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Will of Charles Lockyer, 1753This full transcription has been provided by Bob Loveday, a direct descendant of the Lockyer/Sharp/Loveday family. The original linebreaks are maintained. More details of the Lockyer/Sharp/Loveday family. Page 1
Page 3 devise the said Messuages Woods Lands Tenements Hereditaments and Premises before devised by this my Will Unto my Cousin Thomas Lockyer of Limminton near Ilchester aforesaid Gentleman for and during his natural life and from and after the decease of my said Cousin Thomas Lockyer Then I give the same to the use and behoof of all and every the Child and Children of my said Cousin Thomas Lockyer lawfully begotten whether Male or female and to their heirs and Assigns for ever as Tenants in Common and not as Joint Tenants Also I give will and devise unto my said natural Son John all that my Manor of Charleton Mackrell otherwise Charleton Adam and also all those my Messuages Lands Tenements Hereditaments and Premises in Bower Hinton and Coate in the Parish of Martock in the said County of Somerset and also the Manor of Cole Hall and also all those my Messuages Lands Tenements Hereditaments and Premises whether freehold or Copyhold in Ealing in the said County of Middlesex (the Copyhold whereof I have Surrendered to the use of this my last Will according to the custom of the Manor) To hold the said Manor Messuages Land Tenements Hereditaments and Premises to him my said natural Son John his Heirs and Assigns for ever Subject to an Annuity of Thirty pounds a year to be issuing out of the same to his Mother Ann Green as herein after mentioned Also I give and devise unto my said natural Son John All those my Messuages Lands Tenements Hereditaments and Premises at Bauls Borough otherwise Baltons Borough in the said County of Somerset And also all my Manors Messuages farms Lands Tenement Hereditaments and Premises with their and every of their Rights Members and Appurtenances thereto belonging by whatsoever Name or Names the same may be called or known within the Kingdom of England and not hereinbefore by me in this my Will given and devised I give and devise unto him my said natural Son John to hold unto him my said natural Son John his Heirs and Assigns for ever And I do desire that my said natural Son John do go by the Name of John Lockyer that being the Name he was Christened by and Registered in Lothbury Parish in London Provided always and my Will and Mind is and I do hereby Charge my Manor of Cole Hall and all my Messuages Lands Tenements Hereditaments and Premises hereinbefore by this my Will devised lying and being in the Parish of Ealing in the said County of Middlesex unto my said natural Son John with an Annuity or Yearly rent Charge of Thirty pounds I Now give and devise unto Ann GREEN Mother of my said natural Son John and who is now a Servant with Captain ROSS of Richmond in the County of Surry and her Assigns for and during the term of her natural life One Annuity or Yearly rent Charge of Thirty pounds of lawfull Money of Great Britain to be issuing and payable out of all and singular my said Manor of Cole Hall and my Messuages farms Lands Tenements Hereditaments and Premises in the said Parish of Ealing in the said County of Middlesex and to be paid by my said natural Son John or his Heirs and Assigns at two of the most usual feasts or days of payment in the Year (that is to say) the feast of Saint Michael the Archangel and the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary by even and equal portions Page 4 in every year free and clear of and from all parliamentary and other Taxes Charges Assessments and Impositions whatsoever now or hereafter to be Taxed Charged Assessed or imposed on the said Premises or on any part thereof or on the said Annuity of Thirty pounds or on the said Ann GREEN in respect thereof The first payment of the said Annuity or Yearly Rent Charge to begin and be made at such of the said feasts as shall happen next after my decease And I hereby will and direct that if the said Annuity or yearly rent Charge or any part thereof shall at any time or times hereafter happen to be behind or unpaid by the space of twenty eight days next over or after either of the said feast day or days of payment whereon the same ought to be paid as aforesaid That then and in such Case it shall and may be lawful to and for the said Ann GREEN and her Assigns from time to time and at all times thereafter into and upon all and singular my said Manor Messuages Farms Lands Tenements Hereditaments and Premises or any part of parts thereof in the Parish of Ealing aforesaid to enter and distrain and the distress and distresses then and there found to take lead drive carry away and impound and impound to detain and keep until the said Annuity or Yearly rent Charge and all arrears thereof together with the Costs and Charges of making such distress or distresses for payment and satisfaction of such annuity or yearly Rent Charge and the arrears thereof and such Costs and Charges as aforesaid And Whereas I am now possessed of or there is standing in my Name several shares of parts of East India and Bank Stock Now I do give and bequeath the Sum of Two Thousand pounds East India or Bank Stock unto my said natural Son John and to be paid him by my Executors hereinafter named at the expiration of his Apprenticeship together