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Brentford Families - AndrewsKenneth Hull wrote in May 2018 with full transcriptions of late 18th and early-mid 19th-century documents for his Andrews family of Old Brentford. There is already a transcript of an indenture dated 1806 on the site, submitted by Rob Sutherland of Canada which involves John Andrews junior and together these documents refer to many tenants and occupiers of properties in Old and New Brentford.The oral family history of the Andrews extends back to my great-great grandfather, Thomas Andrews, a younger son of John Jr, but not farther, except for the fact that George William and his sister Emma Andrews lived together in the house on the High Street until Emma’s death in 1888. George William Andrews inherited the milling business from his father, John Jr. Thomas then purchased the lease of a mill in East Molesey, across from Hampton Court, and operated that with great success until almost the end of the 19th century. I have just finished reviewing and amending my transcription of the probate copy of the will of John Andrews Sr of Old Brentford (1702-1784). You’ll see that it is very long, and mentions 11 properties that he held, and their tenants. This is followed by two other documents relating to his son, John Andrews the Younger (1751-1814): a land dispute in 1799; and his will (and two codicils). The big house on Old Brentford High Street that he lived in he left for his wife Lydia’s use. It then passed to George William Andrews who continued the Meal Factor business until his death in the 1870s. His sister Emma continued in the house until shortly before her death in 1888 when the house was sold. Lydia, widow of John Andrews, died in 1835 and Kenneth has provided a full transcript of her will. A summary of the people mentioned:
A few notes from the webmaster![]() The Andrews family lived at 334 High Street, a large property on the corner of Eaton Place, and also owned numbers 330 to 333 at the time of tithe enumeration ca 1840. Their plot, 252, included land to the rear and also an area across the road. There are earlier references to the family: The 1811 Ealing Census (to be added to the site for Christmas 2018) shows a large Andrews household – 13, seven males and six females – four in trade, nine ‘other’. John GREENWOOD is mentioned in the 1806 Indenture as a neighbour to John Andrews and was recorded next to him in 1811 (no. 333). Robert BANYON, mentioned in the 1814 will, was next door but one to Greenwood, at no. 331. Ten years earlier the 1801 census shows John Andrews heading a household of 10: five males, five females. Jasper POLLECUTT, one of the witnesses to the will of John Andrews senior in 1783, was next door but one. Kenneth added: 'I have compared the census statistics with what I know of the members of the family alive at the time of the censuses. John Andrews and his wife Lydia (OWEN) had 12 children in the space of twenty years. In 1801, four sons and one daughter were living, bringing the total of family to 5 males and 2 females, which would suggest three female servants to make up the total of 10.' 'In 1811 there were six sons living—the eldest 18 years old—and 2 daughters. Including the parents, if all were living at home, this would bring the totals to 7 males and 3 females, again leaving three females who might be servants. I’m not sure how to interpret the ‘Trade’ numbers. There are 4 in 1811 versus three in 1801. Perhaps this reflects the involvement of the eldest son in the business in 1811? (The next eldest son was 12.) I know that at least some of the sons were sent away to school.' In 1798 the Land Tax Redemption Records for Old Brentford (available on the Ancestry website) include several references to Andrews.
The Brentford section of the 1793 Universal British Directory of Trade, Commerce and Manufacture includes John Andrews, mealman. So it would appear the family were in Brentford, and possibly in the same property, from the early 1780s until the late 1880s. The Andrews' High Street properties were sold in 1888 and no. 334 was a 'Club' in 1911. This photo from 1945 shows it was by then 'Brent House Club'. TopJohn Andrews will 1783 probate 1784In the Name of God Amen [page 2] [page 3] [page 4] [page 5] [page 6] And all the rest and residue of my personal [page 7] This will was proved in London the fifteenth John ANDREWS Land Dispute 179928th November 1799 - - - by WinterTo the Right Honorable Alexander Lord LOUGHBOROUGH Baron of Loughborough in the County of Leicester Lord High Chancellor of Great Britain. Humbly Complaining showeth unto your Orators and Oratrix John Andrews of Old Brentford in the County of Middlesex Mealman and Joseph WILKINS of New Brentford in the said County of MiddlesexPainter and Mary his wife That your Orator John Andrews is now and hath been for some time past seized or intitled to him and his