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Sporty People Index
At the Local History Day in 2012, which took place a few weeks before the 2012 Olympic Games, one of the themes was local sports people from 1912. A number of displays showed team lists, photos etc. and these have been used to build the following index. Other names have since been added from a range of sources (see below for details), with a cut-off point of the 1950s.
Following publication of this index, Mark Chapman wrote in November 2012: 'It shows how Boston Park Cricket Club and Brentford FC had a close relationship in terms
of personnel in the Edwardian era. Indeed, the Club played at the cricket ground between 1900 and 1904.' He also provided the names of 50 BFC players from the 1911 census.
In 2017 Jim Storrar and Cieran Brett provided names of the players at the first Brentford Football Club match in 1889.
The index is not intended to be complete, please get in touch if you have any sporty ancestors from Brentford to add.
The columns are:
- Surname
- Forename(s), initial or, failing that, title or 'Male' if no further information available
- Involvement:
- Club:
- BCRBC Brentford Conservative Rowing & Boating Club
- BCRC Brentford Conservative Rowing Club
- BFC Brentford Football Club
- BFSFT Brentford Fire Service Football Team
- BGW Brentford Gas Works
- BHC Brentford Hockey Club
- BPBC Boston Park Bowls Club
- BPCC Boston Park Cricket Club
- BPolCC Brentford Police Cricket Club
- BPTC Boston Park Tennis Club
- BRC Brentford Rowing Club
- BSC Brentford Swimming Club
- BWPT Brentford Water Polo Team
- DCC Doreco Cricket Club
- RBS Rothschild Boys School
- SFBC St Faith's Brentford Company
- SFRC St Faith's Rifle Club
- SFSC St Faith's Social Club
- SGCB St George's Church Boys Football Club?
- SLFC St Lawrence's Football Club
- Date: of event, if known
- Source includes:
- Ebay - cigarette and similar cards, search for Brentford and Collectibles
- News - LHD: newspaper items on display at the Local History Day 2012 (thanks to Peter King and members of Brentford & Chiswick LHS)
- MC: Mark Chapman, Media Assistant, BFC: provided a list of 50 BFC players and their addresses from the 1911 census
- PS: Peter Stuart provided a BFC team photo from the 1946-47 season
- JS: Jim Storrar/Cieran Brett provided the team list for the first BFC match in 1889
- Wiki: Wikipedia website (may contain more information)
Surnames: A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R , S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z
Surname | Forename | Involvement | Club | Date | Source |
Adams | Station Sergt | Cricketer | BPolCC | 1912 | News - LHD |
Aldridge | Albert E | Pitch & toss player, age 24; Brook Road |   | 1912 | News - LHD |
Allen | Jack | Footballer born 1903 | BFC |   | Wiki |
Almond | C | Footballer, half back | BFC | 1889 | JS |
Alton | C | Footballer | BFC | 1920s | Ebay - Godfrey Phillips card |
Amos | AH | Footballer | BFC | 1920s | Ebay - Godfrey Phillips card |
Anderson | George | Footballer born 1881 | BFC |   | Wiki |
Anderson | George | Footballer born 1904 | BFC |   | Wiki |
Anderson | Male | Footballer (goal scorer) | BFC | 1911-12 | News - LHD |
Arnold | C | Board member? | BFC | 1946-47 | PS |
Ashcroft | Pc | Cricketer | BPolCC | 1912 | News - LHD |
Bacon | AA | Water Polo Player | BWPT | 1912 | News - LHD |
Badger | Herbert | Footballer; 28 Station Road Clacton-On-Sea | BFC | 1911 | MC |
Bailey | John H | Footballer, vice-captain (back) | BFC | 1889 | JS |