with the Interest or Dividends and profits which shall be due thereupon Also I give and bequeath unto my said Cousin Thomas Lockyer the sum of One hundred pounds ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ to be paid to him by my Executors herein after named within three months next after my decease & Also I give and bequeath unto James DUTFIELD late of Little Ealing Painter in consideration of his Honest and Sober Behaviour in my family the Sum of One hundred pounds to be paid to him by my Executors hereinafter named within one month next after my decease Also I give and bequeath to the Right Honble the now Earl of GODOLPHIN my largest Brown Mare got by his Lordship's horse Whitefoot Also I give and bequeath to my friend the Right Honble Allen Lord BATHURST my best gold headed Cane Also I give and bequeath to my Nurse Elizabeth DAWSON and Betty LITTLER and Thomas WOODMAN Ten pounds apiece to be paid to them respectively immediately after my decease Also I give and bequeath to the said Benjamin PITT Alexander MABY Robert MONTAGUE William RAY and my Cousin Henry PARSONS of West Camell in the said County of Somerset Gentleman One hundred pounds apiece for their trouble care diligence and performance of the Execution of the Trusts and the Executorship of this my Will Also my Will and desire is and I do hereby discharge the said William RAY of and from any debt or sum of Money owing to me by him And all the rest and residue of my Estates both Real Page 5 and Personal whatsoever and wheresoever and of what nature or kind soever and not hereinbefore by me given or devised bequeathed or hereafter to be my me given devised or bequeathed by any Codicil or otherwise I give and devise and bequeath unto my said natural Son John and his Heirs Executors Administrators and Assigns for ever And I do hereby make constitute and appoint the said Robert MONTAGUE Benjamin PITT William RAY and my said Cousin Henry PARSONS joint Executors of this my last Will and Testament wrote on three sheets of Paper hereby revoking all former Wills by me at any time of times heretofore made In Wetness whereof I have hereunto set my Hand and Seal to the last Sheet and my hand at the Bottom of the two before going Sheets the day and year first above written C Lockyer Signed Sealed Published and declared by the said Charles Lockyer the Testator as and for his last Will and Testament in the presence of Us who have Subscribed our Names as Witnesses thereto in the presence likewise of the said Testator and at his request and in the presence of each other Rachil GOUGH of Little Ealing - Jonathan GURNELL of Great Ealing - Jno. AYTON of Furnivall's Inn 21st February 1752 Appeared personally John AYTON of Furnivall's Inn London Gentleman and made Oath that he well knew Charles Lockyer late of the Parish of Ealing in the County of Middlesex Esqr. deceased and saith that he the said deceased some days before the date of the Will now shown to the deponent gave the depont. Instructions for the making of the said Will and he the depont. made a draught of the said Will pursuant to the said Instructions and read the said draught over to the said deceased and he approved of the same and ordered the same to be Engrossed hereunto annexed bearing date the twenty seventh day of January 1752 from the said draught be on examining the Engrossment with the draught he found that he had made several mistakes in the Engrossment which he amended by making the following Interlineations in the said Will (to wit) the Words the Parish of - and the Words following to wit - and also all my Lands Tenements and Hereditaments between the twelfth and thirteenth lines from the top of the first Sheet of the said Will - the Words - and their Heirs - between the fifteenth and sixteenth Lines - the Word Hereditaments between the fourteenth and fifteenth Lines - the Words - and their Heirs - between the seventh and eighth line - and the Words - and to the their Heirs and Assigns for ever - between the second the third Lines from the bottom of the first Sheet of the said Will and this depont. also saith that he likewise Interlined the Word John between the Seventeenth and eighteenth Lines from the top of the second Sheet of the said Will and that the aforesaid and all the other Words now appearing to be interlined in the said Will were so Interlined before the Depont. carried the said Will to the said decd. to be executed and saith that on the said twenty seventh day of January 1752 being the day of the date of the said Will the Page 6 deponent carried the same to the said deceased at his House at Ealing and read the same all over to him audibly and distinctly and he appraised thereof till he came to the Legacy to his Cousin Thomas Lockyer wrote partly at the bottom of the second Sheet and partly at the top of the third Sheet of the said Will and the said deceased having altered his Mind with regard to the Legacy given to the said Thomas Lockyer which is his directions to the depont. he had ordered should be One hundred pounds Bank Stock or One hundred pounds India Stock he told the depont. that he would give the said Thomas Lockyer only One hundred pounds or words to that effect whereupon the depont. made the Razure now appearing in the first line of the third Sheet of the said Will thereby making the Legacy to the said Thomas Lockyer One hundred pounds only which the said