heirs according to the custom of the Manor of Ealing otherwise Lealing in the County of Middlesex of or to a Cottage or Tenement with the Appurtenances situate in Old Brentford in the said County of Middlesex and held by copy of Court Roll of the said Manor and formerly in the Possession of Richard WALKER And also of in or to two Cottages or Tenements with the Outhouses Backsides Gardens and Appurtenances to the same belonging situate lying and being in Old Brentford aforesaid formerly or late in the tenures or occupations of William BELL and Joseph HILLIAR And one parcel of Garden Ground near adjoining to the said Cottage containing in length on the north side thereof thirty nine feet and the south side thereof forty three feet or thereabouts then in the possession of the said William BLANCHARD which premises contain by estimation half an acre of land be the same more or less and abut east upon the land late of Richard SEARING west upon the land late of Joseph GORING and Francis JENKINS north on the Back Lane and south upon the Highway there upon which said piece of garden ground was built three Dwelling Houses late in the several tenure of Richard ROUNDS Samuel CLARKE and Samuel BRAMLEY and also of or to three acres of Copyhold arable land with a cottage and barn thereupon erected and other Appurtenances situate and being within Old Brentford field within the Manor aforesaid and your orator and oratrix Joseph WILKINS and Mary in right of the said Mary are in like manner and have been for some years last past intitled to one third part of the said Lands and Premises And that your orator John Andrews being intitled one full and equal undivided third part or share of the said several copyhold Estates hath been duly admitted thereto according to the custom of the said Manor And he is also intitled to one third part of the rents and profits of such estates and premises And that your oratrix the said Mary WILKINS or your orator Joseph WILKINS in right of his said wife being intitled unto one other full and equal undivided third part or share of the said copyhold estates Copyhold Estates premises they or one of them have or hath been duly admitted thereto according to the custom of the Manor and they or one of them or your orator Joseph WILKINS in right of your oratrix are or is also intitled to one other third part of the rents and profits thereof and your orators and oratrix also shew that Hannah MAGSON of New Brentford in the said county of Middlesex Spinster and Elizabeth the wife of Richard COXEN of Old Brentford aforesaid Fisherman are intitled in equal moieties or in some other parts or shares unto the remaining one full and equal undivided third part and share of the said Copyhold Estates and Premises and they have severally been duly admitted to their respective shares thereof according to the custom of the said Manor and they are also intitled to remaining one third part of the Rent and Profits thereof And that your orators and oratrix being so intitled have frequently applied and caused application to be made to the said Hannah MAGSON and the said Richard COXON and Elizabeth his wife and requested them to concur with your orators and oratrix in the necessary and proper Acts for making a fair and equal division and partition of the same copyhold estates and premises between and amongst them your orators and oratrix accordingly and which reasonable request your orators and oratrix well hoped that they would have complied with as in Justice and Equity they ought to have done But now so it is may it please your Lordship that the said Hannah MAGSON and the said Richard COXON and Elizabeth his wife combining and confederating together and to and with divers other persons at present unknown unto your Orators and Oratrix (whose names when discovered your Orators and Oratrix pray may be herein inserted and they made parties Defendants hereto with apt words to charge them) they absolutely refuse to agree to any division or partition of the said estates and premises though they refuse to discover or set forth for what reason they so refuse and therefore your orators and oratrix charge that the said Hannah MAGSON and the said Richard COXON and Elizabeth his wife ought to join in making a partition and division of the said premises and in all necessary Acts Deeds and Surrenders for conveying and assuring to your orators and oratrix their several thirds parts and shares of and in the said several Copyhold Estates and premises in severalty but which they absolutely decline to do All which Actings Doings and Pretences of the said defendants and their confederates are contrary to equity and good conscience In Tender Consideration whereof and foras much as your orators and oratrix cannot be fully relieved in the premises but in a Court of Equity where matters of this nature are properly cognizable and relievable To the end therefore that the said