Bain | Jimmy | Footballer born 1899 | BFC |   | Wiki |
Bain | Jimmy | Captain | BFC | 1932-33 | Archive Photo Series |
Bain | J | Assistant manager | BFC | 1946-47 | PS |
Baker | W | Rower | BCRBC | 1912 | News - LHD |
Band | George | Cricketer | BPCC | 1880s | Janet McNamara |
Barclay | Alexander | Footballer; 48 Earlham Grove Forest Gate | BFC | 1911 | MC |
Barr | Mr | Umpire, late of St Mark's College | BFC | 1889 | JS |
Barry | Ernest | Champion Sculler |   | 1912 | Middx Indep News |
Bartlett | Albert | Footballer; 51 Whitestile Road Brentford; born Newcastle | BFC | 1911 | MC |
Barton | Male | Cricketer | BPCC | 1912 | News - LHD |
Beaver | Richard D | Footballer, forward | BFC | 1889 | JS |
Beckenham | A | Dead heat in marathon for 21st place |   | 1912 | Middx Indep News |
Bedford | C | Shooter | SFRC | 1912 | News - LHD |
Bellingham | J | Footballer | BFC | 1903-04 | Brentford Through Time |
Berry | Bill | Footballer born 1904 | BFC |   | Wiki |
Billings | Pc | Cricketer | BPolCC | 1912 | News - LHD |
Blakeman | A | Footballer | BFC | 1946-47 | PS |
Blondin | S | Shooter (Private) | SFBC | 1912 | News - LHD |
Bloomer | George H | Footballer, forward | BFC | 1889 | JS |
Bond | Len | Footballer | BFC | 1979 | Ebay - Sun card |
Bonell | Thomas Henry Mahadoo | Footballer, forward | BFC | 1889 | JS |
Bott | Colonel | Proposed vote of thanks | BCRBC | 1912 | News - LHD |
Boulter | L | Footballer | BFC | 1946-47 | PS |
Bowden | G | Rifle Shooting Competition Winner; Col Sgt, 8th Middlesex Territorials |   | 1912 | Middx Indep News |
Bowie | Jimmy | Footballer born 1924 | BFC |   | Wiki |
Bradley | Pc | Cricketer | BPolCC | 1912 | News - LHD |
Bragg | Wally | Footballer | BFC | 1956 | Ebay - Chix card |
Bragg | W | Footballer | BFC | 1946-47 | PS |
Brawn | Male | Footballer (goal scorer) | BFC | 1911-12 | News - LHD |
Brigden | B | Shooter | SFRC | 1912 | News - LHD |
Brooks | J | Shooter (Sergeant) | SFBC | 1912 | News - LHD |
Brooks | Johnny | Footballer | BFC | 1961 | Ebay - A&BC card |
Brown | Billy | Footballer born 1910 | BFC |   | Wiki |
Brown | Jim | Footballer born 1908 | BFC |   | Wiki |
Brown | W | Footballer | BFC | 1946-47 | PS |
Brown | William | Cricket ball maker |   | 1901 | Census |
Brownjohn | S | Rower | BCRBC | 1912 | News - LHD |
Buck | AF | Umpire etc | BCRBC | 1912 | News - LHD |
Bugby | AA | Cricketer | BPCC | 1912 | News - LHD |
Bugby | HA | Cricketer | BPCC | 1912 | News - LHD |
Bugby | R | Cricketer | BGW | 1912 | News - LHD |
Bull | AS | Cricketer | BPCC | 1912 | News - LHD |
Burgess | CS | Footballer, forward | BFC | 1889 | JS |
Burns | JC | Footballer | BFC | 1935 | Ebay - Carreras card |
Butcher | Frederick | Pitch & toss player, age 16; Sussex Place |   | 1912 | News - LHD |
Buxton | Stephen | Footballer; 54 Whitestile Road Brentford | BFC | 1911 | MC |
Cale | A | Footballer | BFC | 1903-04 | Brentford Through Time |
Carter | A | Whist & draughts player | SFSC | 1912 | News - LHD |
Cartmell | J | Assistant trainer | BFC | 1946-47 | PS |
Chapple | Frederick | Footballer; 471 Green Lane Birmingham | BFC | 1911 | MC |
Chapple | Wilfred | Footballer | SGCB | 1921 | Simon Holloway |
Charlton | Arthur | Footballer; 115 Windmill Road Brentford | BFC | 1911 | MC |
Cheetham | Thomas | Footballer | BFC | 1939 | Ebay - Topical Times card |
Chisholm | Jack | Footballer | BFC | 1953 | Ebay - Sunday Empire News card |
Clack | F | Footballer - goalkeeper | BFC | 1946-47 | PS |
