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Will of George Clark, Brentford, 1811

Abstract of will

... I give to my dear faithful and affectionate son George Clark the younger of New Brentford gentleman all my goods, chattels and effects .... and I appoint him Executor

... 26 December 1811, signed George Clark

...Witnessed by Elizabeth DAGNALL

15 Sep 1813 Appeared personally Thomas Peter de BOECK of South Lambeth ... gentleman and made oath that he knew and was well acquainted with George Clark late of Brentford ... for some time before and at the time of his death ... well acquainted with the manner & character of his handwriting ... he doth believe ... to be ... the proper handwriting ... of the said deceased Thomas Peter de BOECK same day ... was duly sworn to the truth of the above affidavit.

... proved 16 September 1813 by the oath of George Clark the son and sole executor


The site has details of more than one Clark family, see research by Janet McNamara and by various researchers - at a glance there is nothing to tie the George Clark who died in 1813 to these families. In describing his son as a gentleman it suggests the family was of some status in the town.

How to see this will in full

A copy of the original will can be downloaded from The National Archives Documents Online service, or it can be viewed free of charge by visiting TNA at Kew.


Page published July 2016