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Brentford Families - Ricket and Meades
William RICKET of 322 High Street, Brentford, was born in Houghton Conquest
in Bedfordshire in 1837. He married a Houghton Conquest lass called Amy
TAYLOR there in Oct 1857. They had their first child, Emily, in 1858 before
moving to Brentford before their next child, Joseph(who was at 388 High Street in
1891). He was born in 1860 in Mercury Rd which used to run between Glenhurst
Road and Orchard Road but has since between demolished.
William was then a Police Constable. It is not until the 1891 census that we found him in the High Street as a Police Pensioner and Tobacconist so must have retired from the Police between 1881 and 1891. He was still there in 1901. He was Raymond's GG Grandfather.
William and Amy had at least 11 children:
- Emily 1858 - 1946 was a housekeeper somewhere in Brentford.
- Joseph, Raymond's G Grandfather, became a watchmaker and died at the age of
34 in 1895. His widow, Jane (nee NEVILLE), lived till 1936 and in 1901 had a Baker's and
Confectionery Shop at 332 High Street in 1901.
- William 1862 - 1891 was a gas-fitter and although he died young left behind
a wife and son, William, who went to Canada with his wife Albina Elizabeth
BROWN, a Brentford girl, and produced 2 more generations of Williams!!!
- Amy 1864 - Worked in her father's shop. Married into the Meades family in
1893. In 1881 census Benjamin Isaac MEADES was living at 258 High Street,
Brentford and it was a Greengrocers Shop
- Minna 1866-1869
- John Ricket 1868-1938 Ran an Off licence in Paddington in 1901. Married Emily IVES a widow nee BIRCH in Mar 1901 in Paddington. and son James was born 1900 in Paddington (I don't have any record of this child. Emily's first husband, Richard death is registered in Paddington Sep 1899 so he could have fathered a child he never saw. I found a James G Rickett with another family. Normally the Brentford Ricket family spells it's name with one T but John Ricket is recorded with 2 T's in 1901 I see, and it's just him and Emily at home.)
- Walter 1870 - 1874
- Arthur 1872 - 1948. Was a Brewery Clerk in 1901. Married Miriam Mabel MEECH in 1905 in Brentford. Madge Crackneel Meech was born in 1904 and found in 1911 Census as Madge Ricket. The couple had a son James Arthur born in Brentford in 1907 who appears in 1911 census
- Ellen 1874 - Was a Dressmaker before marriage in 1899 to Frederick CUTTING, a Pastry Cook and Breadmaker. They lived in Ealing in 1901 but Raymond's mother remembers them living in Bedfont later on.
- Mabel 1876- In 1898 married William CANNING, a Police Constable and they lived in Ealing Rd in 1901. Sometime they moved to Norfolk. In the 1960's Raymond's mother bought 23 Hamilton Road, where they had moved to in 1939 and was owned by Mabel Canning.
- Frederick 1880 - 1968 He was a Photo-engraver and married Dora REED in 1905 in Islington. In 1913 they moved to America. The couple had a son, Laurence and a daughter, Marjorie and they can be found in 1911 census in Brentford and 1930 census in Ohio, USA
Published October 2005; updated April 2012