Clark | Andy | Footballer born 1881 | BFC |   | Wiki |
Clark | Archie | Footballer; Little Cossington, Aylesford | BFC | 1911 | MC |
Clarke | F | Swimmer | RBS | 1912 | News - LHD |
Clarke | J | Shooter | SFRC | 1912 | News - LHD |
Claydon | Pc | Cricketer | BPolCC | 1912 | News - LHD |
Clayton | F | Rower | BCRBC | 1912 | News - LHD |
Cleverley | Arthur | Footballer; 43 Kingswood Road Acton Green | BFC | 1911 | MC |
Cloves | Harry | Cricket ball maker |   | 1901 | Census |
Collier | George | Umpire etc | BCRBC | 1912 | News - LHD |
Collier | George C | Strong supporter | BFC | to 1905 | Janet McNamara |
Collier | George C | Strong supporter | BSC | to 1905 | Janet McNamara |
Collier | J | Rower | BCRBC | 1912 | News - LHD |
Commins | WJ | Rower | BCRBC | 1912 | News - LHD |
Corbett | Frederick | Footballer; 9 Woodborough Street | BFC | 1911 | MC |
Corner | Sergt | Cricketer | BPolCC | 1912 | News - LHD |
Cornwell | A | Cricketer | BGW | 1912 | News - LHD |
Coulson | R | Footballer | BFC | 1946-47 | PS |
Cox | Amos | Milkman for | BFC | 1920s - 1970s | John Tickner |
Cox | J | Cricketer | BGW | 1912 | News - LHD |
Crone | R | Trainer | BFC | 1903-04 | Brentford Through Time |
Crone | Robert | Footballer; 17 Melbourne St Barrow-In-Furness | BFC | 1911 | MC |
Crowther | A | Swimmer | RBS | 1912 | News - LHD |
Crozier | J | Footballer - goalkeeper | BFC | 1946-47 | PS |
Curtis | Harry | Secretary/Manager, reappointed for 5 yrs | BFC | 1936 | BNA |
Curtis | Harry | Secretary/Manager | BFC | 1930s | Brentford Past |
Curtis | HC | Secretary Manager | BFC | 1946-47 | PS |
Curtis | Jack | Footballer born 1888 | BFC |   | Wiki |
Curtis | John J | Footballer, captain (back) | BFC | 1889 | JS |
Curtis | John | Footballer; 138 Greyhound Road Tottenham | BFC | 1911 | MC |
Dalton | CE | Cricketer | BPCC | 1912 | News - LHD |
Dandridge | F | Cricketer | BGW | 1912 | News - LHD |
Davis | Frank | Linesman? | BFSFT | 1940s | Keith Davis |
Davis | Frank A | Vice Chairman | BFC | 1934 | Middx Indep News |
Davis | FA | Chairman | BFC | 1946-47 | PS |
Davis | George | Footballer | Unknown FC | 1910-15 | Roger Davis |
Davis | George | Footballer | SLFC | 1911-12 | Roger Davis |
Davis | HF | Board member? | BFC | 1946-47 | PS |
Davis | LH | Shooter (Captain) | SFRC | 1912 | News - LHD |
Davis | Sam | Footballer | BFSFT | 1940s | Keith Davis |
Dawson | Tommy | Footballer born 1915 | BFC |   | Wiki |
Dewhurst | John | Footballer; 16 Meadow St Accrington Lancashire | BFC | 1911 | MC |
Dick | John | Footballer born 1930 | BFC |   | Wiki |
Digby | A | Water Polo Player | BWPT | 1912 | News - LHD |
Dinnis | J | Swimmer | RBS | 1912 | News - LHD |
Dodge | Henry William "Bill" | Footballer, half back | BFC | 1889 | JS |
Dorey | CE | Secretary | BCRBC | 1912 | News - LHD |
Dorey | Charles | Provided cup | BCRBC | 1912 | News - LHD |
Dorey | JH | Cricketer | BPCC | 1912 | News - LHD |
Dorey | John | Warm supporter | BRC | 1918 | Middx Indep News |
Dorey | John | Warm supporter | BFC | 1918 | Middx Indep News |
Dorey | John Henry | President | BPBC | 1930s - 1940 | Middx Indep News |
Dorey | John Henry | President | BSC | pre 1940 | Middx Indep News |
Dorey | John Henry | Water Polo Referee | BSC | pre 1940 | Middx Indep News |
Dorey | John Henry | President | BPCC | pre 1940 | Middx Indep News |
Dorey | John Henry | Captain | BPCC | pre 1940 | Middx Indep News |
Dorey | John Henry | President | DCC | pre 1940 | Middx Indep News |
Dorey | Thomas Henry | Patron and Treasurer | BCRC | 1922 | Middx Indep News |