Hannah MAGSON and Richard COXON and Elizabeth his wife may upon their several and respective corporal oaths full true and perfect answer make to all and singular the several matters and thing herein and hereby stated alledged and enquired after according to the best and utmost of their respective knowledge remembrance information and belief and that as fully and particularly as if the same were here again repeated and they were thereunto respectively interrogated and more especially whether your orator and oratrix the said John Andrews and Mary WILKINS are not now and have not been for some time and how long time intitled unto such several third parts and shares of the said several Copyhold Estates and premises as aforesaid And whether they are not in possession thereof and intitled to two third parts of the rents and profits thereof and whether they have not been severally admitted thereto and whether the said defendants are not intitled unto the remaining one third part thereof And whether your orators and oratrix or some or one of them have not or hath made or hath caused to be made to them the said defendants Hannah MAGSON and Richard COXON and Elizabeth his wife or some or one of them such applications and for such purpose as hereinbefore in that behalf mentioned And whether they do not and for what reason refuse to comply therewith and whether they do not severally refuse to agree to a division and partition of the said estates and premises in manner aforesaid And why and for what reason an that the said defendants may severally answer he matters aforesaid and that the said estates and premises may be decreed to be divided into three equal parts of shares and that one full and equal part or share thereof when so divided my be allotted to your orator John Andrews and his heirs in severalty according to the custom of the said Manor And that one other full and equal third part or share thereof when so divided may be allotted to your oratrix the said Mary WILKINS and her heirs in severally according to the custom of the said Manor And that one or more commission or commissions may issue directed to proper commissioners for the purpose of making such division and partition accordingly with the necessary and usual directions in that behalf and that all proper parties may be ordered to join in all proper deeds acts surrenders and assurances for conveying surrendering and assuring unto your orators and oratrix respectively and the heirs of your orator the said John Andrews and of your oratrix Mary WILKINS respectively their respective parts and shares of the said estates in severalty your orators and oratrix being ready and willing to join in all proper acts for making and effecting such partition and that the said defendants and each of them may be decreed to account for t he rents and profits of the said estates received by them your orators and oratrix hereby offering to account for the rents and profits received by them and that one third part thereof may be paid to your orator the said John Andrews and one other third part thereof to your orator and oratrix Joseph WILKINS and Mary his wife and that your orators and oratrix may have and receive all such further and other relief in the premises as the nature and circumstances of their case may require and as to your Lordship shall seem meet May it please your Lordship to grant unto your orators and oratrix his Majestys most gracious writ or writs of subpoena to be directed to the said Hannah MAGSON Richard COXON and Elizabeth his wife and the rest of the confederates when discovered thereby commanding them and every of them at a certain day and under a certain pain therein to be limited personally to be and appear before your Lordship in this Honorable Court and then and there true direct and perfect answer to make to all and singular the Premises and further to stand to perform and abide such further order direction and decree therein as to your Lordship shall seem meet and your orators and oratrix will ever pray etc. J. [or I.] STANLEY Top The will (and two codicils) of John Andrews the Younger (1751-1814)In the name of God Amen This is thelast will and testament of me John Andrews of Old Brentford in the parish of Ealing and county of Middlesex Meal Factor being of a sound mind memory and understanding thanks to God for the same and as to such worldly estate and effects which he has been bless me with I give devise bequeath and dispose of as follows Imprimis I give and bequeath unto my dear wife Lydia Andrews all my right and interest in a leasehold estate situate at Richmond in the county of Surrey called the Priory and held under the Crown and also the copyhold house garden and premises in Old Brentford in which I now reside together with the garden and summer house on the opposite side of the road to hold to her for and during her natural life and from and after her decease