deceased approve of and then executed the said Will in presence of the depont. and the two other Witnesses whose Names are thereto set and subscribed Jno. AYTON The said John AYTON was sworn to the truth of the premises before Mr Robt. CHAPMAN Surrogate present Edwd. RUSHWORTH the No(tar)y Pub(lic) This Will was proved at London the twenty first day of February in the Year of our Lord One thousand seven hundred and fifty two before the Worshipfull Robert CHAPMAN Doctor of Laws Surrogate of the Right Honourable Sir George LEE Knight Doctor of Laws Master Keeper or Commissary of the Prerogative Court of Canterbury lawfully constituted by the Oath of Benjamin PITT one of the Executors named in the said Will to whom Administration was granted of all and singular the Goods Chattels and Credits of the deceased being first sworn only to administer Power reserved of making the like Grant to Robert MONTAGUE William RAY and Henry PARSONS the other Executors named in the said Will when they or either of them shall apply for the same. This Will was proved at London the sixth day of April in the Year of Our Lord One thousand Seven hundred and fifty three before the Worshipfull Arthur COLLIER Doctor of Laws Surrogate of the Right Honourable Sir George LEE Knight Doctor of Laws Master Keeper or Commissary of the Prerogative Court of Canterbury lawfully constituted by the Oaths of Robert Montague William RAY and Henry PARSONS the other Executors named in the said Will To whom Administration was granted of all and singular the Goods Chattels and Credits of the said deceased being first Sworn only the administer Research notes
Google Books search: Repton and Its Neighbourhood: A Descriptive Guide of the Archaeology, &c. of the District, by Frederick Charles Hipkins, published 1899 For many years the hangings were locked up in "a great chest at Hodges's, the coachmaker, in Chandos Street," where they remained till 1750, thus escaping the fire of 1736 Philip Green of Monmouth was apprenticed to Richard Hodges of the city , coachmaker, in 1731 (ancestry: Register of Duties Paid for Apprentices' Indentures, 1710-1811) John Green son of John, Chiswick, Middlesex, gentleman (deceased), was apprenticed to Richard Hodges, 9 Aug 1750, Coachmakers' and Coach Harness Makers' Company (findmypast: London Apprenticeship abstracts). The timing and name fit the details from the will above; presumably the father's name, John Green, was constructed. Chiswick adjoins Ealing to the east. The OS map shown here( Scottish National Library's website), was surveyed in 1915 and shows Chandos Street near the parish church of St Martin in the Fields. An 1890s map at the scale of 1:1056 shows a coach manufactory marked on the north side of Chandos Street; this may be just a coincidence. UpdatesThe will transcript originally included a note of a bequest of £100 to James DUFFIELD. In August 2019 Tina Rowe, who has also carried out research into the Lockyer family, wrote to say this should read James DUTFIELD: James Dutfield was an exceptionally talented painter of butterflies and moths. Charles Lockyer was a member of the Royal Society with a particular interest in moths as the article on him and his descendants on your website makes clear. Some of the specimens he collected were acquired by his friend Sir Hans Sloane and are still held at the Natural History Museum. Dutfield was clearly a great help to him. A beautiful example of Dutfield's work can be seen on Christies' website (or search for 'sold items' and 'Dutfield' if the link does not work). The detail is almost unbelievable. Peter Marren and Basil Harley state in The Aurelian Legacy (a book on the history of butterfly and moth study) that little is known about Dutfield but that he began to publish a series of paintings and texts called A New and Complete Natural History of English Moths and Butterflies in June 1748, but despite the wonderful accuracy he only ever published six parts of what would have taken years to complete. Only one set of these is now in existence. Marren and Harley state that either Dutfield or his son was buried in Ealing Churchyard in 1757. I alerted Peter Marren to the interesting mention of Dutfield in Charles Lockyer's will a couple of years ago. I can confirm that James Dutfield was buried at Ealing St Mary 5 April 1757; the parish register includes little other than names and dates at this period, with occasional notes that someone was of the workhouse, or a child. The marriage of James Dutfield to Sarah Higgs took place 16 Dec 1745 at Saint George Mayfair, Westminster, London and the entry states Sarah was of 'Eling'. Following the marriage baptisms took place at Ealing: Apellis 14 Dec 1746; James 30 Oct 1748; and at Epsom: Sarah 21 Feb 1753; Mary 18 Jun 1755; and back at Ealing Dianah, born 26 Dec 1756, baptised 2 Feb 1757. Dutfield is an unusual surname and it seems likely to be one couple who lived in both Ealing and Epsom during the period 1746 to 1757. James's wife Sarah could be the Sarah Higgs baptised at Ealing Nov 17 and born Oct 23 1723, daughter of Edward and Sarah Higgs. There were siblings baptised at Ealing: Burial of Edward Higgs at Ealing 29 Sep 1746 could be the father. Burial of Sarah Higgs 2 May 1762 could be the mother. As for James Dutfield, his origins are less clear, but if there is a spare half hour... Published September 2016; updated September 2019 |