Dorey | Tom | Chairman | BCRBC | 1912 | News - LHD |
Dorrington | G | Shooter | SFRC | 1912 | News - LHD |
Dowden | J | Rower | BCRBC | 1912 | News - LHD |
Downe | Miss | Presenter of prizes | BCRBC | 1912 | News - LHD |
Dowson | S | Cricketer | BPCC | 1912 | News - LHD |
Drabble | Arthur C | Footballer, half back | BFC | 1889 | JS |
Duffy | Christopher | Footballer; 60 Croft Terrace Jarrow | BFC | 1911 | MC |
Dunnett | J (junr) | Cricketer | BPCC | 1912 | News - LHD |
Durrant | F | Footballer | BFC | 1946-47 | PS |
Durston | Jack | Footballer, goalkeeper | BFC | 1920 | News, Wiki |
Edwardes | Henry "Harry" Leslie | Footballer, goalkeeper | BFC | 1889 | JS |
Elliott | B | Whist player | SFSC | 1912 | News - LHD |
Elliott | E | Whist player | SFSC | 1912 | News - LHD |
Elliott | T | Footballer | BFC | 1922 | Ebay - Pinnace card |
Elliott | Thomas | Footballer; 30 Gladstone St Gainsborough | BFC | 1911 | MC |
Emerson | A | Swimmer | RBS | 1912 | News - LHD |
Evans | EJ | Cricketer | BPCC | 1912 | News - LHD |
Fairweather | Pc | Cricketer | BPolCC | 1912 | News - LHD |
Ferrill | T? | Footballer | BFC | 1903-04 | Brentford Through Time |
Fielder | VA | Captain | BCRC | 1921 | Middx Indep News |
Folley | Pc | Cricketer | BPolCC | 1912 | News - LHD |
Forder | E | Shooter (Captain 2nd Team) | SFRC | 1912 | News - LHD |
Forder | E | Whist player | SFSC | 1912 | News - LHD |
Frankeon | W | Cricketer | BPCC | 1912 | News - LHD |
Fraser | John | Footballer | BFC | 1979 | Ebay - Sun card |
Frost | George | Footballer; 36 Adelaide Road Brentford | BFC | 1911 | MC |
Fylle | J | Footballer | BFC | 1946-47 | PS |
Gallego | Jose | Footballer born 1923 | BFC |   | Wiki |
Gaskell | E | Footballer - goalkeeper | BFC | 1946-47 | PS |
Gates | George | Footballer; 8 Norman Terrace Merthyr Tydfil | BFC | 1911 | MC |
Gatterell | H | Footballer; forward | BFC | 1889 | JS |
Gentry | E | Cricketer | BPCC | 1912 | News - LHD |
Gibbons | Male | Footballer | BFC | 1930s? | Ebay - cigarette card |
Gibson | William | Footballer born 1926 | BFC |   | Wiki |
Gillies | J | Footballer | BFC | 1946-47 | PS |
Glen | Alexander | Footballer; 52 Orchard Road Southsea | BFC | 1911 | MC |
Goff | WW | Cricketer | BPCC | 1912 | News - LHD |
Gomm | HT | Umpire etc | BCRBC | 1912 | News - LHD |
Goodyear | EA | Cricketer | BGW | 1912 | News - LHD |
Goosey | Pc | Cricketer | BPolCC | 1912 | News - LHD |
Gordon | John | Footballer; 54 King Edward Road Coventry | BFC | 1911 | MC |
Gorman | W | Footballer | BFC | 1946-47 | PS |
Gorringe | SB | Cricketer | BPCC | 1912 | News - LHD |
Graham | Male | Footballer (goal scorer) | BFC | 1911-12 | News - LHD |
Graham | Thomas H | Footballer; 13 Dobie Street Barnsley | BFC | 1911 | MC |
Green | HS | Shooter | SFRC | 1912 | News - LHD |
Green | HS | Whist player | SFSC | 1912 | News - LHD |
Green | RK | Shooter | SFRC | 1912 | News - LHD |
Greenwood | Ron | Captain | BFC | Early 1950s | Brentford Past |
Hadley | E | Cox | BCRBC | 1912 | News - LHD |
Hadley | WE | Cox | BCRBC | 1912 | News - LHD |
Hadley | WT | Cox | BCRBC | 1912 | News - LHD |
Halliday | JF | Cricketer | BPCC | 1912 | News - LHD |
Hamblen | W | Swimmer | RBS | 1912 | News - LHD |
Hamilton | John | Footballer; 7 Bushwood Road Kew | BFC | 1911 | MC |
Hanks | Ernest | Footballer; Army Service Corps Barracks, New Road, Woolwich | BFC | 1911 | MC |
Harding | Wag | Distance judge | BCRBC | 1912 | News - LHD |
Hartley | F | Whist player | SFSC | 1912 | News - LHD |
