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Brentford Families - Brunsden
Carole from Alberta, Canada writes:
'Thomas Brunsden (of Brentford) was an older brother of my ggreat grandfather James b
1838. Their father John ran the "Bell" in Hounslow from 1836 until
sometime between 1861 -1865.'
After exploring censuses and FreeBMD and purchasing certificates, two Brunsden family groups could be put together:
- Carole's family which includes the Thomas Brunsden who remained in Brentford
- a branch that appears to be related through the name Chambers
Carole finishes 'Then there is the James Brunsden who was transported for life in 1833 according to old Bailey records - crime near Brentford. I found on Ancestry records of a James Brunsden who died on the convict ship on the way to Australia - time frame fits the one on the Old Bailey record.'
Family Tree of John Linion Brunsden (ca 1796 - 1865)
John Linion Brunsden (ca 1796 - 1865): born Wiltshire (1851), unknown (1861); possibly a son of Richard & Sarah Brunsden (death cert of Sarah Brunsden Dec 11 1846 age 80, Brentford Reg Dist - bronchitis - widow of Richard Brunsden - publican - present at death: Mary Brunsden residence Hounslow); married Mary Hall (born Whitechapel ca 1798, d. 1867) at St Mary's Whitechapel in 1821; 'servant' when his son Thomas was baptised in 1823, 'publican' in later baptisms; he ran the "Magpie and Crown" in New Brentford in 1826; ran the "Bell" in Hounslow from 1836 until at least 1861; left a will; children included
- Thomas Brunsden (1823 - 1887): born in New Brentford, son of John Linion Brunsden, servant; apprentice carpenter living with John Thornton in 1841 at 127 High Street, New Brentford; in the same household lived Amelia Weller, a female servant;
Thomas married Amelia Weller on Oct 31 1850 at St Mary Magdaline Richmond Surrey; they continued to live with John Thornton in 1851; Thomas was a carpenter at 185 High Street in 1861, 1871 and 1881; recorded in 1882 trade directory 'Thos Brunsden, builder, 180 & 185 High Street';children, all born Brentford, included:
- Adeline Brunsden (1851 - )
- Julia Brunsden (1853 - ): married James Henry Morse in 1875, Brentford RD; he died and she married Newcomb; he died pre 1891; in 1891 Julia was running a Registry Office for Servants in Camden; her widowed mother Amelia Brunsden was living with her
- Edwin Brunsden (1854 - ): married Helen Swait in 1875; "clerk copying" in Hounslow in 1881 (name "Edward"); in Becklow Road, Hammersmith in 1891, manager of funeral furnishing co; same address in 1901, "undertaker"; children included:
- Thomas John Brunsden (1875 - ): clerk at coal office in 1891; married Alice Selina Walsh, Islington RD 1899, one young son Kenneth Tom by 1901 (living in Hammersmith), coal merchant's clerk
- Helen Deborah Brunsden (1878 - ): at home in 1891
- Amelia Brunsden (1880 - ): at home in 1891
- Ethel May Brunsden (1884 - ): at home in 1901
- Bertha Lillian Brunsden (1886 - ): at home in 1901
- Edwin Harold Brunsden (1888 - ): at home in 1901
- Mary Ellen Brunsden (1855 - 1857)
- Lizzy Brunsden (1857 - )
- Amelia Ann Brunsden (1859 - 1863)
- Thomas John Brunsden (1860 - 1863)
- Rosa Brunsden (1861 - ): possibly (name - Rose, age - 26, birthplace - Brentford Essex) servant in Hackney in 1891 to Salomon family
- William Walter Brunsden (1863 - ): "Walter" in 1871; "William" in 1881
- James Brunsden (1865 - )
- Mary Brunsden (1824): born New Brentford
- John Brunsden (1826 - 1851?): born New Brentford; woollen draper aged '15' in 1841 census; John Linyard Brunsden death registered in Brentford in Jan/March 1851, as JLB not found in the 1851 census it is possible he died aged around 25
- Richard Brunsden (1828): born New Brentford; not recorded in 1841 census, died in infancy?
- Ann Brunsden (1830 - 1900): not at home in 1841; in 1851 a servant in Holborn to Joseph William Taylor, licensed victualler; married George Lewis in Lambeth RD, 1859; mentioned in her father's will written in 1859
- Henry Brunsden (1832): born New Brentford; not recorded in 1841 census, died in infancy?