I give and bequeath the same unto and among such of children and their heirs as Tenants in common and not as joint tenants and it is my will that the executor and executrix may if they think proper dispose of the said estates and the money to be received therefrom placed in the public funds in their joint names the interest and dividends thereof to be received for the use of my said wife to her own and sole use and from and after her decease the principal money to be equally divided among such children or their heirs as shall be then living I also give to my said wife all my household furniture plate linen books and wine I give and bequeath to my son Frederick Andrews the sum of fifteen hundred pounds to my sons George William Andrews Thomas Andrews Edward Andrews Francis Henry Andrews Henry Andrews and William Andrews I also bequeath to each the like sum of fifteen hundred pounds to be separately paid to each of them when they attain the age of twenty one years I give and bequeath to my daughter Emma Andrews all that my freehold and copyhold estate at Great Ealing and now in the occupation of the widow BATTING I also give to my said daughter Ellen my freehold house in New Brentford Butts in the occupation of Thomas WING and also the two copyhold houses next to that in which I reside in the occupation of John GREENWOOD and William HOARE together with the piece of copyhold ground behind the said two houses in the occupation of Robert BANYON and likewise the copyhold tenement in the Back lane in the occupation of Robert HIBBERT to hold the said several estates to her and her heirs for ever I also give to my said daughter Ellen Andrews the sum of two hundred pounds to be paid to her when she attains the age of twenty one years and it is my will that out of the interest arising from the said Legacies that my wife shall be allowed the sum of fifty pounds yearly for each child until they shall respectively arrive at the said age of twenty one years to be applied by her towards their maintenance cloathing and education and that she shall in no wise be called to account for the expenditure of the same Top
to whose care and superintendence I commit my said children as their I direct that my son Frederick Andrews shall carry on my April 2nd 1814 To each of my nephews and nieces viz The Revd. Wm The will of Lydia Andrews (1767-1834)This is the last Will and Testamentof me Lydia Andrews of Old Brentford in the County of Middlesex Widow - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I direct my executors to pay and discharge all my just debts funeral and testamentary expensesout of my monies in the public funds or out of any other monies I may have by me at the time of my decease I give unto my son George and my daughter Emma my household goods and furniture plate linen wine and books equally to be divided between them I give unto my said daughter Emma all my wearing apparel china glass and trinkets and also my five shares in the County Fire Office for her use and benefit I give unto my son Frederick two hundred pounds sterling to my brother Henry EZARD one hundred pounds sterling to my sister Elizabeth LETCHWORTH thirty pounds sterling To my daughter in law Phoebe Andrews to my aunt Ann BARLOW To my nieces Frances Clinton OWEN Anne BARTON Sarah LUDLAM Elizabeth EZARD Ann Maria EZARD Sarah Harriet Owen EZARD my nephew Henry EZARD Charlotte Andrews Elizabeth NEIL and Emma NEIL daughters of the said Elizabeth LETCHWORTH and to my son in law Henry STERRY nineteen guineas each and to my present servant Susan SALISBURY and to my last servant Jane DORY five pounds sterling each I give and devise unto Dr John NEWTON of Walton upon Thames in the County of Surrey and Dr John CLARKE of Old Brentford aforesaid all that my Copyhold Estate in Old Brentford aforesaid now used as a wharf by and under Lease to my said son George to hold the same unto my said Trustees and the survivor the heirs and assigns of such survivor In Trust to survive and take the rents and profits thereof during the term thereof granted to my said son George and to pay and apply the same unto and amongst my said son George and all other my said sons and daughters except my said son Frederick in equal shares and proportions and from and immediately after the expiration of the lease thereof granted to my said son George as aforesaid in trust to make sale and dispose of my said Copyhold estate either by public sale or private contract as my said trustees may seem most expedient and for the most money that can be reasonably obtained for the same and to surrender and assure the same unto the purchaser or respective purchasers thereof and I do hereby declare that the receipt of my said trustees or the survivor of them his heirs or assigns shall be good and sufficient discharges to the purchaser or purchasers of my copyhold estate who shall not be bound to see to the application of