Hawkes | C | Cox | BCRBC | 1912 | News - LHD |
Hawkes | WC | Cox | BCRBC | 1912 | News - LHD |
Hendren | Male | Footballer (goal scorer) | BFC | 1911-12 | News - LHD |
Hendren | Patsy | Footballer | BFC | 1911 - 1927 | Brentford Past |
Hewett | Pc | Cricketer | BPolCC | 1912 | News - LHD |
Hickleton | Male | Footballer (goal scorer) | BFC | 1911-12 | News - LHD |
Hicks | C | Water Polo Player | BWPT | 1912 | News - LHD |
Higgins | Arthur | Footballer | BFSFT | 1940s | Keith Davis |
Hill | J | Rower | BCRBC | 1912 | News - LHD |
Hill | Warrant Officer | Cricketer | BPolCC | 1912 | News - LHD |
Hogg | S | Swimmer (under 13) | RBS | 1912 | News - LHD |
Holliday |   | Footballer | BFC | 1936 | Ebay - United Services card |
Holliday | J | Footballer | BFC | 1934 | Ebay - Ardath card |
Holliday | J | Footballer | BFC | 1934 | Ebay - Carreras card |
Holliday | Jack | Footballer | BFC | 1935 | Ebay - Topical Times card |
Holmes | FJ | Cricketer | BPCC | 1912 | News - LHD |
Hood | E | Rower | BCRBC | 1912 | News - LHD |
Hopkins | I | Footballer | BFC | 1946-47 | PS |
Hopkins | I | Footballer | BFC | 1930s? | Ebay - Phillips International Caps card |
Hopkins | IM | Footballer | BFC | 1920s? | Ebay - Churchman card |
Hopkins | J | Footballer | BFC | 1934 | Ebay - Pattreiouex card |
Hubbuck | Bob | Footballer | BFSFT | 1940s | Keith Davis |
Hudson | HF | Cricketer | BGW | 1912 | News - LHD |
Huggett | Pc | Cricketer | BPolCC | 1912 | News - LHD |
Hughes | JR | Board member? | BFC | 1946-47 | PS |
Hunt | Det Sergt | Cricketer | BPolCC | 1912 | News - LHD |
Jaffray | William | Footballer; 15 Chichester Street Gateshead | BFC | 1911 | MC |
Jaffrey | W | Cricketer | BPCC | 1912 | News - LHD |
James | F | Rower | BCRBC | 1912 | News - LHD |
James | J | Footballer | BFC | 1939 | Ebay - Wills card |
Jameson | Pc | Cricketer | BPolCC | 1912 | News - LHD |
Johnson | Joseph | Footballer; 86 Ash Road Luton Bedfordshire | BFC | 1911 | MC |
Jones | Dave | Footballer born 1932 | BFC |   | Wiki |
Jones | EC | Made and erected the metal framework towers for the clubs floodlighting | BFC | 1900s | Pam Vernon-Roberts |
Jones | Edward George | Keen supporter | BFC | c1900 - 1971 | Pam Vernon-Roberts |
Jones | Eric | Footballer born 1915 | BFC |   | Wiki |
Jordon | C | Shooter | SFRC | 1912 | News - LHD |
Kane | R | Trainer | BFC | 1946-47 | PS |
Kay | J | Footballer | BFC | 1946-47 | PS |
Keen | D | Footballer | BFC | 1946-47 | PS |
Keningale | Pc | Cricketer | BPolCC | 1912 | News - LHD |
Kennedy | George | Footballer; 33 Adelaide Road Brentford | BFC | 1911 | MC |
Kennerson | Mr | Marathon Runner | BGW | 1912 | News - LHD |
Kennington | Reg | Built tannoy system | BFC | 1950s | Dave Baker |
Kent | Thomas | Footballer; 2 College Road Exeter | BFC | 1911 | MC |
Kerr | J | Footballer | BFC | 1922 | Ebay - Pinnace card |
King | H | Rower | BCRBC | 1912 | News - LHD |
Kirby | HG | Shooter | SFRC | 1912 | News - LHD |
Kirby | HG | Whist & billiards player | SFSC | 1912 | News - LHD |
Lailey | Pc | Cricketer | BPolCC | 1912 | News - LHD |
Land | John | Footballer; 41 Belgrave Road Hounslow | BFC | 1911 | MC |
Latimer | Frank | Footballer | BFC | 1946-1955 | Ebay - Memory Lane card |
Latimer | F | Footballer | BFC | 1946-47 | PS |
Lawrence | James (Jamie) | Solicitor? | BFC | 2005 | BNA - Bankruptcy Order |
Lawton | Tommy | Footballer | BFC | 1952 | Brentford Past |
Lawton | Tommy | Player/Manager | BFC | 1953 | Brentford Past |