- Elizabeth Brunsden (1834 - ): born New Brentford; 'Betsy' in 1841 census
- William Brunsden (1836 - ): baptised in Hounslow (IGI); a carpenter living at home in 1861; may have died in 1865 (death registration in Brentford)
- James Brunsden (1838 - 1902): baptised in Hounslow (IGI); scholar at Belle House Academy, Hayes in 1851;
married Sarah Chambers in Oct/Dec 1860, St Martin's Registration District; master butcher Upper Square Isleworth in 1861, visitor Agnes Brunsden aged 11 born Brimsley (Bromley?) Middlesex; licensed victualler in Richmond in 1871 (household includes visitor Ann Chambers, 17, born Isleworth); farmer in West Moulsey, Surrey in 1891; butcher in Kingston on Thames in 1901; death registered in Kingston, 1902, age 64; James and wife Sarah were buried Kingston Cemetery; children included:
- Sarah Elizabeth Brunsden (1862 - ): born Isleworth
- James Brunsden (1865 - ): born Isleworth
- Florence Eliza Brunsden (1867 - ): born & baptised Richmond (IGI); scholar in 1881
- William Brunsden (1868 - 1868): birth and death registered in Richmond Surrey
- John Brunsden (1870 - ): born Richmond; scholar in 1881
- Thomas Vincent Brunsden (1874 - ): born & baptised Mortlake (IGI); at home in 1901
- Beatrice Ellen Brunsden (1876 - ): born & baptised Mortlake (IGI)
- George Brunsden (1878 - ): born Barnes & baptised Mortlake (IGI); at home in 1901
Other Brunsden / Chambers branch
James Brunsden (1810 - ): born London, Middx (1841/1851), Colnbrook Essex (1861); possibly a younger brother to John Linion Brunsden born ca 1796; James married Agnes (died 1857, Poplar RD); gardener Spring Hill, Tower Hamlets, Hackney in 1841; victualler at the Grave Maurice, St Leonard's, Bromley in 1851 and 1861; in 1861 Jane Chambers aged 18 born Whitechapel was visiting, she was a sister of Sarah Chambers who married James Brunsden b 1838; children included:
- James Brunsden (1835 - 1916?): born Leyton, Essex; married Elizabeth Wiggall (d 1888) in Cheltenham RD in 1864 (the certificate describes him as a licensed victualler of Bromley St Leonard, son of James Brunsden, licensed victualler);
publican in Bromley 1871 with wife Elizabeth, sister-in-law Mary A Wiggall and children; in 1881 licensed victualler, 'Prince Arthur', Bromley with sister-in-law Mary A Weggall living in; following his wife Elizabeth's death in 1888 he appears to have remarried Mary Ann Wiggall in 1889; in 1891, retired publican, wife Mary; retired publican in Deptford 1901; possible death in Deptford, age 81, 1916; children born Bromley, registered Poplar RD include:
- Agnes A Brunsden (1866 - ): at home, 1901
- James George Brunsden (1868 - 1903?): possible death registered in Lewisham in 1903, age 34
- Charles Brunsden (1870 - 1871)
- William Henry Brunsden (1873 - ): drapers apprentice, at home in 1891
- Joseph Brunsden (1875 - 1875)
- Kate Elizabeth Brunsden (1875 - 1876)
- Frank John Brunsden (1878): butcher, at home in 1901
- Ellen Brunsden (1879 - 1879)
- George John Brunsden (1837 - 1890): born Clapton, not at home in 1851; ship joiner at home 1861; married Amelia Hannah Pucill in Poplar 1864 ); publican in Finsbury in 1871 and 1881: no children known of; niece Elizabeth 'Brunsden' age 25, born Poplar, visiting in 1881 (in fact she was Elizabeth Hamilton, daughter of John Hamilton & Priscilla nee Pucill (Priscilla being the elder sister of Amelia Hannah Pucill and both being daughters of James & Sophia Pucill); George John Brunsden death registered in Edmonton Reg Dist 1890, aged 53
- Agnes Elizabeth Brunsden (1841 - 1841/50): presume died pre 1850 when her sister Agnes was born
- Ellen Brunsden (1844 - ): born Clapton; at home in 1851 and 1861
- Agnes Anne Brunsden (1850 - ): born Poplar; visiting James Brunsden and his wife Sarah Chambers in 1861
Carole adds 'I believe James (b 1810) or his son James (b 1835) is the witness at James (b 1838) marriage in 1860.'