the purchase money and as to the product arising from the sale of my said Copyhold Estate after deducting thereout all expenses attending the said sale and incident thereto In Trust to pay and divide the same unto and amongst my said son George and all and every my said sons and daughters except my said son Frederick in equal shares and proportions and all the Rest Residue and remainder of my estate and effects of what nature or kind soever the same may be and which I may have or be entitled to in possession reversion remainder expectancy or otherwise except as hereinafter mentioned I give and bequest the same and every part thereof unto and among my five sons George Thomas Edward Francis and William and my daughters Emma and Ellen and their respective ex[ecut]ors ad[ministrat]ors and assigns equally to be divided between and amongst them share and share alike and as to the share and interest of my said daughter Ellen of and in the said residue and also her share in the rent and product of the sale of my Copyhold Estate I do hereby declare that the dividends and interest rent and share arising from the sale of my said Copyhold Estate only are given to her for and during the term of her natural life and from and after her decease I give the same respectively unto all and every the children of my said daughter Ellen equally to be divided between and amongst them share and share alike and in case there shall be but one child living at the decease of my said daughter Ellen then I give the same unto such only child for his or her use and benefit and during the respective minorities of such children or child I direct my executors hereinafter appointed to stand possessed of the same nd to pay apply and dispose of the dividends interest and proceeds thereof for their his or her use and benefit and on their attaining their several and respective ages of twenty one years or being daughters day of marriage to pay and transfer to them their respective shares of and in the said share and interest to which my said daughter Ellen is intitled for her life as aforesaid and in case my said daughter Ellen shall depart this life without leaving any issue her surviving then I give the said shares in interest to which she is entitled during her life as aforesaid unto all and every such of my sons and daughters who shall be living at the time of the decease of my said daughter Ellen equally to be divided between them share and share alike my said son Frederick excepted and I do - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Top hereby declare that the bequests to and in favor of my daughters are to and for their respectiveexclusive and independent use and benefit and not to be in any way subject or liable to the power control debts engagements or interference of any husband and to that and I declare that her receipts alone notwithstanding coverture shall be good and sufficient discharges to my executors for any monies they may pay to them under this my Will and without their husbands joining or concurring in such receipts and in as much as part of my personal estate is in the hands of my said son George for the payment whereof I hold his bond and judgment I do hereby direct that my said son George be permitted to liquidate and discharge such debt by five equal yearly instalments the first instalment to be computed and become due at the end of the first year from the day of my decease and in the meantime paying interest at the rate of five per cent and I declare that my Trustees and executors shall not be liable for each other acts deeds receipts or defaults but each of them for his respective acts deeds receipts and defaults only and I direct that they may Reimburse and repay to themselves respectively by and out of the trust monies any expenses losses or charges they may necessarily incur in the performance of this my will and I appoint the said John NEWTON and John CLARKE Executors of this my will to whom I give five guineas each for ring a as a token of my remembrance of them and revoking all former wills do declare this only to be my last will and testament In witness whereof I have to this my last will and testament contained in three sheets of paper to the first two sheets thereof set my hand and to this third and last sheet thereof set my hand and affixed my seal this thirtieth day of May in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and thirty four Lydia Andrews signed sealed published and declared by the above named testatrix as and for her last will and testament in the presence of us who in her presence at her request and in the presence of each other | the words “herein after devised” in the second sheet having first struck out | have hereunto subscribed our names as witnesses G CLARK New Brentford Jas BOWERMAN same place Proved at London the 24th January 1835 before the worshipful William Calverley Page published October 2018 |