Leigh | T | Footballer | BFC | 1903-04 | Brentford Through Time |
Lemon | Pc | Cricketer | BPolCC | 1912 | News - LHD |
Lewin | William | Cricket groundsman; 150a Whitestile Road |   | 1911 | Census |
Lewis | Ernest | Pitch & toss player, age 34; Back Lane |   | 1912 | News - LHD |
Ling | Arthur | Footballer; 23 Creighton Road South Ealing | BFC | 1911 | MC |
Lloyd-Jones | S | Cricketer | BPCC | 1912 | News - LHD |
Louch | Lionel | Footballer; 3 St Marks Road Hanwell | BFC | 1911 | MC |
Loveday | R | Water Polo Player | BWPT | 1912 | News - LHD |
MacAloon | G | Footballer | BFC | 1946-47 | PS |
Manley | T | Footballer | BFC | 1946-47 | PS |
Mansell | George Charles | Football maker; 17 Bollo Lane |   | 1911 | Census |
Mansfield | F | Footballer | BFC | 1946-47 | PS |
Marshall | Frank | Footballer born 1904 | BFC |   | Wiki |
Marshall | T | Rower | BCRBC | 1912 | News - LHD |
Mathieson | JA | Footballer | BFC | 1934 | BNA - transfer |
McAllister | Thomas | Footballer; 42 Burlington Road Hunslet Leeds | BFC | 1911 | MC |
McCulloch | D | Footballer | BFC | 1938 | Ebay - Churchman card |
McCulloch | D | Footballer | BFC | 1930s? | Ebay - Phillips International Caps card |
McCulloch | Dave | Footballer | BFC | 1935 - 1936 | Brentford Past |
McDonald | James | Footballer; 151 Greenford Avenue Hanwell | BFC | 1911 | MC |
McElhaney | Ralph | Footballer; 34 Woodside Gardens Tottenham | BFC | 1911 | MC |
McTavish | Male | Footballer (goal scorer) | BFC | 1911-12 | News - LHD |
Millard | A | Board member? | BFC | 1946-47 | PS |
Mindenhall | EA | Whist player | SFSC | 1912 | News - LHD |
Molyneux | Richard | Manager | BFC | 1903-04 | Brentford Past |
Molyneux | Richard | Manager | BFC | 1903-04 | Brentford Through Time |
Moore | Pc | Cricketer | BPolCC | 1912 | News - LHD |
Morgan | F | Rower | BCRBC | 1912 | News - LHD |
Morris | D | Footballer | BFC | 1920s | Ebay - Godfrey Phillips card |
Morris | G | Representative | BSC | 1934 | Middx Indep News |
Morrison | John | Footballer; 2 Clyde Road West Silvertown | BFC | 1911 | MC |
Munroe | R | Footballer | BFC | 1946-47 | PS |
Murphy | FC | Cricketer | BGW | 1912 | News - LHD |
Muttitt | E | Footballer | BFC | 1946-47 | PS |
Myers | J | Dominoes player | SFSC | 1912 | News - LHD |
New | Pc | Cricketer | BPolCC | 1912 | News - LHD |
New | W | Hon. Sec. | BCRC | 1921 | Middx Indep News |
Newstead | D | Footballer | BFC | 1946-47 | PS |
O'Brien | Mick | Footballer born 1893 | BFC |   | Wiki |
Oliver | Frank | Footballer; 19 Antrobus Road, Acton Green | BFC | 1911 | MC |
Oliver | H | Footballer | BFC | 1946-47 | PS |
Paterson | George | Footballer born 1914 | BFC |   | Wiki |
Pearce | Arthur | Cricket ball maker |   | 1911 | Census |
Pearce | George | Rowing Feats on the Thames |   | 1880s-1900s? | Janet McNamara |
Pearce | J | Rower | BCRBC | 1912 | News - LHD |
Pearson | John | Footballer born 1896 | BFC |   | Wiki |
Penney | Pc | Cricketer | BPolCC | 1912 | News - LHD |
Phillips | D | Footballer | BFC | 1930s? | Ebay - Phillips International Caps card |
Phillips | Steve | Footballer | BFC | 1979 | Ebay - Sun card |
Piercey | A | Shooter (Colour Sergeant) | SFBC | 1912 | News - LHD |
Pigott | Denis | Involved in | BFC | 1970s | John Tickner |
Plummer | G | Rower | BCRBC | 1912 | News - LHD |
Price | Jack | Footballer born 1900 | BFC |   | Wiki |
Priter | Pc | Cricketer | BPolCC | 1912 | News - LHD |
Purnell | J | Cricketer | BGW | 1912 | News - LHD |
Purver | HJ | Rower | BCRBC | 1912 | News - LHD |
