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Brentford Entries from Holden’s 1811 Trade Directory
The following list of entries has been compiled from S&N Genealogy Supplies’ CD ’Holden’s Annual Directory, 1811’.
The directory included entries for many UK towns (but no specific section for Brentford). However I found there are some Brentford entries listed in the London directory.
The directory is in PDF format and can be searched for text. Searches rely on the software interpreting the old typescript successfully, so to obtain the list below various searches such as ’Brentford’, ’w Brentf’ and ’d Brentf’ were used. I may still have missed a few entries.
A tip for anyone searching a PDF document for an ancestor: it is worth searching for ’Newman John’ and ’John Newman’ as names may appear in either format. If your ancestor has a long name and you find no matches, try searching for part of the name: eg ’utterw’ instead of ’Butterworth’.
Surnames beginning: A-D , E-L , M-R , S , T-Z
Surname / Business Name | Forename | Trade | N(ew) or O(ld) B(rentford) |
Arundell | John | Tallow chandler | N |
Banks | Moses | Maltster; 1s | N |
Bartholomew | John | Distiller; 1s | Old Brentford |
Blake | Samuel | Linen draper and agent to the Hope Insurance Company; 1s | O |
Bright | Edward | Linen draper | N |
Brown | John | Bricklayer | O |
Brownsworth & Morris |   | Oil & colourmen; 1s | N |
Caldwell |   | See Osbornes & Caldwell |   |
Chitty | James | Wheelwright; 1s | O |
Clarke | George | Solicitor, clerk to the commissioners of Tyburn turnpike; 1s | N |
Clarke | Samuel & John | Coal & corn merchants | O |
Clifden | Viscount |   | Grove House, B |
Cooke | W | Surgeon; 1s | N |
Crighton | William | Esquire | Brentford Butts |
Ellice | Edward | Esquire | 1 New Street Spring Gardens & Wyke House, B |
Farrar | Benjamin | Stonemason | N |
Hallett | William | Tissera manufactory | Pedlar’s Acre and Brentford |
Hammelberg | John | Member of Society of Apothecaries | N |
Harrington | Thomas | Esquire | O |
Jeffries | George | Straw hat warehouse | N |
Judkin | H | See William Saunders |   |
Jullion & Skirrow |   | Solicitors | 10 Grays Inn Square & Brentford |
Jupp | William | Mealman & corn chandler | B |
Long | John | Boot & shoemaker | O |
Maithord | A | Ironmonger & dealer in braziery & hardware | N |
Morris |   | See Brownsworth & Morris |   |
Nachbar | John | Wholesale seedsman | O |
Norbury | Philip | Stationer | N |
Osbornes & Caldwell |   | Timber, coal & wine merchants | O & Uxbridge |
Pearce |   | Shopkeeper | O |
Ronalds & son | Hugh | Nursery & seedsmen | N |
Rowe | Laurence | Soap manufacturer | O |
Saunders | D | Boot & shoemaker | N |
Saunders | George | Pastry cook & confectioner | O |
Saunders | M | Boot & shoemaker | N |
Saunders & H Judkin | William | Attornies of the Marshalsear & Palace Court | 15 Clifford’s Inn & Brentford Butts |
Sextons & Sons | H | Linen drapers | N |
Simmonds | William | Hatter | N |
Skirrow |   | See Jullion & Skirrow |   |
Smith | Thomas | Esquire | Boston Lane, O |
Smith junior | Thomas | Esquire | O |
Snowden | Bartholomew | Grocers etc | N |
Spindler | William | Seedsman | O |
Stenson | Nathaniel | Surgeon & apothecary ; member of Society of Apothecaries | N |
Stephenson | George | Grocer & tea dealer | N |
Tessere |   | Manufactory | O |
Trimmer | Joshua | Esquire | Britts (Butts?), Brentford |
Tucker | John | Ironmonger | Seven mile stone O |
Wale | Robert | Patten & clog maker | N |
Walkling | James |   | Staffordshire Warehouse, N |
Warren | Edward | Cooper | N |
Whitlock | Cyprean |   | Castle Inn, N |
Williams | P | Tea dealer & tobacconist | O |
Wood | Alexander | Currier | N |
Woodbridge | J | Stationer | N |
Surnames beginning: A-D , E-L , M-R , S , T-Z