bantam brocuhure, 1948
- copies from E.C.Jones yard ledger dating 1950 - 1954, 1955 - 1956, 1956 - 1965, 1969 - 1976
- copy of Lister marine engines leaflet
- Bantam Boats advert (1960s?) and other adverts / trade directory entries
- Bantams in exhibitions: notes about the Brentford and Chiswick Industrial Exhibition 1950 held at Carville Park, Brentford and the Engineering Marine and Welding Exhibition held at Olympia, London in 1951; also copies from the official catalogues and a photos of the stands
- cutaway plan of WALSALL from 1990 National Waterways Museum (Gloucester) brochure showing steerage linkage and engine placement in a Bantam
5. Boats (non-Bantam) Built by E.C.Jones
Not included on the website, Chiswick Library holds
- Pam has prepared a list of boats built between 1923 and 1978; the list includes steel barges, motor tugs, hopper barges, river class boats, canal cruisers, a water bus, fuellers, passenger boats and maintenance boats; name, customer, build date and notes about subsequent use are included
- photos of each of the non-Bantam boats
- notes about the 17 river class boats built by E.C.Jones, including name, cabin height and length, width, date of inspection (Nov 1959 - Nov 1961)
- photos of the above
- builder's list of 83 hopper barges, including code, hours, start & finsh month/year, customer
6. E.C.Jones in Print
Not included on the website, Chiswick Library holds extracts from
- Modern Transport (1948) about BANTAM I titled 'Navigation of Barges. New Propulsion Unit Evolved'
- Ship and Boatbuilder (1948) titled 'Barge Propelling Unit'
- The Boatbuilder )1948?) titled 'When Is A Tug Not A Tug?'
- 'The Thames from Source to Tideway': a book by Peter Chaplin detailing Thames Conservancy's dislike for the Bantam propulsion system
- Articles from the Brentford and Chiswick Times (1948 - 1971)
7. Patents
Not included on the website, Chiswick Library holds
- a list of patents applied for by various Jones family members between 1945 and 1963
8. List of Drawings for E.C.Jones Boats
Not included on the website, Chiswick Library holds
- a list of 22 technical drawings showing the boats' constructions, dating 1928 - 1972
- copies of 12 of the drawings
9. List of Material for E.C.Jones in the British Waterways Archive
Not included on the website, Chiswick Library holds
- a list of 11 items from 1950 - 1961 including articles, plans, drawings
10. Bibliography
Not included on the website, Chiswick Library holds the list of
- 14 books
- newspapers
- periodicals from 1948 - 2003
- Waterways World entries fom 1972 - 2005
11. List of Boats Built by E.G.Harris under the name of E.C.Jones
Not included on the website, Chiswick Library holds
- a list of the 21 boats built between 1980 and 1994, including hopper barges, a 'Light Utility Two-Vehicle Ferry', dredgers, pleasure boats
- 11 photos of the above boats
12. E.G.Harris in Print
Not included on the website, Chiswick Library holds extracts from
- 8 articles in the Brentford and Chiswick Times, 1981 - 1992
Published October 2006