Pye | Sergt | Cricketer | BPolCC | 1912 | News - LHD |
Rae | Harry | Footballer | BFC | 1927 | BNA - contract cancelled |
Read | F | Shooter (Private) | SFBC | 1912 | News - LHD |
Reid | Bobby | Footballer born 1911 | BFC |   | Wiki |
Reid | George | Footballer; 179 Murray Road Ealing | BFC | 1911 | MC |
Reid | Male | Footballer (goal scorer) | BFC | 1911-12 | News - LHD |
Reid | R | Footballer | BFC | 1936 | Ebay - Val Gum card |
Rhodes | Ephraim | Footballer; 160 Darwin Road Ealing | BFC | 1911 | MC |
Rhodes | Male | Footballer (skipper) | BFC | 1912 | News - LHD |
Richards | Philip | Footballer; 6 Radbourne Avenue Ealing | BFC | 1911 | MC |
Richards | D | Footballer | BFC | 1935 | Ebay - Godfrey Phillips card |
Richards | H | Whist & billiards player | SFSC | 1912 | News - LHD |
Richardson | John | Footballer; 4 Lilith Terrace Clayton Road Hayes Middlesex | BFC | 1911 | MC |
Richardson | Pc | Cricketer | BPolCC | 1912 | News - LHD |
Riley | Thomas | Footballer; 54 Whitestile Road Brentford | BFC | 1911 | MC |
Rippon | Male | Footballer (goal scorer) | BFC | 1911-12 | News - LHD |
Roberts | M | Footballer | BFC | 1946-47 | PS |
Roberts | W | Cricketer | BGW | 1912 | News - LHD |
Rogers | FA | Cricketer | BPCC | 1912 | News - LHD |
Rosier | Bob | Footballer? | BFC | 1920s | Ebay - Godfrey Phillips card |
Rouse | Male | Footballer (goal scorer) | BFC | 1911-12 | News - LHD |
Ryalls | Joseph | Footballer; 74 Lawrence Road South Ealing | BFC | 1911 | MC |
Saunders | Harold | Captain of reserve team | BFC | 1900 | Middx Indep News |
Saunders | Harold | Secretary | BPTC | 1900 | Middx Indep News |
Saunders | Harold | Secretary | BPCC | 1900 | Middx Indep News |
Scott | W | Footballer | BFC | 1946-47 | PS |
Scott | Billy | Footballer born 1907 | BFC |   | Wiki |
Sellwood | C | Cox | BCRBC | 1912 | News - LHD |
Sellwood | J | Water Polo Player | BWPT | 1912 | News - LHD |
Seymour | CR | Cricketer | BPCC | 1912 | News - LHD |
Shaw | A | Footballer | BFC | 1946-47 | PS |
Shelford | A | Whist & dominoes player | SFSC | 1912 | News - LHD |
Shields | R | Footballer | BFC | 1920s | Ebay - Godfrey Phillips card |
Sibbald | John | Footballer; 36 Adelaide Road Brentford | BFC | 1911 | MC |
Sibbald | Male | Footballer (goal scorer) | BFC | 1911-12 | News - LHD |
Simon | LP | Chairman | BFC | 1932-33 | Archive Photo Series |
Simon | CL | Board member? | BFC | 1946-47 | PS |
Smith | Bill | Edwardian Footballer | BFC |   | Wiki |
Smith | Dave | Footballer born 1905 | BFC |   | Wiki |
Smith | F | Draughts player | SFSC | 1912 | News - LHD |
Smith | G | Shooter (Private) | SFBC | 1912 | News - LHD |
Smith | G | Footballer | BFC | 1946-47 | PS |
Smith | James | Rower & cup winner | BCRBC | 1912 | News - LHD |
Smith | Leslie | Footballer born 1918 | BFC |   | Wiki |
Smith | P | Shooter (Private) | SFBC | 1912 | News - LHD |
Sneddon | William | Footballer | BFC | 1938 | Ebay - Topical Times card |
Snelling | Frank | Footballer | BFC | 1930s or early 1940s? | Alan Dear |
Sparksman | AW | Cricketer | BPCC | 1912 | News - LHD |
Spratt | Walter | Footballer; 12 Matilda Street Sheffield | BFC | 1911 | MC |
Springthorpe | A | Cricketer | BGW | 1912 | News - LHD |
Stallabrass | T | Water Polo Player | BWPT | 1912 | News - LHD |
Steel | John | Footballer born 1895 | BFC |   | Wiki |
Stewart | George | Footballer born 1920 | BFC |   | Wiki |
Stewart | G | Footballer | BFC | 1946-47 | PS |
Stockley | L (junr) | Whist player | SFSC | 1912 | News - LHD |
Stockley | T (junr) | Whist player | SFSC | 1912 | News - LHD |
Strachan | John Henry | Co founder | BRC | 1887 | Peter King |
Strachan | John Henry | Vice President | BFC | 1889 | Peter King |
Strachan | John Henry | Committee Member | BPCC | 1895 | Peter King |
Strachan | John Henry | Chairman | BFC | 1892-1894 | Peter King |
Sugden | Sydney | Footballer; 57 Wellington Avenue Westcliff on Sea | BFC | 1911 | MC |
Szlumper | EJ | Shooter | SFRC | 1912 | News - LHD |
Tayler | W | Whist & billiards player | SFSC | 1912 | News - LHD |
Taylor | Archie | Footballer; 133 Leeds Road North Huddersfield | BFC | 1911 | MC |
Taylor | Frederick | Footballer; 12 Harbord Street Fulham | BFC | 1911 | MC |
Taylor | Male | Hockey Player | BHC | 1912 | News - LHD |
Thomas | Bob | Footballer born 1919 | BFC |   | Wiki |
Thomas | F | Rower | BCRBC | 1912 | News - LHD |
Thomas | F | Whist player | SFSC | 1912 | News - LHD |
Thomson | George | Footballer born 1936 | BFC |   | Wiki |
Thrower | Sergt | Cricketer | BPolCC | 1912 | News - LHD |
Toulouse | C | Footballer | BFC | 1946-47 | PS |
Townsend | L | Footballer | BFC | 1946-47 | PS |
Treeves | George | Waterman | BCRBC | 1912 | News - LHD |
Turner | Percy | Footballer; 93 Tiverton St New Cleethorpes | BFC | 1911 | MC |
Underwood | Edwin | Captain (20 years) | BPCC | 1880s-1900s? | Janet McNamara |
Underwood | Harry | Vice President | BFC | 1890s?1900s? | Janet McNamara |
Ventom | E | Footballer | BFC | 1946-47 | PS |
Viccars | A | Shooter | SFRC | 1912 | News - LHD |
Vickery | T | Shooter | SFRC | 1912 | News - LHD |
Warren | Arnold | Footballer; Wright St Codnor Derby | BFC | 1911 | MC |
Warrington | Joseph | Footballer; 9 Shrigley Street Macclesfield | BFC | 1911 | MC |
Washington | Henry | Cricket ball maker |   | 1911 | Census |
Waterfield | E | Rower | BCRBC | 1912 | News - LHD |
Watson | J | Footballer | BFC | 1903-04 | Brentford Through Time |
Webb | J | Rower | BCRBC | 1912 | News - LHD |
Webb | Pc | Cricketer | BPolCC | 1912 | News - LHD |
Weber | LC | Cricketer | BPCC | 1912 | News - LHD |
Webster | Fred | Footballer; 7 Tower St Gainsborough | BFC | 1911 | MC |
Webster | Frederick | Footballer; 7 Tower St Gainsborough | BFC | 1911 | MC |
Westrip | Sergt | Cricketer | BPolCC | 1912 | News - LHD |
White | Frank | Hon Sec | BCRBC | 1912 | News - LHD |
Whittaker | W | Footballer | BFC | 1946-47 | PS |
Wilkins | G | Footballer | BFC | 1946-47 | PS |
Williams | B | Water Polo Player | BWPT | 1912 | News - LHD |
Williams | Harry | Footballer born 1899 | BFC |   | Wiki |
Willie | Pc | Cricketer | BPolCC | 1912 | News - LHD |
Wills | Pc | Cricketer | BPolCC | 1912 | News - LHD |
Wise | Albert | Footballer; 1 Grosvenor Road Brentford | BFC | 1911 | MC |
Withnell | Male | Hockey Player | BHC | 1912 | News - LHD |
WooddSmith | Male | Hockey Player | BHC | 1912 | News - LHD |
Woodley | G | Rower | BCRBC | 1912 | News - LHD |
Woodsmith | WB | Cricketer | BPCC | 1912 | News - LHD |
Woollatt | Male | Hockey Player | BHC | 1912 | News - LHD |
Worsley | A | Cricketer | BPCC | 1912 | News - LHD |
Wright | A | Cricketer | BGW | 1912 | News - LHD |
Wright | B | Whist player | SFSC | 1912 | News - LHD |
Wright | W | Shooter | SFRC | 1912 | News - LHD |
Young | F | Whist player | SFSC | 1912 | News - LHD |
Young | W | Footballer | BFC | 1920s | Ebay - Godfrey Phillips card |
Surnames: A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R , S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z
Published November 2012; updated September 2020